Advanced Histology of the Cell and the Skin Flashcards
part of the blood cell line and formed from the polychromatic normablast, this cell (8-10 micrometers in diameter) loses its nucleus at this stage
acidophillic normoblasts
a protein in a muscle fiber that, together with myosin, is responsible for contraction and relaxation
filaments connected to the caternins that help stabilize cell adherance
actin filaments
a process that requires expenditure of ATP energy to move molecules across a cell membrane; also called facillitated transport
active transport
a multifunctional nucleotide that transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism and coverts oxygen to carbon dioxide
adenosine triphosphate
junctions that provide strong mechanical attachments between adjacent cells
adherens junctions
leading or bearing toward some organ, such as nerves conducting impulses toward the brain or blood vessels carrying blood toward an organ; opposite of efferent
a pathway used as an intermediate signal as part of the DNA signaling cascade
organic acids that form the building blocks of proteins; 20 amino acids are used within the human body; 9 of these are essential amino acids and must be supplied by the diet
amino acids
a system that ties the plaque to the cytoplasm through the cytoskeleton; located inside the cell behind the plasma membrane
anchoring system
components of the immune system that neutralizes antigens
(1) modified type of serum globulin synthesized by lymphoid tissue in response to antigenic stimulus (2) any material that elicits an immune response
genetically determined cell death; programmed cell death
type of lymphcyte derived from bone marrow stem cells that matures into an immunologically competent cell (under the influence of the bursa of fabricius in chickens, and the bone marrow in nonavian species); following interaction with antigen, it becomes a plasma cell, which synthesizes and secretes antibody molecules incolved in humoral immunity
B cell or B lymphocyte
a cell that manufactures antibodies involved in immunity
B lymphocyte
white blood cell characterized by the presence of blue cytoplasmic granules that become stained by a basophillic dye
blue colored cell formed from the division of the pronormoblast; this cell (6-18 micrometers in diameter) produces polychromatic normoblasts
basophillic normoblast
a fluid filled or yolk filled cavity surrounded by a blastoderm
an early stage in the development of an embryo; consists of a sphere of cells enclosing a fluid filled ca
primary epithelium formed in early embryonic development of many arthopods when the nucleui migrate to the periphery and undergo superficial cleavage; usually encloses the central yolk mass
transmembrane proteins that go from cell to cell and bind to each other
A protein important in stabilizing cell adherence to avoid abnormal spread of cells
the regular sequence of events in the life of a cell, during which the cell grows, prepates for division, duplicates its contents, and divides to form two daughter cells
cell cycles
the rigid outermost later of the cells found in plants, some protists ( a type of single cell organism), and most bacteria, found in plants composed principally of cellulose; not found in animal cells
cell wall
the part of the immune system that destroys viruses using T cells instead of using antibodies
cell mediated immunity
the proteoglycan found in the dermis
chondroitin suffate
early mitotic and cytoplasmic divisions of an embryo
a cluster of cells in which all cells are coated with antigenic substances; each of the more thatn 160 clusters has a different chemical molecule that coats the surface; every T and B cell has about 10^5 molecules on its surface
cluster of differentiation
a complex series of enzymes in the blood that coats microbes with special molecules, making them more suscpetible to phagocytes
complement system
transmembrane proteins that permit the flow of ions that cause contraction of the heart muscle and stron contraction of the uterus during labor
the deep layer of the skin; dermis
highly cross linked layer of proteins found in the stratum corneum
cornified envelope
nerve endings in the subcutaneous tissues of the human finger that detect stretching of connective tissue and send slow coninuous signals when stimulated; they are also heat detectors and are also known as organs of ruffini
corpuscles of ruffini
pertaining to the skin
a repeating unit that makes uo the pattern of biological rhythms
a protein important in the control of the cell division cycle and mitosis
an enzyme that adds phosphate to a protein along with cyclins and is a major control switch for the cell cycle
cyclin dependent kinase
molecule secreted by an activated or stimulated cell that causes chemical immune responses in certain other cells
special type of T cell activated during cell mediated immune reponses that recognizes and destroys virus infected cells
cytotoxic T cell
cell that results after division of a stem cell
daughter cell
cells that fix and process cutaneous antigens; contains large granules called Birbeck granules
dendritic cell
a glycosaminoglycans; complex carbohydrate in the dermis
dermatan sulfate
a member of the desmosome family; projects proteins, is calcium dependent, and extends from the plaques that interlock with idential proteins from the adjacent cell
member of the desmosome family; projects cadherin proteins, is calcium binding, and extends from the plaques that interlock with identical proteins from the adjacent cell
one of the two proteins that make up the plaques in the cell membrane
a complex process that reproduces the critical information in each cell for proper functioning and reproduction
DNA synthesis
the outer layer of cells of an early embryo; one of the germ layers, also sometimes used to include tissues derived from the ectoderm
leading or conveying away from some organ, such as nerve impulses conducted away from the brain, or blood conveyed away from an organ; contrast with afferent
elastin type fiber found in the dermis, beleived to be an intermediate form of elastin
the first stage of human life; starts with fertilization of a woman’s egg by a male’s sperm
thermoreceptors that detect cold found in the skinm the conjuctiva of the eye, the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue, the penis and clitoris, and the fingertips
end-bulbs of Krause
the deep primary germ layer of the embryo; gives rise to the linings of the pharnyx , respiratory tree, digestive tract, urinary bladder, and urethra
cytoplasmic organelle composed of a system of interconnected membranous tubules and vesicles; rough ER has ribosomes aattached to the side of the membrane facing the cytoplasm and smooth ER doesnt; rough ER functions in protein synthesis; smoothe ER functions in lipid synthesis
endoplasmic reticulum
white blood cell characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic granules that become stained by an acid (eosin) dye
blistering congenital disease caused by defects in keratins 5 and 14 in the basal layer
epidermolysis bullosa
cellular tissue covering a free surface or lining a tube or cavity; it consisits of cells joined by small amounts of cementing substances. this tissue is classified into types based on how many layers deep it is and the shape of the superficial cells
a red blood cell that has hemoglobin to carry oxygen from lungs to tissues; during their formation in mammals, these lose their nuclei, but these of other vertebrates retain their nuclei
a layer of the ectoderm germ layer that supplies the skin
eternal ectoderm
composite material having both solid and liquid protein structures that serve as support materials and monitoring systems in the skin
extracellular matric (ECM)
strand of protoplasm produced by a cell and lying within the cell
peptide that stimulates fibroblasts to grow fibrocytes
fibroblast growth factor
cell that is not fully differentiated, makes the most abundant protein in the body called collagen, and originates from the mesenchymal tissye also known as a fibroblast
the component of the ectoderm known as the neural crest
fourth germ layer
a lipid component of the stratum corneum
free fatty acids
nerve endings in the skin without myelin sheathes
free nerve terminals
a stage of DNA synthesis; the resting cell
the part of interphase that is the time of active metabolism in the cell cycle; also known as Gap 1
the part of interphase after the synthesis of DNA and before the start of nuclear division; also known as GAp 2