Caesar, BG 4.19 Flashcards
adventus adventūs m.
arrival, approach; visit, appearance, advent; ripening; invasion, incursion
aedificium –ī n.
building, structure
arma armōrum n.
arms, weapons
cognōscō cognōscere cognōvī cognitus
to come to know, learn, recognize; in perfect, know; conduct an inquiry or trial
comperiō comperīre comperī compertus
to learn, discover, find (by investigation); verify, know for certain; find guilty
concilium concilī(ī) n.
public gathering/meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate/discussion; association, society, company; union/connection (of objects); league of states; sexual union/coition; close conjunction; bond of union; plant iasione blossom
cōnstituō cōnstituere cōnstituī cōnstitūtus
to set up, establish; decide
cōnsūmō cōnsūmere cōnsūmpsī cōnsūmptus
to burn up, destroy/kill; put end to; reduce/wear away; annul; extinguish (right); devour/swallow up/consume/eat/use up/exhaust/expend; spend; squander/waste
conveniō convenīre convēnī conventus
to be appropriate to, fit, be correctly shaped/consistent; harmonize, agree, tally; meet/assemble; go to meet; come together; (have sex); converge; visit/approach; resort to; sue, prosecute, take legal action; be agreed upon/arranged (PASS)
decertō decertāre decertāvī decertātus
to fight/contend with
dēligō –ere –lēgī –lēctus
to choose from; choose (> de and lego)
dēmigrō dēmigrāre dēmigrāvī dēmigrātus
to go away (to a new home)
dēpōnō dēpōnere dēposuī dēpositus
to put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit; lift off; take off (clothes); have (hair/beard/nails) cut; shed (tusks); pull down, demolish; plant (seedlings); set up, place; lay to rest; fire
dīmittō dīmittere dīmīsī dimīssus
to send away/off; allow to go, let go/off; disband, discharge, dismiss (soldiers); dissolve (assembly); part with; put away; divorce; pay off, settle (debt); release, set free; allow to escape/slip away; shake off/scatter/shed; discontinue, renoun
explōrātor –ōris m.
a scout (> exploro)
exspectō exspectāre exspectāvī exspectātus
to wait (for), watch, await, expect
almost; about, nearly; generally, in general; (w/ negatives) hardly ever
fiō fierī factus sum
to happen, come about; result (from); take place, be held, occur, arise (event); be made/created/instituted/elected/appointed/given; be prepared/done; develop; be made/become; (facio PASS); [fiat => so be it, very well; it is being done]
frūmentum frūmentī n.
grain; crops
here, in this place; at this time
in that place, there; then, thereupon
incendō incendere incendī incensus
to set on fire; set fire to, kindle, burn; cause to flame/burn; keep fire burning; scorch; make fiery hot (fever/thirst); light up; cause to glow; intensify; inspire, fire, rouse, excite, inflame; provoke, incense, aggravate
laus laudis f.
praise, approval, merit; glory; renown
līberī līberōrum m. pl.
līberō līberāre līberāvī līberātus
to free, liberate
locus locī m. or loca locōrum n. pl.
place, region, part; passage (in a piece of writing)
medius –a –um
middle (of); as subst., midst; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous; in the middle, in half
metus metūs m.
fear, dread, anxiety
moror morārī morātus sum
to hinder, delay, wait; delay over, occupy (a person’s time); retain the attention of, hold
mōs mōris m.
custom, practice, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals
obsidiō obsidiōnis f.
siege, blockade
obtineō obtinēre obtinuī obtentus
to get hold of; maintain; obtain; hold fast, occupy, posess; prevail
entirely, altogether [after negatives/with numerals => at all/in all]
oppidum oppidī n.
paucus –a –um
(pl.) a few; (sing.) small
perficiō perficere perfēcī perfectus
to complete, accomplish
rescindō –ere –scidī –scissus
to tear off or away; cancel, rescind; rase, tear down; lay open
succīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut beneath; cut, sever (> sub and caedo)
ulcīscor ulcīscī ultus sum
to avenge
ūtilitās ūtilitātis f.
usefulness, advantage
uxor uxōris f.
wife; [uxorem ducere => marry, bring home as wife]
vīcus vīcī m.
village, district, neighborhood, precinct, ward