215 "Juveniles" Flashcards
3 215-00 Care of a Dependent Child
(5/24/22) (skip skip)
(To obtain care for a dependent child UNDER _____ due to arrest, hospitalization, or death of a P/G)
UMOS should FIRST inquire if relative OR friend will provide care.
UMOS should then notify ______ ONLY IF care cannot be be provided
Process as “child requiring shelter”
Prepare aided
D.O should notify ________ (9-5) OR __________ (after hours)
D.O should first request ACS to send a rep to SH to transport child.
If ACS can’t transport assign a FEMALE UMOS,
if unavailable send other UMOS to escort to shelter
If child is left with relative/friend residing in household the D.O notifies ________
If child is left with relative/friend NOT residing in household the D.O forwards copy of _________ to _________ IN PCT WHERE CHILD IS LOCATED.
ACS Boro field office (9-5)
ACS emergency children services (after hours)
Computerized Aided to
Youth officer
4 215-02 Lost Child
FIRST STEP- UMOS should first notify (1)_______ and _______
SECOND STEP- UMOS should make brief inquiry in vicinity of place where found
UMOS should then bring child to command IF RELATIVE not located AND prepare AIDED REPORT.
The D.O should FIRST call (2)______ with description of lost child and subsequently notify (3)______ if lost child is moved to another location.
D.O also completes captions on Aided and PROCESSES AIDED
The D.O then assigns a female UMOS, if available to watch child in command, or other UMOS when necessary
Regarding the lost child, D.O should notify (4) _______.
If child not claimed in reasonable time then D.O should notify (5)_______
If cases of a lost child that involves abuse, neglect, maltreatment, or abandonment, the (6)_____ should prepare “ REPORT of 61 , SCAM and AIDED”
(For a regular lost child (7)_______ just prepares an aided)
D.O should notify (8) ____if abused, neglected, maltreated or abandoned child is 11 AND OLDER
D.O should notify (9)_____ if abused, neglected, maltreated or abandoned child 10 AND UNDER OR if there is any allegation of sex crime
(1) D.O and Radio dispatcher
(2) MPS
(3) MPS
(4) YCO
(5) ACS
(6) D.O
(7) UMOS
(8) PDS
(9) SVU
5 215-03 Suspected child abuse maltreatment (5/24/22)
UMOS should prepare (1)__________ and ________ and submit it to the (2)_____
D.O should have a 61 prepared marked (3)”___________”
D.O should review worksheet and have typewritten SCAM prepared by (4)__________
1- D.O should telephone facts to (5)_______
(If they refuse to accept the case document that in (6)________)
- Police officers are mandated to report child abuse and neglect to the NYS Central Registry of Child
2- Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) borough field office (0900-1700 hours) or ACS
Emergency Children’s Services after business hours, AND
3- ACS Instant Response Team (IRT) Coordinator
D.O Review Report of Suspected Child Abuse Or Maltreatment for accuracy and completeness.
D.O Obtain registry number and enter on Report of Suspected Child Abuse Or Maltreatment in box captioned
“State Registry Number.”
D.O Forward Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment in a sealed envelope with next Department mail.
(1) SCAM (Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment) and DIR
(2) D.O
(3) “Investigate child abuse”
(4) Command clerk
(5) NYS child abuse and maltreatment center (state central registry)
(6) Telephone record
5 215-03 Suspected child abuse maltreatment (5/24/22)
(Upon making a reasonable determination that a child has been, is believed to be, or may be abused, neglected or maltreated….
Removal procedure w/o court order)
UMOS request response of (1)______.
(UMOS providing a police escort for ACS caseworkers to households where guns, drugs, etc. may be present and/or violent incidents have been reported, must request the response of the P/S to their location)
UMOS can take child before boss arrives ONLY IF imminent danger AND with parental/guardian consent.
Wait for boss IF you do not have consent.
** If P/C Exists That a Crime Has Been Committed Against a Child by a Family Member**
UMOS can arrest if probable cause exists
(UMOS should advise the non-abusing parent/legally responsible person of availability of shelter and other services)
(The NON-ABUSING parent/legally responsible person will be encouraged to contact (2)______ for services to assist child.)
(UMOS should remove child to command!! Except IF medical attention is required then remove to hospital)
The P/S should authorize removal w/o parental consent IF imminent danger to child’s life/health AND (3)_______________
The P/S should DIRECT “notice of removal” to be served or affixed IF child removed without a court order.
(COP PREPARES “Notice of Removal”)
If “notice of removal” is affixed to door then the cop should also MAIL it in (4)_______
(IF child was removed from OTHER than residence and parent/legally responsible person has NOT been notified, then the D.O will direct the UMOS to respond to residence to serve “notice of removal” OR /and mail)
The D.O should process kid as “children or minor requiring shelter”
D.O should secure shelter for child.
D.O s advises parent/person legally responsible to call ACS (0900-1700!) or ACS emergency children services (after hours) if additional info is required
We NEVER return the kid to the home IF child is a victim of a crime or abused by P/G
UMOS (cop) calls (5)________ if child is removed from a household by police personnel
UMOS (cop) calls (6)___________ IF we made an arrest in connection with abuse/neglect of a child.
(The detective calls them if we took 61 and they’re investigating)
If child is removed WITHOUT a court order UMOS (cop) does (7)_____________ (6 reports) / YCO following documents in each folder..
If child is removed WITH a court order UMOS (cop) does (8)_________ (3 reports)
(DONT FORGET 215-02, In cases in which a “lost child” is abused/neglected/maltreated the D.O will prepare 61, SCAM and Aided)
HOWEVER If chief of detectives calls and has pct investigate, we do 61 (if necessary) but DO NOT do the SCAM
(A person under 18 whose physical, mental or
emotional condition has been impaired or is in imminent danger of becoming impaired as a result of the failure of his P/G is considered a (9) “___________” Examples of this is when the child’s parent/guardian ABANDONS him OR fails to exercise a minimum degree of care in supplying the child with adequate food, clothing, shelter or education OR infliction of excessive corporal punishment OR by misusing a drug or drugs/alcoholic beverages to the extent that he loses self-control of his actions)
(An (10) "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" is considered to be a child less than eighteen years of age whose P/G commits or allows to be committed a sex offense against the child OR inflicts or allows to be inflicted PI by other than accidental means which would be likely to cause death, or serious or protracted disfigurement, or protracted impairment of physical or emotional health, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ)
(An (11)”____________” is considered to be a child less than eighteen years of age who has had SPI inflicted upon him by other than accidental means”
(1) P/S
(2) Safe horizons
(3) There is no time to get a court order.
(4) 24 hours
(7) 61, SCAM(Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment ) ,DIR, AIDED, Notice of removal, Affidavit
(8) 61, SCAM (Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment ), DIR
5 215-03 Suspected child abuse maltreatment (524/22)
In regards to the SCAM report, the _____ should forward ORIGINAL and 2nd copy in next dept mail to “ADMINISTRATION for CHILDREN’S Services (ACS) Field office in BORO WHERE CHILD RESIDES
(If child resides outside city OR children who DO NOT reside with Parents/Persons legally responsible then D.O fwds ORIGINAL and 2nd copy of SCAM report to ________)
D.O fwds third copy of SCAM and worksheet to _______
D.O obtain registry number and enter on Report of SCAM in Box captioned “STATE Registry Number” and forward report of SCAM in a sealed envelope next Dept mail.
IF civilian case worker decides on removal (w/o court order) we WILL NOT dispute or reverse their decision
Manhattan field office, ACS
5 215-03 Suspected child abuse maltreatment (5/24/22)
In regards to the DIR the cop gives pink copy to C/V and puts ICAD # from RR
Youth Strategies Division (YSD) maintain a file folder in a secured cabinet for each report of SCAM received. YSD forward copy of SCAM to ______ of Pct of residence, if other than Pct of occurrence.
