Animal Physiology - Lecture 12 Flashcards
radiation is heat exchange .. contact, resulting in .. total heat loss
without, 60%
conduction is heat exchangeg .. contact, resulting in .. total heat loss
with, 3%
convection is the movement of ../.. across body surface, resulting in .. total heat loss
air/fluid, 15%
evaporation is the movement of .. from body surface, resulting in ..% total heat loss
water, 22%
larger animals have .. SA:V so lose heat .. quickly
smaller, less
ectotherms and polikotherm body temperature .. with the environment, they confrom to it
-may still regulate temperature using physiological processes like shivering
endotherms/homeotherms .. their body temperature, deriving their heat from metabolism
-may still regulate temperature behaviourally
ectotherm metabolic rate is x.. slower than endotherms
due to this they can more easily … dry/poor environments
x5, colonise
- they consume less energy, food and water
- can devote more energy to reproduction
ectotherms don’t have … environmental niches and their energy is in bursts, leaving them vulnerable to endotherm … predators
-anaerobic respiration causes rapid fatigue in ectotherms
-ectotherm predators are typically ambush
endotherms can more easily exploit .. environments and forage/move over more sustained, … distances
colder, longer
thermal neutral zone is the zone in which an organism does .. need to expend energy to maintain body temperature
vasoconstriction is the constriction of blood vessels, … heat loss
-moves blood away from skin, heat trapped in body ocre
shivering increases heat production by ..
adrenaline.. heart rate
thyroxine .. basal metabolic rate
brown adipose tissue is broken to .. only
countercurrent heat exchange allows blood flowing towards the heart to .. up as it passes .. .. flowing in the arterys
warm, warm blood
-bird legs, dolphin fins etc.
blubber is a thick layer of vascularised .. tissue
-low thermal conductivity of skin and has low metabolic actvitiy
fur/hair/feathers reduce convection by trapping a layer of warm air close to the … …
skins surface
-this effect doesnt work in water
in vasodilation, blood vessels increase in diameter so more heat is … through ..
heat, radiation
panting works via … of moisture
-exchanging hot air in lung with cooler air
birds .. have sweat glands
their gular flutter works to .. evaporation and urohidrosis increases evaporative cooling by ..
increase, defecation