Blood Flashcards
Normal hematocrit
Males- 39-50%
Females- 35-45%
Leukocytes and platelets consist of what % of blood
1% - Erythrocytes are 44%, plasma is 55%
Plasma proteins
Primarily Albumin, Globulins and Fibrinogen
Blood plasma without clotting factors
Main protein component (50%), made in liver
Responsible for concentration gradient b/w blood and EC tissue fluid
Source of colloid osmotic pressure (pulls fluid into blood)
Carrier protein for thyroxine, bilirubin and barbiturates
IgM, IgG etc.. y-globulins
a-globulin and b-globulins maintain osmotic pressure
Largest plasma protein, made in liver
Involved in formation of platelet plug
Interacts with thrombin to make fibrin which cross links and forms and impermeable net to prevent further blood loss
Bind O2 and CO2 for deliver/removal from tissues
120 day lifespan
Anucleate, immature RBCs, reflect erythroid proliferation
Will stain blue due to residual ribosomal RNA
They enter circulation, then lose polyribosomes, then mature as RBC
0.5-1% of RBC count
Insufficient dietary iron, B12 or folic acid can lead to decreased RBC production
Sickle cell disease
Due to point mutation in b-globulin chain of HbA, Glutamic acid–>Valine
Low O2 or dehydration causes Hb to precipitate and sickling of cells- heterozygotes usually asymptomatic
Makes blood more viscous, RBCs more fragile (20 day lifespan instead of 120
Can pile up and occlude small or large vessels
Results from buildup of bilirubin in blood
Can be caused by destruction of circulating RBCs
Can be common in newborns due to inefficiency of newborn liver
Types of leukocytes listed in highest concentration to lowest
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
Multi-lobed nucleus, general lack of cytoplasmic staining
Azurophilic granules- lysosomes w/myeloperoxidase
Specific granules- enzymes, complement activators, antimicrobial peptides
Abundance of large, acidophilic granules staining intensely pink or red
May mediate chronic inflammation
Basophilic, specific granules that stain intensely purple
Release vasoactive agents
Supplement function of mast cells
Responsible for type I hypersensitivity reaction and anaphylaxis- think allergic
Intensely staining, spherical nucleus with thin, pale blue rim of cytoplasm
Become T, B or NK cells
Indented, horseshoe shaped nucleus w/paler cytoplasm
Small, azurophilic granules
Become macrophage, osteoclast, Kupffer cells(liver), microglia (brain)
Small Membrane bound, cytoplasmic fragments Derived from megakaryocyte 10 day lifespan Contain granules that release platelet-specific proteins, control blood loss, homeostasis
Immature neutrophils with banded nucleus instead of lobe
See more of these when there’s a large increase in Myeloid (neutrophil precursor) proliferation such as during serious bacterial infection or cancer