AG MED - Hematopoietic Disorders 3 Flashcards
Water intoxication
Massive water intake causes _______ of body fluid and ______ of RBCs.
Often seen in ________.
Sudden decrease in _______.
Hypotonicity of body fluid; hemolysis of RBCs
Milk-reared calves when they are first given access to unlimited water
Clinical signs of water intoxication
Neuro signs - depression, convulsions, coma
Respiratory distress
Red urine
Water intoxication clin path and DX
Hemolytic anemia
** hemoglobinuria
Marked hyponatremia
Water intoxication - TX
Temporarily restrict water intake
Supportive care
Calves with Na < 110 mmol/L that are exhibiting neuro signs
- hypertonic saline, mannitol, corticosteroids
Restore Na to 120-125 mmol/L without overcorrection
Etiology of post-parturient hemoglobinemia
Seen in:
Development of signs:
Sporadically occurring and low incidence
High producing multiparous cows
First month after calving
Post-parturient hemoglobinemia pathophysiology
Very similar to ____.
Brassica spp and onion - oxidative stress
- major factor in developing RBC lysis
- impairs Na/K pump yielding increased fragility and decreased ATP production in RBC
- intravascular hemolysis
- copper and selenium deficiency
Clinical signs of post-parturient hemoglobinemia
Depression, decreased feed consumption, and decreased milk production
Dark red to port wine colored urine - hemoglobinuria
Post-parturient hemoglobinemia clin path and DX
- Heinz bodies
- erythropoietic response after 4-5 days
Low serum phosphorus
Post-parturient hemoglobinemia TX
Blood transfusion and supportive fluids
Correct hypophosphatemia
- Phosphate PO4 (not hypophosphite)
Oral phosphate salts - 200g monosodium phosphate
Correct dietary imbalance
Slow recovery
Three types of depression anemia
Nutritional deficiency
- iron
- copper
- cobalt, folate and vitamin B
Anemia of chronic disease
Anemia secondary to bone marrow dysplasia/dysfunction - Aplastic anemia
Iron deficiency anemia most often seen with:
Sources of iron:
Chronic blood loss
Bleeding GI lesions
Hemostatic defects
Forage and grains
Soil, dam’s feces and milk
Iron deficiency anemia clin path and DX
Low PCV with normal protein
Low hemoglobin, MCV, MCHC
Abnormal RBC morphology
- echinocytosis, keratocytosis, schistocytosis, acanthocytosis, ovalocytosis, hypoferritinemia, hypoferremia
Iron deficiency anemia TX
Correct causes for chronic blood loss
Oral iron-ferrous sulfate - red cell
Parenteral iron
- iron dextran for use ONLY IN PIGLETS
Copper deficiency resembles _____.
Primary vs secondary:
Iron deficiency
Primary - milk-fed animals or pastured in copper deficient areas
Secondary - trace mineral imbalances
- excess molybdenum
- sulfur and zinc content in diet
Clinical signs of copper deficiency
Reduced growth rate
Rough and depigmented hair
Osteoporosis with spontaneous fractures
Enzootic ataxia in lambs