212 PT 2 "Command operations Pt 2" Flashcards
2 212-32 Off duty incidents involving UMOS
At an off duty incident where a UMOS is either a participant OR WITNESS (including DV) the UMOS must STAY PUT! (When feasible and safe) and request ______to respond.
If UMOS must leave he should notify and be guided by ______
The P/S should respond and notify ______ of all details
The D.O pct of occ then notifies _________ with all available details (NO LOG #!!!)
D.O also notifies _________
(206-11 WHEN MOS arrested D.O takes the same steps, he notifies IAB (NO LOG#), and C.O/Duty captain)
If UMOS is out of city he should PROMPTLY notify ________
CMOS, PPO in academy or police eligible should know when in an off duty incident to report facts to _____________
P/S -Pct of occurrence!
D.O-Pct of Occurrence!
D.O-Pct of occ
C.O/Duty captain
Your C.O! (That’s it!)
(THATS IT! That’s the entire procedure)
212-35 Confrontation with other enforcement agents
If UMOS involved in incident that may result in arrest/summons OR alleged to have used unnecessary force against:
- DOT Parking control and highway inspectors
- Quality assurance inspectors
- Sanitation enforcement
Then UMOS must immediately notify ___________ PRIOR to taking any action
The patrol supervisor should attempt to get 3rd party witnesses and bring all the SH pct of occ. and tell ______________
IF UNNECESSARY FORCE ALLEGED The D.O should notify ___________
The D.O should always notify _____________
Patrol supervisor
CCRB and always notify
C.O/Duty captain
- Sanitation- notify Sanitation headquarters division/IF CLOSED then Sanitation bureau operations office*
- DOT parking control OR Quality assurance- notify The Department of Transportation Central Communications*
212-36 Incidents involving former/retired MOS or off duty federal/state/city law enforcement authorized to carry firearm
UMOS should determine if individual has a weapon on his/her person. Request, if armed, personal identification and pistol license, when appropriate. Request P/S to scene
The P/S should determine whether individual’s licensed weapon should be taken for
safekeeping, when appropriate.
P/S should also approve an appropriate resolution of the matter (Arrest/summons/no police action)
Notify _______ of available details, when necessary.
D.O should notify _________
(Any incident involving an off duty officer or member of another law enforcement agency should be treated in a comparable manner to other incidents or confrontations routinely encountered with other members of the public.
These individuals should not receive preferential treatment based on their former or present status. Utilization of standardized procedures avoids unnecessary risks to responding officers, individuals
directly involved in the controversy/confrontation and the general public at the scene)
4 212-37 Hazardous materials
(Hazmat 10 code is _____)
Upon arriving at scene of incident involving suspected hazmat OR
IF legality of hazmat shipment is questionable then the UMOS should notify ___________ and __________.
UMOS (cop) requests the response of _____________ and ____________ and _____________
UMOS should also establish frozen area and exclude vehicular/pedestrian traffic from frozen area. ALSO restrict entry to only those properly trained and equipped to handle hazmat EXCEPT when absolutely necessary to save life OR prevent serious injury.
These frozen areas are as follows:
Minimal distance for any spill or any normal fire is ______________
Minimal distance for any explosion OR suspected device OR any fire involving military shipment or tanker truck is _____________
*(Indoors explosion OR indoors fire, extend “frozen area” to All area or rooms where person might be exposed to material, including floors above and below )**
Indoor hazardous spill______
D.O and communications section
Patrol supv ESU supv (and personnel) Highway MCSU (motor carrier safety unit)
300ft-Spill/Normal fire
1000ft-Explosion/suspected device/military shipment or tanker truck fire
Evacuate room
UMOS (cop)
(* No mention of CO/duty capt or boro*)
4 212-37 Hazardous materials
The P/S should evaluate/confer with __________ OR _________.
(P/S will comply w/ 213-02 “emergency incidents”)
The P/S should CALL ________ by phone and advise them of ALL information concerning time of incident, source of spill/accident, whether there is danger to the public, materials involved, including information on labels/number on containers!!
(P/S notifies OPS of information on labels, containers, markings, numbers on vehicles!)
The P/S should request _________ to notify ______ AND dispatch _________
The P/S should also detain vehicles involved for highway safety check by highway district.
Also NOTIFY ________ to be available for escort duties.
(If vehicles involves then detain for highway safety check)
P/S should maintain frozen area!
(Cop establishes frozen area for hazmat and P/S maintains it!!)
ESU supv OR Highway District MCSU
Dept of health-Only if…. Radiation
Ops by phone with all info
Communications to notify Ops AND dispatch bomb squad
Highway unit Supv
(* No mention of CO/duty capt or boro*)
4 212-37 Hazardous Materials
If legality of shipment in question (1)________ member will clarify
The (2)_____________, upon notification from the Operations Unit, will respond and assist in the analysis and handling of suspected hazardous materials.
The ESU Supv/member should advise P/S to have(3)_______notified to clean up and dispose of substances OTHER THAN LIQUIDS, which have been rendered safe.
(If the material presents no significant hazard, and pending the arrival of DEP personnel, the (4)____ will have the material safeguarded. If the material can be handled easily then (5)__________ will remove the material to a secure area)
On scene coordinator (highest ranking UMOS on scene) should assume control and establish IACC (Inter-Agency command center)
Call (6)_______ immediately with all info.
Designate parking area high ground and up wind, if possible to avoid contamination.
Keep RMP’s/equipment within frozen area until examined/decontaminated.
Detain persons who have been exposed EXCEPT if they require medical treatment.
On scene coordinator will also notify (7)_____ to respond/implement traffic control measures.
(On scene coordinator will establish detours and consider implementation of traffic plan C)
On scene coordinator should limit the number of emergency response personnel within the safety perimeter, to those who are actively performing emergency operations
Operations in hazardous areas shall be performed using the “buddy system” in groups of two
or more (each member of the group must be designated to observe the activities of at least one other member of the group).
On scene coordinator should designate a safety official, who is knowledgeable in the operations being implemented at the scene, with specific responsibility to identify and evaluate hazards and to provide direction with respect to the safety of operations for the emergency at hand.
Inform the safety official as to his/her authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities judged by him/her to result in a condition immediately dangerous to life or health, and/or involve an imminent danger condition.
The safety official must immediately inform the On-Scene Coordinator of any actions needed to be taken to correct these hazards at an emergency scene.
Identity of the safety official shall be entered in the (8)_______
(1) MCSU
(2) DEP (Department of Environmental Protection)
(3) Dept of sanitation
(4) P/S! (Has material safeguarded)
(5) Emergency services personnel
(6) Ops
(7) Traffic management center
(8) Command post log
(* No mention of CO/duty capt or boro*)
5 212-40 Explosive device/post explosion bomb scene (3/28/22)
(Explosive device/bomb threat 10 code is ______)
UMOS (cop) at a BOMB THREAT should obtain all relevant info and details, and immediately notify ___________ and provide details.
(Provide _________ with called location and telephone #, if available!)
UMOS should request response of __________ and ___________.
Obtain details concerning nature of threat. Consider totality of circumstances, prior history, type of location, recent political events, high volume of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
The P/S at a BOMB THREAT should FIRST review actions taken and determine if additional personnel or equipment are required.
P/S should confer w/ owner/representative. P/S may evacuate, may conduct preliminary search (NOT ABSOLUTE).
If it is an UNATTENDED ARTICLE UMOS (cop) should interview complainant and witness and attempt to determine owner/custodian of article, notify owner to retrieve it if he is identified.
