Caesar, BG 4.17 Flashcards
and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and; even; in comparison: as, than
adigō adigere adēgī adāctus
to drive to, compel
agō agere ēgī āctus
to drive; do; spend, conduct; concern (oneself with a thing); make a proposal (about)
otherwise, differently; in any other way [aliter ac => otherwise than]
alius alia aliud (archaic: alis alid)
other, another
altitūdō altitudinis f.
height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy
aqua aquae f.
water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall (pl.), rainwater; spa; urine
arbitror arbitrārī arbitrātus sum
to judge, consider, think
arbor (or arbos) arboris f.
tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid
ariēs –etis m.
ram (of the golden fleece); Ram (sign of the Zodiac); battering ram; support beam; sea-monster
closely, fast, firmly
barbarus –a –um
foreign, barbarous, savage
bīnī –ae –a
2 by 2
bipedālis –e
two feet long, broad, or thick
cōnsternō –ere –strāvī –strātus
to strew over; cover, strew
contendō contendere contendī contentus
to stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw/bend (bow/catapult); tune; stretch out; compete/contend (fight/law), dispute; compare/match/contrast; demand/press for; strain/tense; make effort, strive for; speak seriously/passionately; assert; hurl, shoo
contexō –ere –uī –tus
to weave together; construct, build
facing; against, contrary to; face to face; in opposition; in turn
contrārius –a –um
opposite, contrary, hostile
convertō –ere –vertī
to turn round, cause to turn, turn back
crātēs (crātis) –is f.
a hurdle; wicker work, wattles; crates pectoris, the wattled covering of the breast; the ribs
dēcernō dēcernere dēcrēvī dēcrētus
to decide/settle/determine/resolve; decree/declare/ordain; judge; vote for/contend
dēfēnsor dēfēnsōris m.
defender, protector
dēfīgō dēfīgere dēfīxī dēfīxus
to fix, sink, stick
dēiciō dēicere dēiēcī deīctum
to throw down, eject
difficultās difficultātis f.
dīgnitās dīgnitātis f.
worth, excellence; fitness/suitability (for task),; honor, esteem, standing; rank/status; merit; dignity; position/authority/office; dignitaries (pl.)
dīmētior –mēnsus sum
to measure, mark out; lay out
dīrigō (dērigō) –ere –rēxī –rēctus
to lay straight, bring into a definite line; to aim, direct (> de and rego); (of an army) form a battle line
disclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus
to open; loosen (> dis– and claudo)
disiungō –ere –iūnxī –iūnctus
to disjoin, separate, drive away from
distineō –ēre –uī –tentus
to hold at bay, keep off (> dis– and teneo)
distō distāre distāvī distātus
to stand apart; be distant
excipiō excipere excēpī exceptus
to take out; remove; follow; receive; ward off, relieve
exter extera exterum
outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange
fastīgō –āre
to make pointed; exalt
festūcula –ae f.
a little stalk or straw
fībula –ae f.
a clasp, brooch, buckle (> figo)
firmitūdō –inis f.
firmness, durability, strength, stability, strength of mind
flūmen flūminis n.
river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush [adverso ~ => against current]
īdem eadem idem
immittō immittere immīsī immīssus
to send in(to), let in(to)
impetus impetūs m.
attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
īmus –a –um
the lowest, deepest, last, of the underworld
incitō incitāre incitāvī incitātus
to enrage; urge on; inspire; arouse; torment, plague
īnferus –a –um
below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last; inferī, inferōrum or inferum, the inhabitants of the underworld (the dead and the gods of the underworld)
iniciō –ere –iēcī –iectum
to throw, lay hands on; bring into, instill
inligō inligāre inligāvī inligātus
to bind on; attach to; impede, encumber (separated by tmesis)
īnstituō īnstituere īnstituī īnstitūtus
to set up, establish, found, make, institute; build; prepare; decide; educate, train
above, overhead; moreover; (prep. w. abl.) besides
intervāllum –ī n.
the space between two stakes; an interval, distance
and so, accordingly; thus, therefore, consequently
likewise; besides, also, similarly
iūnctūra –ae f.
a joining; joint (> iungo); the action of combining; combination
iungō iungere iūnxī iūnctus
to join, unite; bring together, clasp (hands); connect, yoke, harness
longurius –ī m.
a long pole
māchinātiō –ōnis f.
a contrivance, mechanism, mechanical artifice
māteria māteriae f.
wood (building material), lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree; material, matter, substance; food/fuel; breeding stock; topic, subject matter; means, occasion, condition effecting action; latent ability/potential
mediocris mediocris mediocre
medium/average/intermediate; middling/fair/ordinary/moderate/tolerable; trivial; commonplace; undistinguished; of humble station; mediocre; fairly small; minor
minuō minuere minuī minūtus
to lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate
modus modī m.
measure; limit; rhythm, meter; manner, way; (eius modi) of that kind
neu or neve
or not, and not; (for negative of imp.) [neve … neve => neither … nor]
nihilum/nīlum nihilī/nīlī n.
nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect
noceō nocēre nocuī nocitus
to harm, hurt; injure (+ dat.)
oblīquus –a –um
slanting, indirect, covert
omnis omne
every; all
opus operis n.
work; need
a little (> paulus, small)
perpendiculum –ī n.
a plumb–line
pēs pedis m.
foot [pedem referre => to retreat]
pōns pontis m.
praeaccuō –ere –ūtum
to sharpen before or at one end, to sharpen to a point
on behalf of, for, instead of, in accordance with (+ abl.); in order to (LL)
prōcumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to fall forwards, sink down, fall prostrate
prōnus –a –um
prone, stooping
prōpōnō prōpōnere prōposuī prōpositus
to announce, display; propose; relate; put or place forward
on account of, because of (+ acc.)
quadrāgēnī ae –a
40 each
so much as; how much; how far
by how much more or less, that the more or less
rapiditās –ātis f.
swiftness, rush, velocity
ratiō ratiōnis f.
account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard
revinciō –īre –vinxī –vinctus
to bind back; bind fast; bind around, wreathe, festoon
after, behind (+ acc.)
secus; comp. sequior –ius
otherwise, differently, not so, the contrary; non secus ac, no different from, just as (when, etc.)
sesquipedālis –e
one and a half feet long; polysyllabic
sīve or seu
or if; or; [sive … sive => whether … or]
spatium spati(ī) n.
space; area/expanse, room (for); intervening space, gap/interval; length/width; race course, lap, circuit; closed way/walk, turn; track (planet); act of play; interval, time, extent, period, term; duration; distance; area; size; bulk
subiciō subicere subiēcī subiectus
to throw under, place under; put up for auction; make subject; expose
sublica –ae f.
a stake, pile, palisade
superus –a –um
above, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest; (masc. pl. as subst.) the gods
nevertheless, however
teneō tenēre tenuī tentus
to hold, grasp; keep possess; occupy
tignum –ī n.
building–materials, a piece of timber, trunk of a tree, log, stick, post, beam
trabs trabis f.
tree–trunk, beam; (by metonymy) ship
trādūcō trādūcere trādūxī trāductus
to bring across/over, move/transfer; make insulting remarks about; convert; cause to cross/to extend across area; lead across; exhibit/display/carry past in parade/procession
truncus –ī m.
the stem, stock, or trunk of a tree; stem, trunk; trunk of the human body
uterque utraque utrumque
which (of two), whichever, no matter which; one, either, one or other; (w/que) each/either (of two); both (separately); each side (pl.), each set
on or from either side; on both sides; on every side (> uterque)
vīs vis f.
force, power; violence; in pl., (physical) strength