217 "Collisions" Flashcards
5 217-01 Collisions (3/21/22)
(Upon notification or observation of a vehicle collision)
-UMOS should park RMP BEHIND vehicles involved.
If injuries, then call ambulance
-UMOS should put IDENTIFICATION TAG on person if ______ AND ______
(Just remember in Vehicle collisions putting IDENTIFICATION TAG on person has nothing to do with their ID! They’re driving a car so they most likely can be ID’ed. When they’re unconscious+removed to hospital we put IDENTIFICATION TAG on them!!!)
-UMOS should divert traffic using 3 things which are _______
-UMOS should place the first traffic cone at least _____ft from collision on highspeed highways, bridges, etc.
-UMOS should attempt to ID uninvolved witnesses and record their statements. Get name, address, #, of as many witnesses as possible.
-The UMOS determines cause of collision by inquiry and observation
(UMOS does NOT determine who is at fault!)
-UMOS should also survey the scene for fraud indicators, and take summary action, IF necessary.
-(New IF pedestrian or bicyclist was attempting to lawfully cross a street and the MV failed to exercise due care, contemplate taking enforcement action under NYC Admin Code 19-190,(OATH Summons) Vehicle Collision- pedestrian/Bicyclist Right of Way Law”
-UMOS should obtain license, registration, and insurance Remember \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(acronym) BIG DRAFT “”don't need to carry insurance cards
-property Damage only”” then
-report of MV104
-Collision info exchange form
-what should you should know about vehicle collision card
Umos inform motorists prepare and forward report of Motor Vehicle Accident to NYSDMV within 10days, Vehicle collision damage over $1,000, failure to do so license/registration Suspension.
Umos provide radio code “10-99T3 referred to DMV.
Following list must do PAR
- any person trapped, injured, incapacitated, or deceased
- any vehicle require Tow
- Motorists unable or unwilling, to exchange info/paperwork
- Damage to property other than any Vehicle involved, or contents thereof
- Disputes
- any Act of Suspected Criminality
- any vehicle classified as a “Qualifying Vehicle”
- any city involved vehicle collision
- any vehicle collision involving a deer and /or domestic animal
Unconscious AND Removed to hospital
Traffic cones/Turret lights/Danger signs
200 ft
Govt owned
Diplomats/consular/staff Rental Authority of public service commission Farm vehicles (only certain farm vehicles) Taxis
5 217-01 Collisions (3/21/22)
(Upon notification or observation of a vehicle collision)
- UMOS PREPARE Collision Information Exchange, as appropriate and give to Operators. Advise Operator.
- IF operator incapacitated, another participant in collision or owner of vehicle must complete bottom portion of “collision information exchange….”
- Only if no other participant/vehicle owner is available does UMOS complete the bottom this form.
-UMOS should then use dept mobile device (cellphone, tablet) and prepare PAR utilizing the FORMS.
(A legible handwritten copy must be completed if a MOS does not have the ability to prepare a PAR electronically)
-UMOS should take note to passengers seating position, name, and injury (if any)
-If injury involved then include statement on PAR as to whether the airbag inflated and deployed, IF INJURY INVOLVED.
-Attempt to ID passengers through documentation, if unable to ID passengers through photo documentation note it on _____
-Draw a straight line through every unused box of section A-F (passenger info) and initial it (IF handwritten PAR prepared)
-Repeat the same process as above on the reverse side of the PAR in the “Person Killed or Injuries in Accident “ section boxes “A” through “E”.
-Enter information concerning bicycle operator (IF applicable) in section captioned _____________
-Obtain VIN from Dashboard and Door, make sure they match
(LIST vin # in the caption labeled _________ if preparing a Handwritten copy of PAR OR Enter VIN in the Stand-Alone caption provided, if entering PAR Via FORMS
-Obtain pedicab information IF involved in collision
(Enter pedicab DCA license # in __________)
(Enter pedicab registration # in____________)
-UMOS should check appropriate “Duplicate Copy Required For” captions on rear of PAR and, in addition, check box captioned “Other City Agency,” if necessary, and ENTER:
-“Dept of parks” IF person KILLED or INJURED on roadway of park, or MV collision resulting in property damage of a tree
1. -________and _______IF person KILLED in a collision
2. -_______if vehicle collision INVOLVES a school bus
3. -________IF collision INVOLVES “crash cushion” or “highway impact attenuator”
4. -__________ for all collisions involving NYC personnel or city property is involved
5. ___________ if tow truck OR pedicab licensed by dept of consumer affairs is involved in collision
6._________if fire Dept vehicle, Health & Hospital Corp ambulance (STAFFED by FDNY-Emergency Medical Service personnel, Fire hydrants and Fire alarm Box
7________if Taxi or for hire vehicle (Livery/Limousine) is licensed by the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission.
