Cabbage White Butterfly Summative Flashcards
What is an arthopod?
An organism with jointed legs and a protective covering called an exoskeleton.
What type of organism, or phylum, is the cabbage white butterfly?
List four characteristics found within insects:
Six legs, 2 antennae, Two pairs of wings, Three main body parts-Head thorax, and abdomen.
What is the order group of the cabbage white butterfly?
Lepidoptera from the Greek words lepid. Lepid means scale and ptera means wing.
Where does the word “butterfly” come from?
England’s Brimstone Butterfly. (Or butter on fly.)
What is metamorphosis:
Metamorphosis is the process in which a baby (or young animal/insect) physically develops from its birth stage into the next stage of its life, until reaching its adult stage.
List the stages of a butterfly in the order in which they occur and explain what happens in each stage:
- The egg stage: the organism grows and develops inside of the egg until it is ready to hatch. 2. The larva stage: the organism is constantly eating, growing, and undergoing physical changes to its body size (molting) 3. The pupa stage: The organism is forming its cocoon and performing a major transformation of its body in a protective covering (cocoon) 4. The adult stage: The organism is fully developed and has all the structures that it will need to survive on its own.
What do larvae do when they hatch from their eggs?
They eat a lot of food and become eating machines.
What does the larvae constantly do in this stage?
It eats, grows, excretes, and molts.
What is molting?
The shedding of the outer skin.
Why is molting necessary?
The outer layer does not grow.
What does the outer skin of the larva do as it grows?
The outer skin cracks to reveal a baggy inner skin. Then the larvae crawls out of its skin and resumes eating.
How much molts does the butterfly larvae undergo before reaching full size?
4 Molts
How much larval stages does the cabbage white butterfly have in total and how are they labeled?
5 larval stages; labeled L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
What is another name for the 5 larval stages of a butterfly?
What is the droppings of the cabbage white butterfly called? When and how does it first appear?
Frass. It appears as tiny pellets on the leaves of the plants on which the larva feeds.
What does the cabbage white butterfly’s frass consist of?
Parts of the plant tissue that the larva does not digest and use.
What does the cabbage white butterfly larvae’s diet mainly consist of?
Radish leaves, which are a member of the mustard, or cabbage family.
Insects determine what they will eat by responding to specific 1.________. About half of all insects depend on 2.__________ to survive. For them, 3._________ and ___________ are the most important cues, and are generated by 4.______________.
- cues 2. plants 3. odor and taste 4. chemicals
How do you know when each larval stage occurs?
Each stage is defined by a new molt, or shedding of the outer shell, or exoskeleton.
What leaves do cabbage white butterfly larvae like?
The leaves of Brassica or Cruciferae plants, which are members of the mustard family of plants.
What is the strong taste and smell in plants created by?
Mustard oils and chemicals called glucosides
What is the job of the mustard oils and glucosides found in plants?
To make the plant unappetizing to plant-eating insects.
What is an entomologist?
A scientist that studies insects.
Why is it important for scientists and farmers to study the eating habits of insects?
Insects are a main cause for damaging farmers’ crops. They will eat through the leaves of certain plants and will also eat other parts of the plant as well. This can lead to the plant dying and not being able to be harvested. If the crops can’t be harvested, a farmer wouldn’t be able to make much money and be able to produce a sufficient supply of his crop.
What ingredients in nectar serve as the main sources of food for butterflies?
Sugar, water, minerals, and other nutrients
When does nectar provide energy for butterflies?
Their quest for mates and for search of a suitable spot to lay eggs. (They need to find a safe spot to protect themselves from predators.)
What is the butterfly’s proboscis?
The butterfly’s proboscis acts as the mouth part for the butterfly, and helps it take in nutrients and water. It looks like a long tube.
The proboscis is an elongated 1.____________________ that can be 2. through the use of 3.____________________.
- feeding tube 2. Coiled and extended 3. special muscles
List at least two common characteristics that any member of the phylum have:
-A hard outer covering called an exoskeleton - jointed legs
Define Chrysalis:
The stage of growth for a larva where it enters its cocoon or protective casing before emerging as a butterfly.
Define exoskeleton:
Hard outer covering of an insect’s body
Define instar:
Another name for a larval stage
Define frass:
The droppings (poop) of the cabbage white butterfly.
Define glucosides:
Chemicals made by a plant to make it unappetizing to predators and insects.
Define molting:
Shedding of an organisms’ outer skin.
Explain the relationship between what a cabbage white butterfly eats and the color of its frass:
The cabbage white butterfly normally produces frass similar to the color of what it eats or takes in. This is due to the fact the the cabbage white butterfly doesn’t have a large and complex digestive system and can’t break down different food colorings. Normally, the frass is green because the cabbage white butterfly can’t digest the cell wall of the green plants.
How does the cabbage white butterfly detect a food source?
By detecting the chemicals given off by certain plants. Then,they can detect the odor of it, and are given cues about the taste and flavor of the food source. The cabbage white butterfly may either become attracted to the food source, or become disinterested in it.