Back Squat Flashcards
fundamental movement patterns include
Some fundamental movement patterns include running, throwing, lunging, and squatting,(25) and these fundamental movements have direct biomechanical and neuromuscular implications to successful performance with dynamic tasks inherent to many popular sports and physical activities enjoyed by youth and young adults.
back squat proficiency supports derivative squat movements that translate to many everyday tasks
s lifting and carrying heavy objects, which relates this exercise to improve quality of life.(4
why in rehab BS
Specifically, closed kinetic chain exercise is commonly used throughout the rehabilitation process to avoid excessive strain being placed on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), making the squat a favorable exercise for rehabilitation.(7, 17, 37, 43
posterior muscles and how
The posterior torso muscles, particularly the erector spinae, are recruited via isometric muscle action to support an upright posture throughout the entire squat movement
the posterior torso muscles are assisted by the
anterior and lateral abdominal muscles to further stiffen the torso by creating tension for the abdominal wall.
Berthing before squat
it is recommended for the athlete to inhale approximately 80 percent of maximal inhalation and hold their breath to increase intra- abdominal pressure to enhance stability of the vertebral column (i.e., Valsalva maneuver) (Note: This amount of air may change with the load magnitude). This technique prepares the spine, which is a flexible rod, to bear compressive load. The Valsalva maneuver also establishes “proximal stiffness” that enables more power development in the shoulders and hips, enhancing limb force output and velocity.
Deficits id in squats
Deficits identified during the back squat that can impair performance can be categorized as either
inefficient motor unit coordination or recruitment (neuromuscular),
muscle weakness,
strength asymmetry or
joint instability (strength), and/or joint immobility or
e w muscle tightness (mobility).(43
BSA, which are subcategorized into three comprehensive domains:
Upper Body, Lower Body, and Movement Mechanics (Table 1).
Upper Body domain
The Upper Body domain emphasizes the stability and posture of the head, neck, and torso.
Lower Body domain
assesses the joint positions of the hips, knees, and ankles during the squat.
Movement Mechanics domain
Movement Mechanics domain assess the timing, coordination and recruitment patterns of the back squat.
set up BSA
Athletes are to be instructed to grip the dowel with a pronated grip slightly greater than shoulder width apart and assume a back squat set-up with the dowel resting comfortably on their contracted upper back musculature. Specifically, the dowel should be positioned across the posterior deltoids just below C7 of the cervical spine. Forearms should be held parallel to the torso and wrists should be kept straight and not flexed throughout the movement (Figure 2). The person should be taught to “bend the bar” (pull the bar into trapezius) as this facilitates the back extensors, shoulder retractors and latissimus – all of which stiffen the torso, adding to injury resilience and performance capabilities
approximately shoulder-width apart and toes pointing forward or slightly outward by no more than 10-degrees
wide and narrow stance
A wide stance may increase patellofemoral and tibiofemoral compressive forces in the knee joint by up to 15% during descent.(7, 9, 43) On the other hand, an excessively narrow stance may increase forward knee translation and therefore heighten anterior shear forces.(7, 43) Therefore, a moderate stance width is encouraged for this standardized assessment., it is recommended that athletes do not exceed 30 degrees of internal ankle rotation or 80 degrees of external rotation to maximize stability and promote normal patella tracking.(21, 43) Still, extreme tibial rotation in a closed chain movement may potentially lead to increased stress on the static knee structures and should be avoided for most squat variations.
Excessive tilting of the head backward into a position of extreme cervical hyperextension can be dangerous during the squat, particularly when heavy resistance is integrated.(2)
Excessive cervical hyperextension may be a compensatory movement for a lack of thoracic extension.
Gaze can either be directed too high or too low. A downward gaze has been shown to increase hip flexion and potentially trunk flexion in comparison to an upward gaze (Figure 4). This position may place increased torque on the vertebral column.(2, 6, 43) However, it is important to disassociate gaze from head position. Although gaze can be slightly upward
Head Position Deficits
Head Position Deficits
Unsatisfactory head and neck position awareness for maintaining neutral head position throughout squat. Poor disassociation of gaze from head position, which may encourage deviation from neutral head position.
Insufficient isometric strength of neck and upper back musculature to maintain head in neutral alignment throughout the entire squat.
Insufficient physiological range of motion for head and neck in all three planes.
Thoracic Position
.l cueing to instruct the athlete to position their chest up or retract their shoulders does not gain desired technique, then the athlete may lack adequate torso strength, such as the thoracic paraspinal musculature or parascapular musculature,,A propensity for forward rolled shoulders during the back squat may also be due to lifestyle-induced postural weaknesses (i.e., upper crossed syndrome, which results from consistently internally rotated shoulders leading to excessively shortened or tight pectorals).
Thoracic Position Deficits
Thoracic Position Deficits
Chest down or lack of scapular retraction during squat. Difficulty dissociating the thoracic position from the lower trunk position.
Inability to maintain chest- up position, which may be due to weakness of erector spinae, trapezius and rhomboids.
