Alimentary 6 Species differences Flashcards
What are your DDx for equine acute hemorrhagic colitis?
Clostridial colitis:
Equine Acute Clostridial Typhlocolitis
Equine monocytic ehrlichiosis
What must you rule out before you can diagnose Clostridiosis?
Equine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis
Pathophys behind NSAID causing hemorrhagic colitis
Where are the ulcers found?
NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin production which leads to mucosal damage and ulcerations—glandular stomach and RDC
Etiologic agent of equine monocytic ehrlichiosis
Neorickettsia risticii
Equine Monocytic ehrlichiosis whats the gross lesion look like?
congestion, petechia (tick dz causes clotting issues) SEVERE INTRAMURAL EDEMA, and hemorrhage of the cecum and colon with watery diarrhea
Whats a parasite of the horse that can be found at the cranial mesenteric artery, and what can this cause?
Strongylus vulgaris
causing arteritis, mural thrombosis and vascular occlusion
Multifocal nodular pyogranulomatous pneumonia is the common lesion in horses for?
Rhodococcus equi enteritis
What is a dz in horses that is similar to paratuberculosis dz in ruminants?
What does it look like?
Equine Granulomatous enteritis
Chronic diffuse granulomatous enteritis leading to thickening of intestines, malabsorptive diarrhea, hypoalbuminemia and wasting
What is a Dz in Horses that the CS are soft stools to diarrhea, hypoproteinemia, weight loss, and mild colic that is progressive and is suggestive of a HS rx.
Equine chronic eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
What is associated with numerous discrete foci of necrosis and hemorrhage through the GI tract, larynx, and sk m?
Anaphylactoid purpura
What is associated with numerous discrete foci of necrosis and hemorrhage through the GI tract, larynx, and sk m? Horses
Anaphylactoid purpura
What is the suspected pathogenesis of Anaphylactoid purpura?
HS III vasculitis secondary to step resp infection
BVD, what else is it called
whats the virus
what age does it effect
clinical presentation
Mucosal Dz
Pestivirus, 6mo - 2yrs
Subclinical to acute and severe enteritis dz, to the highly fatal mucosal dz
What is mucosal dz characterized by?
When can it be induced?
Profuse enteritis and ulcerative mucosal lesions
PI cattle become superinfected with cytopathic BVDV
What are your gross lesions for BVD?
Ulceration throughout the oral cavity and GI.
Mucosa over peyers patches may be hemorrhagic and necrotic
extensive necrosis of lymphoid tissues-GALT
What causes hairy shakers dz?
What does it look like?
Border virus
Hair lambs and kids
Congenital cerebellar cavitation
Why is border virus dz in this section?
It can develop ulcerative lesions similar to BVD
Etiologic agent for Cattle plague?
Lesions, and histologically?
Lesions similar to BVD but histologically may see intracytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusions as well as syncytial cells
Ulcerative and fibrinonecrotic stomatitis, tonsilitis, enteritis, and bronchinterstitial pneumona
Sheep and goats, Middle East, india, NA-not US.
Peste des petits ruminants PPR
CS: depression, fever, congested mucosa and necrotitic stomatitis. serious and then mucopurulent nasal and ocular discharges. severe diarrhea, soft then watery and foul smelling with blood and necrotic epithelium
What is the primary lesion for malignant catarrhal fever
vasculitis, with secondary multifocal ulceration and hemorrhage of mucosa
Lesion: catarrhal ileitis and jejunitis.
CS: acute diarrhea (hemorrhagic and severe), decreased milk production, depression, anorexia
Highly contagious nonfatal dz of adult cattle
Winter dysentery
occurs during the winter in northern latitudes
In what dz do CS not show up until 2 bc dz is slow progressing.
Lesions: intestines thickened and corrugated due to expansion of the lamina propria by granulomatous inflammation, granulomatous mesenteric lymphadenitis
How do you diagnose?
Paratuberculosis-Johnes dz
Acid fast stains
What is a fatal dz characterized by severe intraluminal and intramural hemorrhage and necrosis leading to a large luminal blood clot and obstuction of the jejunum?
Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome of diary cattle, or jejunal hemorrhagic syndrome
Clostridium perfringens TA
What are 2 abomasal parasites to remember? Characteristics, etc?
Haemonchus contortus-barber pole worm. severe anemia and hypoproteinemia that leads to edema in the subcutaneous tissue of the intermandibular space-bottle jaw.
ostertagia ostertagi-western stomach worm. 2 types. 1: summer. 2: winter-