Alimentary 4 - Intestines Flashcards
What are neoplasms called that arise from enteroendocrine cells?
Intestinal carcinoid
What type of cells in the intestine serve as portal of entry for some bacteria and viruses?
M cells
What are 5 defensive mechanisms of the intestinal tract?
Indigenous microflora
Intestinal motility
Epithelial turnover
bile salts
kupffer cells
Mucosal immunity
What is atresia?
atresia ani
atresia coli
Abnormal embryonic development resulting in lack of an intestinal segment and abnormal closure of a lumen
Whats a remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct/vitelline duct?
Persistant Meckels Diverticulum
Whats a congenital dz is well describe in white paint foals?
Congenital megacolon
What occurs due to developmental lack of myenteric plexus formation in the colon and rectum
Congenital megacolon
aka hirshsprungs dz
What gene is effected in Megacolon in white paint foals?
Homozygous mutation of the endothelin receptor type B gene (EDNRB)
What is an acquired megacolon secondary to?
Nerve damage
Trauma induced usually-hit by car.
What are your 3 main types of obstructions that can occur?
What are some causes of intraluminal obstructions?
FB Enteroliths Trichobezoars/phytobezoars Parasites Impaction
Intramural Obstructions are caused by? 2
Intestinal Strictures from salmonella, and secondary to injury or surgery
Primary neoplasms-adenomas/adenocarcinomas
Reasons for Extramural obstructions?
Fibrous adhesions
Pedunculated lipomas
abdominal neoplasias
What kind of Incarcerations and strangulations can happen in horses?
Epiploic foramen entrapment
Mesenteric tears
Pedunculated lipomas can cause strangulation of a segmented intestine
What are your 4 external heriations?
Whats it called when intestine twists on its mesenteric axis?
Whats it called when a rotation of a tubular organ along its long axis?
Whats it called when the colon can become entrapped by the renosplenic ligament that runs between the left kidney and spleen?
Renosplenic entrapment
Whats a right dorsal displacement?
Left D and V colons are displaced to the right of the cecum and may result in torsion of the displaced colonic segments
Whats is called when invagination of one intestinal segment into an adjacent segment?
What are some causes for intussusception?
Eneteritis, hypermotility, heavy parasite load, neoplasia, linear FB
whats it called when a function obstruction happens of the intestine due to hypomotility?
Paralytic Ileus or
Adynamic ileus
What is dysautonomia?
Grass Sickness
Colic in horses due to widespread degeneration and loss of autonomic ganglia causing marked reduction of GI motility which can lead to a functional intestinal obstruction and result in gastric and esophageal dialtion–colic
What kind of bacteria is associated with dysautonomia?
Clostridium Botulinum type C
C for colic
What areas of the intestines are predisposed to obstructions?
Ileocecal valve
Pelvic flexure
RDC into TC
When you have abdominal pain (colic), how do you need to differentiate it?
Non Stragnulation
What is the most commonly reported cause of PLE in dogs?
CS: diarrhea, steatorrhea, hypoproteinemia, and ascites
What breeds do you want to think about for Congenital lymphangiectasia?
Norwegien Lundehunds
What occurs secodnary to lymph obstruction cause by inflammatory or neoplastic dz? Occur in conjunction w/IBS
acquired lymphangiectasia