219 "Department property" Flashcards
4 219-01 Inspection of dept Vehicles each tour by RMP operators
(To ENSURE that dept Vehicles and assigned equipment are received in good, serviceable order)
-Vehicle operator inspects gas in tank, oil in crank case, antifreeze/water in radiator, and IF battery has water (IF applicable)
-Vehicle operator also inspects brakes, lights, wipers, warning devices, tire and spare inflated, lug wrench/jack in trunk
-Vehicle operator also inspects IF seat-belts are in working order, ez pass affixed to windshield.
(If applicable check MDT, LoJack, rechargeable flashlights in trunk)
-Always ensure vehicle is free from contraband/controlled substances/weapons/other property.
-Check NYS Inspection on all cars but also check _______ ONLY ON UNMARKED RMPS
(ALL cars need to be inspected, it makes sense!)
-Only on marked RMP’s check for ________ AND ______
-Vehicle operator must also inspect equipment as follows:
__ traffic cones
__ disposable emergency blanket (heat-sheet)
3ft polycarbonate shield
Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, box disposable gloves
Crow bar, sledge hammer, crime scene signs, barrier tapes
Safety flares (IF assigned to Vehicle)
((Sgt’s RMP Crow bar, sledge hammer), and polycarbonate shield will be engraved w/ command designation and serial #)
- ONLY for Sgt RMP (in addition to everything else) carry:
- 4 waterproof body covers AND
- Restraining straps AND
- Detail roster/
- rapid mobilization plan/
- Cmd disorder control plan
- Crowbar
- Sledgehammer
- Crime scene Signs
- Crime scene evidence cones(5)
- Vehicle operator enter in A/L the COG (Condition, odometer, gas)
- Vehicle operator report condition of vehicle/missing or damaged equipment to _______ (include missing, damaged, defective seat belts and improper use)
- (Remember 216-19 defIcient/missing equipment for AED notify D.O!)*
-Vehicle operator should see that TWO seatbelt extenders have RMP# engraved and is stored in _____ when not in use
-Vehicle operator should inspect the “inspection and equipment record” and “radio repair record” and “radio code signal card”
(Ez pass serial number is recorded on “inspection and equipment record”)
- The P/S VERIFIES that proper inspection and required entries have been made in A/L
- P/S directs correction of minor deficiencies, follows up to ENSURE compliance and puts results in A/L
- P/S report serious deficiencies to _______ in his absence to ________
- P/S reports all vandalism to Vehicles/equipment to ________.
(MOS from another command borrows equipment the ID of that member must be verified by D.O and appropriate CLE made)
^^(Just remember this entire procedure is basically only the vehicle OPERATOR conducting the inspection)
NYS registration
Life ring w/ rope attached AND patrol kit
4 traffic cones (not collapsible anymore)
2 disposable emergency blanket
Glove box
Platoon commander
3 219-02 Weekly inspection of dept auto (6/1/22)
(To ensure dept vehicles, assigned equipment, and related records are being maintained properly)
-Each ______ after ________, or at other times as C.O directs, the Platoon commander (in absence P/S) should inspect each vehicle assigned to command for serviceability, cleanliness, and condition.
-The Platoon commander (P/S in absence/unavailable) should check visual message signs, accessories and equipment, and check “inspection and equipment record”, and check NYS Inspection (all Vehicles) and NYS registration (unmarked only) and inspect that they’re current and valid.
(Platoon comander or P/S inspects each dept vehicle assigned to command!)
(Also check seat belts, take corrective action, IF necessary, and ENSURE seatbelt extenders are in glove box)
(Also ENSURE EZ pass tags assigned is affixed to center top of windshield and the tags serial# is recorded on
”Inspection and equipment record” AND
“Vehicle inspection report”
- Platoon commander (P/S in absence) should direct operator to correct MINOR deficiencies
- The platoon commander (P/S in absence) should then complete “vehicle inspection report” and submit it to ______ or _______ to report results on Inspection.
