Animal Physiology - Lecture 5 Flashcards
Development is a series of progressive change in .. and .. during an organisms life cycle
form, function
Most intense period of development is … -> …
fertilisation, maturity
fertilisation is the formation of .. and .. to give zygote
egg, sperm
cleavage is the division of cells to form the ..
- occurs after fertilisation
gastrulation is the formation of … .. and .. ..
it’s where the blastula is transformed into a proper …
tissue layers, body axis
-can be oral or aboral dependant on speces
organogenesis is the formation of ..
morphogenesis is the mechanism of .. shape formation
the cytoplasm and mitochondria of a zygote comes from the ..
-as sperm organelles degenerate by this time
the nucleus of the egg is within the … hemisphere
nutrients within an egg accumulate in the .. hemisphere
in amphibians the vegetal hemisphere is …, while the animal hemisphere is .. and has a surface layer
unpigmented, opaque
sperm enters a cell at the … hemisphere, causing the … to rotate and expose the ‘grey crescent’ opposite the site of fertilisation
animal, cortex (outer layer)
proteins in the grey crescent control what .. cells will take
blastomeres are produced during cell .. and are essential in … formation
when formed from a morulla the .. has a … in the middle
clevage, blastula
blastula, blastocoel
in cleavage, cells divide yet the overall mass of cells .. change
in complete clevage, the whole cel divides, without a yolk all cells are .. in size
however with a yolk, the yolk … the clevage and cells divide ..
impedes, asymmetrically
in incomplete discoidal clevage, lots of yolk .. the clevage furrows from penetrating the yolk
this causes a … to give rise to the embryo and its associated membranes, the yolk underneath provides .. for the growing envelope
blastodisc, nutrients
-discoidal incomplete clevage happens in birds
Superficial incomplete clevage results as the nucleus divides but .. does not follow
chromosomes are split and form new .., which then imigrate to the edges of the cell and the plasma membrane then grows .. from the edges, partitioning the nuclei into individual cells
in radial clevage, mitotic spindles form at right angles or parallel to …-… axis
animal, vegetal
in spiral clevage mitotic spindles form at .. angles to the .. axis
oblique, vegetal
in rotational clevage, the first division is … to vegetal-animal axis, the second division is at a .. angle and the third is at a .. angle to that
totipotency refers to cells being .., at determination however these cells then become .. in roles
undifferentiated, fixed
in gastrulation the blastula is separated into three tissue layers, the .., .. and …
endoderm, exoderm, mesoderm
the endoderm is the innermost layer and produces the …, .. and .. tract
digestive, circulatory, respiratory
the ectoderm forms the .. and … …
epidermis, nervous system
protostomes mouth forms .. anus .., deuterostomes mouth forms .. and anus ..
first, second
second, first
on a diagram for gastrluation, the centre of the structure is the …, which is surrounded by the …
however the red parts are the primary and secondary … (.. at bottom)
mesenchyme, primary
gastrulation in birds starts when … node moves across the blastodisc anterior, to the posterior leaving behind a .. streak
Hensen’s, primitive
the blastodisc comprises of the epiblast, which forms the … and the hypoblast which forms the .. .. ..
the … lies between the epiblast and the hypoblast
extra embryonic membranes
in mammal gastrulation, the blastula divides to form the trophoblast (which forms the ..) and the … cell mass
in mammals, the inner cell mass forms the .. and the ..
epiblast, hypoblast
organogenesis is the formation of .. and .. systems
organs, organ
neurulation occurs in early organogenesis, it begins the formation of the … system of ..
nervous, vertebrates
neurulation starts with the .. of the ectoderm, above the notochord, eventually resulting in a .. tube forming
thickening, neural
the anterior end of the neural tube develops into a ..
somites produce the .., .. and .. of the trunk and limbs
vertebrates, rib, muscles
embryos have extraembryonic mebmranes in their .. layer
in birds the yolk sac is the .. to form, by an extension of the ..
the ectoderm and mesoderm combine to form the .., which surrounds the embryo
the chorion is a continuous membrane just .. the egg cell
the allantois membrane is anoutgrowth of the embryonic .. and forms the ..
first, hypoblast
membrane, allantois
the allantois is a sac that .. metabolic wastes
-the umbilical chord in mammals