IF DOA/SILD/CI then a designated MOS from ____________ coordinates investigation and presents facts to DA
“Vehicle 2”
“Accident description/Officers notes” (VIN#)
“Driver license ID # on PAR
“Plate #” caption on PAR
- MPS and Highway district collision squad
- Dept of education, office of pupil transportation
- NYC office of comptroller
- Dept of consumer affairs
- NYC fire Dept, Actions & Claims Unit
- NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission
Highway CIS
5 217-01 Collisions(3/21/22)
Qualifying vehicle:_____________(3)
Condition of severity:_____________ (3)
(If a collision involved a qualifying vehicle and a “condition of severity,” as described
above, a “truck and bus supplemental” must be prepared for “EACH” qualifying vehicle “and attached to the corresponding Police Accident Report.)
Truck and bus supplemental
- Commercial truck over 10,000 pounds
- ANY vehicle w/ Hazardous placard
- Bus w/ seating for 9 or more (designed) (including driver-does not have to be occupied)
- At least 1 person w/ FATAL injury
- At least 1 person transported for immediate medical attention
- At least 1 vehicle towed or transported from scene (for other than flat tire)
5 217-01 Collisions(3/21/22)
-UMOS should inform persons involved they can get a copy of PAR at pct of occ.
(In person within ____ days
(By mail with self addressed, stamped envelope)
EITHER WAY, must have CURRENT valid photo ID
-IF PAR is handwritten UMOS should deliver it to ________if prepared. Member assigned to Outside Commands will deliver any handwritten PAR to the D.O Pct of OCC and make digital A/L.
(The D.O WILL NOT accept PAR for collisions occurring in another command)
-The D.O should review and sign all Handwritten copies & Electronically Sign-Off on all digital copies of PAR for collisions occurring in the command, and ensure that required entries are made in FORMS on each Tour.
- The D.O will ENSURE deficiencies are amended by the reporting officer DURING THE TOUR
- The D.O should fwd handwritten PAR’s to _________
-The TSO should review ALL PARS and inform _______ of any deficiencies found in either Handwritten or Electronically submitted PAR.
-After TSO reviewing Handwritten copies of PAR, TSO should ENSURE barcode cover sheet is generated VIA FORMS and completed handwritten PARS are scanned and electronically attached to digital entry made by COMMAND CLERK.
-The TSO sends copies marked “duplicate copies” to appropriate agency in white envelope via mail and distribution unit
-The _____ should fax copy of all PARS involving “crossover collisions” to ________ and _________
(“Crossover collision” is when vehicle strikes OR crosses over a median separating opposing traffic-does not have to actually cross over!)
(In absence of TSO a UMOS authorized by the _____, will review PAR’s)
The ________ monitors and reviews all PARS
Pending arrival of EMS, allow injured person to be treated by _________
- Have them treat in your presence, IF POSSIBLE!
- UMOS believes they are professional
- Don’t ask for ID until they’re done
- Record their name and address in digital _______ and under “Details” ______
(ADDITIONAL data: Prepare Police Accident Report in any vehicle collision case when the City is involved
or an animal (horse, dog, domestic cattle, etc.) is killed or injured.)
