Bacteria in the GI tract Flashcards
When does normal gut flora colonisation begin? Does it change?
Colonisation begins at birth (can depend whether you have a C section or normal birth)
may be transient – not forever, it changes over time
What is colonisation?
establishment of a microorganism on or within a host that may be short lived
How is a C.diff infection treated?
feacal transplant
What is a cause of primary peritonitis?
What is a cause of secondary peritonitis?
when someone has surgery in the gut but there is a leak in the gut
What is an organism responsilble for oesophagitis?
What is an organism responsilble for Gastritis and duodenitis?
H. pylori
What is an important Enterobacteriaceae?
E. coli
How can Enterobacteriaceae be tested?
lactose fermenting (i.e. E. coli ferments lactose)
How do enterobacteriaceae cause disease?
flagella allows movement (has an H antigen) – shigella and klebsiella are not mobile
Fimbriae bind tight to tissue and is a colonisation factor
What is a key invader of the body during sepsis?
What organism is normal flora in the mouth?
Strep viradens
What organism is normal flora in the colon?
Enterococcus faecalis
What drug is used for strict anearobes in the gut?