Caesar, BG 4.25 Flashcards
admittō admittere admīsī admīssus
send to, let in, admit; permit, incur; commit;equō admissō,with horse at full speed.
animadvertō animadvertere animadvertī animadversus
turn the thoughts toward, give attention to, notice, perceive;animadvertere in,take notice of, take measures against, punish;cf.animum advertere.
appropinquō appropinquāre appropinquavī
draw near, approach.
aquila aquilae f.
eagle; standardof a legion, a silver eagle mounted on a staff.
certō or certē (certius)
adv.,surely, certainly; at least.
cohortor –ārī cohortātus sum
incite, encourage; address.
commīlitō –ōnis m.
cūnctor –ārī –ātus sum
delay, hesitate.
dēdecus dēdecōris n.
disgrace, reproach.
deus deī m.
god, divinity.
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictus
speak, say; state, plead; talk, mention; appoint, arrange, set;iūs dīcere,pronounce judgment.
ēveniō ēvenīre ēvēnī ēventus
come out, turn out, happen.
fēlīciter fēlīcius fēlīcissime
adv.,fortunately, successfully.
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape, fashion.
funda –ae f.
sling; sling-stone.
imperātor imperātōris m.
leader, general, commander-in-chief.
inquam inquis inquit inquiunt
defective verb,say;inquit,said, said he,commonly inserted parenthetically after one or more words of a direct quotation.
inūsitātus –a –um
unusual, uncommon, strange.
latus latēris n.
side; flank, wing(of an army).
conj.,for;as enclitic, appended to interrogatives,pray.
obtestor –ātus sum
call as a witness; appeal to, beseech, entreat.
officium offici(ī) n.
duty, official duty, business; sense of duty, obligation, allegiance; service, favor.
permoveō permovēre permōvī permōtus
move deeply, rouse, influence, induce; disturb; discourage, frighten; anger.
praestō praestāre praestitī praestitus
stand before, excel, surpass; maintain, perform; reveal, exhibit, show;praestat,it is better.
prōdō prodere prōdidī prōditus
give forth, divulge; hand down, transmit; give up, betray.
prōiciō –icere iēcī –iectum
hurl forward, throw, throw down; abandon, reject;sē prōicere,prostrate oneself; hurl oneself, leap.
prope propius proximē
(1) adv.,almost, near, nearly;prope nūllī,scarcely any;(2) prep. with acc.,near.; (superl. adj.) proximus -a -um: nearest, next, adjoining; last, latest, most recent; following, ensuing;used sometimes with acc.,nearest.
prōpellō –pellere –pulī –pulsum
drive away, keep off, dislodge.
referō referre rettulī relātus
carry back; bring, carry; report, announce; refer;grātiam referre, see grātia; pedem referre,seepēs.
removeō removēre removī remōtus
move back; remove, take away, dismiss.
rēmus rēmī m.
sagitta sagittae f.
speciēs specieī f.
appearance, spectacle, sight; pretense, display, show; form, shape.
summoveō –ēre –mōvī –mōtus
drive off, drive back.
tormentum tormentī n.
windlass; engine(pl. may be translatedartillery);instrument of torture, torture.
tum or tunc
adv.,then, at that time; next, afterwards; besides;cum . . . tum,while . . . also, as . . . so, not only . . . but also, both . . . and.
ūniversus –a –um
all together, in a body, in a mass; whole, entire;as subst., m. pl.,the whole body, all.
vōx vōcis f.
voice; shout, cry; utterance, word, speech;magnā vōce,in a loud voice.