30 days
D.O pct of occ
TSO (traffic safety officer)
Training sgt
Corp counsel and Highway district
C.O (UMOS chosen by C.O)
Traffic safety sgt
A/L and on PAR
4 217-13 Prepare, Amend, Release PARS to involved person at a Police Facility (3/21/22)
(To minimize the means by which any involved party, that has an interest in MV collision, can commit insurance fraud)
This includes motorists, passengers, property owners (whose property is damaged as
a result of the collision), an executor or administrator of the estate, next of kin, or insurance beneficiary of person killed in the collision, the parent or guardian of a minor involved in the collision, spouses, insurance company representatives, dependents in a Worker’s Compensation claim, and attorneys.
(IF lawyer requesting “….copy of collision record” they must have NOTARIZED letter signed by involved party stating he is represented by requesting attorney)
(Only a ________ can prepare a PAR!)
-When any involved party appears in person at a police facility and requests a PAR be released for a collision which occurred within the last 30 days the _____ should interview and verify ID of party, and direct involved party to _____ in order to proceed with request.
- The TSO should ask requester to fill out “Request for copy of collision record” Ask them when and where collision occurred. Ask them to present valid photo ID. (No ID=No PAR)
- The TSO should then make 2 copies of PAR and 1 copy of ID.
- The TSO ENSURES copies of PAR are correct and gives “request for copy of collision record” form to _______
-The D.O signs caption verifying proper completion
- The TSO then gives the requested a COPY of PAR and a COPY of “request for copy of collision record” form.
- TSO staples ORIGINAL “request for copy….” form and COPY of PAR and photocopy of ID (w/ PAR # written on _______ of photocopy of ID) and files chronologically on a daily basis
(Remember TSO only made 1 photocopy of ID, and it gets filed chronologically with PAR # written on top right hand corner of photocopy of ID, and it’s stapled to ORIGINAL “request for copy of collision record” and a copy of PAR)
- __________ involved and ANY vehicle was disabled to the point it had to be TOWED and request is made within ___ days of collision
- There were injuries involved and request was made within ____ days of collision
- There is no time limit needed for us to prepare a PAR when _____ OR ____ is involved in any collision
^(Any party requesting preparation of PAR and it doesn’t meet above criteria shall instead be given “report of MV accident” to complete and submit on their own!)^
(The UMOS concerned will ask to view
the vehicle in question (if available), and interview those claiming to be party to the collision (if present), BEFORE completing the PAR.
IN ALL CASES, the UMOS must note in the ____________ of the PAR whether or not they had the opportunity to actually view the vehicle or interview the person(s) involved in the collision)
(REFER COMPLAINANT!- IF someone walks in to SH (and it fits criteria for preparation of PAR) asking for a PAR and collision did not occur in your pct THEN send them to pct of occ IN ALL CASES!!)
(^^^REMEMBER this only applies if it fits the criteria for a PAR to be prepared (3 above examples) if it doesn’t, and someone walks in to SH for an accident occurring in another pct that does not require a PAR to be prepared then WE DO NOT REFER THEM TO PCT OF OCC, WE WILL GIVE THEM A MV104 TO FILL OUT, even though it did not occur in your pct of occ!)^^^
-A PAR can only be amended by officer of record by his discretion (not mandated to make changes)
(Check caption on top of PAR “Amended report”)
-IF officer of record refuses to amend a PAR the officer can instruct the involved party to prepare a “report of MV accident” (NOT A PAR) and send it to the accident records bureau in Albany.
(If amended then check “amended report” on TOP of PAR)
(If request for copy of collision record is submitted by mail and it does NOT have a photocopy of a valid photo ID attached then return it to sender!
When the request is received along with valid ID AND self addressed stamped envelope then place a copy of PAR in self addressed stamped envelope and mail it to requester)
UMOS (prepare a PAR)
Top right hand corner
Commercial vehicle
5 days
5 days
Serious injury OR death
“Accident Description/Officer’s Notes” section
3 217-02 Vehicle Collision DOA, SILD, CI (3/21/22)
After responding to a vehicular collision in which DOA/SILD/CI occurred UMOS should follow normal vehicle collision procedures and in addition:
-UMOS should detain drivers, occupants, vehicles involved, and witnesses
(If DOA/SILD/CI, UMOS detains them and PDS interviews them!)
-IF probable cause immediately established that operator is under influence of alcohol OR drugs THEN effect an Arrest
-UMOS should ENSURE operators of all MV collisions involving death, SILD, or CI submit to a alcohol breath test UNLESS operator is removed from scene for medical attention OR otherwise directed by SUPV.
