B6 - Harmful microorganisms Flashcards
What are pandemics?
Pandemics are diseases that spread across the world.
What are pathogens?
Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease.
How can diseases enter the body through the skin?
- when the skin is cut, bitten or infected needles are used
- contaminated food or water pass in through the mouth
- through the nose
- sexually transmitted diseases
Name one disease that is caused by a virus.
Influenza is caused by a virus
Which type of microorganism causes food poisoning?
Bacteria causes food poisoning.
What are the stages of infection?
1) the microorganism enters the body
2) it reproduces to build up the numbers (incubation period)
3) harmful toxins are released
4) symptoms start to appear
Describe one way to reduce the spread of influenza.
Using a tissue when sneezing, placing it in the bin and then washing your hands.
Why are diseases more likely to be spread after a natural disaster?
The sewerage systems will be damaged, people will be injured and microorganisms will have more opportunity to enter through the skin.
What are antibiotics?
A drug which kills bacteria.
What are the problems linked with antibiotics?
Bacteria may become resistant to the drug therefore they cannot be killed as easily.
Which scientist carried out a series of experiments to prove that microorganisms in the air caused food to go bad?
Louis Pasteur.
What are antiseptics?
Antiseptics are used to kill microorganisms in wounds.
Who discovered the first antiseptic?
Joseph Lister.
Who discovered penicillin?
Alexander Fleming.
Explain why it is important to take antibiotics only if you really need them.
Otherwise the bacteria may become resistant.
What is a mutation?
Where the DNA in cells has changed.
Give a modern day example of natural selection.
Resistant bacteria have an advantage over non-resistant bacteria and therefore the resistant bacteria survive the antibiotics.
How can the spread of resistance be slowed down?
- doctors should prescribe antibiotics only when needed
- you should complete the course of antibiotics prescribed
- washing hands before and after treating an infected patient
Why should you complete the course of antibiotics prescribed?
To ensure all bacteria is destroyed.