(An unattended article will NOT be physically examined or otherwise disturbed by a MOS other than a member assigned to ______)
However if owner cannot be ID’ed OR a suspected explosive device is found then comply with “suspected/reported explosive device” (NEXT NOTECARD)
Patrol supervisor and ESU
Bomb squad
5 212-40 Explosive device/post explosion bomb scene (3/28/22)
At scene of “”SUSPECTED /REPORTED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE”” UMOS (cop) should FIRST ____________
UMOS should then notify ___________ via LANDLINE to request ____________, _________, _________ to RESPOND.
Also request ___________ be NOTIFIED
(Cop calls communication by landline, cop is busy evacuating ppl, A. Position of hard cover , As far as reasonably possible from the item and After all persons have been cleared from the immediate Area so communications notifies ESU, P/S and duty captain to respond)
(Again remember notify communications by LANDLINE, don’t use cell phone or radio around explosive device)
^^^(Remember Cop at a “bomb threat” notifies communications and requests only P/S and ESU
Cop at a “suspected/reported explosive device” notifies communications via landline to request E.D.P and Operations be notified)
- Evacuate area as necessary.
- Communications VIA LANDLINE
- ESU, duty captain and P/S
EDP=ExPlosive Device)
Request operations to be NOTIFIED
5 212-40 Explosive device/post explosion bomb scene (3/28/22)
At scene of “suspected/reported explosive device” the P/S should FIRST review actions taken and determine if additional personnel or equipment are required.
P/S should consult with (1)________ and other city officials.
The P/S should notify (2)__________ if significant rerouting of traffic is expected.
If necessary P/S can call Level 1 mobilization
(No prior conferral is needed to call a level 1!!)
(Assign UMOS to prevent entry of persons into
evacuated areas AND assign UMOS to direct responding personnel to command post)
(^Remember no one is using radios so P/S assigns UMOS to direct responding personnel to command post^)
The P/S establishes the command post AND REMAINS AT COMMAND POST and organized search of premise/area.
Secure assistance of building security, custodial staff, supv personnel to help search.
Have teams use stairs.
(If elevators must be used, use those NOT accessible to public)
The search team notifies (3)_______ when a suspected device is found HOWEVER do NOT stop searching, secondary devices may be involved.
The search team should not touch or disturb suspected device, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (absolute rule).
The patrol supervisor should also discontinue search (4) _______min prior to threatened explosion TIME in an UNOCCUPIED/EVACUATED building. Don’t resume search for at least (5)________ after threatened time
(IF building occupied resume search till building explodes!!)
IF DEVICE FOUND, then the P/S requests (6) _______ to notify ________AND request _______ to respond.
(For a “suspected device” found IN TRANSIT THE P/S notifies (7)______ DIRECT!)
(Same as 212-37 (hazardous materials) except in bombs the P/S notifies them only if device is found!)
The P/S also directs all persons be evacuated atleast (8) _______ from unattended article/suspected device
(Distance to which persons are evacuated may be either increased or decreased, depending on the circumstances, upon the recommendation of personnel assigned to (9) ________ or _______)
^(this only applies to “suspected device/unattended article”, at post explosion bomb scene all UMOS will immediately evacuate to a safe distance (1000 ft) and await arrival of bomb squad)
(1) Ranking FD officer
(2) Traffic management center
(3) Command post
(4) 20 min
(5) 1 hour
(6) Communications, OPS &
bomb squad
(7) Bomb squad DIRECT!
(8) 1000ft
(9) ESU or bomb squad
5 212-40 Explosive device/post explosion bomb scene (3/28/22)
ESU supv shall determine the necessary prelim steps to be taken to “SAFEGUARDS “” the device pending the arrival of the bomb squad.
Absent ESU supv, senior member of ESU will determine necessary steps to be taken.
(212-37 Hazmat-The P/S has materials safeguarded)
(212-40 Explosive device- ESU supv safeguards pending bomb squad)
When search is complete without results or device is successfully removed the patrol supv should notify ___________ and ___________
Communications and operations
5 212-40 Explosive device/post explosion bomb scene (3/28/22)
(P/S is the only actor)
If bomb explodes the P/S at a post explosion bomb scene should know to conduct an immediate and expeditious search for deceased, injured, or trapped persons.
(To enhance safety and preserve the integrity of the bomb scene, the ranking officer on the scene will limit search crews to the minimum number necessary to effectively accomplish the task. Due to the possible existence of secondary explosive devices, including devices specifically designed to injure responding emergency personnel, search crew members will use extreme caution while searching for or removing injured/deceased persons)
^^(Before bomb goes off we secure assistance of building security and custodial staff to search for bomb HOWEVER after bomb goes off we limit search crews to a min # to enhance safety+preserve integrity of crime scene)^^
Have property of evacuated/injured persons safeguarded.
P/S should direct ESU to remove injured to a safe location where EMS can administer treatment. (EMS does NOT go inside building)
(After all necessary medical assistance has been rendered, and initial search for deceased, injured, trapped person has been completed, all UMOS will immediately evacuate at a safe distance (least 1000 ft) and await arrival of bomb squad)
P/S should make certain bomb squad has been notified to respond
P/S should LOCATE WITNESSES and request they remain on scene to be questioned by_______
After ESU search (for inured/trapped persons) is complete NO ONE in our out of building until __________ searches and declares free.
No persons will be permitted to enter the post explosion/bomb scene, nor any dangerous
conditions (e.g., hanging ceiling, lights, broken windows, etc.,) be corrected, until Bomb
Squad personnel have conducted a search and declared the area free of secondary
explosive devices and the crime scene search has been completed (this includes Fire
Department personnel unless a fire exists). Only those persons having a clear need to
examine the scene and/or conduct an investigation will be allowed access to the scene
subsequent to the area being declared free of secondary devices by the Bomb Squad.
(Threatening Letters or Packages Received by Mail/Delivery):
UMOS should request P/S.
In regards to threatening communication UMOS should put in suitable envelope to minimize handling and mark
“”for LATENT fingerprint processing” Immediately forward to POLICE LAB with “request for LABORATORY REPORT” examination. Make a list of all persons who touch letter with their shield #, tax, SSN.
DO NOT PHOTOCOPY letter. You may secure in PSE using cardboard insert. Do not write on envelope once document inside. (So mark envelope
“for LATENT fingerprint processing” first, then put document inside it.
Bomb squad
212-41 Alarms at dept of education facilities
If at scene of department of education facility where there is NO sign of forced entry then UMOS(cop) should __________
If at scene of department of education facility where there is a forced entry UMOS should ask radio to have _____________ respond and ASK RADIO to notify ___________who notifies custodian UNLESS premises classified chronic alarm location
The P/S should assign UMOS to guard premise and safeguard property pending arrival of custodian/school security. Should also supervise search of premises and direct member to obtain info for 61.
The D.O (when custodian responds to SH) should designate an RMP to accompany and do interior search.
Give disposition 10-90N and go 98
Patrol supv
School safety div. alarms unit who notifies custodian unless premises classified chronic alarm location
212-42 Escort for physicians
When dispatched to a location where a physician requires an escort UMOS should respond to location and accompany physician to call.
Remain until completion of the visit.
Notify ______ that escort is completed
(Special attention is to be given to doctors and dentists offices, residences, and vehicles to prevent crimes against their property and person)
Radio dispatcher
212-43 Vacate orders
(Vacate orders are issued to remove residents from, or prevent their return into, a building which has become a hazard. This hazard may be caused
by a fire, partial building collapse, etc.)
UMOS should verify credentials of rep, obtain facts, and assist in evacuation ONLY when:
- Immediate danger of building collapse OR
- A threat to human life requires occupants to vacate in which case UMOS (cop) should also notify _________ (along with assisting in evacuation)
UMOS should request ____ to respond if persons are actually being evacuated, premises are to be sealed or for any other appropriate reason.
UMOS should make A/L entry and report facts to ____ upon completion of assignment.
