Caesar, BG 4.26 Flashcards
ācriter acrius acerrimē
adv.,sharply, keenly, fiercely; vigorously, courageously; sup, ācerrimē.
adgregō adgregāre adgregāvī adgregātus
collect; join to, attach;sīgnīs sē adgregāre,gather around the standards.
adorior adorīrī adortus sum
rise, rise against, attack.
aliquis aliquid and aliquī aliqua aliquod
indef. pron.,some one, any one; something, anything; some, any;aliquid novī cōnsilī,some new plan;aliquid,as adv.,somewhat.
capiō capere cēpī captus
take, receive; seize, capture, catch; deceive, take in; reach, arrive at; move, affect, win over;coniectūram capere,draw an inference, guess;cōnsilium capere,form a plan;initium capere ā,begin at;quiētem capere,rest;dolōrem capere,feel pain.
circumsistō circumsistere circumsistitī circumsistatus
take stand around, rally around, stand around, surround.
compleō complēre complēvī complētus
fill up, fill, crowd; occupy, cover.
cōnsequor cōnsequī cōnsecūtus sum
follow up, follow out, overtake; obtain, secure, attain; pursue, follow.
cursus cursūs m.
running, speed; rate of speed; course, voyage; impetus.
dēsum deesse defuī
fail, be lacking, be needed.
adv.,steadily, firmly.
fortūna fortūnae f.
fortune, chance, luck; fate, lot; good fortune;pl.,property, possessions;extrēma fortūna,utmost peril.
īnsistō –ere –stitī
take a stand upon; stand upon, stand;ratiōnem īnsistere,pursue a plan;in bellum īnsistere,devote oneself to war.
labōrō labōrāre labōrāvī labōrātum
exert oneself, strive, labor; labor for; be in danger, be troubled, suffer.
adv.,far, at a distance; very much, by far;longē abesse,be far from, be of no avail;comp.longius,farther, longer, for a longer time.
nāvigium –iī n.
vessel, boat.
occurrō occurrere occurrī occursus
run against, fall in with, meet; run to; resist, face; be involved in; obviate, counteract; suggest itself, occur(to the mind).
ōrdō ōrdinis m.
row, line; order; series; layer; rank, position, class; company of soldiers, century;prīmī ōrdinēs,first centurions;see Introd., p. 34.
per–turbō –āre
to confuse
prīstinus –a –um
former, previous, preceding; of old, original, pristine.
prōsequor prōsequī prōsecūtus sum
follow up, pursue; escort, honor;līberāliter ōrātiōne prōsequī,dismiss with gracious words.
quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque
indef. rel. pron.,whoever, whatever, whosoever; every one who, everything which, all who.
scapha –ae f.
ship’s boat, skiff.
servō servāre servāvī servātus
make safe, deliver; protect, keep, preserve, maintain, save; observe, watch, keep in view; lay up, store.
singulāris singulāris singulāre
single, one by one; singular, matchless, extraordinary.
speculātōrius –a –um
for observation;speculātōrium nāvigium,spyboat.
subsidium subsidi(ī) n.
support, aid; protection; provision; troops in reserve, reserve; auxiliary troops.
sumittō (submittō) –mittere –mīsī –missum
send to help, furnish as reinforcement; send.
vadum –ī n.
shallow place, shoal; ford.
adv.,in truth, in fact, indeed, certainly, surely; but, but in fact; while, however.