Animal Physiology - Lecture 6 Flashcards
DNA doesn’t control … cell division, instead all enzymes, proteins and instructions are provided by the ..
early, cytoplasm
the change from maternal to embryo control is called … activation
where the DNA of the young embryo starts … and takes control of .. ..
transcription, cell division
-at genomic activation cell division slows down
pigs/rats switch to genomic activation at ..-.. cell embryo
humans/cattle .. cell
and frogs …-… cell stages
-so frog cytoplasm in control for longer than humans, pigs etc.
if a cell is fated to become a nerve cell, all genes in a cell switch off bar the ones for .., .. .. and .. impulse generatic cells
axons, axon terminals, electrical
take out the nucelus of a somatic cell in an egg and trasnfer an epidermal cell in from an adult frog and a normal embryo will .. develop
-shows differentiated cells still have the information to produce normal cells, just inactive
-this shows cytoplasm around nucleus controls a cells fate - different cytoplasm different fate?
genomic equivilence refers to .. information being lost in earely stages of embryonic development
Spemann bisected an egg which produced normal complete embryos, he concluded .. factors from the grey crescent are needed for development
cytoplasmic segregation refers to unequal .. distribution in a zygote/embryo
-for example, most nutrients at vegetal pole, so after rounds of clevage divided cells have different amounts
induction refers to factors being secreted by some celsl, inducing others to ..
the dorsal lip of the blastopore is called the … organiser
cells move other this to form .. .. (in birds, cells moving over … node form the CNS)
neural tissue
The first state in eye formation starts when the .. buldges to form .. vesicles
these vesicles induce surface tissue to form lens .. tissue, from which a .. organ can develop
forebrain, optic
placode, sensory
-lens placode differentiates into lens, which influences optic cup size
-also induces surface tissue of eye to form cornea
morphogens in varied concentrations allow cells to .. where they are
-effectively interpreting positional information
vertebrate limbs develop from round bud of tissue, cells within the bud become .., .. of hand and via morphogenic information can organise themselves
bones, muscles
BMP2 is a morphogen made at the base of the bud, a high dose of BMP2 forms the .. while a smaller dose the .. ..
little finger
some genes are only active if from a particular gamete this is known as ..
genomic imprinting
- male/male zygotes no egg
- female/female zygotes no placenta
if paternal chromosome 15 is deleted ..-… syndrome is caused
if maternal chromosome 15 is deleted … syndrome is caused
-both deletions on same section of chromosome
segmentation genes influence body …
gap genes organise large areas along ..-.. axis
pair rule genes .. the embryo into units of two segment
segment .. genes determine segment ..
homeotic genes are expressed along the length of the body, the determine .. segments will become
segments anterior-posterior divide polarity, boudaries what
mice have .. families of Hox gene
Hoxb1 is expressed on the .. part of hte hindbrain, the rest are expressed further back
B9 is expressed at the ..
-referring to mice
mutations in homeotic genes can change a segments ..
Aptosis is programmed cell ..
C.elegans has .. somatic cells, with .. programmed to die
1090, 131
-useful in humans for removing webbed hands etc.
environmental factors may be needed for normal developement, house mice need … to colonise their gut, as they induce gene expression in the .. for normal .. development
intestine, capillary
anencephaly is caused by the failure of the .. tube to close at the .. ends
.. acid is vital for neural development
neural, anterior
Cretinism and goitre are caused by .. deficiencies
Cyclopamine inhabits the .. .. protein, which is involved in formation of the .. ..
Sonic Hedgehog
neural system