-UMOS should ENSURE any other operator remain pending administration of a hand held Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) by a qualified MOS assigned to the
-Effect the arrest if probable cause is established pending arrival of a PBT
-UMOS should obtain name, address, # of any person who must leave scene
-DO NOT disturb collision scene unnecessarily, mark position or vehicle and/or other person with chalk IF person or vehicle must be moved!
(The highway unit investigator will prepare witness statement-vehicle collisions, early notification of fatal accident, police report for fatal MV accidents, and MV collision-mechanism report)
-UMOS should then request P/S
- P/S should request response of ______________(3 ppl) IF DOA/SILD/CI in 53
- P/S should notify (4)______ and ______ regarding circumstances
- P/S should notify (5)_________ IF perishable merchandise OR CURRENT newspapers involved
- P/S should notify (6)__________ IF an EXTENDED closure of roadways is required
- P/S notify CO/Duty Capt if MOS is involved & Suspected of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or any other intoxicant.
(PDS interviews witnesses and secures crime scene pending arrival of Highway District Collision Technician Group and the Highway District Collision investigation Squad).
-The D.O pct of occ. should have a separate 61 prepared for each person DOA/SILD/CI in 53, and record as “referred to (7)_______” and forward copies 61 as appropriately
(D.O should classify 61 as “Case open-Investigate MV collision/fatal” OR “Case open-investigate MV collision/SILD/CI”)
-The D.O ENSURES notifications to relatives/friends are made in a timely manner and personally documents time and date as well as member making notification in “notifications” ON PAR!!
(D.O Pct of OCC ensure , if death involved in vehicle collision then (8)_________ will make notification to relatives/friends and D.O will ENSURE notification is made)
(*But remember for bicycle collisions if person injured and ADMITTED to hospital the (9)_______ will notify relative/friends)
-When notified a person who sustained an apparent minor injury (61 not prepared) has died a (10)______ AND a _________ will be prepared
(61, supplementary PAR, and copy of PAR will be forwarded to (11)__________ and they will also be notified by phone)
(IF a moving Summons is issued and the violation resulted in the death or SPI of someone OTHER THAN violator, summoning officer must write “D” for death, or “SPI” for serious physical injury in (12)___________ section of the Summons.)
- Highway district collision technician group
- Highway district collision investigation squad
4- D.O AND C.O/Duty Captain
7- Highway CIS (collision investigation squad)
8-Highway CIS (collision investigation squad)
9-Command clerk
10- 61 and Supplementary PAR
11- Highway CIS (collision investigation squad)
12- “Descriptive/narrative”
3 217-03 DOA/SILD/CI and mechanical defect (3/21/22)
(When vehicle has been involved in collision that resulted in death, SILD, or CI and either the __________ or _________ suspect that the vehicle had a mechanical defect)
- _______ should request a _______ and have vehicle removed to dept facility
- UMOS should prepare PCI
- D.O pct of occ. should enter rank/name/shield of highway unit officer in the _________ and make a note IF mechanical defect is possible factor.
- D.O should make reference to CLE on PAR for mechanical defects on vehicle collision which resulted in death, SPI, CI.
- The D.O should have PCI prepared, review and digitally sign it
The D.O/SUPV at tow pound should not permit removal of vehicle IF it is required as evidence or until defect is corrected
The D.O/SUPV at tow pound should obtain signed statement from person correcting mechanical defect and file in ___________
The D.O/SUPV at tow pound should permit removal of vehicle ONLY BY properly equipped tow truck if defect not corrected, provided vehicle is not evidence.
Operator of MV OR Highway personnel
UMOS (cop!)
Department tow truck
Command log
Property receipt book.
- 3* 217-04 Accidents and collisions-City involved (3/21/22)
- UMOS should prepare AIDED report for INJURY cases NOT INVOLVING MV/BIKE where city might be involved.
- UMOS should prepare PAR for ALL vehicle/bike collisions where city might be involved
- UMOS should prepare “ACCIDENT REPORT CITY INVOLVED “ for all other incidents (property damage w/ no injury and/or no vehicles)
(Whichever report prepared UMOS should obtain names/addresses of witnesses at the scene including potential witnesses favorable to city.
