Caesar, BG 4.23 Flashcards
administrō administrāre administrāvī administrātus
manage, direct; perform, carry out; manage affairs;imperia administrāre,perform the duties of commander;rem pūblicam administrāre,conduct public affairs.
aestus aestūs m.
heat; seething, swell(of the sea),tide.
ancora –ae f.
anchor;in ancorīs,at anchor.
angustus –a –um
narrow, small, scanty; difficult;in angustō,at a crisis.
apertus aperta apertum
open, uncovered, unprotected, exposed, bare; unimpeded;apertum latus,exposed flank,usually the right, which was unprotected by the shields.
armātus –a –um
armed, equipped, under arms;as subst., m. pl.,armed men, troops.
attingō attingere attigī attāctus
touch, arrive at, reach; border on.
celer celeris celere
quick, swift, speedy, sudden.
collis collis m.
rising ground, hill.
cōnscendō –ere –scendī –scēnsus
climb, scale;withnāvīs,go on board, embark in.
cōnspiciō cōnspicere cōnspexī cōnspectus
get a look at, see, behold; observe.
contineō continēre continuī contentus
hold together, keep; restrain, check; surround, shut in, hem in, bound; hold, contain, comprise; fill;sē continēre,stay, remain.
convocō convocāre convocāvī convocātus
call together, summon, assemble.
expōnō expōnere exposuī expositus
put out; set on shore, disembark; expose, exhibit, display; set forth, tell, show, point out.
hōra hōrae f.
hour,a twelfth part of the time between sunrise and sunset, consequently varying in length according to the season.
īnstabilis –e
adv.,thus, so, in this way, as follows; so far; therefore;nōn ita magnus,not very large;ita ut,just as.
lītus lītoris n.
shore, beach, strand.
magis or mage
comp. adv.,more, in greater degree; rather;in comparison of adjectives,more.
mare maris n.
sea, the sea;mare Ōceanum,the(Atlantic)Ocean;marī ūtī,sail a sea;nostrum mare,the Mediterranean.
mīles mīlitis m.
mīlitāris –ris –re
of a soldier; belonging to military service, military;rēs mīlitāris,art of war.
moneō monēre monuī monitus
remind, warn, advise, direct.
mōns montis m.
mount, mountain, mountain-range; cliff.
mōtus mōtūs m.
moving, motion, action; political movement, disturbance, uprising.
nancīscor nancīscī nanctus (nactus) sum
get, obtain, secure, meet with, find.
nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus
sail, cruise, make a voyage.
adv.,in no way, by no means, not at all.
novem; nōnus –a –um
indecl. adj.,nine; ninth
nūtus –ūs m.
nod, signal; will.
ostendō ostendere ostendī
stretch toward, expose to view, point out, show; declare, make known, mention.
adv.,by a little, a little, somewhat;paulō post,just after.
plānus –a –um
even, level, flat.
prīmus –a –um
first, foremost; first part of;as subst., m. pl.,the van;in prīmīs,among the first things, especially, chiefly.
prōgredior prōgredī prōgressus sum
go forward, advance, proceed.
adv.,to what degree? how? as; than, rather than;quamwith a superlative, with or without some form ofpossum,in the highest degree, as . . . possible;quam prīmum,seeprīmum; quam diū,seediū; posteā . . . quam, prius . . . quam,seeposteāquam, priusquam; adv.,to what degree? how? as; than, rather than;quamwith a superlative, with or without some form ofpossum,in the highest degree, as . . . possible;quam prīmum,seeprīmum; quam diū,seediū; posteā . . . quam, prius . . . quam,seeposteāquam, priusquam.
quattuor; quārtus –a –um
indecl. adj.,four; fourth;quārtus decimus,fourteenth.
secundus –a –um
following; second; successful; favorable;secundō flūmine,down-stream.
septem; septimus –a –um
indecl. adj.,seven.
signum signī n.
sign, token, signal; military standard.
solvō solvere solvī solūtus
loose, cast off;sc.nāvīs,set sail.
tardus –a –um
slow, late; adv.,tardily, slowly, late.
tēlum tēlī n.
missile, weapon, javelin, spear.
tempestās tempestātis f.
weather; stormy weather, storm.
tertius –a –um
third;tertius decimus,thirteenth.
tollō tollere sustulī sublātus
take up, lift up, raise; take on board weigh(anchor);cheer, encourage, elate; take away, carry off; put out of the way, ruin, destroy; annul, interrupt, prevent.
tribūnus tribūnī m.
head of a tribe; tribune;tribūnus mīlitum,see Introd., p. 33.
vigilia vigiliae f.
wake-fulness, watching, keeping guard; guard: watchas a measure of time, the time from sunset to sunrise being divided into four equal watches.