Patrol supv should consult with _________ IF reasonable doubt of validity/credentials of vacate order OR if occupants refuse to vacate OR any sensitive/dangerous condition OR any potential for violence OR a large # of residents must be RELOCATED.
The D.O should report facts to _______ IF CONDITION requires special patrol coverage.
The agency of the vacate order is responsible to serve the order, and persuade occupants to leave.
__________ provides security to prevent re-entry within ______ HOWEVER UMOS will provide interim measures to ensure against re-entry.
MOS may arrest/summons under exigent circumstances.
(UNDER EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES UMOS may assist in NON-RESIDENTIAL vacate orders (building collapse, etc.)
Duty captain
DHPD (dept of housing preservation and development)
72 hours
212-44 Response to firearm dealers locations
The FBI has a mandatory check that gun dealers must conduct before selling a gun. If there’s a hit P/S is notified via operations asking P/S to 10-3.
The P/S should confer with ______ and IF NECESSARY confer with _________ in regards to situation at gun dealers location.
P/S should devise an appropriate tactical plan and direct wanted person be taken in to custody.
If person not present case will be referred to ________
IF person present the P/S should HAVE subject removed to SH for further investigation or arrest proceeding.
UMOS should call warrant section and put MOS notified in ___________ and all other pertinent forms (OLBS, Etc)
D.O should ensure warrant section notified by UMOS
If NCIS hit not sufficient to arrest, must bring to SH for “investigation”
C.O/Duty captain
Telephone record
212-45 Foreign nationals requesting asylum
UMOS should notify _________ and provide necessary protection and escort person to command.
The D.O should notify ______________ immediately and interview person (name, nationality, occupation, description of criminal charges, etc.)
Intel Bureau C.O
2 212-46 Unlawful poss. Of rifle/shotgun
(People exempt from requiring a permit for rifle/shotgun include persons in the military service of NYS/Peace officers/Participants in special events when authorized by __________)
When a UMOS observes someone with a rifle/shotgun loaded/unloaded, covered or uncovered in public he must FIRST determine if that person is a permit holder or exempt. If person is not exempt or does not have a permit UMOS should inform him to surrender the weapon on scene or at the precinct.
However MOS should serve C summons IF ______________ or _____________ or _____________
** IF not eligible for summons of refuses to surrender MOS should arrest **
If person is not exempt or does not have a permit UMOS should inform him to surrender rifle/shotgun on scene or at the precinct.
UMOS should notify _________ of actions taken and voucher weapon as _________.
(UMOS should forward copy of invoice to __________)
However if person purchased rifle/shotgun out of city he must apply for permit within _____ after bringing it in the city. In this case no summons, however UMOS still confiscates but vouchers as ______________
The D.O should issue prisoner receipt of PCI.
The D.O Should forward to _______IF believed weapon was used in crime OR permit holder accused of crime.
The D.O should inform owner to apply for permit at rifle/shotgun section**
No permit/certificate of registration Or Uncovered/In a transparent cover Or Is loaded
LIC. Div. rifle shotgun section
Rifle and shotgun section
72 hours (3 days)
FAU (firearms analysis unit)
212-51 Work disruptions at city construction sites
At scene of a VERIFIED work disruption UMOS should request response of ___________ (only if worksite disruption is verified)
The patrol supervisor must respond to all VERIFIED work disruptions at city owned construction sites, and should notify ____________
The desk officer should notify ____________(3ppl) for work disruptions at city owned construction sites
For crim trespass UMOS must arrest (agent will provide complainant)
For Felony assault UMOS must arrest (even if complainant does not want the arrest, complainant will be C/V)
Make 61 in ALL VERIFIED INCIDENTS of work disruptions on city owned construction sites and on offense enter “______________” (only make 61 IF worksite disruption is verified)
Patrol supervisor
Desk officer
C.O/duty captain, patrol borough command, operations unit
“Construction site disruption”
3 212-47 Counterfeit money
The investigating officer should have person last in possession write name/date across face of bill OR scratch initials on coin.
Then the investigating officer signs rank, name, shield and date on face of Bill or scratches initials on coin
(BOTH person in last possession scratches initials on coin!?)
(Remember 218, for PSE/Narco envelopes we sign name, shield, command date)
The desk officer then prepares a (1)_______ to ______and has messenger deliver 49x4 and counterfeit money to (2)_____
(No mention of PCI or vouchering counterfeit money!)
D.O has messenger sign itemized receipt in (3)________ and directs messenger to obtain one receipted copy of report from patrol boro, and then attaches that receipted copy to entry in (4)__________
For arrests involving counterfeiting the D.O notifies (5)_______ (208-47)
For complaints about counterfeiting the D.O notifies (6) _______(207-06)
(1) 49x4 to chief of patrol
(2) Patrol Boro office
(3) Property receipt book
(4) Property receipt book
(5) Secret service by phone direct (208-47)
(6) Operations(who notifies secret service)(207-06)
212-48 Vehicles taken by ‘Repo man’ or Marshall
Repo man takes vehicles because person didn’t pay their car loan/lease bill (Repo). D.O should make CLE and notify _____ via finest with time, date, vehicle info, etc. (Call SPIS if finest inoperative)
Marshall take a car because person didn’t pay their tickets (scofflaw). D.O should make CLE and notify ________ via finest using RVIE (request vehicle impound entry) with time, date, vin, etc.
(In either case the D.O is the only actor in this procedure, and in both cases he must __________________)
Property receipt book in this procedure is only used when ____________ takes car due to scofflaw violations. (When Marshall gives D.O copy of parking violations, D.O signs and files 1 copy in property receipt book)
SPIS Via FINEST using RVIE (marshal)
Run the vin through DMV via finest
City Marshall
2 212-49 Incidents involving media reps
Press cards can cross ____________
Press cards cannot cross _______________
If MOS is in confrontation with media OR media are harassed/assaulted OR their equipment vandalized at the SCENE OF NEWS EVENTS the UMOS should request response of supervisory member.
The supervisory member should conduct an immediate investigation.
He should also attempt to obtain third party witnesses ONLY WHEN ________________.
All parties to pct of occ., WHEN NECESSARY.
The supervisory member should also notify ____________ without delay.
The D.O notifies ___________ (3ppl) for incidents involving media reps!
(When incidents spill over or occur on private property, members of the media will not be arrested for criminal trespass, unless an owner or representative expressly indicates that the press is not to be permitted to enter or remain on the property.)
Police/fire lines (blue/white tape)
Crime scene/frozen area (yellow/black tape)
In confrontation with MOS
DCPI (Boss on street notifies, NOT D.O)
D.O notifies Platoon commander, C.O/Duty Captain, Operations
The platoon commander does the 49, not the D.O!!!!!!
5 212-52 Labor disputes
At a labor dispute UMOS should know to never take meal in facility of management or union. UMOS should also request P/S and notify D.O
The P/S should separately interview the union and management obtain information for a strike report and deliver strike report to (1)_____ . P/S should know force/violence not tolerated however right of public to use sidewalk is allowed.
P/S should advise management AND union representatives that:
a. Force or violence will not be tolerated
b. The law will be enforced impartially
c. Right of the public to use streets and sidewalks will be protected
d. Striking employees may conduct orderly picketing in accordance with conditions at the location
e. The (2)________ will designate the number of pickets permitted
f. Professional agitators and the use of language offensive to public decency will not be permitted
g. The carrying of sticks or poles that are affixed to signs, or other objects, which may be injurious to the public, by any individual or group, will not be permitted
(P/S can set up command post, if required, but command post will never be in facilities of management or union)
The P/S should telephone (3)_______ for immediate assignment of personnel if necessary.
The D.O should confer with and make assignments as directed by (4)____________ from pct personnel (if available) OR the D.O can request additional personnel from (5)_________.