- The Platoon commander/D.O should direct MOS to logon to “Support service bureau” online app to schedule preventative maintenance and the platoon commander/D.O should report serious deficiencies to _______
- The platoon commander/D.O delivers “vehicle inspection report” to ____ for signature and file
(SERIOUS deficiencies for WEEKLY inspection the D.O notifies C.O HOWEVER for serious deficiencies in RMP P/S notifies Platoon commander, or in absence to C.O)
Sunday after
2nd platoon is posted
Platoon commander OR D.O
219-03 Repair to dept Vehicles (I.O 4-entire procedure is new)
-RMP operator should notify _____ for ROUTINE maintenance, inspection, or need for repair OTHER THAN preventative maintenance
(Such as A/C, broken glass, or other non-routine maintenance)
-D.O should designate MOS to logon to support services bureau on LAN and select “fleet services”. Then sign in using windows ID and password. Then select “submit vehicle” and enter 6 digit vehicle number
(FSD will either dispatch roadside repair or dept tow)
-D.O should then make CLE with time or arrival and departure of roadside repair operator with vehicle number and IF repair made, IF NOT then _____ tow will be required.
-Description of damage will be noted in “comments” area
-The roadside repair technician will determine if the AC can be repaired on site or if the vehicle will need to be removed to designated FSD repair facility.
-FIRST deliver to _____ for inspection and recording of type of repair needed and then return it upon completion of repairs no later than __________
(When moving VEHICLE to authorized repair facility or returning to command notify the___________!)
Department tow
Boro service station
Next business day.
Radio dispatcher
219-04 Washing dept vehicle
- The ____ should prepare car wash slip and give operator original and blue copy. (Buff copy stays in book)
- The vehicle operator UPON COMPLETION of car wash gives both copies to car wash vendor and makes an A/L entry including car wash authorization # and location of car wash
- The pct clerical should compare buff copy to white copy and indicate on buff that white has been received
- The PCT CLERICAL MEMBER sends 2 copies w/ original car wash slip to _________ by_____ of month
(For commands other than pct’s the “car wash authorization” will be obtained from D.O pct where car wash is located. Housing and transit will use vendors designated by their own command)
Audits and accounts by 10th
219-05 Tire Repair (Except Motorcycles)
-The operator should deliver tire/rim to repair station as designated by C.O and get blue voucher as receipt for tire/rim.
-When fixed, return blue voucher to tire repair shop, verify charges on voucher are correct and sign
(Deliver white to D.O, yellow remains at Repair station)
-Operator should enter tire repair info on “vehicle report”
-The ____ should verify entry on voucher, sign, file and fwd to pct where tire repair is located, IF necessary.
(When an Authorized Tire Repair Station requires a new VOUCHER pad, the desk officer will issue the new pad and enter in the _______the first and last serial number of the new pad and the pad being returned. The returned VOUCHER pad will
be destroyed.)
Command log
219-06 Tire replacement
Lost or stolen tires are ONLY replaced with a 61 or 49 signed by ______
-Vehicle operator should call _______ to arrange replacement and bring them the old tire
(Complete Part A of “tire exchange record”, get new tire and get form “tire replacement on dept vehicle” from boro services shop, and go to authorized repair station to have it mounted)
(Vendor makes and signs “tire repair voucher” and gives you the blue copy)
-After work is complete, _________ should verify charge is for mounting only, and give blue copy back to vendor
(Think about it, charge will be for “mounting only” because Boro service shop gave you a tire!)
- Sign original and triplicate of “tire repair voucher” and keep the ORIGINAL
- Vehicle operator should hand in ORIGINAL of “tire repair voucher” AND “Tire replacement on dept vehicle” and hand it to ______
The D.O should ENSURE tire has been mounted, verify and sign the “tire repair voucher” and make PHOTOCOPY for ______
The D.O should fwd to ____ the ORIGINAL “tire replacement on dept vehicle” and COPY of “tire repair voucher”
Boro service shop
Vehicle operator
219-07 Removal of tire repair station from authorized list
- D.O should obtain all “tire repair voucher” pads and 2 copies of statement of all charges due for current month.
- D.O should prepare report indicating name of person requesting termination, location of station, FIRST and LAST used number of voucher pad returned and first unused number in all returned pads
- D.O should file RETURNED voucher pads for reissue
(When tire service station requires NEW voucher pad the old one gets DESTROYED! HOWEVER when tire service station wants to be removed from “authorized” list the RETURNED voucher pads get filed for reissue!)