(Remember NO aided if child is removed WITH A COURT ORDER)
The youth officer pct of residence gives SCAM report a serial number and enters results of investigation on REAR of SCAM and forwards to YSD.
The DVPO reviews DIRS for accuracy and completeness. DVPO forward copy of DIR to Pct PDS squad. And also forward DIR & copy SCAM , when attached to DV SGT to Maintain Files. DVPO Monitors at-risk locations and victims. Relays info of any other offenses committed within the household from where child was removed to _______ AND ________.
(WE NEVER give ACS sealed records unless ordered by superior court)
(WE NEVER tell ACS ID of adult sex victim unless it’s ok by victim in writing)
10-75F- _______
10-68A- _______
Radio code signals to report child abuse are: 10-90J1- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 10-90J2-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 10-92J-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 10-93J-\_\_\_\_\_\_
YCO AND assigned Detective squad investigator
10-75F-Home visit 10-68A-ACS escort 10-90J1- DIR made, no offense 10-90J2- DIR made, unfounded 10-92J- DIR made, Arrest 10-93J-DIR/61 prepared
5 215-03 Suspected child abuse maltreatment (5/23/22)
The “notice of removal” (prepared by cop) is served to parents, if they aren’t home then cop should AFFIX IT TO DOOR AND MAIL IT IN 24 HOURS.
D.O Review Report of Suspected Child Abuse Or Maltreatment for accuracy and completeness.
D.O Secure shelter for child.
D.O Countersign Affidavit of Service of Notice of Right to Hearing and forward to Family Court of borough
wherein removal occurred within 24 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays.
D.O Ensure that Affidavit indicates whether Notice was served personally, affixed to door and copy mailed to
residence, or whether residence could not be determined after reasonable investigation. D.O Forward copy of Affidavit and Notice to precinct Youth Coordination Officer.
* REMEMBER “Aided”, “Affidavit” and “Notice of Removal” are only prepared when we remove child WITHOUT a court order*
(Any questions relating to the release of info to ACS should be directed to _______)
Legal bureau
2 215-04 Family court warrant for child abuse/neglect
(REMOVAL WITH A COURT ORDER…. Family court judge decides to remove child from home)
The warrant officer calls desk to inform him that they need to remove a child.
The D.O puts initial call from warrant cop at family court in ________.
D.O then sends “RMP” crew to execute, and calls same warrant cop back to give results.
The “RMP crew” should make collar.
Take child, collar or not, and send child ___________, if in session!
If closed then process as “child requiring shelter”.
IF YOU CANT FIND ANYONE, conduct an investigation.
Do a DIR no matter what, and tell D.O (so he can call back warrant cop)
The Boro warrant cop (only gets involved when collar made by other than MOS) responds to residence and investigates. IF warrant cop collars he makes DIR.
DVPO- Review NYSDIR for accuracy and completeness.
DVPO- Forward copy of NYSDIR to ______ investigator
DVPO- Forward NYSDIR to DV SGT to maintain in file.
DVPO- Monitor at-risk locations and victims.
DVPO- Contact complainants and advise them of their rights and the availability of shelter.
* REMEMBER NO “Notice of removal” and NO “Affidavit” prepared for removal WITH a court order*
Telephone record
DIRECT to family court (if in session)
precinct detective squad
215-22 “Official requests for assistance from ACS child protective specialists”
We will assist ACS child protective specialists to remove child ONLY AFTER a complaint has been lodged with ___________ AND they are:
- Executing an “order of entry”
- Executing a “child removal order”
- Executing a warrant
- Conducting an emergency removal
- Child protective specialists are concerned for their personal safety
CPS is required to provide us with the reason for request AND a cell phone #. (THATS IT!)
UMOS dispatched should FIRST give dispatcher 10-84 code then LOCATE ACS-CPS and CONFER with them, determine reason for requesting police response and obtain a copy of removal/entry order on warrant (if there is one). Request response of \_\_\_\_\_. UMOS should make A/L entry with: -ACS specialists name -Specific purpose of Request -ACS case #
UMOS should also ENSURE safety of all persons present and aid in carrying out entry/removal order.
(WE AID ACS child protective specialists IN CARRYING OUT ENTRY/REMOVAL ORDERS!!!!!!!)
The P/S should respond and confer with UMOS and CPS. If possible determine if there’s an open case w/ PDS, SVU or child abuse squads. P/S should review court order, and determine if additionals are needed.
(When ACS child protection specialist appears at police facility the D.O will ENSURE communications is notified and radio code ______ is dispatched. The D.O will direct child protection specialist to the scene to await arrival of patrol response.)
State central registry
10-68A- “Request for assistance from ACS child protective specialists”
215-05 Runaway children
A runaway is NYS resident UNDER ___ yrs old
UMOS should take child in to custody and remove to command.
The D.O should FIRST then interview runaway child and D.O notifies _______ IN ALL CASES!!!!
(Remember in regards to lost child the D.O notifies MPS as well)
The D.O should contact _______ to pick up child in reasonable time.
If P/G can’t come in reasonable time OR it would endanger child to release to P/G then D.O should arrange for shelter.
UMOS should prepare _____ and______ (w/ _______)
UMOS should generate computerized duplicate of aided and fwd to ____ VIA DEPT MAIL
UMOS should notify ______
If P/G located outside city for a runway child have P/G notify the local cops that child has been found.
IF ACS can’t transport assign a female UMOS (if available) to escort to shelter.
(NO ONE NOTIFIES D.O FOR RUNAWAY CHILD! But remember for a lost child first thing UMOS does is notify dispatcher and D.O)
Notify MPS
Contact P/G
Aided and Juvenile report (w/scratch 61)
Fwd to MPS
Notify Youth officer
3 215-01 Child or Minor requiring care and/or shelter (5/24/22)
If less than (1)____ years old and requires shelter due to being:
- Abandoned by P/G
- Neglected by P/G
- Abused by P/G or other adult member of household
- Dependent due to arrest/97H/DOA of P/G
- Sick/injured/lost/stranded and resides out of city and parents cannot arrange for return to residence
UMOS Consult with parent/guardian, relative or friend to determine if child has a medical, behavioral, or psychological condition, secure any required medication, and comply with P.G. 216-01, ‘Aided Cases General Procedure’ and/or P.G. 221-13, ‘Mentally Ill or Emotionally Disturbed Persons,’ as necessary. UMOS Notify (2)\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, if relative or friend are not readily available.
UMOS should bring child to command, if CAC (Child Advocacy Center) is closed or relative or friend are unavailable and notify (3)________.(Ex: mom is 97H, then Child has to take it to CAC and Remain with the Child until pick up by friends , relative or ACS 9-7 M-F.) before remove to Command.
When a dept of education employee transfers custody of a child to dept for sole purpose of having ACS provide shelter (4) ______ should notify (5)_______ IMMEDIATELY!
UMOS should Make A/L entry with all details and prepare AIDED Report.
If child/minor requiring care and/or shelter has been abused, neglected, maltreated, or requires shelter, make notifications as follows:1,2,3
1- New York State Child Abuse and Maltreatment Register (State Central Registry), AND If the State Central Registry refuses to accept a case, enter the time and name of person contacted in the “Telephone Record”.
- If the State Central Registry refuses to accept a case, where child/minor requires shelter, contact
ACS BORO Field Office First, Monday thru Friday (0900-1700 hours), or after business hours, ACS
Emergency Children’s Services and ACS IRT Coordinator.
2- The UMOS should notify (6)___________ (9-5) or (7)__________ (after hours) AND
3- ACS Instant Response Team(IRT) Coordinator.
