AG 304-General Regulation Flashcards
AG 304-01 Order of rank (12/17/21)
Police department chaplain and surgeons have rank of _______
Senior UMOS in assigned RMP OR on foot at the scene will direct and coordinate police actions.
IF assigned sector OR foot patrol not on scene then senior UMOS is in charge.
Once supv is at scene they are in charge
(So if foot patrol and ASSIGNED RMP show up on scene then senior member will be in charge! IF they’re both delayed (or no foot post available) then senior member FIRST on scene will take charge)
Order of rank _______
Chief of dept Bureau chief Assistant chief Deputy chief Inspector Deputy inspector
3 304-02 Courtesies (12/17/21)
MOS must tender and return hand salute as prescribed by US Army regulations to ______ OR _______IN CIVILIAN CLOTHES .
Supervisor officer in uniform but Supervisor who are not in uniform DO NOT need to be saluted.
MOS should also salute supv officer in uniform, desk when entering command, United States flag as it passes and while national anthem is playing (IF flag not visible salute band)
Salute is not required at large assemblages EXCEPT when addressed by OR addressing a Supv.
Supervisory officers should return salutes promptly
MOS must remove hat and stand at attention in office of __________ and order attention for the arrival of a ___________
The PC or ANY Deputy commissioner in civilian clothes (DCLM, DCPI, DCSC, etc.)
P.C, Deputy Commissioner And Captain or above
DI or above enters room unless otherwise directed
3 AG 304-02 Courtesies (12/17/21)
Flag will be flown at half mass at command Of MOS how long when MOS is killed in LOD? ________
WHEN will flag will be flown at half mass at commands not belonging to MOS who died in LOD?
Flag will be flown at half mass at command Of MOS how long when MOS dies NOT in LOD? __________
WHEN will flag be flown at half mass at commands not belonging to MOS who died NOT IN LOD?
Other Members, PC or Deputy Commissioner-as Directed by the PC or COD.
From time of death to 10 days after funeral
From time of death till day after funeral
Day of funeral
Flag will not be flown at half mass
3 AG 304-03 Compliance with orders (12/17/21)
NEW”- Be familiar with contents of the Department Manual.
ALL MOS (INCLUDING CIVILLINS!!!!) whose license is suspended, revoked, or not renewed must notify _______
(ALL UMOS must have drivers license HOWEVER only Civilian members who are authorized to operate a dept vehicle also must have a valid drivers license)
The DMV WILL send a WEEKLY printout of the names of Dept. members with suspended, revoked, or expired DL directly to the IAB. The IAB will assign a log number and assess the allegations in accordance with IAB procedures. If appropriate, a copy will be faxed directly to a concern member’s CO.
C.O will ensure a DMV inquiry AND a Warrant Check for each UMOS is conducted on a SEMIANNUAL basis. AG 304-02 in addition, CO concerned will ensure that an inquiry and warrant check as performed for UMOS is conducted for all Civilian Members assigned to the Command.
MOS can Apply for interview with _________ in writing (INCLUDE SQUAD AND CHART) ONLY WHEN action/relief can’t be obtained by other means.
MOS must keep a combination lock WITHOUT SERIAL NUMBER
3 stickers inside of your locker are _______
2 stickers outside your locker are _______
(Stickers are affixed to the outside and inside of the lockers if the command has not undergone locker room Renovation)
Request new dept stickers from _________
Notify C.O
Gun safety (inside)
Seatbelt (inside)
Health and Wellness (inside)
Police don’t move (outside)
Proper tactics save lives (outside)
Operations coordinator
2 AG 304-04 Fitness for duty (12/17/21)
MOS must be fit for duty at all times EXCEPT ___________
MOS also has an absolute responsibility to remain fit for duty while in possession of firearm. Bringing alcohol in to dept facility or vehicle is (if not in performance of duty) a schedule ___ CD.
