Brian and his cranial nerves Flashcards
What makes up the brainstem?
medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain
What makes up the diencephalon?
thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
What is the largest part of the brain?
What is the difference between the cranial and spinal meninges?
pia mater of the cranial meninges has to layers: the periosteal and meningeal
What is the main source of blood to the brain and how does it leave the brain?
internal carotid and vertebral arteries and the dural venous sinuses drain into the internal jugular veins to return the to heart
How much of the bodies oxygen and glucose does the brain consume?
How many minutes without blood flow causes permanent injury?
4 mins
Blood-brain barrier
consists mainly of tight junctions that seal together the endothelial cells of brain blood capillaries and a thick basement membrane that surrounds the capillaries
What substances pass the BBB?
lipid soluble substances (O2, CO2), steroid hormones, alcohol, barbiturates, nicotine, and caffeine; and water molecules
consists mostly of water, small amounts of gluose, proteins lactic acid, urea, cations and anions; carries same to/from neurons and neuroglia
Gracile and cuneate nuclei
nuclei in the medulla associated with sensations of tough, pressure, vibration, and conscious proprioception
What ascending sensory axons synapse with the cuneate and gracile nuclei
What ascending sensory axons synapse with the cuneate and gracile nuclei?
gracile and cuneate fasciculus
Medial lemniscus
band of white matter in the medulla that ascends to the thalamus; relays sensory info from the cuneate and gracile nulcei
Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway
tracts of the posterior columns and the axons of the medial lemniscus
Gustatory necleus
nucleus in the medulla that receive input from the taste buds
Cochlear nuclei
in the medulla, receive auditory input from the inner ear
Vestibular nuclei
in the medulla, receive sensory input from the inner about equilibrium and proprioception
5 Cranial nerves that contain nuclei in the medulla
vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal
a bridge that connects parts of the brain with one another
Pontine nuclei
large synaptic relay station in the pons consisting of scattered gray centers
Pontine respiratory group
together with the medullary respiratory center helps regulate breathing
4 Cranial nerves with nuclei in the pons
trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear
Cerebral peduncles
paired bundles of axons in the midbrain; consist of axons of the corticospinal, coticobulbar, and corticopontine tracts