UMOS should also inform person claim against city arising from incident MUST be filed w/ _______ within ______.
ex: FDNY broken into wrong apt door lock since NO owner wasn’t present however owner showed up and PO do paper work and tell them file it to Comptroller with 90 days for reimbursement
D.O reviews and signs reports, as appropriate.
In regards to AIDED reports the UMOS (cop) ensures AIDED reports indicates city involved and name of agency/agency code
In regards to PAR’s/Accident reports-city involved the ____ determines which city agency is involved and the D.O fwds PARs/accident reports in regards to city involved accidents/collisions INCIDENTS INVOLVING:
1. -Traffic signs, lampposts, signal lights and stanchions get forwarded to _________
- -Damaged fire alarm box/post gets forwarded to ________
- -Damage to
parkway, through park road,
highway, stone wall, curb, fence,
guard rail, post,
etc gets forwarded to ________ - School bus collision fwd to ________
- Property damage occurring on or
emanating from transit facilities forwarded to __________ - DAMAGE INVOLVING city hydrant fwd to ________ and _________
(IF PD is only agency involved then D.O should dispose of buff agency copy of “accident report-city involved”, IF Police dept is only agency involved!!)
(Just remember that cop will ensure AIDED reports indicates city involved and name of city agency involved HOWEVER D.O determines which city agency is involved for PAR’s/Accident reports and fwds them, as appropriate)
Office of comptroller
90 days
- FD actions and claims unit
- DOT bureau of highways, legal dept
- DOE, Office of Pupil Transportation
- NYC transit law dept
- DEP AND the FD, Actions and Claims Unit
- 2* 217-05 Leaving the scene of a collision (3/21/22)
- A 61 is NOT required if the operator of a vehicle that left the scene of a collision (PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY) is apprehended for the Traffic Offense ( leaving the scene of a collision without reporting) prior to the preparation of a 61**
(Upon arrival at the scene of a vehicle collision involving personal injury or property damage and the the operator of one of the vehicles has fled the scene w/o reporting)
-UMOS should prepare a 61
(Don’t prepare 61 IF no injury (property damage only), and operator of vehicle who fled is apprehended and issued a TVB summons for traffic offense “leaving scene of a collision w/o reporting”….Summons can be issued even though MOS did not observe the offense!)
- IF NYS registration number is obtained UMOS should _____________. (DO NOT give complainant computer hard copy of computer printout. Provide info Utilizing “COLLISION INFORMATION EXCHANGE “ , obtain Name and Address of registered owner and Give information to complainant)
- IF vehicle registered in another state UMOS should ________________. (Request info from adjoining command IF FINEST down, and give complainant information, IF ID of owner is obtained)
In determining whether a case should be closed or referred to the detective squad, the
following criteria should be considered:
a. Extent of damage
b. If the facts/degree of damage indicate operator intentionally left scene knowing he caused damage
c. Availability of witnesses to testify
d. Timeliness of complaint
e. Whether the report is being made for prosecution or insurance purposes
f. Other relevant factors which would have a bearing on this determination
Query NYSPIN through FINEST to see if vehicle is stolen
Query NYSPIN through FINEST to determine ID of registered owner
5 217-06 Dept Vehicle Collision
-MOS should request ambulance, if necessary and request operators, witnesses, and occupants to remain pending the arrival of the P/S.
-MOS should prepare “Report of MV accident” (MV-104) utilizing the Finest Online Records Management System(FORMS) in all cases.
IF incapacitated the (1)______ will prepare the Report of Motor Vehicle Accident, in addition to other Forms.
-MOS should request P/S, if unavailable central calls P/S from adjoining pct
(Additional data: Operators of dept vehicles involved in a collision are advised to stop the vehicle immediately, extinguish any cigarettes, utilize four-way flashers, raise the vehicle’s hood and utilize flares or any other warning devices. The vehicle should be moved only if its location is hazardous and likely to cause additional collisions)
-P/S should ascertain details of Collision and assume role of investigating Supv
(IF collision involves death/SI (broken bone) to anyone ,the investigating Supv will be (2)_________) ,Act as the investigation Supv and complete part “A” of the “Collision Report-Police Dept Vehicle “ .