Desk officer also does a 49 and notifies (6)_____.
The D.O should also have strike report prepared and the D.O should sign strike report ABOVE caption “Reviewed by”(D.O signs ABOVE caption) , and D.O forwards form!
(The P/S delivers strike report to D.O HOWEVER the D.O has strike report prepared and signs, and forward it)
When individuals are engaged in labor related activity such as picketing, distributing leaflets or otherwise demonstrating in a labor relations context, they are exempt from arrest for the categories of (7)_____.
Instead, the victim may be referred to court for an
injunction, or to the “National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)”.
The only permissible arrest for harassment in this situation is (harassment 2 sub 1) where the individual strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects the victim to physical contact, or attempts OR THREATENS to do the same.
It should also be remembered that no other Penal Law section has been amended in this way, so that a person who violates other provisions such as disorderly conduct, menacing, criminal mischief, etc., will still be subject to arrest even if the violation occurred in a labor demonstration.
(1) D.O
(2) Pct C.O
(3) D.O
(4) C.O/duty captain
(5) Patrol Boro
(6) Operations
(7) Harassment (Including harassment 1)
212-54 Person threatening to jump
When someone is threatening to jump off a building UMOS should notify communications and request response of _________, _________, ____________.
If over water then request __________ to respond. UMOS should also request response of relatives, friends, and clergymen and confine to side of building facing street
The patrol supervisor should just VERIFY that ESU AND EMS are responding
Patrol supervisor, ESU, EMS
3 212-56 Diplomatic incidents
UMOS should know diplomats with full criminal immunity can’t be arrested but may be detained and issued a summons. UMOS will extend every courtesy and consideration to them and provide all reasonable assistance.
However MOS should immediately notify __________ and _________ by telephone (FIRST STEP, MUST IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY)
MOS should also know NEVER to detain properly ID’ed diplomat verified by Intel CIS (DONT wait for arrival of P/S to let them go)
UMOS also requests _____ and TELEPHONES _____with details
Upon receiving phone call regarding diplomat from UMOS the D.O notifies ________ and ________and __________.
D.O also reviews and processes requires forms/reports.
Operations and Intel bureau by telephone
C.O/Duty captain, operations and patrol boro
3 212-56 Diplomatic incidents
P/S phones results of prelim investigation to (1)________ and ________and ________
((1)MOS (cop) first notifies ops and intel.
(2) D.O notifies C.O, Ops, Boro.
(3) P/S phones results of prelim investigation to Boro, Ops, intel (always) and reports actions taken to C.O in non serious incident!)
The P/S should also investigate incident and interview witnesses.
P/S should determine if incident is of a serious or non serious nature
P/S should report actions taken to (2)_______ (ALWAYS)
D/O notify Pct (3)_______ who will perform the duties of the Patrol Supervisor if the incident is of a serious nature. Incidents of a NON-Serious nature will be investigated by the Patrol Supervisor.
Only when incident is NON-SERIOUS Nature, P/S notify (4)_________ of actions taken by P/S.
When incident is SERIOUS THE (5)________ will conduct investigation and prepare 49x4-(1 copy to chief of patrol/2 copy to Intel/last copy to Pct desk binder)
If DWI suspected we may ask them to take breathalyzer, they can refuse just note it in cops (6)_______ and supv (7)___________. This document may be used by the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs at a later date for possible prosecution or administrative action against the diplomat, should the diplomat’s home country waive immunity.
Even with full immunity, responding UMOS must prepare all of the required reports (61, AIDED)
Do not enter HQ district of UN on official duty w/o consent of (8)______________
(A parking summons on “diplomat” license plate for a safety hazard violation is NOT considered a diplomatic incident!!!!!!)
Emergency Child Removals with a Diplomatic Immunity Component: MOS will notify CO/DC if an emergency child removal with a diplomatic immunity component. Such removal will be directly supervised by the CO/DC.
(C.O/Duty captain does 49 if incident is serious, there is no 49 IF incident is non serious so P/S will NEVER do a 49!!!)
(1) Boro, Ops, Intel (BOI)-(P/S)
Intel (incident is serious/non-serious)
(2) D.O
(3) C.O/Duty Capt
(4) C.O/Duty captain
(5) C.O/Duty captain
(6) Cops A/L
(7) Supv unusual occurrence report
(8) Secretary General
3 212-57 Service of Family/Supreme Court order of protection by UMOS.
(Basically this is the Sheriffs duty, however if member of public/court comes to us, we’ll accept it and fax it to the Sheriff, BUT if sheriff is not open, we’ll serve the OOP)
The D.O should accept OOP and have petitioner complete “NYC Dept of finance, office of Sheriff, Service process intake”
Then, If the Sheriff is working, (M-Thurs 0300-2300 + F 0500-2300) the D.O should fax the OOP and above form directly to NYC Sheriffs operations desk, make phone call to confirm, and enter Sheriffs confirmation of receipt in _____________. (Sheriffs do not work weekends)
D.O- make appropriate entries in the OOP log at least ONCE each “CONSECUTIVE “ tour until the NYC Sheriff’s Office Reopens or the Order is Served. Indicates name under caption 2nd tour UMOS assigned/D.O.
D.O fax to the NYC sheriff office and confirm fax by Telephone for further processing when assigned MOS is unable to service the OOP and NYC sheriff’s Office has reopened. Enter into the OOP Log that the OOP was forwarded to NYC Sheriff.
UMOS assigned to serve OOP should ask neighbors, super, of residents whereabouts.
IF OOP IS SERVED UMOS assigned should make “statement of personal service” form and deliver ORIGINAL to ___________ (UMOS should then send a photocopy of “statement of personal service” to ____________)
(If order NOT served then UMOS should simply make A/L entry!)
(When serving orders issued by Supreme Court, strike out “family court” and write in “supreme court”)
(D.O gets original “statement of personal service form”, DVPO gets a PHOTOCOPY!)
The DVPO should then enter information in state OOP registry VIA FINEST and send statement of personal service (photocopied form) to ________________. In OOP log DVPO should put time/date of entry in state OOP registry, and initial.
We advise them to return to court to have OOP amended, so they can remove clothes OR so items may be delivered to respondent or to a third party. HOWEVER WE MAY ACCOMPANY THE PETITIONER (C/V) WHEN THEY WANT TO RETURN TO A SHARED LOCATION TO PICK UP THEIR PROPERTY/CLOTHING. **
OOP log
Desk officer
Court clerk (family or supreme)
212-55 Fireworks injuries
For injuries relating to fireworks the UMOS will notify _______ and request response of _________ and _________
UMOS should also request response of ambulance, if necessary.
UMOS should issue summons or effect Arrest if fireworks were illegally possessed.
Prepare 61 and under caption enter _______________
P/S should only review actions taken and ascertain that PDS has been notified to respond.
Desk officer
Patrol supervisor and PDS
“Investigate aided-fireworks injury”
4 212-58 Fire
It’s the UMOS job to ensure area in FRONT of building is secure and secure lobby.
UMOS should assist in evacuating persons if appropriate and prevent persons from reentering building. Use common sense judgement.
UMOS should direct responsible person to FRONT of location to direct fire apparatus if fire is not in view
UMOS should NOT hold elevator car doors on any floor
P/S should ENSURE a clear path of access and egress is established and maintained for ambulances.
P/S will IMMEDIATELY assign UMOS to direct and control responding emergency vehicles to allow free access to affected area.
P/S should CONFIRM that fire hydrants remain accessible for use.
P/S should also CONFER with (2)______ and advise MOS to tactically retreat to predetermined exit.
If fire is suspicious P/S should notify (3)______and request (4)_____.