Excessive tightness in chest, potentially from upper crossed syndrome, which hinders ability to open chest and retract scapula.
Trunk Position
Failure to stiffen the lower back musculature, combined with poor lifting mechanics, increases the potential to overload spine and back tissues to the point of injury, especially when repeated over time.
-A more upright lumbar posture increases load onto lower extremity levers, which may reduce low back stress.
-the individual must demonstrate the ability to maintain a stiffened torso with a neutral, lordotic lumbar position as a safe and optimal squat strategy.
Common culprits for increased trunk flexion
during the squat are weakness of the thoracic and lumbar paraspinals (erector spinae), weakness of the parascapular musculature to maintain retracted and depressed scapulae as well as reduced tension in the thoracolumbar fascia through the integration of the posterior chain and back musculature
In addition, restricted translation of the knees during the squat
may also increase anterior forward lean of the trunk.(
indicative of general core weaknes
A trunk that is unsteady and moves out of an upright position during the squat may be indicative of general core weakness.
e athlete flexes at the spine before 120° of hip flexion when squatting,
If the athlete flexes at the spine before 120° of hip flexion when squatting, they may have restriction in the posterior fibers of the illiotibial band or lack of lumbar control.
during heavy resistance squatting with the spine in a flexed position
The risk of disc herniation is increased during heavy resistance squatting with the spine in a flexed position as a result of excessive stress placed on intervertebral discs.(26, 43)
Trunk Position Deficits
Trunk Position Deficits
Excessive trunk flexion and/or rounding (kyphosis) of the spine during the back squat.
Inadequate core strength to maintain torso parallel to tibias and lack of lower back tightness to generate spinal stability. Deficit may be due to trunk extensor weakness and hip extensor weakness.
Excessive hip flexors (iliopsoas) and trunk flexors (abdominals) tightness and/or lack of lumbar spinal mobility
Hip position
During descent, the hamstrings can assist the gluteal muscles by controlling flexion at the hips.(43) In the ascent phase of the squat, the hamstrings contract to extend the hips. The hip adductors, muscles on the inner thigh, stabilize the femurs during the squat. They prevent the knees and hips from rotating inward during descent.
desired Technique—
Athlete maintains square, stable hips with minimal mediolateral movement during the squat (Figure 9).
-A deficit can be identified by observing the athlete leaning, dropping or twisting to one side from the anterior or posterior perspective
Hip Position Deficits
Hip Position Deficits
Neuromuscular Hips are asymmetrical in frontal plane during the back squat.
Lack of strength or stability of hip musculature or asymmetrical strength of hips.
Lack of hip flexor range of motion.
Frontal Plane Knee Alignment: Internal knee force response to external loads are primarily generated
by the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius
Tibiofemoral compressive forces help resist
anteroposterior shear forces and translation
Tibiofemoral and patellofemoal compression has been shown to increase with
increasing knee angle as a protective function at the knee by initiating a co-contraction between the quadriceps and hamstrings
Although shear forces tend to increase with increasing knee angles, forces on the cruciate ligaments of the knee
decrease at high flexion angles.
is no known evidence to support the contention that squat depth below parallel increases the potential for injury
there is no known evidence to support the contention that squat depth below parallel increases the potential for injury to the cruciate and collateral ligaments and menisci in the knee during deep flexion.
Training with the squat exercise may enhance
passive and dynamic knee stability in deep knee flexion positions via active muscular protection of the passive structures during sport movements.(7
There should be an absence of knee displacement both
medially and laterally.
lateral aspect of the knee should not cross th
e vertical plane of the medial malleolus when assessing for medial displacement (Figure 11).
the goal position is to have the tibia in
vertical alignment perpindicular to the floor with error towards lateral knee positions
the medial aspect of the knee should also not cross the vertical plane of the
lateral malleolus.
Knee valgus (medial or knock-kneed movement) during the squat may be influenced by decreased
hip abductor and hip external rotation strength, increased hip adductor activity and restricted ankle dorsiflexion
However, knee varus can occur and is sometimes a compensatory strategy employed by athletes
with flat feet
Frontal Knee Position Deficits
Frontal Knee Position Deficits
Active valgus during the back squat; increased hip adductor activation without adequate posterior chain control and recruitment may lead to knee valgus.
Posterior chain weakness which leads to passive valgus during squat motion.
Hip immobility that restrict knees from avoiding valgus position during squat.
Moreover, a conscious effort to restrict forward translation
has been shown to increase forward trunk lean, resulting in significantly greater forces at the hip and spine that place these joints at greater risk of injury. (16, 23)
As general
a general guideline, the athlete should attempt to match tibia angle in parallel with an upright trunk, while keeping their heels on the ground (Figure 13).
As general
a general guideline, the athlete should attempt to match tibia angle in parallel with an upright trunk, while keeping their heels on the ground (Figure 13).
Excessive tibial progression angle can also be exacerbated by weakness
weakness in calf and soleus, weak hamstrings, or quadriceps dominancweakness in calf and soleus, weak hamstrings, or quadriceps dominanc
may also hinder proper tibial progression angle.
