AG MED - GI - Coccidiosis Flashcards
Coccidiosis is a disease caused and influenced primarily by what?
Coccidiosis etiology & prepatent periods
Sheep and goats:
Cattle: Eimeria zuernii, Eimeria bovis, Eimeria ellipsoidalis
Sheep and Goats: Eimeria spp.
Camelids: Eimeria spp.
Prepatent periods vary with species
Is coccidiosis a “normal” inhabitant of the adult GIT
What age of ruminants are most affected by coccidiosis?
Are mild or severe infections most common?
How does infection affect immunity?
Growing ruminants (less than a year old)
Mild infections most common
Host essentially immune after infection
Describe the life cycle of Eimeria spp. and Isospora spp. (the causative agent of coccidiosis)
Invasion and release of various stages of Eimeria spp. results in:
Damage to host intestinal cells
As cells rupture, damage results in loss of:
- blood
- fluid
- albumin
- electrolytes
Coccidiosis relationships to consider:
Amount of damage is proportional to ________
Which is proportional to ____________
Which is a reflection of _____________
Coccidiosis - Clinical signs
What signs do most animals exhibit?
What are signs of acute disease?
Etiologic agents in calf diarrhea:
Less than one week of age:
0-4+ weeks of age (3):
Less than one week - two weeks:
1-4 weeks of age:
2.5+ weeks of age:
Less than one week old: E. Coli
0-4+ weeks old: Clostridial, Salmonella, Campylobacter
Less than one week to two weeks: Rotavirus
1-4 weeks old: Coronavirus
2.5+ weeks old: Coccidiosis
Coccidiosis - Clinical signs
What are clinical signs of chronic disease?
How long might it take for the gut to return to normal function? What might you see during this time?
What are signs of nervous coccidiosis?
What is the mortality rate?
What is the pathophysiology of nervous coccidiosis?
Coccidiosis - Clinical pathology
Which animals exhibit baseline shedding?
Which animals USUALLY shed large numbers of oocysts?
Coccidiosis - postmortem
- Hemorrhagic ___________
- Villous __________
- Acute to chronic _____________
- ______________ on Hematoxylin & Eosin sections; exception is _________________.
Name three drug options for treating coccidiosis.
What are the risks with each?
In addition to drugs, what are three additional treatment avenues to consider with coccidiosis?