Anatomy and Physiology: The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Flashcards
nongranular white blood cells
a grouping of certain water soluble proteins such as those found in blood or egg whites
the connection point of different parts of a branching network
a condition characterized by a deficiency in iron
the two upper chambers of the heart that receive blood
the heart valve located between the left atrium and the left ventricle that regulates blood backflow between the two chambers
bicuspid valve
the force exerted by circulation of the blood on the walls of blood vessels
blood pressure
the system that controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body by means of the heart adn blood vessels; aka circulatory system
cardiovascular system
specific proteins that act together in clotting; defects in specific protein changes result in clotting conditions like hemophilia
clotting factors
the condition of formerly oxygen-rich blood routed back to the heart, via the veins, after its nutrient load has been distributed
part of the normal rhythm of the heart during which the heart chambers fill with blood
ions required by cells to regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane
the inner layer of the pericardium, which has direct contact with the heart
red or white blood cells or platelets separated from the fluid part of the blood
formed elements
any condition that affects the performance of the heart or the cardiovascular system
heart disease
- disorder characterized by deficiences of clotting factors reducing the blood’s ability to clot
- a recessive genetic disorder occuring almost exclusively in men and boys in which the blood clots much more slowly than normal, resulting in extensive bleeding from even minor injuries
an elevated body temperature
lowering of the body temperature below 95 degrees F
deficiency in the blood’s ability to transport oxygen
a disease of the bone marrow characterized by excessive and unwanted white blood cell proliferation
swelling that commonly occurs in an arm or a leg because of accumulation of interstitial fluids
the region between the lungs, also containing the thymus, esophagus, and trachea and the great vessels (the large blood vessels entering of leaving the heart)
a vessel that emerges from an arteriole, passes through the capillary network, and empties into a venule; aka the thoroughfare channel
rich in oxygen
one of the two valves that regulate the flow of blood between the ventricles and the major blood vessel to which each valve connects
pulmonary valve
valves of the arteries that prevent backflow from arteries into the ventricles
semilunar valve
describes pale yellow transparent fluids that fill body cavities, or a membrane that secretes serous fluid
contraction of the heart; contrast of diastole
a condition characterized by defective hemoglobin cells, resulting in oxygen deficiency
heart valve that prevents backflow between the right atrium and right ventricle
tricuspid valve
the tough, enelastic, fibrous connective tissue that rests on, and is connected to the diaphragm (outer layer of the pericardium)
fibrous pericardium
the large blood vessels entering or leaving the heart
great vessels
transparent pale yellow fluid that is secreted by serous pericardium
serous fluid
outer portion of the double membrane that is fused to the fibrous pericardium
visceral layer
thin film of serous fluid between the two layers of the serous pericardium
pericardial fluid
a valve that prevents blood from flowing back into the heart
aortic valve
carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces of the lungs
pulmonary circuit
transports blood to and from the rest of the body
systemic circuit
bicuspid and tricuspid valves
atrioventricular valves
aortic and pulmonary valves
semilunar valves include the..
ring of smooth muscle fibers that controls the flow of blood entering a true capillary
precapillary sphincter
the principal vein draining blood from the lower portion of the body
vena cava inferior
the principal vein draining blood from the upper portion of the body
vena cava superior