- P/S Pct of OCC or involving memeber’s command P/S will be investigation Supv and Complete part “ A” when only Property Damage and NON-Serious injury is sustained by either a MOS or Civilian..(3/21/22)
- P/S should notify(3) ______of details of collision
- IF MOS injured AND requires hospital treatment P/S should notify(4)__________ (make additional notification to them before final reports prepared to update them on injured MOS status)
D.O Pct of OCC notify C.O to respond to scene of collision when Death or SI to ANYONE and also notify Patrol Borough Command of collision AND request Duty Capt to respond when applicable. D.O enter notification and Borough collision # in Telephone Record.
- P/S should do PAR in quadruplicate, give 1 to operator and give 3 to D.O
- P/S should fill in each numbered box w/ proper entry on code list HOWEVER if question ON PAR does not apply, enter “___” BUT IF proper entry for any question is unknown, enter an “___“in the corresponding box.
- IF “INJURY” THEN P/S should note IF airbags inflated and deployed.
- P/S should also indicate if they were responding to emergency and what warning devices used such as Siren, Dome light.
(If they were responding to emergency enter letter “P” in a circle next to name of (5)__________!!!)
- P/S should print in LARGE letters “police involved” on top of PAR UNDER caption “PAR”
- P/S should put member’s (6)____ and______ under caption “operators address”
- P/S should have 2 sets of photos taken showing damage to ALL vehicles involved. If collision involves death or injury, Photographs will be taken at scene if possible and Photographs will be secure them in a (7)___________
-P/S should PREPARE “Report of MV accident-Police LOD accident” (MV104L) VIA FORMS AND ensure UMOS’s driver license # is included on the MV104L . Check box next to UMOS’s name if collision occurred while in “EMERGENCY OPERATION “. ATTACH complete MV104L form to the PAR, prior to forwarding.
(Nothing else in PG is mentioned on how to prepare the report of MV accident-Police LOD, the P/S just has to prepare it and attach it to the PAR)
-P/S THEN delivers one completed copy of PAR to operator of dept vehicle involved in collision
(Failure to report on “Report of MV104L” is a misdemeanor and grounds to Suspend/revoke MOS license)
(Summons will be issued to private vehicle involved in collision with dept vehicle if (8)_____ determines it appropriate
HOWEVER if DOA/SI the (9)________ will determine if it’s JUSTIFIED and has it voided if it’s not)
(If the operator of the Department vehicle is assigned to other than the precinct of
occurrence, a supervisory officer from the involved member’s command, IF AVAILABLE, will perform the duties of the patrol supervisor)
(So don’t forget, if I get in to 53 in the 43 pct, Sgt V. Will perform duties of P/S, NOT 43 P/S)
The operation, or parking, of an authorized emergency vehicle occurs when such vehicle is:
-Engaged in transporting a sick or injured person
-Transporting prisoners
-Delivering blood or blood products in
a situation involving an imminent health risk
-Pursuing an actual or suspected violator of the law, or responding to, or working or assisting at the scene of an accident, disaster, police call, alarm of fire,
actual or potential release of hazardous materials or other emergency.
(Emergency operation shall NOT include returning from such service.)
1- P/S
2- C.O/Duty captain
3- D.O
“Dash” (-) (does not apply)
“X” (Unk)
5- Dept vehicle operator
7- Jewelry security envelope
8- P/S
9- C.O/Duty captain
5 217-06 Dept Vehicle Collision
(Remember IF DOA/SI (REMEMBER ITS SI-broken bone) to ANYONE, THEN the investigating supv will be C.O/Duty captain)
-The Investigating Supv should canvass for witnesses and any video surveillance, interview all involved, including witnesses
(IF video available but not accessible due to technical difficulties notify _________, IF they can’t get it THEN notify ______)
-The investigating Supv ENSURES video is put in __________ and vouchered as “__________” in PETS. Click “MOS involved” in remarks and put “Do not destroy w/o authorization of ________”
- The investigating Supv THEN prepares part A of “CRPDV”!!
