Breastfeeding Flashcards
What are the recommendations for breastfeeding in Canada? (time frames)
Exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months.
To continue for up to 2 years of life or beyond.
What are some reasons women stop breastfeeding?
Returning to work
Unsupportive environments for breastfeeding
- work, public places
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for infants?
Right amount and properties of nutrients for infant (nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fluid, etc.).
Initially infant specific (eg. premature infant).
Human, easily digestible, lactobacillus flora in GI trace (protects against disease).
Contrains IgA
Laxative (decreases jaundice)
Decreases risk of diabetes, some cancers (acute lymphocytic and myeloid leukemia), jaundice, eczema, asthma, SIDS, otitis media, adolescent and adult obesity
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother?
Decreased postpartum bleeding and more rapid involution.
Decreased risk for: Ovarian and breast cancer Type 2 diabetes Hypertension Cardiac disease Rheumatoid arthritis Postpartum depression
What are breasts? (anatomically)
Breasts are specialized sebaceous glands.
Composed of glandular, fibrous and adipose tissue
9 lobes
What are the functions of breasts?
Protective antibiotics
Sexual pleasure
What is the structure of a nipple?
0.5-1.3 cms in diameter, made of erectile tissue
What is the structure of the areola?
2.5-10 cms (Montgomery tubules secrete a fatty substance - helps lubricate and protect nipple)
What are lobules?
Lobules are the entire branches that filter down to the nipple opening (complicated network that intertwine with each other).
What part of the breast produces milk? (which cells)
Milk is produced by lactocytes (lining of the ducts/alveoli). Travels to nipple via the ducts and ductules (small ducts).
What is the role of estrogen in the breasts during pregnancy?
Estrogen develops breasts and prepares for lactation.
What is the role of progesterone in the breasts during pregnancy?
Increased progesterone promotes development of lobules and alveoli. Also suppresses lactation during pregnancy.
What promotes/controls lactation?
Lactation is under endocrine control initially.
Delivery of placenta = decreased progesterone levels, triggers milk production.
Prolactin released from Anterior Pituitary in response to breast stimulation. Causes lactocytes to produce mil products.
What is the role of oxytocin in breastfeeding? (what triggers it and what does it do)?
Stretching of the nipple and compression of the areola signals the hypothalamus to release oxytocin from the posterior pituitary.
Oxytocin causes the myoepithelial cells to contract and eject milk into the ducts (let-down reflex)
What is the difference between the role of prolactin and the role of oxytocin in lactation and breast feeding?
Prolactin is stimulated by drop in progesterone that follows the delivery of the placenta.
Prolactin makes milk.
Stimulation of the nipple releases oxytocin (from anterior pituitary).
Oxytocin ejects milk.
Which two hormones are only present in breast milk?
Leptin and adiponectin
What do the hormones leptin and adiponectin do? (in general)
Leptin and adiponectin are hormones that program the human body with a lifelong impact on the metabolism.
What are the specific functions of leptin? (4)
Regulation of body fat
Regulation of food intake and body weight
Recognition of hunger
Metabolism of sugar and lipids
What are the functions of adiponectin? (2)
Metabolism of sugars and lipids
Mediates insulin sensitization in peripheral tissues (lower levels of adiponectin are associated with decreased insulin sensitivity or increased insulin resistance).
Why is it recommended that all breastfed, healthy term infants in Canada receive a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU?
To prevent rickets
Instead of sunlight - Direct sun exposure is no longer advised
Formula and regular cow’s milk are fortified with vitamin D
How is breastfeeding maintained?
Once established, prolactin decreases
Production of milk depends on amount of milk suckled from breasts (supply and demand).
How does weaning occur? (stopping lactation)
Milk increases the pressure in the duct, therefore tells lactocytes to stop producing milk.
If the mother doesn’t want to breastfeed, she should wear a supportive bra and avoid touching her breasts, expressing milk, or having a warm shower to trigger letdown and lactation.
What is colostrum?
Yellowish/clear/creamy milk, increased protein, fat, soluble vitamins and minerals, IgA, 1-4 days postpartum.
What is transitional milk?
Has increased level of calories, lactose, H2O soluble vitamins and fat than colostrum.
Until 2 weeks postpartum.
What is mature milk?
13% solids - CHO’s, proteins, fats. Remainder is H2O. From 2 weeks postpartum and beyond.
What is foremilk?
Initially during feed, increased H2O, vitamins and protein, 1-2% fat