MOS should know unfit while armed is a charge in the trial room and they will impose strict punitive actions. However if an MOS misuses a firearm while unfit(alcohol ) the dept will ________
Duty in Civilian clothes MOS may consume alcohol on duty, due to assignment, with permission granted by ___________
“B” CD
FIRE YOU! (However P.C can make exceptions-not an absolute rule)
Bureau chief (Chief of patrol/housing/transit)
2 AG 304-04 Fitness for duty (12/17/21)
MOS should know during probationary period the dept can give you a breathalyzer on or off duty, whether driving or not driving. However if an MOS pleads guilty to DWI in a trial room MOS will get __________
Pleads guilty to DWI and causes SPI the dept will ___________
(MOS are urged to self report alcohol problems before they are responsible for a serious incident. MOS are encouraged to call helpline OR POPPA, which are confidential. MOS may also be referred to counseling services unit by supervisors. Members participating in any of these programs will not jeopardize their promotional opportunities)
-Members should not drink alcohol up to 4 hours prior to tour of duty.
Dismissal probation
Fire you! (Absent exigent)
3 AG 304-05 Performance on duty
Remain on post until properly relieved EXCEPT for police necessity, personal necessity, or meal period.
Take meal period in Police Facility, a Bona Fide restaurant or Department Vehicle.
CMOS and UMOS who do not possess a shield number are required to Utilize their Tax registry Number on Dept forms when a “Shield No” is required (NEW)
MOS should know to make corrections with ink lines through incorrect material and initial, and put correction immediately ABOVE.
MOS may use cell phone (instead of radio) for lengthy or personal info.
MOS may use “Do” for ditto.
MOS MUST notify ______ before leaving post, and IF POSSIBLE make A/L entry.
However upon return MOS MUST notify ______ and ALWAYS make ______ (You don’t have to make A/L entry when leaving post, but you must make entry when returning to post)
When answering a 311 job MOS must notify _________ and immediately give disposition to ________ AND _______
Deliver recovered property, property removed from a prisoner, or property removed from an emotionally disturbed, intoxicated or incapacitated person, to the Desk Officer of the precinct where obtained UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED!!! (Not absolute)
TS and always make A/L entry
Central of 10-61 job
Dispatcher AND D.O
**If services rendered in other command notify DO of that other command. **
3 AG 304-05 Performance on duty (12/17/21)
Civilian MOS are MANDATED to put _______ on dept form even if not required.
MOS must sign dept forms/report with _________
MOS must carry helmet, when in uniform, performing RMP duties in the________
All other members will keep their helmets in their lockers where they will be readily accessible.
MOS should also know to wear disorder control/scooter helmet at your own discretion when there’s no boss. Or at bosses direction when one is around and carry the helmet on ________ or _________
For locker and bathroom inspection (opposite sex) desk officers must announce presence EXCEPT IN EMERGENCY. Have member of appropriate sex present, IF PRACTICABLE. Check interrupted patrol log. And in regards to the dorm the D.O will inform inspecting officer if dorm is being used prior to inspection, and the D.O makes _____________ for MOS using dorm and reason.
-Appearances, When UMOS below Captain, you will assign to 2nd platoon.
-when your RDO-start tour 0900
-regular tour-start tour 0800
For- Subpoena or directed to attend:
•ANY COURT (except personal cases) and GRAND JURY
Tax #
Full first name, middle initial, and surname.
Trunk of RMP
Gun (Duty) Belt OR put within “sight and sound of the scene” (vehicle, premise, or with another MOS is fine)
3 AG 304-06 Performance on duty-prohibited conduct (12/17/21)
- MOS should know Card games or other games of chance are prohibited while in DEPARTMENT FACILITY.
- Electronic devices (personal gaming, MP3, Bluetooth) are also considered PROHIBITED CONDUCT.
- Wearing or carrying or using unauthorized radio while on duty OR making unauthorized radio transmission IS PROHIBITED
- Using dept letterhead, personnel, equipment, resources, or supplies for any non-dept purpose OR non-city purpose is STRICTLY PROHIBITED
- Making an unauthorized radio transmission is PROHIBITED
-Don’t be unfit for duty unless out sick
-Cell phone use is ok when _______ (3 times)
-Making false official statements (criminal, civil, GO-15, dept reports) you’ll be fired BUT exceptions made by _____
-No entering premises serving intoxicants except for ______ or ________
-No carrying package/umbrella/cane while in uniform except in performance of duty
-No recommending/steering business to customer or vice Vera except when conducting personal affairs
-No allowing payment for recovery of lost/stolen property except _________as provided by law for recovered stolen vehicles.