UMOS Confer with ACS Emergency Children’s Services if CAC is closed and relative or friend are not available, and request representative be sent to command to provide necessary transportation to shelter.
Assign female UMOS or other available UMOS to escort child to shelter, if ACS Emergency Children’s
Services is unable to provide transportation.
D.O ensure notification are made, as appropriate.
D.O Forward copy of computerized Aided Report to Youth Coordination Officer in command where child is located, if child/minor is left with relative or friend not residing in household.
When notified by ACS that a child has been removed w/o police assistance in the absence of P/G, the P/G will NOT be informed of child location but will be directed to contact the caseworker.
(A person 18 AND OLDER who is stranded w/o shelter will be referred to “Emergency assistance unit of Human Resources administration”. )
*(IF kid is lost (215-02) the (8)______ tells the YCO
IF kid is under 16 and a runway (215-05) OR ABANDONED/neglected/abused/etc and REQUIRES SHELTER (under 18) then the (9)_____ notifies the youth officer)
^^(No one notified D.O for RUNAWAY child OR for child or minor requiring shelter. And in both these procedures UMOS (cop) notifies YCO)^^
(1) 18
(2) P/S & ACS(Administration for Children’s Services )
(3) YCO
(4) UMOS (cop)
(5) School safety division, operation center
(6) ACS Borough field office (9-5)
(7) ACS emergency children’s services (after hours)
(8) D.O
(9) COP
215-11 Arrest of a child unlawfully in certain LICENSED premise
Actually or apparently UNDER ______ INSIDE public dance hall, cabaret, catering establishment, bars and grills, skating rinks, theaters.
UMOS should ascertain age of child and determine if presence is unlawful. If so take child in to “protective custody” and arrest proprietor OR person in charge.
(Issues Summons in lieu of Arrest IF premise is a _______ or _____ or _______)
If child is city resident, UMOS should escort them to ______.
Inform P/G of unlawfulness, question them concerning reason and advise of legal responsibilities
Non-city resident treat as “child requiring shelter”
(215-06 UMOS brings child in to command and notifies youth officer, D.O notifies ACS/ACS-ECS (after hours)
Prepare JRSW and Scratch 61 and submit to_______
(In “details section” include Occupation of parent/guardian AND Statements of parent/guardian)
The D.O should check and sign JRSW and scratch 61 and process in normal manner (D.O ONLY DUTY IN THIS PROCEDURE!)
^(Scratch 61 is required in these cases!)^
Pool or billiard parlor or bowling alley
Their home!
3 215-07 Truants (5/24/22)
A truant is a minor not in compliance with the attendance requirement of the NYC Department of Education Regulations of the Chancellor.
A truant is a child who turns ___ before December 31 (must be in school in the preceding sept) OR student who turns _____ on or after July 1st (must be in school until next June 30)
Exceptions include minors who have graduated H.S, students who have earned GED, or student 16, 17 who have been issued a full time employment certificate.
The “YOUTH REFERRAL REPORT LOG” will be MAINTAINED by _______ for each school year. Log will start on _______ and end _______.
The ______ will CLOSE “youth referral report log at end of the school year.
Truancy is not ordinarily enforced after _____ hours.
-Only UMOS and police officers are authorized to sign youth referrals and juvenile reports.
-On June 30th of each year youth referral records get purged
-Youth referrals for minors 17 years old are purged as soon as practical after their 18th birthday.
(Corresponding entry in youth referral log will be purged by redacting “truants name” and “truants address” captions ONLY!)
6 before 12/31
17 on or after 7/1
July 1st-June 30th
3 215-07 Truants (5/24/22)
UMOS may frisk, scan with metal detector, if available, and may cuff truant if you can articulate safety being in danger.
(Remember truants ages are 6-17!)
UMOS should take into custody and FIRST deliver to principal or designee of school attended.
If school not known, or impractical to take there, then take to ________.
Site may be obtained from _________.
UMOS should make A/L entry with (3 things)___________ (3 things)
In “Details” of YOUTH REFERRAL”” put where/how truant was taken in custody
(Include business name, park name or other information regarding where/how truant was taken into custody)
UMOS should have _______ SIGN A/L AND YOUTH REFERRAL for receipt of the child
If they refuse, document that in ____ ONLY!!! (NOT on youth referral!)
Give youth referral to ________ BEFORE EOT.
D.O pct of occ. only job in this procedure is to review youth referral and sign and forward to _______
(CONT ON NEXT NOTECARD w/ Youth officer duties)
Truancy intake site
School safety division, truancy coordinator.
- Youths name (A/L)
- Location where found (A/L)
- School or site where delivered. (A/L)
D.O pct of occ
3 215-07 Truants (5/24/22)
YCO reviews youth referral and puts it in “Youth Referral report log”.
YCO assigns next pct serial # from log and puts serial # in “youth referral report.”
YCO should notify P/G, and put truants pedigree info on “pct of residence copy” sign off and forward to __________, if different by Dept mail.
YCO should complete (all of the above steps) this no later than _____ days AFTER receiving report.
The ______ ENSURES this is done.
(Remember is business days because school is only open on business days!!!!!)
The YCO resident pct should send a photocopy of youth referral via dept mail to PSA if it’s in housing.
(Youth officer resident pct is NOT responsible for the investigation IF truants residence is in housing, the jurisdiction is the PSA in this case)
The YCO RESIDENT pct should investigate and summarize outcome in “results” caption of youth referral and submit to ________ for review/signature.
(SOL signs and returns it to YCO who files it alphabetically)
The NCO SGT should PERIODICALLY inspect and sign youth referral report log for completeness and accuracy.
NCO SGT should also maintain regular contact with truancy bureau, community affairs bureau, juvenile data analysis, and evaluation unit.
NCO SGT should also CLOSE youth referral report log at end of school year (June 30)
In YCO absence the _________ does his duties.
IF NCO SGT is also absent the ________ does his duties
(YCO in pct of occ. sends “youth referral” to YCO in resident pct who fwds copy via dept mail to YCO in PSA)
- UMOS gives it to D.O to sign before EOT
- D.O reviews/signs and gives it to YCO
- YCO assigns # from log, notifies P/G and forwards it to YCO pct of residence
- YCO pct of residence investigates (fwd to YCO in PSA if truant lives in PSA, the PSA YCO is then responsible to investigate) and puts results in “results” caption of youth referral and hands it to SOL
- SOL signs and gives it back to YCO
- YCO then files it alphabetically
YCO in truants resident pct
SOL (so SOL will do Y.O duties if NCO SGT and Y.O are absent!)
3 215-08 On-Line juvenile report system (5/24/22)
When a juvenile at least ____ but less than ____ commits an illegal act, OR engages in OR is found under circumstances that may endanger the health or safety of the juvenile
(This is when offense committed is NOT a crime OR D.O makes a decision to refer child to youth officer….JD is being processed on a JSRW, this is not an arrest, it’s considered an “apprehension”)
**Although child can be 7-18 in above scenarios REMEMBER A juvenile report is required for traffic infractions (bicycles) for a juvenile atleast * 7-15yrs old **
UMOS should investigate circumstances, detain child and Investigate circumstances involving juvenile(s).
UMOS Prepare Complaint Report Worksheet to document incident involving juvenile(s). Ensure caption “Juvenile Report” is checked off.
UMOS Prepare separate Juvenile Report System Worksheet for each juvenile involved in incident and Verify pedigree, address and parent/guardian information.
- If pedigree, address and parent/guardian information cannot be verified in the field, the juvenile
must be brought to a Department facility (e.g., precinct, transit district, police service area, etc.) for further investigation.
-Upon arrival at the Department facility, the member must notify the Juvenile Crime Desk.