The (5)________ should proceed immediately to the (6)__________ once established and remain until relieved or command post is demobilized.
(Advise the (7)________ of the number of MOS inside affected building, including last known location)
Ranking member of PD will confer with ranking FD to determine if additional police resources are required (aviation, harbor, etc.)
UMOS should be aware that some modern buildings are fire-proof and may not exhibit conditions that are commonly believed to be observable from outside a building on fire (i.e., flames or smoke).
Uniformed members are not trained in, or equipped for, fire suppression or fire rescue operations and should avoid entering any building that is on fire.
In most circumstances, members should await the arrival of FDNY personnel and assist in evacuation,
pedestrian/traffic control and establishing a secure perimeter around firefighting operations.
Given the fluid nature of the circumstances encountered at a fire scene, MOS are reminded to use common sense judgment.
UMOS should notify (8)_______ of all observations made PRIOR to entry.
The (9)____ should communicate to FDNY personnel at the scene the # of MOS who entered the building, including last known location, if possible.
ABSENT EXIGENT UMOS should NOT operate on any floor ABOVE the fire and not attempt to navigate a smoke filled or fiery environment.
UMOS should use stairs in teams of two, tell radio of labeled staircase, place BACK OF HAND on stairwell door to detect heat.
(Frequently relay location and ascertain estimated time of FDNY arrival and DO NOT use ELEVATOR )
(1) Patrol supervisor
(2) FDNY supv
(3) Desk officer and request (4) PDS
(5) FIRST P/S on scene
(6) FDNY incident command post
(7) FDNY incident commander
(8) Radio dispatcher
(9) UMOS (cop!)
4 212-58 Fire (3/31/22)
At scene of fire UMOS should prepare 61 ONLY IF THE FIRE IS SUSPICIOUS.
UMOS should prepare AIDED for EACH injured person.
(____reviews 61/Aided for fires, if PREPARED)
UMOS should also ENSURE premises are secure once firefighting operations have concluded.
_____ should establish police lines BEHIND the building and beyond fire operations, if necessary!)
UMOS (cop!) should permit only following persons and vehicles to enter fire lines ________(MAP ME)
(When fire reaches 2nd alarm, FD notifies our operations unit who then directs the Duty Captain to the scene)
(UMOS) established police lines
(1) Mayor and vehicle
(2) Ambulance, police and FDNY vehicles
(3) Press with valid Press credentials
(4) Members of government agency and Red Cross personal ONLY IN PERFORMANCE OF DUTY
(5) Employee of public service corporations (con ed, other utility companies) and their vehicles ONLY IN PERFORMANCE OF EMERGENCY DUTY
4 212-58 Fire (3/31/22)
The desk officer should notify ________ and ________ ONLY if: (FRUITS are burning!?!)
Operations and Boro Command ONLY IF:
F- Forced entry by FD R- Relocation of tenants U-Unusual fire I- Injury/death T- Three alarms or more S- Suspicious fire -(P/S also notifies D.O and requests PDS and UMOS prepares 61 only if fire is suspicious)
212-61 Burglary-robbery apprehension module (BRAM)
UMOS should know in regards to all burglaries, we DONT take 61(BAT does) and even if arrest is made OR not made to notify _________ and __________. UMOS should only bring C/V to SH only IF perp can be ID’ed.
For robberies we take the 61 and bring robbery vic in to SH to view photos
The desk officer reviews/finalizes 61, and forwards 61 to BRAM, the D.O DOES NOT DETERMINE if 61 is open (PDS/BRAM) does
(so for burgs don’t take 61 and we bring C/V in to house only if perp can be ID’ed-makes sense cause usually C/V does NOT know who their burglar is.
But for robberies we take 61 and bring Vic in to house to ID perp-makes sense cause ppl can usually pick out who robbed them)
Boro/bureau ECT AND
PDS (who notifies BRAM investigator)
2 212-65 Bicycle patrol
UMOS should know to only ride bicycle with approval of ________________
UMOS should know to inspect bikes with A/L entry of __________ (ABC-QUICK-CHECK)
________ and _______ and ________worn when in uniform and obey ALL VTL EXCEPT IN EMERGENCY
For Plainclothes MOS on bikes they must wear nondescript helmets, eye gear and protective vest (not luminous vest)
UMOS should notify ______ (in his absence notify_________) if bicycle requires repair or should not be utilized.
Anti crime supervisors should ensure PO does safety inspection and supervise use of nondescript bikes and confer with __________ regarding their use.
Immediate supervisor
Air pressure, brakes, crank, quick release levels, check with brief ride
Helmet, luminous vest and shatterproof eye gear
Immediate supv
In absence-D.O
2 212-65 Bicycle patrol
Bicycle coordinating supervisor should inspect cops and bikes before they go out.
(Bicycle supv should perform duty on bike if practical!)
Don’t deploy in weather ABOVE _____ or BELOW _____.
(Or rain, snow, sleet, heavy fog)
Designate an MOS to do minor repairs not to exceed _____________ a day
(Ensure that bicycles utilized are listed on the A.R.C.S. Roll Call)
Bicycle patrol activity report go to ______________ by the _____ of the month
For collisions bikes do NOT go back on service until inspected by _____________
(ALL COMMANDS WILL HAVE THEIR BICYCLES REPAIRED AT PA drivers education and training unit)
- Bicycle number is to be affixed on both sides of the fork (facing downward) below the front brake cantilever.
- Command designation is to be affixed at the top of the down tube on both sides.
- Numerals are______ block numbers, white in color.
- Requests for these stickers will be made to the respective ____________.
Bicycle supv should establish and maintain a Bicycle/Equipment Log Book
ABOVE 95 or BELOW 32
One hour
Special ops LT/counterpart by 7th of month
PADTU (police academy driver training patrol unit)
1 1/4 inch
Patrol borough/bureau bicycle coordinator concerned
2 212-66 Mayors exec order 34 and 41- IMMIGRANTS
If foreign national arrested A/O should ASK CITIZENSHIP STATUS, question country of birth.
(Intel notifies immigration based on data from OLBS, A/O DOES NOT NOTIFY IMMIGRATION OR INTEL)
Any questions confer with ________
“Foreign national” crime Vic may file for “U non immigrant” status IF they cooperate with us AND suffer substantial abuse. Notify and forward any requests DIRECT to ____________”
REMEMBER Intel notifies immigration based on data from OLBS, A/O DOES NOT NOTIFY IMMIGRATION OR INTEL
Legal bureau
Chief of Dept
212-68 Confidential informants
For use of CI the Requesting officer prepares confidential informant database inquiry (CIDI) addressed to _____________ and have it signed by _____________
Fax CIDI to Intel and call them verifying receipt then record that call in _____________ and forward original CIDI to Intel within 24 hours VIA department mail.
Patrol, housing, and transit may register a CI for no more than ____ days, during which time informant may only be used _____
(At end of 30 days CI will automatically be deactivated in database)
IF CI is less than 18 have P/G present and cosign form
IF CI on probation obtain permission from probation officer
IF CI on parole obtain permission from parole officer
IF CI wanted on WARRANT, have WARRANT vacated
Deft in active crim case, obtain permission from ADA concerned
CO Intel bureau
Your C.O
Telephone record
30 days
212-69 Involuntary protection service
When social services representative presents an order to enter premises TELL THEM TO BRING IT TO ___________
If legal approves the D.O will get a call from Boro, the D.O puts that call in _____________.
(Social service representative may force entry, WE DONT, we preserve peace. In addition IF they forced entry they must secure door and protect property)
The D.O should direct P/S and a UMOS to accompany rep to location mentioned in the order.
