Apicomplexa pt 3 Flashcards
Sarcocystis general characteristics
Worldwide distribution
- predator is the definitive host
- prey is the intermediate host
- indirect life cycle
Sarcocystis - DH
PPP: 7-14 days
- no merogony
- gametogony
Sarcocystis - IH
- no gametogony
Sarcocystis cruzi
DH: dog, wolves, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, hyena
IH: cattle, ox, bison
S. cruzi - infective stages
DH: sarcocyst with bradyzoites
IH (or aberrant host): oocyst, sporocysts
S. cruzi - route of infection
DH: ingestion of tissue cyst (sarcocyst) containing bradyzoites
IH: ingestion of oocysts/sporocysts in environment
S. cruzi - site of infection
DH: intestinal tract
IH: extraintestinal - heart, skeletal muscle, tongue, esophagus, diaphragm
S. cruzi - pathology
DH: asymptomatic, no immunity
IH: acute, anorexia, pyrexia, anemia, abortion in final trimester
S. cruzi IH - diagnosis
- clinical signs
- presence of sarcocyst on histology (1 cm, cylindrical)
- antibody detection
S. cruzi DH - diagnosis
- fecal float: sporocysts/oocysts
- free sporocysts
- oocyst is double the size of the sporocyst
S. cruzi - treatment and control
IH: prophylactic
- predator/prey control
- avoid fecal contamination
- avoid uncooked meat
- bury or incinerate dead livestock
Sarcocystis neurona
DH: opossums
IH: armadillo, raccoon, cat, skunk
Accidental host: horse
–> agent of EPM in US, Canada, Brazil, Panama
S. neurona - infective stages
DH: sarcocyst (with bradyzoites) in an intermediate host
IH: sporocyst, oocysts
Accidental host: sporocyst, oocysts
S. neurona - site of infection
DH: intestine
IH: skeletal muscle, tongue
Accidental host: CNS
S. neurona - clinical signs
DH: none
IH: asymptomatic
Accidental host: neurological