- Inform Juvenile Crime Desk analyst of incident involving the juvenile and be guided by their recommendations.
- According to PG 215-21, the supervisor at the detention command (Desk Officer) doesn’t have to follow the Juvenile Desk’s recommendation, BUT if the Desk Officer doesn’t follow the recommendation, they will have to confer with the Juvenile Desk supervisor. After conferral, if Desk Officer still doesn’t follow recommendation, CO command of detention will prepare a Typed Letterhead to the ________explaining why.
UMOS Deliver completed Complaint Report Worksheet and Juvenile Report System Worksheet to Desk Officer.
UMOS should make JSRW and Scratch 61.
UMOS should only bring child in SH IF they cannot verify pedigree and P/G information.
In which case UMOS must call_________ (they do all the warrant checks)
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can you release child without VERIFYING ID OF
In regards to an incident that involves more than 1 juvenile, UMOS should make only 1 Scratch 61, but a separate JSRW for each juvenile involved.
Ex: 5 kids fighting in street, make _____ scratch 61, and make ______ JRSW
RTCC( real time crime center)
Juvenile crime desk
3 215-08 On-Line juvenile report system (5/24/22)
IF incident occurs on school grounds, UMOS should remove juvenile to suitable location (detention room, principles office) to verify their identification.
If their ID cannot be verified OR a P/G cannot be notified then they should be removed to nearest appropriate dept facility, ONLY AFTER CONFERRING WITH __________.
After you conferred with Supv and removed to department facility then notify juvenile crime desk.
If ID is verified then only bring juvenile in SH for ________ or ________.
- If we don’t bring juvenile in to SH, we don’t call Juvenile crime desk*
Misd or Felony
3 208-42 PINS
(From 208-42 arrest on a warrant)
PINS includes a male of female UNDER _____
A person in need of supervision (PINS) will NOT be taken into custody without a court order. The defendant will be detained at a facility designated by _________ who will be requested to provide transportation.
When a defendant is taken into custody and in addition to a PINS Warrant there are other Juvenile Delinquency charges:
- The juvenile may be served an APPEARANCE TICKET - FAMILY COURT for the other charges, if eligible. However, the juvenile will be kept in custody on the authority of the PINS Warrant and taken to a designated Emergency Children’s Service facility.
- If the defendant is NOT released on an APPEARANCE TICKET - FAMILY COURT on the Juvenile Delinquency charges, the defendant will be taken to ________
However we do make a _______ for PINS UNDER 16.
But for PINS who are 16, or 17 (too old for JRSW) make an _______
Emergency children resources, human resources administration
3 215-09 Offense Committed by a Juvenile Under 18 Years of Age (Other Than a Juvenile Offender or Adolescent Offender) (5/24/22)
UMOS should detain Juvenile and notify Immediate Supv of Arrest and provide pertinent details.
Immediate Supv respond to scene of arrest, as appropriate.
UMOS notify D.O of facts and notify Juvenile Desk.
D.O should have P/G notified.
D.O should have A/O determine age by questioning kid or P/G and verify by satisfactory documentary proof.
D.O should confer with _______ and ______ when a group of kids are involved in same incident
D.O should direct A/O to make JSRW and scratch 61 reports.
A juvenile MUST be taken into custody and charged with juvenile delinquency when an act, if committed by an adult, would be a ___________ or ____________ or any _____________
UMOS should detain in location designated for interrogation of juveniles.
(Have female P.O or other qualified female present if juvenile DELINQUENT is a female!)
List of locations in _________ AND __________
UMOS should “ensure UMOS notifies Juvenile Desk”
UMOS should make OLBS, 61, “Juvenile Arrest Investigation intake report” and print juvenile on livescan.
UMOS should attach FINEST warrant check to juvenile arrest investigation intake report. (Even though juvenile desk does warrant check!)
Only fingerprint ____year old J.D’s for A/B felony
Print _____ year old J.D’s for Any felony
Print ALL J.O’s
UMOS should send photo with moms maiden name (and other pedigree) on back of photo to ____________
UMOS (cop) should give complainant copy of “JD arrest complainants notification to appear”.
(A “JD arrests, complainants notification to appear” will be prepared EVEN IF a supporting dep has been prepared and inform civilian complainant his presence is required at family court the next morning!)
UMOS (cop) will also contact admissions unit prior to delivering the juvenile and provide them with juveniles name, address, DOB, mothers name.
UMOS delivers all reports to D.O
Remember COMPLAINTS on juveniles get recorded on JRSW, except (few spies fun job) which are recorded on a 61!! (207-01)
(CONT (D.O duties) on next notecard)
Felony OR
Unlawful assembly OR any Photographable Misd. (208-07)
Command reference library AND
Juvenile desk
11/12 year olds
ID section, Youth records Unit (from 208-08)
3 215-09 Offense Committed by a Juvenile Under 18 Years of Age (Other Than a Juvenile Offender or Adolescent Offender) (5/24/22)
(JRSW is sort of like a summons, we give it to juvenile in lieu of arrest…. Personal recognizance sort of like a DAT, we could remand or release juvenile)
(IF we release on recognizance, and give juvenile an appearance ticket-family court, the A/O is EXCUSED from appearing, UNLESS __________)
The D.O reviews and signs all reports and ENSURES intake report is distributed as per instructions on form.
The _____ prepares Arrest package for juvenile delinquents!
The D.O determines if JD can be returned on personal recognizance. (The juvenile desk make a recommendation, however the ultimate decision is make by supv at detention command-(D.O))
If D.O goes against juvenile desk recommendation, the D.O MUST talk to ___________.
If D.O determines he/she can’t be released or no application will be made, have child taken to ___________ with copy of OLBS. (DONT TRANSPORT JD’s WITH ADULT PERP)
(Supv at detention command makes FINAL decision on whether perp can be released on personal recog)
_________ must call admissions at horizon and give kids pedigree BEFORE going.
If there’s an age conflict between what the kid told us and horizons records then we examine 4 diff records on file. If they have no records or record check inconclusive they keep the kid. If records show kid was 18 when crime was committed, we take to BCS.
The D.O prepares the arrest package with copy of OLBS, 61, appearance ticket, any vouchers, copies of A/L.
The D.O distributes remaining copies of juvenile arrest investigation intake report to ______ and ______ and _______
D.O ENSURES all forms EMAIL to ___________
D.O also ensures all forms get mailed to family court liaison in next AM mail.
It’s a designated felony
Juvenile desk supv!
Horizon juvenile center
UMOS(cop) calls admissions at horizons
YCO AND Youth services section AND horizons (if detained there)
BCS “Attn. NYPD family court liaison”
3 215-09 Offense Committed by a Juvenile Under 18 Years of Age (Other Than a Juvenile Offender or Adolescent Offender) (5/24/22)
Before questioning juvenile, “Miranda warnings for juvenile interrogations” must be read.
They should be read while P/G is present. (Not must)
Juvenile may be questioned if they waive Miranda in the presence of P/G.
The P/G DOES NOT have to separately waive.
- info*
2 215-12 Personal Recognizance Juvenile Delinquent (skip)
(To release a child, at least 7yrs but less than 18yrs, to the custody of P/G lawful custodian, or reasonably responsible adult RELATIVE for appearance at Family Court)
Juvenile (when charged w/ Felony/Unlawful assembly/Photographable misd) will not be released on an APPEARANCE TICKET-Family court if:
-P/G NOT CAPABLE of providing adequate supv OR P/G refuses custody!
