Caesar, BG 4.24 Flashcards
alacritās –ātis f.
eagerness, zeal
altum altī n.
deep sea; height
āridus –a –um
dry, arid, parched
audāciter or audācter
boldly, confidently, rashly
coniciō –icere –iēcī –iectus
to throw together, to unite, collect; pile up; dispute, contend; to conclude; to direct, urge, drive quickly towards
cōnsistō cōnsistere cōnstitī cōnstitus
to stop, stand, halt, cease; pause, linger; stop spreading/flowing; take a position; stand together/fast; consist of/be reckoned in; rest/depend upon; be unaltered; make a stand; stay, remain (fixed), stand still/erect/upright; correspond to
cōnsuēscō cōnsuescere cōnsuēvī cōnsuētus
to accustom oneself; become/be accustomed/used; inure, habituate; familiarize; be intimate/have sexual intercourse with; form a habit; be in the habit of
dēsiliō –īre –uī –sultus
to leap or spring down; alight from (> de and salio)
equus equī m.
horse; steed
essedārius –ī m.
a fighter in a war–chariot
expedītus –a –um
unencumbered; lightened, as for action or travel
fluctus fluctūs m.
wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion
gravis grave
heavy, deep; important, serious; severe (sluggish, not digesting properly); intense
īgnōtus –a –um
unknown, strange; unacquainted with, ignorant of
impedītus –a –um
weighed down, with difficulty
īnsuēfactus –a –um
accustomed, habituated
manus manūs f.
hand; band, troop; grappling hook; in manibus: in hands, i.e. published; manūs dare: surrender
membrum membrī n.
limb, member, part
nisi or nī
if…not, unless
nostrī –ōrum m.
our friends, kindred, allies, etc. (> noster)
on account of, because of (+ acc.)
onus oneris n.
load, burden; cargo
pedester –tris –tre
pedestrian; unmounted; on foot (> pedes); (of writing) prose, prosaic
perterreō perterrēre perterruī perterritus
to frighten greatly, terrify
generally, commonly; mostly, for the most part; often, frequently
pugna pugnae f.
battle, fight
pugnō pugnāre pugnāvī pugnātum
to fight
at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once; w. abl. (cum being omitted); as soon as, when
studium studiī n.
zeal, enthusiasm; pursuit, study; enthusiastic support
subsequor sequī secūtus sum
to follow after, follow up, succeed, ensue