Restricted motion of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle complex via the Achilles tendon, talocrural joint restrictions at the posterior ankle, restrictions in hip mobility, and deficits in foot mobility may also hinder proper tibial progression angle.
Tibial Translation Angle Deficits
Tibial Translation Angle Deficits
Knee translates excessively over toes during the back squat, even with heel on the ground.
Strength/Stability-Lack of strength of posterior chain, particularly the gluteals, to keep load on the rear. Excessive tibial progression angle can be a result of weakness in calf and soleus, weak hamstrings, or quadriceps dominance.Mobility
Inadequate mobility of knee in sagittal plane from lack of mobility of the soleus and gastrocnemius.
—Observations of pronation or supination of the feet as well as the rolling of the feet inward or outward are suboptimal movement strategies, Lifting heels or toes off of the ground at any time is suboptimal during the back squat (Figure 15). Allowing the heels to rise off the ground has been observed to create compensatory torques about the ankles, knees, hips, and lumbar spine. (3) With heels raised off of the ground, the athlete has a smaller surface area and base of support, which may reduce the athlete’s ability to perform a balanced and controlled squat.
Ankle inversion or eversion during the squat is also indicative of a
Stiffness in the ankle joint from poor dorsiflexion may cause the foot and the knee joints to compensate. (3) These compensations may have a negative impact to foot and knee stability that is needed for correct squat mechanics.
While increasing ankle mobility, and in many cases hip mobility, is the desired endpoint for this deficit, some athletes may benefit in
itially from the use of a heel block to aid in creating a stable platform and assist in pushing through the heels.
Foot Position Deficits
Foot Position Deficits
Foot comes off of ground during squat not due to strength or mobility limitations.
Lack of or asymmetrical ankle strength and/or poor stabilization of ankle and foot. Foot rolls onto either side during squat.
Lack of dorsiflexion mobility if heels come up off ground due to restricted Achilles tendon and/or tight soleus and gastrocnemius.
Movement Mechanics
Triple extension (extension of ankle, knee and hip) and flexion movement patterns are inherent to sports associated movements such as jumping and landing mechanics.
The athlete should descend by flexing the hip, knees and ankles in a fluid, coordinated movement as the body is lowered in a controlled manner
-The athlete should descend by flexing the hip, knees and ankles in a fluid, coordinated movement as the body is lowered in a controlled manner
The vertical distance between
the athlete’s shoulders and hips should remain constant throughout the entire descent
Body weight should be transferred to and supported by t
he athlete’s posterior chain musculature, particularly the hamstrings and gluteals, and not placed anteriorly on their knees (
Descent Deficits
‘Knee-loading’ strategy instead of ‘hip-hinge’ strategy as seen with excessive trunk flexion, excessive tibial progression angle, and/or heels coming off of the ground.
Lack of lower limb eccentric strength control, evidenced by an overall lack of control of the tempo of the descent. The athlete appears to ‘drop’ into the apex of the descent. Descent timing is not 2:1 ratio in relation to ascent.
Lack of lower limb mobility, leading to a forward trunk lean.
Without squatting to the proper depth, t
he hamstrings and gluteus muscular complex may not be adequately challenged.
training at shallower knee flexion can
influence quadriceps dominant sport skill performance that can limit performance and increase injury risk.
he squat exercise may enhance
active knee stability if performed correctly and may reduce sport injury risk to the passive structures of the knee. (7, 8, 39)
Depth Deficit
Depth Deficits
Athlete does not achieve depth of thighs at least parallel to the ground.
Athlete lacks posterior chain isometric strength to maintain deep hold.
Difficulty achieving depth due to tightness in posterior chain and hip adductors.
The athlete may lack++++++ of the+++++ chain to maintain bodyweight support at the apex of depth. Furthermore, ++++in the posterior chain musculature and++++ may further limit the ability for an athlete to achieve appropriate depth.
The athlete may lack isometric strength of the posterior chain to maintain bodyweight support at the apex of depth. Furthermore, tightness in the posterior chain musculature and hip adductors may further limit the ability for an athlete to achieve appropriate depth.
The primary diver of ascent should be the hips and weight should be kept of the heels and lateral sides of the feet.
The back is to be kept i
n a rigid, tight position with stiffened muscles and with the lumbar spine in a neutral to slightly extended position.
Common faults in early stages of learning the back squat (i.e., early training age) are fo
r the hips to rise faster than the shoulders, which would increase trunk flexion (Figure 21). If the hips rise too quickly, the vertical distance between the hips and shoulders will decrease during the early ascent phase (Figure 21). Irrespective of the load, the movement pattern represents an incorrect back squat that can be a dangerous strategy to the lower back during squatting with progressive external resistance. In addition, relative to the downward descent, a large deviation in the movement pattern employed during upward ascent is also considered a deficient technique.
Ascent Deficits
Ascent Deficits
Hips rise too quickly in relation to shoulder during ascent. The vertical distance between the hips and shoulder does not remain constant.
Posterior chain and hip extension concentric muscle action weakness.
Lack of thoracic spine and hip flexor mobility.