-Wanted on a warrant/A recidivist
-Health or morals of juvenile would be endangered if released
-Would be danger to community/self
-Felony family assault, family sex offense, danger to family
-Arrested for any felony AND juvenile desk tells you he’s awaiting trial for VIOLENT felony
-J.O’s will not be released
-Designated felons will NOT be released IF family court open
(^Same as saying designated felons will be released IF family court CLOSED)
When juvenile is to be released, UMOS should prepare “Appearance ticket family court” and have applicant (P/G/relative) sign, if they refuse, then enter __________
(If the adult refuses to sign still release child if they’re willing to take custody HOWEVER if they refuse custody then do not release !)
The A/O prepares arrest package for personal recog of JD’s (In 215-09 this is the D.O’s DUTY!!!!!!)
(If you release a JD on appearance ticket (personal recog) the A/O is EXCUSED from appearing in court!!!)
(IF juvenile is to be detained the ______ will call the horizon juvenile center to arrange for lodging)
The RTD for juveniles at horizon if court is open is _________ at _____ court, Boro of _____
The RTD for juveniles at horizon IF COURT CLOSED (weekend, holidays) is _______ at ________
However if you release a JD who is a designated felon (because family court closed) to then RTD will be ___________
In regards to accomplices, ALL JD’s from one incident must appear together, so if one is going through, they all go through UNLESS it’s a weekend, accomplices DONT go to Manhattan crim court, they’ll get a later date. (Which is boro family court next date court is open)
If P/G makes application for child eligible for release however we already transported to horizons then the _____ should notify counselor on duty at horizons and make form titled “Notice of recog JD” and give to applicant (P/G) and tell them to go to horizons.
D.O should then notify A/O of RTD.
“Refused” on signature line
UMOS (cop)
0900 next day at Family court Boro of arrest
0900 Manhattan crim court (regardless of Boro of arrest-remember Rodriguez juvenile collar**)
RTD will be given by juvenile desk (A/O should call juvy desk and RTD will be 0900 next day family court is open)
2 215-23 Weekend court for JD keepers (Manhattan crim court)
(This procedure is for when JD is going to Horizons, but it’s a weekend and family court is not open next calendar day)
The D.O should call _____________ and supply pedigree.
The D.O should ENSURE multiple arrests resulting from one incident, which will be arraigned in Family Court AND Criminal Court are separated and assigned to two different arresting/assigned officers.
The D.O will ENSURE assigned officer is given arrest which will be arraigned in _________ AND
The arresting officer will be given arrest which will be arraigned in ___________
When sending a JD to horizon, D.O should know it is closed between __________
D.O should ENSURE P/G AND complainant know to go to Manhattan crim court (100 centre st.)
Subsequent hearings will be held at family court Boro of arrest (NOT Manhattan crim court)
The D.O should put above hearing dates at family court boro of Arrest in __________ AND ENSURE ________ is notified .
(If corp counsel calls for a short date notification and cop is not at command (training, RDO) then D.O should attempt to notify cop and put attempts in ________)
D.O should also tell ______ and ______ of any mandatory OT and/OR appearance of UMOS in weekend/holiday court.
A/O should report to 14th floor for conferral with reps from ___________ and __________ for preparation of family court compliant and possible testimony as per-petition detention hearing.
(Provide BOTH Probation officer AND Assistant Corp Counsel with one copy of ARREST paperwork EACH!)
RTCC-Juvenile desk
Crim court (assigned) Family court (arresting)
Telephone record!
Appearance control unit
Telephone record
ICO and Ops coordinator
Dept of Probation AND Corp counsel
3 215-21 Utilization of the juvenile desk (5/24/22)
(When a juvenile is detained by a MOS and removed to a police facility)
A/O puts P/G pedigree and notification info in ____ and D.O puts it in _________
The ______ determines appropriate charges.
(Juvenile Desk personnel will make only a RECOMMENDATION whether to remand or release on recognizance a juvenile)
A/O calls ________ only AFTER child is removed to detention facility.
A/O will also call __________ for changes in charge that will amend status of juvenile (upgrade in charge, additional charges)
A/O should notify _______ for an inability to make parental notification or inability to release child to P/G/Relative.
Remember juvenile desk makes all notifications for crimes, only notification cop makes is to P/G
Juvenile desk Analyst notifies juvenile crime squad for:
(The juvenile desk provides support 24-7.
A/O’s must call juvenile desk BEFORE beginning arrest process to ensure that any intel regarding juvenile is obtained BEFORE the decision whether to release the juvenile to a P/G is made)
Command log
Juvenile desk
Juvenile desk
Juvenile desk
Reckless endangerment
2 215-24 Photographing juveniles
(When a juvenile is arrested and charged as a juvenile delinquent or juvenile offender or A.O)
Official arrest photograph for JD is photo taken at command (they never go to BCS)
Official arrest photograph for J.O is photo taken at BCS (if charges dropped, BCS deletes)
The ____ should determine if offense allows juvenile to be photographed.
D.O also ENSURES Arrest is based on P.C and Arrest was made in compliance w/ dept procedures.
(Photograph rules are same as fingerprint rules!
1-11-12 yr olds-A/B felony
2- 13,14,15,16,17 charged Any felony)
The D.O should ENSURE juvenile is placed in front of “photograph background board” and direct A/O to take photo utilizing digital camera capture station.
The A/O should take 1 front photo and 1 ________.
If juvenile wears glasses take 1 front and 1 right side with and without glasses.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should intimate areas be exposed or photo-ed.
A/O should also ensure face is expressionless. Fold any hoodie/turtleneck down to expose neck.
D.O should ENSURE arrest is based
Upon P.C and the arrest was made in compliance with Dept procedure and arrest photographs of the Juvenile are taken in compliance with the requirements list . D.O Confer with Juvenile Desk regarding juvenile arrest and juvenile arrest photograph procedures including the
requirements listed.
The D.O will view the photographs and ensure that they comply with all requirements. If Juvenile arrest is voided OR if Juvenile arrest photographs were not taken in compliance with the
requirements OR if juvenile arrest photographs were inadvertently “accepted” when they should have been “rejected”, prepare a Typed Letterhead addressed to Director, Photographic Services requesting arrest photograph and arrest record / information be deleted from the system and explaining the reasons for deletion.
If the juvenile refuses to be photographed, the arresting officer will notify the desk officer. The
desk officer will attempt to obtain compliance from the juvenile. If the juvenile continues to refuse
to be photographed, the desk officer will confer with _________.
When deleting bad photos due to voided arrest, wrong age, or inadvertently accepted then the D.O should do a 49 to “” Director photographic services “.
D.O should then EMAIL 49 to __________ and make CLE stating the date and time and explaining the reasons why the arrest photograph had to be deleted.
JD’s Arrest photos will NOT be provided to outside agencies (including LE agencies) except for:
- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
*Dept may only retain JD arrest photo when:
1- Family court arrest case is still pending OR
2- Conviction of any felony 13,14,15,16,17 years old any Felony OR
3- Conviction of A/B Felony 11,12 years old
In ALL other circumstances photos MUST be retrieved and destroyed*
- Juvenile Delinquent photos will not be used for WANTED flyers OR Released to the media (absolute)*
- JD photos will not be used for __________ without permission from ______*
RIGHT SIDE VIEW (have kid turn left)
Legal bureau
Photo unit
- DA’s office
- NYC corp counsel family court
- US attorneys office
Missing person flyers
Legal Bureau
3 215-10 Juvenile offenders or Adolescent Offender(5/24/22)
Adolescent Offender- 16 &17yrs custody any Felony
13, 14 and 15 year olds is a juvenile offender when:
RAPE 2 is mentally disabled or mentally incapacitated and does not apply in this case! Rape 1 is forcible compulsion (sub1) OR PHYSICALLY helpless (sub 2)
- Murder 2 (sub 1,2, AGE 13,14,15)
- Murder 2 (sub 3, AGE 14,15)
List below charged age 14,15 - Assault 1 (sub 1, 2 Intend SPI cause SPI w/ D.I/D.W)
- Rape 1 (sub 1, 2force/physically helpless)
- Criminal sex act 1 (sub 1,2 force/physically helpless)
- Burg 1, 2 (sub 1 Cause PI, Armed w/ D.W/Explosive, threatened D.I, display firearm)
- Arson 1,2
- Robbery 1, 2 (sub 2 Cause PI, Armed w/ D.W/Explosive, threatened D.I, display firearm)
- Manslaughter 1 (intend SPI, cause death)
- Agg. Sex Abuse 1 (force, physically helpless, child under 11, insert object and cause injury)
- Kidnapping 1 (Abduct+intent to compel ransom OR Abduct+Vic dies OR Abduct over 12 hrs+PI/terrorize anyone/govt interference… INCLUDING ATTEMPTS)
- Gun (CPW 2)
Loaded firearm committed within 1000 ft of a school. Could be PARKED in car, or on school grounds even if “grounds” are more than 1000 ft away!/Loaded firearm outside home/5 or more/Unloaded disguised, unloaded machine, or loaded firearm all with intent to use it.
