Bacteriology- Nocardia, Actinomyces, Mycobacterium Flashcards
Motility of listeria
Tumbling at 25 C
Non motile at 37 C
1. Flagella
2. Hemolysis shown
3. Infection via?
4. Characteristics
5. Diagnosis
- Peritrichous flagella
- Beta
- Cold contaminated food, dairy. Causes diarrhoea
- Catalase +, Camp +, Cold enrichment at 4 C
Neonatal infection of Listeria is called
Granulomatosis infanti septicum
Treatment of Listeria infection
Virulence of M. tb
Cord factor
What is the reason behind acid fastness of M. tb
Mycolic acid
What is the function of LAM in cell wall of M. tb?
It inhibits phagolysosome formation.
LAM can be tested in urine in cases of HIV with TB
Ghon’s focus vs Ghon’s complex vs Ranke’s complex
Ghon’s focus– Lung lesion
Ghon’s complex– Lung + Lymph node
Ranke’s complex– calcified Ghon’s complex
Simon’s focus
Apex involvement of TB
Simmond’s focus
Liver involvement of TB
Assman’s focus
Infraclavicular involvement of TB
Supraclavicular involvement of TB
Weighert’s focus
Blood vessel involvement of TB
Rich’s focus
Brain involvement of TB
M. TB vs M. bovis
M. Tb is catalase, Niacin, Nitrate reduction positive. M. bovis is negative for all three
M.tb colonies are rough, buff and tough. M. bovis colonies are smooth, white and breaks easily
Sputum sample of M. tb is taken via
Modified Petroff method with 4% NaOH or further modified to NALC with 2% NaOH
ZN stain sensitivity
Lowenstein Jensen Media sensitivity for AFB
ZN: 10^4 AFB/ml
LJ media: 10-100 AFB/ml