2 219-08 Tire chains
(Stock them between _________ each year)
-Used when snow accumulation GREATER THAN _____
-Only 3 ppl can authorize for use when less than 4 inches OR extenuating circumstances_____________ (3 ppl)
-Vehicle operators should return broken chains TO _______and obtain new ones from reserve
(IF a chain breaks or cross links are broken, take them off for safety’s sake)
(Tire chains are installed on and removed from dept Vehicles at authorized tire repair stations. The fee entered on “tire repair voucher” is the same fee charge for __________)
4 inches (greater than!)
C.O/platoon commander/P/S
Front wheel drive vehicles
REPAIR of the tire
- 2* 219-09 Department tow
- To get department tow notify department tow HOWEVER to cancel department tow notify ______
Be sure that (dept tow) tow truck will be used only for one of the following:
- Dept VEHICLE IF _______________
- VEHICLE is required as _______ or ________ (except derelict vehicles)
- Assist ________
- To lift __________
- Vehicle is in path of ___________
You MUST remain at scene to safeguard IF ________ or __________
(IF it’s anything else then take reasonable precautions to Safeguarding before leaving)
- (Remember Ro-Tow covers abandoned vehicles on highways as well HOWEVER they specifically define Ro-Tow as more than 6 hours with no plates on highway THEREFORE if it doesn’t specifically fit Ro-Tow then it reverts to department tow!)*
- (And remember derelict Vehicles get sanitation-ed so if derelict on highway then it gets sanitation-ed)
- Unable to operate under own power
- Evidence or abandoned on public highway (except derelict vehicles)
- Heavy articles (safe, boat)
- Parades, gatherings, emergencies
It’s evidence OR a Dept vehicle
219-10 Unmarked dept vehicle utilization record
(To record daily usage of unmarked dept Vehicles)
General purpose vehicle- ___________
Special purpose vehicle -____________
Category 1 Vehicles are unmarked dept Vehicles NOT REQUIRED to be stored at dept facility and is exempt from this procedure
-Designated MOS should complete captions entries in “record” EACH DAY whether Vehicles utilized OR NOT!!!!
-Designated MOS should use “remarks” column to record info of interest to relieving crews.
(Under “reason inactive” column put why car not utilized”)
-Supv VERIFIES the 24 hours total usage by initialing the appropriate column in “record”
Taxis, vans, trucks, used for INVESTIGATIONS, patrol, peddler, admin, supv functions (General purpose)
“Flash cars” or used for “stakeouts”, photographic surveillance vans not deemed appropriate for general use
2 219-11 Computerized gas and oil dispensing system
Operator card- White
Vehicle card- Blue
Private vehicle card- Red
Master card- Green
(When a dept vehicle requires Gas/Oil)
MOS should view LED screen to ascertain if system is operational
(IF system not operational notify _________ and ________)
When fueling authorized private vehicle OR department rental/leased auto enter _______ when fueling
IF a MOS loses, misplaces, or damages a computerized operators card or vehicle card, the member must immediately notify __________ so that cards can be invalidated
Supv at dispensing facility AND
Fuel control center
Social security number
Fuel control center
2 219-12 Delivery of gas
-The D.O should assign MOS to supervise gas delivery to determine amount of gas on hand prior to, and after delivery
(IF at other than pct, then the assigned MOS will be “the person assigned to security”)
- The assigned member should determine amount of gas in tank from electronic monitor.
- The assigned member should advise delivery driver of amount he can safely pump (90% ullage amount)
- Assigned member should ascertain meter reading on his truck PRIOR to pumping, ENSURE it’s set to ZERO BEFORE he pumps
- Assigned member inspects and initials blank invoice prior and VERIFIES that same invoice is one RETURNED after delivery HOWEVER IF delivery can’t be made then Notify _______if vendor is unable to deliver fuel and reason the delivery cannot be made (i.e., vehicle parked on top of fuel fill port, parked vehicle blocking delivery truck access, construction site blockage, etc.).
- Assigned member should report delivery amount to ______
- D.O should make CLE w/ __________ (acronym)
- D.O should fwd copy of Vendor’s invoice to ________on Next business day.
( File remaining copy)
- IF Fuel Delivery Cannot be Made*
D.O Notify ________.