The P/S upon completion does a 49x2 to _____________
Telephone record
Chief of department IRS
212-70 Civilian commendation
MOS should recommend civilian NON-MOS for act of worthy commendation on “civilian commendation application” and forward to __________. (IF crim case involved advise ADA)
Ops coordinator/counterpart will fwd it to _____
Ops coordinator
212-73 Bicycle registration program
The bicycle registration program is coordinated by ________________ and all NYC PD bikes are enrolled in program.
MOS registering a bicycle marks it with engraving tool. 3 digit number for PCT and 4 digit # in sequence of enrollment. (040-0001)
MOS should also establish a bicycle registration log, utilizing a department record book or computerized database
IF bike sold/transferred to new owner engrave _____ AFTER previously issued registration IF bike is being registered in same pct.
IF bike being registered in other than original pct etch out old registration and engrave new #
When a registered bike is recovered MOS should make an “article inquiry” via FINEST by using the NYSPIN information function.
In regards to removal of derelict bikes, sanitation will affix a notice to bicycle advising owner it must be removed within ___ days or they’ll dispose of it
Crime prevention officer
7 days
212-74 Community notification protocol
MOS should notify community leaders/organizations concerned of event and pertinent background information as directed by _______. Confidential information will NOT be divulged.
Document time of notification on the _____________ and MOS notifying.
Community notification roster
212-75 Search warrant applications
In order to get a search warrant application UMOS is most correct to confer with _________ and ___________.
BEFORE applying UMOS must conduct a safenet search and get a safenet control number.
UMOS (cop) completes “SEARCH WARRANT REQUEST” (I.O 23)
UMOS will submit “safenet request form” to safenet bureau coordinator
Supervisor reviews and signs “search warrant request”
Supv concerned with search warrants should investigate location, do reconnaissance, and surveillance. Personally witness any interviews with CI. And do a 49 to ________ in ALL cases including background check.
*** If executed in housing, tenant data check MUST be conducted
***Can request oral search warrant from ________ OR ________ THROUGH immediate supervisor if arraignment part of criminal court is closed
Immediate supervisor and CO
Boro XO OR Duty chief through immediate supv
2 212-67 Police clergy program
Police/clergy volunteers will function within Pct boundaries and perform duties as recruiters, advisers, and as a bridge between the community and Pct..
Police clergy liaisons will be designated members available to assist in maintaining calm, and seeking cooperation from community during AND after emergencies. Police clergy liaisons will be UNOFFICIAL recruiters, urging young ppl in their congregations to seek careers with PD.
info card
2 212-76 Info concerning official business of department
When info given to other than press make COMMAND LOG ENTRY with ID of person and subject.
MOS may request his medical record in writing to ___________ with NO FEE.
Questions regarding confidentiality of records/information from elected officials or their staff will be directed to the ______________
MOS can direct requests for “sensitive info” from government officials or candidates to make a written proposal/request to _______________
All members of the service will cooperate with
properly identified auditors; questions concerning identity of auditing personnel will be directed to the ____________.
D.O will notify OMAP in regards to auditors requesting records, procedures, operations.
Requests from government agencies, private organizations, institutions of higher education, etc., for statistics, surveys, samples and other types of information concerning the Department will be forwarded to the___________
^Only other time OMAP comes up is in 215-08 Questions regarding OLJRS go to OMAP (ITB help desk after hours)^
Legal bureau
Police commissioner
Office of Management Analysis and Planning (OMAP)
5 212-77 Release of info to news media (3/31/22)
Highest ranking UMOS should know to confer with _____________ regarding the information to be released, prior to addressing the media.
DO NOT release information regarding ID of: (Acronym) CCC LINA
Arrest or booking Photographs of an individual UNLESS the photo would serve a law enforcement purpose. Also , Any information that may hinder prosecution or Jeopardize the safety of MOS, complainant or witness.
Juvenile Delinquent vs. Juvenile Offender/Adolescent Offender
Once a JO or AO has their case removed from Criminal Court to Family Court, then confidentiality protections will apply. Information should not be released to the public after this point.
- Child 17 & under taken into custody (UNLESS J.O OR A/O)
- Child complainant 17 & under
- CI/Confidential witness(confidential information)
- Location of sexual assaults (IF ITS THE VICTIMS RESIDENCE OR
NOT-apprehended /perps residence ) - ID of sex crime victim
- Neglected/Abused child
- Address/phone # of MOS, complainant OR witness to a crime OR information that will jeopardize their safety
5 212-77 Release of info to news media (3/31/22)
If requested, release the following information AFTER an ARREST IS MADE: (acronym) SINC
- Substance of text or charge(s) such as a complaint, indictment, information and Only when appropriate the identity of the complainant
- ID of the investigating and arresting agency and length of the investigation
- Name, age, residence, employment, marital status and similar background information of the arrested person(s) after ID is confirmed
Circumstances immediately surrounding arrest
including time and place of arrest, resistance, pursuit, possession and use of weapons and a general description of items seized at the time of arrest
(Notify DCPI of any interaction with media)
5 212-77 Release of info to news media (3/31/22)
You MAY release this information (Acronym) ONLY after conferral with _____and _____. Acronym (RAT COP)
DCPI And chief of detectives
- Reputation(character of accused/witness)
- Anticipated testimony of witness
- Test results or refusal to take a test
- Credibility of witness
- Opinion/speculation concerning evidence or arguments( whether or not used)
- Photos, films, video tapes or mug shot
UMOS can release this info (RATCOP) after conferral with DCPI AND CHIEF OF DETECTIVES
5 212-77 Release of info to news media (3/31/22)
*ID of sex crime victim ensure identity of the victim of a sex offense is NOT released. It is against the LAW and you may be sued !! , ONLY the following individuals may be provided with the identity of a sex crime victim:
A) defendant charged with the crime
B) counsel or guardian of defendant charged with the crime
C) public officers and employees investigating
- With prior permission of ______ certain info may be withheld if there’s a legitimate concern for the safety of a witness in the “interests of justice” (release of info may compromise an ongoing investigation)
- When MOS are releasing department records MUST ENSURE that the identity of a victim of a sex offense in NOT Divulged when info is released*
- Info on persons with communicable disease is to be treated as confidential. However unusual circumstances can warrant release but only with written consent of the __________________
(REMEMBER for communicable disease isolation cells should be used, if available AND information may be recorded on either a prisoner movement slip OR medical treatment of prisoner form but IF ON PRISONER MOVEMENT SLIP DONT MAKE MEDICAL TREATMENT OF PRISONER FORM)
Operations order 48 of 2014 Body worn cameras
It’s voluntary and issued to certain UMOS to see if it contributes to officer safety, provides evidence for criminal prosecutions, helps resolve personnel complaints, fosters positive relations with the community.
If MOS finds something wrong with camera during tour OR when they sign it out they notify ________________
Desk officer conducts immediate investigation and puts discrepancies in command log
However if UMOS discovers (at roll call) body camera is not working the ______________ conducts immediate investigation
If MOS terminates recording before completion, then make ___________ with reason and notify _____________
D.O should then do a 49 detailing investigation, findings and action taken and forward a copy to ________ ,__________, and ______________
Supervisor conducting roll call
A/L entry
Bureau chief, Chief of dept, DCLM
Operations order 48 of 2014 Body worn cameras
DO NOT RECORD at handschu events OR admin duty OR non enforcement function OR if victim requests and situation in non confrontational.
However if you do record an activity you shouldn’t have, then make a ______ and notify ________
MOS should know they can archive ANY PORTION of a recording that CAPTURES AN ARREST and can use manufacturers software to burn a CD/DVD and voucher it(DO NOT NEED TO REQUEST FROM ANYONE TO SAVE VIDEO OF ARREST, JUST ARCHIVE YOURSELF)
However UMOS can request ________ to archive incidents OTHER than arrests.
