Autonomic nervous system Flashcards
T/F The effect of the somatic nervous system is always excitation
sensory receptors located in blood vessels, visceral organs, muscles, and the nervous system that monitor conditions in the internal environment eg. chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors
What do sensory and motor neurons monitor/govern in the enteric nervous system?
sensory- monitor chemical changes within the GI tract and stretching of walls
motor- govern contraction of GI tract smooth muscle and secretions
Chromaffin cells
cells in the adrenal madullae that secrete the NT epi and norepi
Where the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division located?
lateral gray horns of 12 thoracic and L1 and L2
What is the other name for sympathetic division?
Where are the cell bodies of preganglionc neurons of the parasympathetic division located?
cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X (all in brainstem) and the lateral gray matter of S2-S4
What is the other name for parasympathetic division?
2 Groups of sympathetic ganglia
sympathetic trunk and prevertebral (collateral) ganglia
Postsynaptic axons from sympathetic trunk ganglia primarily innervate…
organs above the diaphragm (head, neck, shoulders, and heart)
What structures do the prevertebral ganglia close to?
large abdominal arteries
Postganglionic axons from the prevertebral ganglia innervate…
organs below the diaphragm
Where do preganglionic and postganglionic axons of the parasympathetic division synapse?
terminal (intrmural) ganglia- located near the wall of a visceral organ
Autonomic plexuses
tangled networks of sympathetic and parasympathetic axons in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis
List the 7 autonomic plexus
cardiac, pulmonary, celiac (solar), superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, hypogastric, and renal
What do the superior and inferior mesenteric plexuses supply?
superior- small and large intestines
inferior- large intestine
What does the hypogastric plexus innervate?
pelvic viscera
What does the celiac plexus supply?
stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, adrenal medullae, testes, and ovaries
White ramus
structures containing sympathetic preganglionic axons that connect the anterior ramus of the SC with the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk
How many trunk ganglia are there per vertebral section?
3 cervical, 11 or 12 throacic, 4 or 5 lumbar, 4 or 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal
What do the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglion innervate?
superior- head and heart
middle and inferior- heart and blood vessels of the neck, shoulder, and upper limb
What do postganglionic neurons of the thoracic sympthetic trunk supply?
heart, lungs, bronchi, and other thoracic viscera
Pathways from sympathetic trunk ganglia to visceral effectors
(1) enter spinal nerves; (2) form cephalic periarterial nerves; (3) form sympathetic nerves; (4) form splanchnic nerves
Gray rami communicantes
structures containing sympathetic postganglionic axons that connect the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk to spinal nerves