-No illegal gambling anywhere except in performance of duty
-No using dept logo unless authorized by ________
-Using personal electronic device (cell phone, camera) to record any police encounter (audio, video, photo) IS PROHIBITED except for authorized body cameras with prior supv authorization.
- Riding in any vehicle, other than a Department vehicle to which assigned, while in uniform, EXCEPT when authorized or in an emergency (sergeants
and police officers only).
-NO Soliciting, collecting or receiving money for any such as Political Fund, Club, Association, Society,Committee UNLESS Approved by ______.
Reporting for duty and/or end of tour via “______” on a regular basis . A) members will not report for duty and / or end of tour within their pct of residence unless approved CO
(MORE to this list but these are the important ones)
Meal, dept business, or authorized.
Meal OR performance of duty
Towing fees
Outside Wire
3 AG 304-07 Performance on duty-personal appearance (12/17/21)
-Shoes must be shined and will not display a visible name/logo
-When in uniform hair cannot reach eyebrows or collar
-ANY designs shaved into a UMOS hair are prohibited (includes plainclothes)
-Long hair must be gathered under cap without use of ponytail, and cap must go square on head without visible bulk
-No hair is to show beneath visor of hat. Hair will not be worn so that it falls over eyebrows or reaches collar.
-Hair scarves, beads, bows, large decorative fabric elastic bands, large plastic clips, or “ornamental” items are prohibited (INCLUDES PLAINCLOTHES!)
(The length and bulk of hair should NOT interfere with wearing of uniform headgear, INCLUDING emergency equipment)
-Fingernails must be neatly trimmed, no more than 1/4 inch from fingertip. Natural/conservative color w/ no designs or decorations
-Cosmetics must be conservative in color and amount
-Eyewear must be conservative, no neon frames, and eye straps are optional but if worn MUST BE BLACK.
-No visible earrings, necklaces, bracelets (medic alert is ok), or body piercings IN UNIFORM (Does not apply to plainclothes)
-Watchbands must be conservative color (such as Navy , black, brown, white metal, yellow metal,), rings must be generally smooth (no raised stones, jagged edges) while IN UNIFORM (Does not apply to plainclothes)
(So plainclothes MOS are allowed to wear rings with raised stones AND wear earrings/necklaces/bracelets/body piercings. Plainclothes are also allowed to have a ponytail HOWEVER plainclothes cannot have bows, large plastic clips, elastic bands in hair)
- MOS can’t use tobacco, chewing gum, or toothpicks unless _______ or _________
- Tattoos must be covered by uniform, business attire, or neutral colored skin covering unless hired BEFORE _______ OR limited exception may be granted by __________ due to nature of assignment. (Don’t have to carry approval letter for tattoos while in uniform)
- Approval must be filled in the Member’s Personnel Folder.
- In regards to beards, there are 2
exceptions. religious, nature of assignment (see next notecard) - Ponytails are strictly prohibited while in uniform, but plainclothes can wear ponytail
- Hat must be worn only when ________ (3 times), but if riding in vehicle may remove hat. (All other times uniform hat must be worn except when there is exigent circumstances)
Any designs shaved into a uniformed member’s ______/______ are prohibited
In plainclothes OR
While in uniform in a private area
Hired BEFORE Jan 1, 2007
MOS C.O in writing
Foot patrol, traffic posts, details
4 AG 304-07Performance on duty-Personal appearance (12/17/21)
All UMOS, members assigned to the Traffic Enforcement District,School Safety Division who are authorized to wear a duty uniform, to Grow a BEARD up to 1/2 inch in length.
Written approval for beards must be carried by all UNIFORMED MEMBERS OF SERVICE. Two written approvals are for , religious or nature of assignment.
For religious purposes UMOS must have written approval from_________
-requesting MOS will prepare “Reasonable Accommodation Request For Religious Practices or Observances and submit to the ______.
For nature of assignment UMOS must have written approval from___________
(Remember if performing duty in plainclothes -barriers detail- then you DO NOT need to carry approval because you’re not in uniform!!)