- Make a Command Log entry including the vendor’s information and reason for non-delivery.
→ If vehicle is blocking the delivery truck access include registration information.
→ Sign vendor’s invoice if fuel tank is full and no delivery occurred.
- Prepare a report on Typed Letterhead explaining the circumstances under which the fuel could not be
→ Include any corrective action taken.
- Fax report on Typed Letterhead to the Fuel Control Unit.
Amount of gas received
Invoice #
MOS verifying receipt
Vendors name
Audits and accounts
Fuel Control Unit
219-13 Delivery of heating oil
-Uniform or Civilian MOS is designated by _____ to order heating oil from appropriate vendor.
- The designated MOS makes an entry in the __________ indicating the vendors order clerk who accepted the order
- (GAS goes in CLE (AIMV) by D.O HOWEVER
- (Heating oil goes in Telephone Record by designated MOS)
-The D.O assigns a MOS to supervise the actual delivery and pumping operation
(C.O designates MOS to order heating oil HOWEVER D.O assigns MOS to supervise delivery of heating oil!)
-The assigned MOS VERIFIES “vendor delivery ticket” is signed by DCAS inspector PRIOR to pumping
-IF delivering #4 or #6 oil THEN they need a DCAS certificate signed by DCAS inspector
-Upon completion verify that the total gallons delivered as indicated on meter equals quantity recorded on “vendor delivery ticket” and VERIFY by printing your name and TAX on “vendor delivery ticket” or DCAS Certification and signing name.
-Assigned MOS should give “vendor delivery ticket”/DCAS certification to _______ and notify them of amount of oil delivered.
-The D.O should VERIFY “vendor delivery ticket” and/or “Dcas certification” is SIGNED by MOS and amount reported is same on ticket
-D.O should make CLE w/ (ARMV)
-Amount of oil delivered
-Receipt of “vendor delivery ticket” or “DCAS
-MOS who supervised delivery
-Vendors name and truck#
(In command with no command log above goes in telephone record)
-D.O should Make copy of “vendor delivery ticket” and place in file maintained at command.
-D.O should forward “vendor delivery ticket” to ________ in next dept MAIL (attach “dept” copy of “DCAS certification” if you have one
(219-12 Delivery of gas invoice goes to audits and accounts day AFTER delivery whereas in 219-13 Delivery of heating oil “vendor delivery ticket” goes to audits and accounts in next dept MAIL!)
Telephone record! (Other than D.O making entry in TR)
Audits and accounts unit in next dept mail
3 219-14 Dept computer systems
(To utilize dept computer systems in a command and/or a dept vehicle)
-MOS should sign on system using confidential password
(IF password compromised notify _____OR____OR_____of any misuse or if personal password has been compromised in anyway.)
-MOS should make ONLY official inquiries which relate to official business of the department
-MOS should not divulge any information obtained from the system, EXCEPT FOR VALID LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSE
-MOS should always sign off, even if leaving for a brief time
(MOS is strictly responsible for entries while signed on)
-D.O should inspect all computer areas at SH _____(how often?) and record results in _______
(IF inoperable/malfunction notify ___________ and make entry in ________)
(IF misuse or damage to dept computer systems, D.O should take immediate action AND notify _____ and _____ and record results in ______)
-P/S should check MDT’s ________(how often?)
(Misuse or damage to MDT’s the P/S takes immediate action and notifies _____ and _____ and records notification in _______)
(Dept will review, intercept, access, and disclose ALL material on and use of dept computer, INCLUDING EMAIL with or without notice to member concerned)
(Just make note that UMOS is notifying D.O/supv OORRR ICO HOWEVER
D.O/P/S is notifying C.O AANNDD ICO)*
D.O OR designated supv OR ICO
At least once a tour
Command log
ITB Service desk Telephone record(inoperable/malfunction)
ICO AND C.O Command log (misuse/damage)
A/L (P/S-misuse/damage MDT)
3 219-15 Portable radio receivers
-UMOS assigned should replace batteries at beginning of tour.
(Keep used batteries in charger until indicator light turns green)
-UMOS assigned should deliver defective radio BATTERIES to _______ up to ___ at a time
-UMOS assigned should issue radios to members of outgoing platoon on priority basis as per C.O
(UMOS (COP!) should make entries in _____________ and enter radio inventory in recapitulation section of “radio assignment log” after last platoon entry concerning outgoing platoon each tour)
-UMOS assigned should account for and examine each radio, antenna, battery, and case returned AT EOT for previous tour.