Only “attempted” charges that apply for J.O’s are attempted murder and attempted kidnapping
3 215-10 Juvenile offenders or Adolescent Offender(5/24/22)
A/O notify Immediate Supv of arrest and provide pertinent details.
Immediate Supv respond to scene of arrest , as appropriate
A/O should notify Juvenile Desk when juvenile is removed to POLICE FACILITY.
A/O should still lodge them in juvenile room.
(Confer with _____ to ascertain designated location when unknown)
A/O should notify P/G of custody and of location of juvenile.
If juvenile is female, there must be a female P.O or other qualified female present.
(For female J.O’s OR J.D’s a female P.O or other qualified female MUST watch her)
In regards to questioning J.O’s we should use form “Miranda warning for juvenile interrogations”
For Juvenile if we can’t notify P/G, we CAN still question IF:
- We made every reasonable effort to notify P/G,
- We considered age, intelligence, and ability of kid to understand Miranda
- Determine necessity for questioning at this time.
(Must have all 3 in order to question J.O w/o P/G)
(If the juvenile MUST be questioned, the officer MUST be prepared to testify that a “good faith” attempt was made to have a competent adult (e.g., relative, clergyman, teacher, etc.), other than law enforcement personnel, present during questioning; that the juvenile and the competent adult were advised jointly of the Miranda Warnings; that
they understand these rights; and the effect of a waiver on these rights.)
A/O should prepare scratch OLBS, and 61 at interrogation location.
(Preparing OLBS, 61 at interrogation location is only done for J.O’s!?)
Ensure offense that makes him J.O or A.O crime listed first. Also prepare juvenile arrest intake report.
A/O should enter words ____or____in OLBS box captioned “DAT RTD” (A J.O is not eligible for DAT (personal recognizance), that’s why you change it on form )
A/O should ENSURE juvenile is fingerprinted and palm-printed.
The D.O should review and sign all forms
D.O should ENSURE distribution of Juvenile Arrest Investigation/Probation intake report . D. O ensure delivery of OLBS, 61 if prepared D.A BWC checklist , Arrest checklist and, Related forms as directed by_________, as appropriate.
D.O should keep J.O or A.O segregated from adults
(J.O and adults can be transported in same wagon as long as J.O is in FORWAD patrol wagon COMPARTMENT and adults are in rear)
Arrest Officer should JO’s and AO’s will be arraigned in Supreme Court Youth Part in all boroughs, Monday through Friday, between 0900 and 1700 hours.
- On weeknights when Youth Part is closed, the borough Criminal Court will preside as the Youth Part.
- JO’s and AO’s are to be detained in juvenile rooms.
(DO NOT place J.O or AO in detention holding area or individual cell with adult prisoner)
BCS Supv should give J.O’s , AO’s and companion case adult offenders priority in Arrest processing, preparation of court complaint, arraignment, etc.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL J.O or A.O be lodged overnight at juvenile justice detention center!!! (Horizons)
THE IDENTITY OF J.O or A.O under 18 MAY be released, however the identity of JD MAY NOT be released.
(Dept will retain J.O arrest photos!)
Desk officer
“Juvenile offender” or A.O
Juvenile Crime Desk
3 215-10 Juvenile offenders or Adolescent Offender(5/24/22)
If the ADA declines to prosecute the J.O and directs that the J.O or A.O be released, the arresting officer will comply with P.G. 210-16, “Release of Prisoner at the Complaint Room By Direction of the ADA”.
If the ADA directs that the charges be reduced to an offense not meeting juvenile offender classification but sufficient for processing as a juvenile delinquent, the arresting officer shall process the offender as a juvenile delinquent. The arresting officer will notify the ___________ so that the OLBS may be changed if not already forwarded
IF OLBS forwarded the A/O should prepare an ___________.
The arresting officer will also notify the ______ of any change in the charge(s) that will amend the status of the juvenile (e.g., upgrade in charge(s) or additional charges, ADA declines to prosecute Juvenile.)
Juvenile desk
3 215-13 Handcuffing kids in school
If violation then DO NOT remove child from school.
Where to Restrain
- Absent exigent circumstances, handcuffs/alternative restraints/Velcro cuffs should NOT be placed on a
student while in a classroom, cafeteria, or area where other students are located. MOS should coordinate with school officials to have the student removed to a semi-private location
(e.g., principal’s office, school security office, etc.) when possible.
16 or Older
- When it is necessary to handcuff students 16 years of age and above, metal handcuffs will be used. Alternative restraints will NOT be utilized for students 16 years of age and above.
*Restraining Students Under _____Years of Age:**
- Metal handcuffs should not be used on students less than twelve years of age without prior approval of the
NCO SGT , P/S or School Safety Supervisor, whenever possible.
- Metal handcuffs will only be used as a last resort when other means of restraint are not effective and the
student, MOS or others, would face a risk of bodily harm if metal handcuffs were not used.
- A student less than twelve years of age will NOT be handcuffed to a restraining bar, chair, railing, or other
fixed objects and must be kept under constant observation by UMOS/School Safety Agent at all times.
- Precinct CO/XO/DC will investigate and prepare a report on Typed Letterhead when metal handcuffs are
utilized on a student less than twelve years of age, and include a determination regarding the necessity and appropriateness of utilizing metal handcuffs.
When it is necessary to handcuff students 16 years of age and above, metal handcuffs will be used.
When taking a student into custody, who poses a possible safety risk, risk of flight, and/or non-compliance.
- Alternative restraints will NOT be utilized for students 16 years of age and above.
Constructive Restraint – Physical control, with no restraining device employed, using the minimal amount of physical force necessary to control movement in order to ensure the safety of the student (i.e., for use on a student who is obeying all commands).
Uniformed Member of the Service/ School Safety Agent Level I-III
- Inform school personnel of the decision to effect an arrest and the basis of that decision unless physical
resistance, flight or other factors render such procedure impractical.
- Remove student, if possible, to a semi-private location (e.g., principal’s office, school security office, etc.).
- Inform student of authority and cause for arrest, unless physical resistance, flight or other factors render
such procedure impractical.
- Use appropriate level of restraint, as applicable (e.g., constructive restraint, alternative restraints/Velcro
cuffs, or metal handcuffs).
- Request Neighborhood Coordination Sergeant, or if unavailable, Patrol Supervisor to respond to the scene,
whether being taken into custody for an arrest or being safeguarded as an emotionally disturbed person.
- Keep the student under constant supervision regardless of level of restraint used.
- DO NOT remove student from a school to a Department facility if, upon investigation, it is determined that
the incident involves the commission of a violation.