- No goatee or chinstrap unless it’s due to nature of assignment*
Keep sideburns neatly trimmed and not extending below bottom of earlobe
Have mustache neatly trimmed, not extending beyond, or dropping below corners of mouth
RELIGIOUS - NO religious accommodation shall be necessary for up to 1/2inch but excess 1/2inch must need approval from EEOD(new)
***Remember for tattoos you DONT need to carry approval in uniform due to nature of assignment BUT for beards must carry approval in uniform **
4 AG 304-07Performance on duty-Personal appearance (12/17/21)
Police officers/detectives assigned to subway patrol OR TEA assigned to street enforcement FOR THEIR ENTIRE TOUR have the option of NOT wearing hat during period of ___________, and also have the option of wearing “transit summer uniform”
“Transit summer uniform” includes cargo shorts hemmed to top of knee, black leather uniform athletic shoe with no visible markings (no more than _____ lace grommets), black cotton socks ______ inches above ankle bone. Socks must be visible.
Warm weather (June 1- oct 1)
3-5 inches
4 304-07Performance on duty-Personal appearance (12/17/21)
When transferred to BMOC for promotion your current C.O completes uniform checklist form. And YOU BRING IT TO BMOC and give it to __________. Keep form and on promotion day hand to member of _______ who will inspect again.
Keep fingernails neatly trimmed and extending no more than ______ inch from the fingertip.
A) any raised, ornamented accessories that are worn or affixed to nails are prohibited (_______,_______,etc)
C.O of leadership training section.
Personnel bureau
Rhinestone, jewelry
AG 304-11 Compliance with NYC right to know act (12/17/21)
Courtesy and clearly state rank, name, shield number and command to anyone who requests you to do so. (NEW)Carry appropriate amount of pre-printed RIGHT TO KNOW BUSINESS CARDS….
(Undercovers and UMOS operating in operational support of UC OR CI are exempt from carrying business cards)
Be courteous and respectful
LAW Enforcement Activities- For the purpose of this procedure,a business card is to be offered for a law enforcement activity, except in cases when a SUMMONS is issued or an ARREST is made, As Follows:
A) Noncustodial questioning of individual suspected of criminal activity (Level 2 Encounter)
B) Stop where an officer has an individualized , reasonable suspicion that the person stopped has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime and where a reasonable person would not feel free to end the encounter (Level 3 Encounter)
C) Frisk (Level 3 Encounter)
D) Search of persons or property, include vehicle
E) Roadblock or check point stop, including checkpoints related to enforcement of article 31 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law ( Alcohol and Drug-related Offenses), but not including planned security checks of vehicles at sensitive location or street closures for public events or emergencies
F) Home Search
G) ASSIGNED Detective ONLY: First in -Person Questioning of victims and / or witnesses to a crime.
Explain reason for law enforcement activities, unless providing this information would impair a criminal investigation or exigent circumstances are present ( physical resistance, flight, imminent danger of physical injury or damage to property or other factors make such procedures impractical
Make ACTIVITY LOG entry including pertinent information regarding law enforcement activities as per PG 212-11 “ investigative Encounters: request for Information, Common Law Right of Inquiry and Level 3
New AG 304-11
2 203-10 Prohibited conduct
Do not have an interest/association OR patronize a ________ (GDASS) club
- Don’t join a political club in _______ (may join one outside your command)
- Don’t join a school board in ________(may join one outside city)
- MAY join a community board, just can’t be on public safety committee or vote on a police matters
- Don’t make political endorsement while on duty in uniform, except with permission of ______
- Do not KNOWINGLY associate with a person who advocates hatred/oppression based on race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, OR a person who disseminates defamatory material, OR engages in criminal activity.
(304-23): TRUE, Prior to having a fundraising event or posting advertisements concerning the event, the C.O will prepare a request to the DC,Internal Affairs, and forward through channels.
Do not wear any command related merchandise or NYPD related merchandise, ON OR OFF DUTY, UNIFORM OR CIVILIAN UNLESS approved by ______
Do not possess or display police shield, ID card , dept logo or similar object except as authorized by _______
Gambling Drugs After hours Social club Smoke shop (EXCEPT IN LINE OF DUTY)
Your command (political club)
The City (school board)