D.O should notify __________ for archive requests involving CCRB or a request made by UMOS that is NOT an arrest.
A/L entry and notify D.O
Operations order 48 of 2014 Body worn cameras
When notified to give testimony UMOS may request to review any video pertaining to that event with request made to _____________
Request D.O to archive any non-arrest, and D.O notifies C.O of request)
For technical assistance call ______________
For additional CD/DVD’s for burning of arrest footage, ___________
If UMOS does not request that non arrest footage be archived, said video will be preserved for _____________
ITSD Wheel supv 24/7
EMAIL BWC@nypd.org
1 year
5 212-123 Use of Body-Worn Camera
Additional data:
- confirmatory identifications(show-up) must be done in person and NOT by the witness viewing a BWC video of the suspect HOWEVER an image of a suspect depicted in a BWC video may be used in a photo array for identification. A still shot of the BWC footage depicting the subject may be taken on a Dept computer, printed and thereafter affixed to a photo array for identification.
- Requests by a witness or victim to view a BWC recording must be declined and referred to the appropriate prosecutor handling the case.
- requests by civilians to view a BWC recording that is not related to a criminal case must be declined and referred to the (1) ______ . Requests for BWC recordings can be made by emailing FOIL@NYPD.ORG or by making a request on NYC’s FOIL website.
- Any MOS requiring BWC footage to be downloaded to a digital video disc(DVD) as part of their case work or investigation, should make such request to the (2) ______via______. All requests should include pertinent information regarding the specific BWC video(s) or specific details of the incident to ensure all necessary BWC footage is identified and downloaded.
-when entering a Dept facility equipped w/ electronic access, UMOS should cover the BWC lens when entering the access code in to keypad to prevent inadvertent recording of access code information
- UMOS may not copy , publish, share or disseminate any audio, video, image or data to anyone UNLESS authorized by
(3) _______. Furthermore MOS may not edit, delete or alter any video or audio captured by BWC or stored in Dept network or approved storage media. - The default preservation period for BWC video is (4)______ months at which time it will be automatically deleted, Depending upon the “category” assigned to the video, certain video(arrest) may be retained for longer periods. The (5)_____ may request that a BWC be retained beyond the retention period.
- IAB will process requests from CCRB for BWC video, A/O’s will provide the assigned prosecutor with access to all BWC video related to an arrest utilizing the BWC video management system
(1) Legal Bureau’s Subpoena Litigation Unit
(2) Legal Bureau’s BWC Unit VIA email
(3) P.C
(4) 18months
(5) C.O
5 212-123 Use of Body-Worn Camera
Viewing of BWC recording:
In the performance of their duties, UMOS may view the following BWC recording:
- Their own BWC recordings or
- BWC recordings made by another UMOS , if the viewing is in furtherance of an investigation, preparation of a case or other official purpose and
- When a UMOS is the subject of an official Dept investigation or is a witness in an official Departmental investigation they may view his/her own BWC recordings of the incident PRIOR to making a statement in a GO15(206-13) at a time and place deemed appropriate by the Supv in charge of the investigation
- When a recording is related to a level 4 use of force or a serious injury/death in custody (221-03) the UMOS may view their own BWC recording PRIOR to make statements in a GO15(206-13)at a time and place deemed appropriate by the Supv in charge of the investigation
- UMOS , PRIOR to Roll Call, will:
- Retrieve assigned BWC from docking station,
- Turn power on and inspect BWC to ensure that battery is changed and the device is operational and
- Position BWC to facilitate the optimal recording field of view
- (This will normal entail attaching it to the outermost garment in the vicinity of the breast pocket of a uniform shirt, duty jacket or garment used for plain clothes assignment, using appropriate mounting hardware provided.)
- utilize BWC only when personally issued and authorized by the Dept to record official activity while on duty
(The use of any non-Dept issued recording device is STRICTLY prohibited)
5 212-123 Use of Body-Worn Camera
Supervisor and Administrative Functions for BWC:
Supv conducting Roll Call duties:
- Supv conducting roll call should provide members performing duty with the platoon sufficient time AFTER the start of their tour, but PRIOR to (1)______, to retrieve their assigned BWC from the docking station
- Supv conducting roll call should inspect members for their assigned BWCs and ensure that they are properly affixed to their uniform or outer-most garment, powered on and functioning properly
*Mandatory Activation of BWC for All UMOS:**
- 75I(Activate upon entering, do not deactivate until exiting and terminating interior)
-Public interactions that escalate and become adversarial
-interactions with EDP
- interactions with persons suspected of Criminal Activity
- A search of an individual, their belongings, vehicle, home, EXCEPT for (2)______
- Vehicle stops, vehicle check points
-Summonses, except for (3)_____, unless the owner/operator is present
-Use of force
- Bag checks
-Transit system ejections, Transit system sleeping passenger checks
-Request from a member of the public to make shield/rank designation visible
-All levels of investigate encounters (including level 1 ) except for vehicle collisions missing person, aided case not involving an EDP and past crime investigations (10-20 series) and
- Reading Miranda warnings to Juveniles
(If individual is in police custody, ensure that BWC is activated when asking if medical and /or psychological treatment is necessary
Prohibited recording made:
-UMOS notifies (4)_____who notifies____who notifies____.
(____(5) investigates prohibited recordings)
-UMOS notifies (6)_____,who investigates and notifies (7)______ to document results of investigation in command log
-Patrol Supv/Unit Supv should then prepare and forward a report on Typed Letterhead detailing the investigation, findings and actions taken to the (8)_____through_____and Forward additional copies to the(9) _____and ______.
(1)- Roll call
(2) - strip searches
(3) - “A” summons unless owner/operator is present
(4) -P/S/Unit Supv < D.O < C.O/Duty Capt
(5) C.O
(6) - P/S/Unit Supv
(7) - D.O
(8) - Chief of Dept through channel
(9) - DCIT( Deputy Commissioner ,Information Technology) and C.O Risk Management Bureau
5 212-123 Use of Body-Worn Camera
(3/28/22) skip this is ico’s duty
Supv and Administrative functions for BWC:
-ICO is responsible for the integrity and security of the BWCs, related hardware and the video management system.
(when a MOS transfers to another BWC command, ICO should ensure_______)
(when a MOs transfers to a non-BWC command , ICO should ensure member’s BWC is returned to________)
- ICO should supervise review of BWC video by Supv assigned to command
- ICO Should periodically review BWC video as appropriate, to provide positive feedback and address any performance deficiencies observed
- ICO should ensure distribution of command’s “Quarterly “ BWC self-inspections to command staff
- ICO should ensure “Monthly “ self-inspections are conducted and made available for review by the Quality Assurance Division
- ICO should complete all investigatory communications sent by the compliance Division in regard to BWC usage.
The ______ will conduct an immediate investigation when notified that a BWC is missing, damaged or not functioning properly and notifies ____if a replacement is needed.
The ____will notify____ if a NEW BWC is needed for NEW personnel assigned to command
The____ will log in to BWC video management system at least ONCE each tour to identify BWC video recorded by Command personnel that has not been categorized properly
- Member takes BWC with them
- ITB,Strategic Technology Division
- D.O
- training SGT/ ITB strategy technology division
- D.O
5 212-123 use of BWC (3/28/22)
BWC activation, Notice of recording, and Exigent circumstances for all UMOS:
- UMOS should begin recording PRIOR to arrival at incident location when mandatory activation is required, except for_____ who may activate their BWC immediately AFTER arrival at incident location in order to ensure the safe operation of Dept vehicle.