- pct of Occ XO prepared part “B” under supervision by Pct C.O**
(Investigating supv should record in CRPDV the issuing agency and vehicle information in the “Preliminary Statement of Investigating Supervisor” caption if the vehicle involved was issued by a Federal/State/City agency and ensure captions regarding video surveillance are completed in CRPDV, as well)
-Investigating Supv should make prelim determination of cause including action of operator and recorder. IF PD operator is at fault note such on “collision report-PD Vehicle”
(CRPDV gets note of cause and fault while the PAR only gets note of cause!)
-Investigating Supv should sign and deliver CRPDV w/ PCI (for video, if applicable) to ________
(IF ANY VIDEO INVOICED then investigating supv should also send photocopy of CRPDV to _________)
(IF private car insurance policy is surcharged, cancelled, or not renewed unjustifiably as a result of a dept vehicle collision, member should notify their ______ and contact _________
- **There are 4 forms that MUST be prepared in total for a dept VEHICLE collision:
1. Report of MV accident-MV104 (CMOS ONLY!) (MOS prepares, IF incapacitated P/S prepares)
2. PAR-MV104AN (P/S prepares PARx4 original and 3 copies)
3. Report of MV accident Police LOD-MV104L (P/S prepares for UMOS only)
4. Collision report-PD Vehicle (Investigating supv (P/S) does part A, IF anyone DOA/SI then C.O/Duty captain will do part A, and the X.O does part B)
-ADDITIONAL data (no actor) Report “VANDALISM “ to a Department vehicle on Typed Letterhead to _______ and deliver report to _______ with vehicle.
PDS if they can’t get it then notify
Jewelry security envelope
“Investigatory evidence “
C.O Legal Bureau!
D.O pct of occ
C.O Risk assessment unit
C.O and contact
NYS dept of financial services
Borough service station
5 217-06 Dept Vehicle Collision
-The D.O should notify (1)_____ to respond, when applicable (collision involves death/SI to ANYONE (including pedestrian/passengers in other vehicle)
(217-02 P/S notifies C.O/DUTY captain for DOA/SILD/CI in 53 HOWEVER in DEPT Vehicle collisions D.O notifies C.O to respond IF collision involves death/SI)
-The D.O should request duty captain, when applicable
(Key Note: Remember if RMP 53 includes DOA/SI the D.O will notify C.O/Duty captain!!!!)
-The D.O should notify (2)_______ of collision and subsequently notify them of rank/name/cmd of Supv who prepared “collision report-PD Vehicle”
-D.O should enter notification and boro collision number in (3)___________
-The D.O should notify (4)__________ and get police collision serial # and put that # on top of PAR (prefaced by caption “Police Collision Serial Number”) AND in the designated box on “CRPDV”
-After serial #’s obtained from OLAS(On Line Accident System) fleet services, and boro, the D.O should fax “PAR” AND “CRPDV” AND”Report of MV104L” to (5)________ WITHOUT “final agency determination” captions completed (during business hours confirm receipt by calling personnel safety desk)
(IF fax machine inoperative THEN use the fax machine at the (6) _________
(D.O should indicate on PAR under caption “duplicate copy required for” agencies that are to receive a copy of the report)
-The D.O should send dept vehicle to (7)________ (even if no apparent damage) with copy of PAR and 1 set of Collision PHOTOS attached.
(Do not put vehicle back in service until inspected at service station and have speedometer tested before vehicle is used to enforce speed regulations, but if said vehicle will be out for an extended period then D.O should notify
(8) _________
- The D.O should then take a copy of PAR, copy of voucher (if applicable) and PHOTOS and attach them to “CRPDV” and fwd it to (9) ________
- (P/S has 2 sets of photos taken, D.O sends one to boro service station, and one to X.O)*
-D.O should forward ORIGINAL PAR TO (10) __________ (usual manner)
(Remember the (11)____ give a copy of PAR to operator of MV in dept vehicle collision)
(Additional data: If Department vehicle operator is NOT assigned to precinct of occurrence, duplicate
copies of all reports prepared will be forwarded to VEHICLE OPERATORS C.O)
(If preliminary investigation discloses that the driver committed a moving violation OR if
a fatality occurs, and the driver is a CMOS required to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), he/she will be required to submit to alcohol and drug testing.
