Alcohol and seditive abuse Flashcards
1. Describe the impact of alcohol and sedative/hypnotic use on individuals and society 2. Analyze a clinical scenario and choose the correct treatment for alcohol and sedative/hypnotic withdrawal 3. Analyze a clinical scenario and choose the correct treatment for alcohol dependence
def of binge drinking
4 (women)/5 (men) drinks in one occasion
def of heavy drinking
1(women)/2( men) drinks a day on average
are most binge drinkers Et OH dependant
% of men/women who will meet criteria for EtOH dependance at some point in their lives
17 men/8% women
most common drug in ED misuse/abuse cases
gender most likely to have sedative abuse
usually fatal BAC
sedatives with respiratory compromise by themselves
what must be given before glucose in an ER setting
why must thiamine must be given before glucose in ER
prevent wernicke’s
pathology of wernicke-korsakoff’s
atrophy of mammillary bodies/thalmus
sx of wernickes
confusion, 3/4 CN lesion signs, ataxia, coma/death
sx of korsakoff’s
amnesia, confabulation, hallucinations
NT acted upon by EtOH
GABAA, glutamate
why do you “black out” when drunk
decrease in glu functioning on NMDA receptors