BiSci #2 (Exam 2) Flashcards
2 components of the cardio system
- heart
2. blood vessels
pulm circuit
flow of blood thru the lungs
systemic circuit
flow of blood thru the rest of the body
always carry blood away from the heart and usually carry O2 rich blood
largest artery
smallest arteries
always returns blood to the heart and usually carry O2 poor blood
vena cava
largest veins in the body
smallest veins
smallest blood vessels connecting arterioles to venules
arteriole end
exit of O2, water, and nutrients
venus end
entrance of CO2, water, and wastes
composed of 4 chambers and lies almost in the center of the thoracic cavity
separates right and left sides of the heart
when ventricles contract and pump blood out of the heart
when ventricles relax and receive blood from atria
normal blood pressure
cardiac cycle
one complete heart beat were both atria contract simultaneously followed by ventricles contracting simultaneously
SA node (pacemaker)
initiates the heartbeat and causes the atria to contract
AV node
causes the ventricles to contract
extrinsic control of heartbeat
the autonomic nervous system and hormones can modify the rate of the heartbeat
electrocardiogram (ECG)
a recording of the electrical changes that occur in the myocardium during a cardiac cycle
ventricular fibrillation
chaotic quivering of the irritated ventricles that drastically reduces cardiac output
alternating expansion and recoil of an arterial wall
blood flow
pumping action of the heart moves blood thru the arteries
blood flow in veins
- skeletal muscle contraction
- one way valves
- respiratory movements
blood flow in capillaries is
pulm circuit
powered by the right ventricle
pulm arteries
carry O2 poor blood in the lungs
pulm veins
carry O2 rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium
systematic circuit
powered by the left ventricle
carry O2 rich blood to all body tissues
vena cavas
return O2 poor blood to the right atrium
coronary circuit
supplies blood to the heart muscle itself
- first branches off the aorta
- arteries can become clogged and by pass surgery may be necessary
renal circuit
supplies blood to the kidneys
hepatic portal circuit
supplies blood to the digestive organs especially the liver
high blood pressure
plaque build up in arteries (reduces blood flow)
a clot that has been carried in the bloodstream but is not stationary
stroke (CVA)
cranial arteriole bursts or is blocked, a portion of the brain dies, and may result in paralysis or death
heart attack (MI)
occurs when a part of the heart muscle dies due to lack of O2
weak spot in a blood vessel where it balloons out and may rupture
angina pectoris
chest pain or radiating pain in the left arm
varicose veins
develop when the valves of the veins become weak and ineffective
inflammation of a vein and blood clots may form
t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator)
used to dissolve blood clots
heart failure
the heart no longer pumps as it should due to heart attack damage and oversized heart
lymphatic system
a one way system taking excess tissue fluid to the subclavian veins
lymphatic system functions
- takes up excess fluid and returns it to the bloodstream
- lacteals absorbs fat molecules and transports them to the bloodstream
- helps defend the body against disease
lymph nodes
cleanse lymph of debris and pathogens and store lymphocytes to fight infection
cleanse the blood in much the same way as lymph nodes cleanse lymph
red bone marrow
produces both B and T cells
thymus gland
where T cells mature
function to recognize infectious agents entering the body
smooth muscles
walls of capillary are
majority of the blood is in
bottom of the heart
right venatical (deox blood)
right after RV
comp pulm triank
to aorta
left venatical (oxy blood)
into 1st chamber RA
all blood carry oxy poor blood
-true? false?
pulm arteries has deoxy blood?
pulm vein has deoxy blood?
venicara has deoxy blood?
aorta has deoxy blood?