Autonomic Nervous System (with Sympathetic NS) Flashcards
Subdivision of efferent peripheral nervous system (neurons outside the CNS)
Autonomic Nervous System
Mechanism of impulse transport across a synapse
Synaptic Neurotransmission
Parts of Synapse (3)
▪️ Sending
▪️ Synthesis storage RELEASE of neurotransmitters
▪️ Autoreceptors or presynaptic receptors; for modulation or regulation of NT release
Parts of Synapse (3)
▪️ Responsible for inactivating NTs
▪️ Metabolizing enzyme containing
Synaptic cleft
Parts of Synapse (3)
▪️ Receptors primary location
▪️ Majority of receptors:Excitatory
▪️Origin of Neurons: Thoracolumbar (T1-T12, L1-L5)
▪️Length of PRE-GANGLIONIC fiber: shorter
▪️Length of POST-GANGLIONIC fiber: longer
▪️Location of Ganglion: Near the Spinal Cord
Sympathetic Nervous System
▪️Origin of Neurons: Craniosacral (CN 3,7,9,10, S1-S4)
▪️Length of PRE-GANGLIONIC fiber: loger [ParaLongPre]
▪️Length of POST-GANGLIONIC fiber: shorter
▪️Location of Ganglion: Near the Target Organ / Effector
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Pre-Ganglionic: ACh
Post-Ganglionic: NE, Epi, Dopa
RECEPTORS [Adrenergic]
Ganglion: Nicotinic neural (Nn)
Target Organ/Effector: a,B,D
Sympathetic Nervous System
Pre-Ganglionic: ACh
Post-Ganglionic: ACh
RECEPTORS [Cholinergic]
Ganglion: Nicotinic neural (Nn)
Target Organ/Effector: M,N
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Funtional [General]
NE: Adrenergic NS
□ Stress
□ Fight/Flight/Fright
Sympathetic Nervous System
Funtional [General]
ACh: Cholinergic NS
□ Basal
□ Rest and Digest
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Funtional [Specific]
▪️HEART: Tachycardia
▪️SMOOTH MUSCLES: Relaxation ( ↓pressure)
▪️PUPILS: MyDriasis (dilation)
▪️BRONCHI: BronchoDilation
▪️GIT: Ileus (loss of peristalsis)
▪️URINARY BLADDER (Walls): Urinary Retention
▪️SWEAT GLANDS: Apocrine (palms/soles)
Sympathetic Nervous System
Funtional [Specific]
▪️HEART: Bradycardia
▪️SMOOTH MUSCLES: Contraction ( ↑ pressure)
▪️PUPILS: Miosis (constriction)
▪️BRONCHI: BronchoConstriction
▪️GIT: Bowel Mvmt. (diarrhea)
▪️URINARY BLADDER (Walls): Urination
▪️SWEAT GLANDS: Eccrine (thermoregulation)
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Sympathetic Drugs (4-EAAA)
- Endogenous Catecholamines
- Adrenoceptors
- Agonist: (-mimetic)
- Antagonist (-lytic)
Biosysthesis of Cathecholamines:
Precursor: Tyrosine
STEPS: [True Love Does Not Exist]
Enzymes on the ff.
1. Formation of L-Dopa
2. Formation of Dopamine
3. Formation of Norepinephrine
4. Formation of Epinephrine
Enzymes on the ff.
1. Tyrosine hydroxylase
2. L-DOPA decarboxylase
3. Dopamine-B-hydroxylase
4. Phenyl Ethanolamine-N-Methyl Transferase (PENMT)
What is the First Catecholamine
Storage of Dopamine
Exocytotic release of NT
Stimulators: [TEAAM]
Inhibitors: [GGB]
Stimulators: Tyramine, Ephedrine, Amphetamine, Angiotensin II,
Inhibitors: Guanethidine, Guanadrel, Bretylium
What adrenoceptors?
▪️Vascular Smooth Muscles = Qontraction; Vasoconstriction (↑BP)
▪️Urinary Bladder, Trigone & Sphincter: Closure (urinary retention)
▪️Prostatic Smooth Muscles: Contraction (urinary retention)
▪️Radial Muscles (iris): Mydriasis
▪️Pilometer SM: Piloerection (goosebumps)
Alpha 1 (Q1)
What adrenoceptors?
▪️Autoregulation - inhibits further release of NE
● Central: Sedation & Depression
● Peripheral: Vasodilation (↓ BP)
Pre-Synaptic Inhibitory Gi (Alpha 2)
Alpha 2
▪️Pre-synaptic : Inhibitory (?)
▪️Post-synaptic : Excitatory (?)
▪️Pre-synaptic : Inhibitory Gi
▪️Post-synaptic : Excitatory Gq
What adrenoceptors?
▪️Location: Blood Vessels
Post-Synaptic Excitatory Gq (Alpha 2)
What adrenoceptors?
○ (+) Inotropy- force of contraction
○ (+) Chronotropy-HR
○ (+) Dromotropy-Conduction Velocity
▪️Kidneys:Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
○ ↑ Renin release=↑BP
Beta 1