-In the event of an unanticipated or exigent occurrence, activate the BWC as soon as it is feasible and safe to do so after taking necessary police action to preserve human health and safety
(At no time should proper tactics be compromised to begin a recording)
- As soon as reasonable practical, notify members of the public that an interaction is being recorded, unless notification could compromise the safety of any person or impede an investigation
(Suggested notification: “Sir/Ma’am, I am wearing a body- camera and this encounter is being recorded)
(Consent is NOT required to start or continue recording)
- A/O should identify all BWC video associated with the arrest, and if know any other pertinent BWC video from previous incident that can enhance the art case
Note when A/O becomes aware of any pertinent BWC video that is associated with their arrest case , regardless of when the video was recorded , A/O will ensure that those BWC video files are properly identified and shared with the DA’s office or special prosecutor
- A/O will ensure all associated BWC videos are properly categorized
- A/O will use the appropriate functions in the video management system to share all BWC videos associated with the arrest to the DA’s office or special prosecutor
- if a MOS becomes aware of potential or actual civil litigation involving a matter captured by a BWC, then he should share BWC w/_______
- If a MOS captures an incident under investigation then he should share BWC w/ _____
-Vehicle Operators
- Legal bureau
- Assigned detective/investigator
5 212-123 use BWC
- Once the BWC has been activated, continue recording until the investigative , enforcement or other police action is concluded
- Recording should include C/V statements UNLESS prohibited recording (strip search, off duty employment, undercover officer)
A) in the case of an arrest, continue recording until the prisoner is lodged at the command for arrest processing and
B) The UMOS may choose to deactivate the BWC upon the request of a member of the public if a suspect is NOT present and it is safe and advisable to do after considering all the circumstances including the requester’s desire for privacy or confidentiality
5 212-123 Use of BWC (3/28/22)
UMOS should notify_____ if a BWC is , at ANY point during tour;
- Not functioning properly
- Becomes damaged or
- Is otherwise unaccounted for and document notification in _____
D.O will conduct immediate investigation
- All 10-10s except _____
- 10–2 P.O/ security holding
- 10-30 series
- 10-50 disorderly person or group
- 10-52 dispute
- 10-53(with injuries) when HDCIS or ECT is requested to respond to scene
- 10-85 excluding _____
- 10-13
- Any incident involving a weapon and
- Shotspotter Activation
-Digital A/L
- Missing person
- Administrative assistance
5 212-123 use BWC
Training SGT duties:
- Training SGt should PERIODICALLY review BWC video as appropriate, to provide positive feedback and address any performance or tactical deficiencies observed.
(P/S. Unit Supv periodically reviews BWC as well)
- Training sgt should assess compliance with the procedure and take necessary remedial action to correct deficiencies.
- Training Sgt should prepare and submit monthly BWC inspection report to ____by the _____ of each month for videos reviewed during the previous month
- Training Sgt should ensure new personnel assigned to command are BWC trained and are equipped with a BWC compatible with the command
- Training Sgt should notify _____ if a NEW BWC is needed.
-Patrol Supv /Unit Supv should respond to police firearms discharges, Level 3 and 4 uses of force and death in-custody/serious injury in custody incidents and assume command.
A) P/S /Unit Supv should secure BWC’s from all MOS who were on scene, documenting which officer had each camera
B) Patrol Supv/Unit Supv should confer with _____ for level 3 uses of force and determine whether to secure BWC pending their response and
C) In all cases involving a police firearm discharge or level 4 use of force , P/S / unit Supv should secure BWC’s and provide BWC’s to______ upon their arrival
-P/S Unit Supv should instruct MOS to deactivate BWC if enforcement action has terminated, the event has been stabilized and interaction with the subject(s) of the police activity has concluded.
-Record only if engaged in Mandatory Activation of BWC and if_______
(The Technical Assistance and Response unit(TARU) remains solely responsible for documenting protests, demonstrations, political events etc by means of photos and /or video)
- Compliance Division‘s BWC unit
- 20th
- ITB,strategic Technology Division
- Force investigation division (FID)
-in uniform
5 212-123 use BWC (3/28/22)
D.O Duties:
- D.O should account for all BWC’s assigned to command at start of tour and enter details in the______.
- D.O should conduct an immediate investigation when notified that BWC is not functioning properly, has become damaged or is otherwise unaccounted for and comply with p.G 217-10 “Accidents- Dept property” or P.G 219-20 “ Loss or Theft of Dept property “ as appropriate and make entries in ______
(D.O should notify _____ and follow guidance for obtaining a replacement BWC)
- D.O should ensure that all BWCs are returned to their docking station for video upload and battery recharging at EOT
- D.O should ensure arresting officer / Assigned officer has shared all BWC videos associated with the arrest to with DAs office or special prosecutor
(Ensure Distrcit Attorney Body-Worn Camera Checklist is prepared as appropriate)
Command log
Command log
ITB service desk
5 212-123 use BWC
SUPV and Administrative Functions for BWC:
P/S/ Unit Supv duties:
-P/S /Unit Supv should visit MOS equipped with BWCs while on assignment and ensure they are recording events and activities
-P/S / unit Supv should instruct MOS to deactivate BWC if enforcement action has terminated, the event has been stabilized and interaction with the subject of the police activity has conducted
- P/S /Unit Supv shou conduct an investigation when notified that a member failed to record all or part of an “ Mandatory Recording “ encounter and make a determination regarding the propriety of the circumstances surrounding the failure to record and notify the _____ to document results of investigation in _____
- P/S /Unit Supv should then prepare and forward a report on Typed Letterhead detailing the investigation, findings, and actions taken to the _____ through _____, and forward additional copies to the ____and _____
(Ensure that any resulting failure to record is documented in the uniform member’s digital
-Command log
- Chief of Dept through channels
- Deputy Commissioner information technology (DCIT) AND C.O Risk management Bureau
5 212-123 use BWC
Documentation and Maintenance of BWC:
-UMOS should access the video management system on the Dept internet OR Dept smartphone to classify videos based upon the nature of the event
- UMOS should select one category for BWC video retention from the drop down list in the following priority order:
(1) Arrest
(2) Homicide
(3) Summons
(4) Investigative encounter
(5) Uncategorized
-UMOS should document the nature of event from drop down list ( EDP, DV incident, home visit)
(If the nature of the event cannot be selected from the drop down list , enter a _____ and include the ______)
- If related to an arrest , UMOS should enter the complete arrest number , beginning with the Borough letter designation in the appropriate field
- NOTE when Highway Distrcit, Intoxicated Driver Testing Unit (IDTU) personnel respond to a hospital or medical facility to conduct testing, the technician and the arresting officer will both activate their body-worn cameras to record the reading of the interrogation warnings and questions on Dept form INTERROGATION WARNINGS TO PERSONS IN POLICE CUSTODY and capture the subject’s consent or refusal to submit to a chemical or blood test.
The officers will record a blood draw on their body-worn cameras, whether the sample is taken by consent or by an order of the court .
If requested by medical personnel to stop recording , Officers will capture the request if possible, turn off their body worn cameras and make _____ detailing the circumstances.
- Description of event
- ICAD #
-Digital A/L entries
5 212-123 use BWC
-UMOS may record other official activities when, in the uniformed member’s judgement , it would be beneficial to record , as long as it is not one of the prohibited recordings.
Prohibited recordings include:
- performance of administrative duties or non-enforcement functions
- Routine activities within Dept facilities
- Dept meeting or training
- Off duty employment including______
- interviewing a current or potential confidential informant
- Undercover officers
- Interviewing the victim of a sex crime, as soon as the nature of the offense becomes apparent
- Strip searches
- When present in a court facility, except_______
- The inside of a medical facility and
- Briefings and tactical discussions regarding resource capabilities or after action debriefings involving ESU personnel
Mandatory activations of a BWC will take precedence over prohibited BWC recordings ( An arrest in a medical facility should be recorded)
- Paid details
- Immediate lodging of Prisoners