UMOS should notify, confer and coordinate with _______ personnel prior, UNLESS EXIGENT!
UMOS should remove student to semi-private location(principal’s office , school security office) , IF POSSIBLE!
If arrest effected request ___________, if they’re unavailable then _________respond to the scene, whether being into custody for an arrest or being safeguard as an emotionally disturbed person. Keep the students under supervision regardless of level of restraint used. DO NOT remove students from a school to a Dept facility if , upon investigation, it is determined that the incident involves the commission of a Violation.
NCO SGT should advice school personnel that arrest will be effected.
NCO SGT/P/S/ Supervisor of School Security
- Respond to location and verify that probable cause exists to support the arrest or to supervise the restraining of a student for emotional issues.
- Assess the type of restraint used and direct change in level of restraint, as appropriate.
- Advise school administrator to contact their Legal Department, if school administrator objects to arrest.
- Notify Precinct CO/XO/DC, whenever metal handcuffs are utilized to restrain a student less than 12 years
of age for any period of time.
The ________ should meet with all school principles within command to apprise them of dept cuffing guidelines.
If school officials disagree with the arrest refer them to ___________
School safety division personnel
DOE’s legal div! (Not ours!)
215-14 Child advocacy referrals in bklyn, queens, Manhattan
Child less than 11 abused OR
Child less than 13 who is victim of any sex crime (attempts)
D.O will notify _________
If child removed from household by police or arrest for child abuse/neglect UMOS notifies _________
UMOS should also notify _______
NYS central registry
2 215-15 Confiscation of student metro cards (5/24/22)
Student metro cards don’t have to be signed.
UMOS should not write on it when confiscated.
UMOS should not voucher it unless it’s evidence.
Metro cards MUST BE swiped, not waved at clerk.
Student metro cards are good from _________ on school days! For night school _________
When a card is swiped and light goes off Green light- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Red light-\_\_\_\_\_\_ Amber- \_\_\_\_\_\_ No light- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
If wrong light goes off, grab them.
UMOS should confiscate card when illegally possessed and prepare “school transportation pass confiscation report”
If unsure of status of card call __________ to ascertain school of issuance
In order to VERIFY if card has been reported lost or stolen UMOS should call ________
IF card status cannot be verified then indicate that on “school transportation pass confiscation report”
(When vouchering metro card DO NOT WRITE ON CONFISCATED CARD)
The D.O should review, sign and have the original and FIRST copy of “school transportation pass confiscation report” WITH confiscated metro-card fwd’ed to _____________
IF card verification (lost/stolen) could not be made THEN the D.O should direct that a check be made by a __________ on the next business day
If a Student Metro Card is illegally possessed i.e., (one which was legally issued to
another), it will be confiscated and further police action will be taken depending
upon the circumstances.
When a student has committed a felony or a
misdemeanor against New York City Transit PROPERTY/EMPLOYEES/PASSENGERS (includes graffiti in transit, or attacking passengers) and possesses a Student Metro Card LEGALLY, that card will be confiscated and appropriate police action will be taken.
Green light- Cop/transit
Red light-Senior citizen/handicap(half-fare)
Amber- Student
No light- Regular, full fare card
NYCT fare media unit
School of issuance
Transit bureau, patrol operations
2nd platoon clerical personnel
215-16 Reporting and recording public school related criminal incident
(Actor in this procedure is school safety agent or UMOS assigned to school…SSAIII is school safety agent “sergeant”)
IF any felony/misd OR any incident involving gangs, weapons, controlled substance or any violations involving fireworks, trespass, marijuana, harassment, loitering then SSA/UMOS assigned to school should notify __________ and request response of _______
(Includes in vicinity of school, on school bus or school sponsored event or traveling to and from school)
(The student’s name (as victim or suspect) will NOT be recorded on the “Criminal incident report” for VIOLATION offenses listed above, as well as the identity of victims of sex related offenses. Such victims will be indicated by use of the term “person known to this Department.”)
SSIII should notify _________ if in serious incident.
SSA/UMOS should prepare and sign “SSD criminal incident report” If student goes to school AND offense is violation then _________
SSA/UMOS should notify ___________ and obtain SSD serial number.
(Enter details in A/L)
Pct school safety sgt should respond to SERIOUS incidents, ENSURE principal notified
Pct SSSGT should conduct DAILY review of all incidents and SSD criminal incident reports.
ANY Criminal incident in Dept of ED gets reported to us.
Principal and request response of school safety agent “sergeant”
Boro liaison captain
OMIT his/her name on report.
SSD operations center
215-17 Question kid in dept of education facility
UMOS should coordinate activities with _______, IF PRACTICABLE
UMOS should confer w/ __________, EXCEPT IF EXIGENT, when entering DOE school/facility to take police action.
UMOS should request ________, or if unavailable ______ IF an Arrest is effected
WHEN SCHOOL BASED TRANSIENT THREAT (low level threat make out of anger/jokingly) IS MADE:
UMOS should confer with __________ BEFORE taking action against pupil for transient threat
If they determine that incident is “transient” then DO NOT NOTIFY _________
UMOS should request response of pct school safety Sargent, in absence, P/S
SSSgt or P/S should ENSURE conferral made to SSD counterterrorism unit and confer with them.
SSSgt or P/S should notify ________ if not in agreement with recommendation made by school safety division communications Supv
When UMOS wishes to question a student in school
regarding a school-related crime, the _______ will make every reasonable effort to contact the student’s P/G.
If notification is made, the ____ SHALL CONSULT with the parent/guardian about how the parent/guardian wishes to proceed.
If the parent/guardian does not object, the principal/designee MUST allow the student to be questioned. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the principal/designee MUST permit the UMOS to question the student under the following circumstances:
- A continued threat of imminent danger
- Exigent circumstances warranting proceeding with the questioning
(In cases where questioning is conducted without parental notification, the principal or designee may be present during the questioning. The principal or
designee, however, may not compel a student to submit to questioning)
School safety div. IF practicable
Principal/school staff
School safety division counterterrorism unit
C.O/Duty captain
215-18 Search protocols for school safety agents
School safety agent can conduct search ONLY on behalf of _________ EXCEPT IN EMERGENCY
In regards to searching lockers, IF SSA develops reasonable suspicion he/she tells the ________ and searches lockers ONLY at PRINCIPALS direction and the PRINCIPALS for presence (except in emergency)
SSA takes kid to location designated by principal/designer
IF property unlawful- Notify command/ arrest and voucher
IF property unlawful but no collar- Have pct come and voucher
If it’s just against the rules- Invoice as board of ed procedure
(In situations where a students gender is not immediately apparent or a student objects to the gender of a SSA who is assigned to perform search, the SSA SUPV will assign a SSA of the gender requested, consistent w/ safety and resource availability)
2 215-19 Abandoned infants/operation safe haven (5/24/22)
The Abandoned Infant Protection Act is designed to protect the lives of NEWLY born infants (not more than ______ old) by encouraging that they be left with a responsible person or in a safe, suitable location (a “safe haven”) rather than simply abandoned in a possibly dangerous way.
The law establishes an affirmative defense to the crime of Abandonment of a Child and Endangering the Welfare of a Child IF person abandoning leaves child in safe (pct, hospital, firehouse) place AND notifies someone of location of child
(PERSON LEAVING BABY MUST NOTIFY SOMEONE OF LOCATION OF CHILD! If not, then she is NOT protected under operation safe haven)
UMOS should get medical attention for child AND mother, if present. Accompany to hospital. Try to get pedigree of all involved but inform person they are not required to give pedigree.
Request P/S.
P/S should direct preparation of DIR, 61, Aided, SCAM ( Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment).
P/S should direct notification be made to ____________.
