Anatomy Final Flashcards
Longitudinal fissure separates the _______ lobe from the ________ lobe
frontal; parietal
Lateral fissure separates the ______ lobe from the _____ lobe
temporal; frontal
Pons is above the _____
frontal lobe is in front of the _____ _____
motor area
central sulcus separates _____ lobe from _____ lobe
frontal; parietal
Longitudinal fissure separates ___ and ___ hemispheres
left; right
Hind brain consists of:
pons, cerebellum, medulla oblongata
cerebral cortex is essential for:
memory, reasoning, and problem solving
Cerebrum is the _____ part of the human brain
Cerebrum consists of ___ hemispheres
within the cerebrum each side of the body controls the _____ side of the body.
specific area for speech production
brocas area
Parietal lobe consists of the:
sensory areas, controls sense of touch, temp, pressure and positions of body
Frontal lobe is the primary _____ _____
motor cortex
Frontal lobe controls ______ _______
voluntary movement
Frontal lobe has the ____ area in it
occipital lobe is for _____
Temporal lobe is the primary _______ area
Temporal lobe consists of the ________ area which is essential for language comprehension and speech perception
what does the orbicularis oris do?
puckers lips
what is the innvervation of orbicularis oris?
VII facial nerve
what does the buccinator do?
pulls lips towards teeth and moves food to molars for chewing
what is the innvervation of the buccinator?
CN-VII facial nerve
what does the risorius do?
retracts lips at corners
what is the innervation of the risorius?
buccal branch of the VII facial nerce
what does the levator anguli oris do?
draws corners of the mouth up medially
what is the innervation of the levator anguli oris?
superior buccal branch of the VII facial nerve
what does the depressor anguli oris do?
depresses corners of the mouth and helps with compressing upper lip against lower lip
what is the innervation of the depressor anguli oris?
mandibular branch of the VII facial nerve
what does the depressor labii inferioris do?
dilates to orifice by pulling lips down and out
what is the innervation of the depressor labii inferioris?
mandibular marginal branch of the VII facial nerve
what does the superior longitudinal muscle (intrinsic) do?
elevates the tip of the tongue
what is the innervation of the superior longitudinal muscle?
CN - XII hypoglossal
what does the inferior longitudinal muscle (intrinsic) do?
shortens tongue tip down
what is the innervation of the inferior longitudinal muscle?
CN - XII hypoglossal
what does the transverse muscle (intrinsic) do?
narrows and elongates tounge
what is the innervation of the transverse muscle?
CN - XII hypoglossal
What does the vertical muscle (intrinsic) do?
flattens tongue
what is the innervation of the vertical muscle?
CN - XII hypoglossal
what does the genioglossus (extrinsic) do?
anterior fibers retract tongue, posterior fibers protrude tongue, together compressing tongue
what is the innervation of the genioglossus?
CN - XII hypoglossal
what does the styloglossus do?
draws tongue back and up
what is the innervation of the styloglossus (extrinsic)?
CN - XII hypoglossal
what does the palatoglossus (extrinsic) do?
elevates tongue and compresses soft palate
what is the innervation of the palatoglossus?
CN - X vagus
what does the hypoglossus (extrinsic) do?
pulls sides of the tongue down
what is the innervation of the hypoglossus?
CN - XII hypoglossal
what are the three nervous system components of the brain?
cerebellum, cerebrum, and brain stem
what do neurons communicate through
electrochemical impulses
what is the synapse for?
it is where communication travels through
what is the dendrite?
where communication is received
what part of the ear are these structures in: cochlea, vestibular nerve, auditory tube, semicircular canals.
inner ear
what part of the ear are these structures in: malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup)
middle ear
what are the articulators?
jaw, lips, teeth, tongue, hard palate, and soft palate,
what are the articulatory system sutures?
zygomaticomaxillary, frontolacrimal, maxillae
what does the central nervous system consists of?
spinal cord, brain, cerebellum, cerebrum, brain stem
what does the peripheral nervous system consists of?
12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves.
what does the cerebellum coorinate?
muscle movements of the body