(For missing antennas, batteries, radio cases make a _____ and tell ____)
(For DAMAGED radio parts report it to ______)
Commands are not authorized to transfer radios to other commands. All radio reassignments must be approved by the ______________
Electronics section
15 at a time
“Radio assignment log”
61 w/IAB LOG# and tell C.O
Deputy Commissioner, Information Technology
3 219-15 Portable radio receivers
-FIRST Re-Check radio with freshly charged battery
-Prepare and attach repair ticket with brief description of malfunction
-Deliver defective radio with tag to ________ ASAP
(0700x1500, 7 days a week, 1500x2400 limited # of personnel available for emergencies!)
(Before delivering remove antenna, battery, and speaker microphone, and safeguard at command.
(DONT STORE DEFECTIVE RADIOS AT COMMAND, Electronic section won’t accept more than _____ defective radios at a time)
-For defective antennas, cases, or chargers UMOS should notify __________
-UMOS (cop!) should make appropriate entry on ____________
-UMOS should telephone the electronics section WITHIN ___weeks to determine IF radio has been repaired
(So you can telephone electronics section anywhere between 1-4 weeks)
- The D.O should assign member to report to electronics section to pick up repaired radio
- WHEN radio RETURNED the D.O should sign/date ___________ and make _____with serial #.
(UMOS initially makes entries on “defective radio form”, but when radio is returned D.O signs, dates “radio defective form” and make CLE)
Electronic section ASAP
Electronic sections stock room
“Defective radios form”
4 weeks
“Defective radio form”
3 219-15 Portable radio receivers
-UMOS assigned should make ________ and report facts to _____
(Same as for missing antennas, batteries, or radio cases)
WHEN radio is lost/stolen/RECOVERED:
D.O should notify _______ (3 ppl in order!) and obtain serial/log #
The D.O should then notify _________ and inform them of radio #.
(IF radio assigned to patrol pct/boro SRG then D.O should also notify ______ and give them 61#, ops unit #, electronic section #, and IAB#)
(IF assigned to housing/transit DO NOT notify boro!)
(D.O notifications for lost/stolen radio acronym is OEIS)
(IF a unit wants to purchase personal portable radios WITH dept funds they need to get written approval of ________)
(All radios will be engraved with “NYPD” AND A “DEPT SERIAL #”)
61 (include IAB log #)
Operations/electronic section security desk/IAB
SPIS (alarm board) inform of radio#
Dep. Comm. information technology
2 219-17 Use of patrol kits
Patrol kits go in all \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Patrol kit has A NYPD logo and is marked 'patrol kit' it contains: 2 gowns 2 disposable mouth to mouth face shields 2 pairs of disposable shoe covers 2 pairs of heavy duty gloves 10 antiseptic wipes 1 disposable "bio-hazardous" bag.
- Potential contact with blood, bodily fluids, excretions, secretions.
- Searching DOA’s
- Haz-Mat
- Persons or animals having infectious diseases
- IF Searching prisoners (use disposable gloves)
- IF Fingerprinting (use disposable gloves)
-Vehicle operators should inspect auto to ensure patrol kit and disposable gloves are present
-Vehicle operator should make A/L entry of inspection
(IF patrol kit is missing items or is damaged report it to _________)
(HOWEVER _________ should replace any missing items)
(216-19 Missing/damaged items in AED MOS notifies D.O!)
(Kept at least one carrying case containing patrol kit affixed to wall in conspicuous accessible location in PCT/TD/PSA/etc.)
- MOS should utilize patrol kit when necessary to handle, persons, animals, or items in a safe/sanitary manner
- MOS should confer with ________ before using items in the kit OR disposable gloves at a parade/demonstration.
MOS who do not have access to a Patrol Kit and are present at a scene requiring the use of a Patrol Kit may request one via _________.
(An available unit possessing the Kit will be directed to respond to the requesting member’s location)
FIRST remove used gloves.
Then handle used gloves/Patrol Kit items by uncontaminated surface and place inside plastic bag.