(Radio code signals for abused child jobs: 90J1- DIR- No offense 90J2- DIR-unfounded 92J- DIR- Arrest 93J- DIR/61 prepared)
In regards to an abandoned infant the ____ should determine if situation allows for affirmative defense.
______ should prepare “unusual occurrence report” in regards to abandoned infant (operation safe haven)
P/S should then notify D.O
D.O should notify _____________(BOPA)
D.O should make a _______ and include name of ACS IRT coordinator.
UMOS should make appropriate entries in A/L and D.O in Command log. (Physical condition of child, child’s age/medical history, clothing description, presence of hospital tag or absence of one, mothers pedigree/phone #, request for P/S)
(FOR abandoned infant D.O notifies ACS IRT coordinator HOWEVER if child is removed from a household by police personnel OR IF we made an arrest in connection with abuse/neglect of a child the COP notifies ACS IRT coordinator-215-03 SCAM)
5 days old
NYS central registry
Boro, Operations, PDS,ACS IRT coordinator (BOPA)
2 215-20 No child left behind
(To assist the NYC DOE in determining whether a student is entitled to a “safety transfer” pursuant to the provisions of the federal “No Child Left Behind Act” by confirming whether the student has reported a qualifying incident to the Department)
A qualifying incident is:
- Sex offense involving force
- DW used or threatened.
MOS receiving request for information should hand deliver or personally relate information to ___________ in his absence to _______
School safety sgt should confirm that request was made by principal and confirm the request provides name/# of school, date/time/location of alleged incident, and name of victim
IF request was authorized, the school safety sgt should check records for the date and students name IN THIS ORDER!: (OJ SADS)
The ______ will assist in records search when directed by school safety sgt.
Upon conclusion of record search SSSgt prepares a UF50x2 to _________ and deliver original either by hand OR by mail.
(^UF50x2 is delivered upon conclusion of record search!)
SSSGT should notify the principal/designee VERBALLY either in person or by telephone of the results of the search no later than _________
(Remember it’s verbal!!!!!)
(SSSGT should record both personal and mail notification in _______)
IF principal wants any more info, the SSSgt confer with both ________ and _________ prior to releasing any info.
School safety Sgt
Juvenile reports
School safety div. incident reports
Detective squad
SSD operations center by phone
Youth officer
Next day school is in session
Assigned Det AND DCLM
207-01 Complaint reporting
(Related procedure with juveniles)
In regards to complaint reporting, all complaints of J.O’s will be recorded on 61 but only these 17 complaints of JD’s will be recorded on a 61!
(Fraudulent accosting except 3 card monte shows up in photographable misdemeanors acronym only!)
So although 3 card monte is NOT a photographable misdemeanor it is still one of the 17 times we need to prepare a 61 for a complaint of a juvenile.
Escape 3
Weapons offenses
Stolen prop (CPSP) Prostitution (permitting and promoting) Issuing abortion articles Endangering welfare of child Sex offenses
have a
Fraudulent accosting (Including 3 card monte) Unlawful assembly (5 or more-public alarm) Narcotic offenses (NOT CPM)
Burglars tools (criminal poss of)
2 215-25 - Child Custody Exchanges Occurring at New York City Police Department Facilities (5/24/22)
Child Custody Exchange – The physical exchange of a child from one party to another.
When a MOS is notified by a person that they are present at a Department facility for the purpose of conducting a child custody exchange, as stipulated by a NYC Family Court order:
UMOS notify _____.
D.O Designate a UMOS to monitor the child custody exchange.
D.O Make an entry in the Command Log and record, for each party present:
- Date and time of arrival.
- Person’s full name, address, date of birth.
- Name of the UMOS monitoring the child custody exchange.
-Time of departure.
UMOS Ensure party is fit to take custody of child (i.e., not under the influence of controlled substances, etc.). UMOS Monitor the child custody exchange.
Umos Encourage parties to leave Department facility at staggered departure times.
Authority of NYPD Re: Custody Exchange
MOS are reminded that the Department has no authority to take enforcement action where one or more
parties involved in the child custody exchange refuses to comply, wholly or in part, with the exchange. In such circumstances, MOS will advise the parties to return to the court, which issued the visitation
order to gain compliance.
MOS Should a verbal dispute or offense arise during the course of a child custody exchange, MOS will
comply with P.G. 208-36, “Family Offenses/Domestic Violence.”
2 215-27 - School-Related Threats at a NYC Department of Education (DOE) School/Property (5/24/22)
When a school-related threat has been made at a NYC DOE school/property:
UMOS Confer with SSD __________
prior to taking enforcement action against a student regarding school related threat.
Umos Ascertain from principal/school staff any pertinent information about student and specific details of threat.
regarding school-related threats.
Umos Request response of _____
Patrol Supervisor
P/S Ensure conferral was made with SSD Counterterrorism Unit.
P/S Confer with SSD Counterterrorism Unit supervisor when: There is disagreement with recommendation from SSD Counterterrorism personnel.
P/S Notify ________if not in agreement with recommendation of SSD
Counterterrorism Unit supervisor.
**This procedure does not preclude a MOS from ensuring the safety of other students and school administrators when responding to a school-related incident. In the event a MOS develops information that a subject may be connected to terrorism, he or she must
comply with P.G. 212-110, “Communications Between the Intelligence Bureau and Units in the Field Regarding Suspected Terrorist Activity.”
** Threats made by students materialize in a myriad of ways (e.g., social media accounts, email, phone, letter, fax, word of mouth, etc.).**
- These communications require a thorough investigation before a student is formally charged with a
- SSD Counterterrorism Unit is the central repository of all threats affecting the NYC
school system.
- Their knowledge and expertise regarding the severity of threats will assist responding officers with
making a final determination of whether an arrest of a student(s) is warranted, or if the incident should
be referred back to the school for appropriate discipline and/or counseling.
- When notified, SSD Counterterrorism Unit personnel will assess the exigency of the alleged threat to
determine if it is a low-level, unverified threat with little substantive evidence to warrant detention, or if the threat is serious enough to support a charge based on probable cause.
When the School Safety Division Counterterrorism Unit determines that the incident in question is a low-level, unverified threat and is being referred back to the school for discipline, and/or no further investigation is needed, it is not necessary to notify the Intelligence Bureau in regard.
Counterterrorism Unit
Patrol Supv
C.O/Duty Capt
2 215-28 - Use of Child Car Seats
When transporting a child UNDER the age of 8 in a Department vehicle:
UMOS Notify _____ in order to arrange to have a child car seat and/or booster seat delivered to the scene.
D.O Ensure UMOS placing child in child car seat or booster seat has been trained in its use and installation.
Uniformed Member of the Service
UMOS Ensure child is placed safely in appropriate safety seat, and that safety belts are in working order and properly buckled.
UMOS Notify _______ of the:
- Presence of a child,
- Time entering the Department vehicle and time the child exited Department vehicle,
- Gender,
- Beginning mileage and ending mileage upon arrival at destination.
UMOS Enter in digital Activity Log:
- Time trip starts,
- Identity of child transported,
- Place of beginning and end of trip,
- Purpose of trip,
- Time trip ends, and
- Notation a child car seat and/or booster seat was utilized.
Desk Officer- Inspect child car seat and booster seat at the start of every tour to ensure:
- Restraints are in proper working order.
- Restraints are not beyond expiration.
D.O Notify _______, if defective or expired.
Training Sergeant- Ensure that all UMOS of the command have been appropriately trained in the use and installation of child car seats and booster seats.
- 4-7yrs = booster seat = Back Seat of Vehicle
- 2 to 3 = Car Seat – facing front= backseat of Vehicle
- 1& under = Car Seat – facing rear = Back Seat of Vehicle
Radio dispatcher
Operations Coordinator