AOA and AON Flashcards
In order to calculate the LST/LS and LFT/LF in an AON, you use the [x] pass.
In an AON, EFT stands for [x]
Earliest Finish Time
In an AON, EST stands for [x]
Earliest Start Time
When sorting out a project by identifying all of the tasks, you should engage in a [x] planning process.
When sorting out a project by identifying all of the tasks, you should begin with the project’s [x].
[x] is a series of connected activities (or intermediate events) between any two events in a network.
In an AON, LFT stands for [x]
Latest Finish Time
AON stands for [x]
Activity on Node
In order to calculate the EST/ES and EFT/EF in an AON, you use the [x] pass.
[x] is a task or set of tasks required by the project which use resources and time.
Do you want there to be Negative Float?
Free slack is the slack an activity has before it delays the [x]
Next Activity
[x] is the set of activities on a path from the project’s start event to its finish event that, if delayed, will delay the completion date of the project.
Critical Path
When sorting out a project by identifying all of the tasks, the lowest level task is typically [x] to [y] days in duration.
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Do you want there to be more than one critical path?
[x] is a diagram of nodes connected by directional arcs that defines the project and illustrates the relationships of all activities.
In an AON, LST stands for [x]
Latest Start time
What is the Duration of a Milestone?
When sorting out a project by identifying all of the tasks, you generally use [x] to [y] activities per level
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[x] are identifiable and noteworthy events marking significant progress on the project.
AOA stands for?
Activity on Arrow
Can there be negative float
Can a critical path run over a dummy task?
Can a critical path change?
[x] is the time required to complete all activities on the critical path.
Critical Time
How much float does the critical path have?
Total slack is the slack an activity has before it delays the [x].
[x] is an identifiable state resulting from the completion of one or more activities. Before it can be achieved or realized, all its predecessor activities must be completed.
Can there be more than one critical path?