THEN cleanse hands with antiseptic wipe and place used wipe in plastic bag with other contaminated items.
FINALLY seal plastic bag containing contaminated Patrol Kit items/disposable gloves and antiseptic wipe and place it in _____________
Only items contaminated w/ blood or OPIM need to be disposed of in bio-hazardous receptacle.
(OPIM= Semen, vaginal secretions, fluid from brain/spine/chest cavity/stomach/heart/joints)
(Saliva or Urine that is not visibly contaminated with blood is NOT CONSIDERED OPIM)
-IF at pct then put contaminated items in bio bag from patrol kit, and put that in 32 gallon bio-hazardous bag.
-IF EMS on scene, UMOS can dispose contaminated material in ambulance BUT if EMS refuses then bring contaminated material back to SH
-IF you brought a patient in HHC designated municipal hospital, UMOS may dispose of contaminated items in the contaminated waste containers in the ER. ER personnel may refuse in which case bring items to SH
(DO NOT bring contaminated items in hospital UNLESS transporting a patient)
(IF articles of patrol kit are not contaminated (saliva or urine only) UMOS can dispose of them in regular trash)
-IF uniform item becomes SOAKED with blood or OPIM then items should be disposed in bio-hazardous receptacle in pct and MOS should comply w/ 204-07 lost/damaged uniform
(204-07 UMOS (cop) should prepare a 49 to DCMB within 30 days and give it to your C.O w/ un-repaired damaged article/statement of witnesses/copy of estimates repair cost)
-IF only splatters of blood, then machine wash with non-chlorine bleach and separate from other items
(A 2nd wash should be done to rinse inside of machine)
-Nameplates/shields may be effective decontaminated with a freshly mixed solution of 1 part bleach 10 parts water
- The D.O should contact ________ to arrange for messenger to pick up contaminated items
- D.O should ensure that _________ removes and seals the regulated infectious waste liner and places a new biohazard liner in the receptacle.
Immediate supv
Communications dispatcher
32gallon bio-hazardous receptacle in command
Sick desk supv
Medical Division messenger
2 219-18 Inspection of supplies
(WHEN supplies are received at command)
-The D.O should have supplies inspected for quantity, quality and condition.
(D.O has them inspected, DOES NOT INSPECT HIMSELF)
(IF supplies are in good condition then sign the receipt and make CLE)
(IF supplies are less than what was ordered than accept it but only receipt for actual amount received-don’t sign!)
(IF supplies are damaged, not quality standard, then refuse delivery, enter reason for refusal in ______ and notify _______
(C.O is only notified if supplies are not quality standard/damaged or we refused delivery!!!!)
Command log
2 219-19 Inspection of dept lockers
(To permit the Inspection of a dept locker in connection with an official investigation)
-MOS should comply with order and secure locker after inspection
(IF lock damaged during investigation then dept will reimburse member for lock, if MOS not present then _____ will notify member and safeguard property)
-Supv officer should inspect contents and have MOS OR another MOS as witness.
(So MOS doesn’t have to be there, a witness who can be a CMOS is sufficient)
Supv should make CLE with :_________
- MOS assigned to locker
- Results
- IF MOS was present
- Number of lockers inspected
4 219-20 Loss/Theft of dept property
UMOS should report facts to ______
D.O should notify _______ and _____
(D.O should notify them even when NYCT metrocard is lost within NYC!)
- (DONT CONFUSE IT WITH 207-19 Thefts or attempted thefts from DEPT LOCKER UMOS notifies D.O and D.O notifies C.O/duty captain and IAB)*
(In cases where the loss or theft of a NYCT police metro card, LI metro card, or metro north pass occurs OUTSIDE NYC the member will notify ______ and _______. The D.O ( your Command ) makes CLE and notifies _________ who will conduct an investigation, notify IAB and forward a Report.)
(HOWEVER REMEMBER IF EZPASS IS LOST/STOLEN/RECOVERED D.O should have 61 prepared and notify SPIS and IAB (enter IAB log # in 61)
Ops coordinator and C.O (no duty captain!)
