business activity book definitions Flashcards
define premises
buildings and land used by a shop or business
define organisation
group that has formed for a particular purpose
define business
organisation that produces goods and services
define goods
physical products
define services
non-physical products
define output
amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine or factory
define consumer goods
goods and services sold to ordinary people (consumers) rather than businesses
define producer goods
goods and services produced by one business for another
define wants
people’s desires for goods and services
define scarce
resources with limited availability
define needs
basic requirements for human survival
define EBITDA
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
define public sector
business organisations owned by central or local government
define private sector
business organisations owned by individuals or groups of individuals
define stakeholder
an individual or group with an interest in the operation of a buiness
define entrepreneur
person who takes risks and sets up a business
define objectives
goals or targets set by a business
define executives
managers in an organisation or company who help make important decisions
define diversify
if a business diversifies, it increases the range of goods or services it produces
define financial return
monetary return
define profit maximisation
making as much profit as possible in a given time period
define evolve
to develop and change gradually over a long period of time
define shareholdres
owners of limited companies
define dividends
share of the profit paid to shareholders in a company
define profit satisficing
making enough profit to satisfy the needs of the business owner
define sustained
continued for a long time
define legislation
law or set of laws
define automation
use of computers and machines instead of people to do the job
define economies of scale
financial advantages (falling average costs) of producing something in very large quantities
define large business
a business that employs more than 250 people
define small business
a business that employs fewer than 50 people
define revenue
money from the sale of goods and services
define legal status
position defined by law
define innovator
someone who introduces changes and new ideas
define labour
people employed in a business or used in production
define unincorporated
businesses where there is no legal difference between the owner and that business
define incorporated
business that has a separate legal identity from that of its owners
define sole trader
business owned by a single person
define unlimited liability
owner of a business is personally liable for all business debts
define partnerhip
business owned by between 2 and 20 people
define deed of partnership
binding legal document that states the formal rights of partners
define limited partnership
partnership where some partners contribute capital and enjoy the share off the profit but do not take part in running of the business
define limited liability
business owner is only liable for the original amount of money invested in the business
define audits
official examination of a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct
define comply
to do what you have to do or are asked to do
define franchise
structure in which a business (the frabchisor) allows another business (franchisee) to trade under their name
define merchandise
goods that are being sold
define cooperative
company in which all the people working there own an equal share of it
define social enterprise
business that aims to improve human or environmental wellbeing
define worker cooperative
cooperative that is owned by its employees
define consumer cooperative
cooperative that is owned by its customers
define retail cooperative
cooperative of retail members, who often work together to assert their purchasing power
define charities
organisations that give money, goods or hrelp to people who are poor, sick or in need
define accountable
responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be critisised by them
define transparent
language or information that is clear and easy to understand
define venture capitalists
specialist investors who provide money for business purposes, often to new businesses
define limited companies
business organisations that have a separate legal identity from that of their owners
define chairperson
someone who is in charge of a meeting or directs the work of an organisation
define certificate of incorporation
document that is needed before a new company can start doing business
define LTD
a private company limited by shares