Local PD and D.O(your command)
Ops coordinator
5 219-21 Lost/Stolen Firearm, Shield, I.D card (6/1/22)
(WHEN an MOS discovers loss/theft of firearm, shield or ID Card)
-MOS should notify (1)______ pct of occ immediately
(IF loss in Nassau or Suffolk(Long Island) notify (2)________)
(IF loss in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Orange then notify (3)_________)
(IF loss occurred outside residence counties notify (4)________ and have local PD send a FINEST notification to our dept
(We only have local PD send finest to our dept WHEN loss occurs OUTSIDE resident counties!)
-MOS should also report loss/theft to (5)_______ at first opportunity and include all information available.
-MOS should prepare part A of “lost/stolen firearm/shield/ID” report ONLY IF LOSS OCCURRED IN NYC
(IF loss occurred outside NYC then either D.O 50 pct or D.O 105 pct or Operation unit completes part “A” and “B” report)
-The D.O should make CLE of facts
(IF member is from “Another Command”, D.O should prepare and send transcript of CLE to (6)_________)
-D.O should notify (7)________ and _______ immediately
-D.O should prepare part “B” of “lost/stolen firearm/shield/ID”
-D.O should ENSURE a 61 is finalized and alarm is transmitted ONLY IF loss occurred within NYC
(IF loss occurred outside NYC then no 61 and don’t transmit alarm! Instead, however, make a “CLE AND/OR Telephone Record entry”- you can make either/or, this is the only time in PG this happens)
-D.O should notify (8)_______ and get log # and enter it in (9)_______ of Occur in NYC ,However, Outside City, NO 61 prepared then enter it in (10) _________)
- (SO in ALL cases where loss occurs in resident counties or outside city the IAB log # will be entered in (11)_________!!)*
- MOS concerned should report to (12)_________ for new shield/ID and report back to command to have clerical enter new shield # on 10 card
(MOS assigned to Police Headquarters whose firearm/shield/ID card is lost or stolen within the confines of the 5th Precinct will immediately report the loss/theft to the (13) ______________)
(MOS assigned to the PA or units within the PA facility (other than 13th Precinct personnel) whose firearm/shield/ID card is stolen or lost within the confines of the 13th Precinct will immediately report it to the (14) _____________)
(Loss of aux shield doesn’t count! That’s just a 61 for lost property! And remember a found aux shield doesn’t get vouchered unless it’s evidence, it gets sent to C.O aux police section)
(IF loss/theft of SHIELD occurs at a time when employee resources section is closed then the member will be assigned to duty in uniform without a shield until next business day ERS reopens)
- (Remember in regards to the “lost/stolen firearm/shield/ID” report IF loss occurred outside NYC then operations does part A and B of report/If in residence counties then D.O 105/50 pct does Part A and B, as appropriate)*
- (In this procedure D.O is notifying C.O/Duty captain/IAB/Operations-the usual actors-but is also sending a transcript of CLE to members C.O, IF different)*
(1) D.O
(2) D.O 105 Pct
(3) D.O 50 Pct
(4) Operations
(5) C.O
(6) Member’s C.O since he’s from another command
(7) C.O/Duty captain and Operations unit
(8) IAB
(9) “Details of 61”
(10) Telephone record
(11) Telephone record!!
(12) C.O Employee resources section
(13) Headquarters Security Unit
(14) Police Academy Integrity Unit
219-22 Vending machines in dept facilities
(Club must be open to all MOS in facility)
(“For use by police dept employees only” MUST be posted on all vending machines)
(Pct clubs can run coin operated vending machines for food, beverages, or cigarettes)
-Need ____ consent prior to buying/leasing equipment.
-Give _____ names of principals of company leasing/selling equipment
-Must maintain records
(Any surplus money earned belongs to all members of club and with members consent money may be used to defray costs of social events, gifts to members on special occasions or items within facility for common benefit of all club members)
-In order to sell command related merchandise with ID of command/dept logo the club rep must submit request on 49 to _______ with description and sample (if available) and put 49 in command/club file
(IF reordering make another 49 all over again)
Place vending machine in locations within facility that has been approved by _________
Facility commander
219-23 Solar cellular call boxes
(WHEN alarm is received at solar cellular box)
- UMOS should make a test call to communications and verify operability of call box
- UMOS should prepare 61 IF vandalism, and notify __________ (0800x1600) all other times notify ________
Telecommunications unit