The desk officer concerned will contact the Medical Division, Monday through Friday, 0700 hours to 1600 hours, within (12) _____of the incident. All other
times, contact the Medical Division Sick Desk.
The desk officer will be informed as to the location where the member must be taken for drug and alcohol testing, and will comply with the instructions of the Medical Division supervisor.
The member involved MUST remain available for drug and alcohol testing. Unless unavailability is the result of necessary emergency care, a member’s failure to be available will be considered a
refusal to submit to alcohol and drug testing and will result in disciplinary or other
appropriate action.)
^^^(REMEMBER this only applies if CMOS committed a moving violation OR IF a fatality occurred…. IF NOT, if only A CI, or even SILD then MOS will just prepare a “report of MV accident”^^^
(1) C.O
(2) Patrol boro Command
(3) Telephone Record!!!
(4) FSD (fleet services division)
(5) Personnel safety desk (24/7)
(6) Closest department facility
(7) Boro service station(D.O send dept vehicle)
(8) Speedometer testing location
(9) Pct XO
(10) TSO
(11) P/S
(12) 1 hour
3 217-07 Private Vehicles authorized for police use (uniform and civilian)
(When involved in a collision while operating an authorized private vehicle in the performance of police duty)
-MOS (both Uniform & Civilian)
should notify pct of occ. and request (1)_______ pct of occ
-MOS should prepare “Report of MV accident” (MV104) in all cases. (MV104 ONLY FOR CIVILIANS)
(P/S PCT OF OCC will ALWAYS prepare PAR (MV104AN) for “private vehicle AUTHORIZED for police use”
For dept vehicle collisions if member is assigned to other than pct of occ then a supv from the members command will prepare the PAR!)
-P/S should respond and THE P/S prepares PAR.
(Under caption “operators address” enter Member’s command and address of that command)
(Under caption “duplicate copy required for”, P/S should check box marked (2)”____________” City Involved and any other boxes that apply.
(IF injury involved include statement on PAR as to whether airbag inflated and deployed)
(P/S should have photos taken of collision showing damage to all vehicles.
IF collision involves death THEN photos will be taken at scene, IF possible)
-P/S should furnish member involved in collision with TWO duplicated copies of PAR and 1 set of collision photos : 1 copy with the vehicle and 1 set of photographs to (3) ______(if the Vehicle is Operable) and 1 copy with MOS’s Type Letterhead addressed to the (4)_____ and 2 estimates of damage to the CO(1 estimate if inoperable)
(IF injury then take photos at scene, IF possible!)
(In 217-06 Dept Vehicle collisions it’s ONE PAR!)
- P/S should submit 49x4 to (5)_______ PCT OF OCC summarizing collision and indicating any driving deficiency
- P/S should direct operator to notify (6)______ and get police collision serial # and to bring car to FSD with PAR and photos for inspection and estimate of damage. IF vehicle inoperable, member is entitled to have vehicle removed by dept tow to 1 location of choice within NYC (5 Boros ONLY)!!!
- (Operator of vehicle notifies FSD as directed by P/S for private vehicles involved in collision, HOWEVER for dept vehicle collision D.O notifies FSD for police collision serial #)*
-MOS should prepare 49x2 to (7)_________
Attach copy of PAR to the 49 with estimates from 2 different body shops (if vehicle inoperable only 1 estimate required)
Submit 49 to (8)______ member concerned
WHEN forms are sent back to MOS for signature, he should sign and have it notarized and return it to DCMB DIRECT!
(Dept is not responsible for personal items stolen or damaged from vehicle in collision)
(1) P/S
(2) “Office of comptroller”
(3) FSD
(4) DCMB
(5) C.O Pct of OCC.
(6) FSD
(7) DCMB (DC management and budget)
(8) C.O Member concerned
217-08 Aircraft accidents (3/21/22)
UMOS should request ____ and notify _____.
UMOS should detain pilot and aircraft!
UMOS should safeguard evidence until examined by authorized personnel
UMOS should advise owner or pilot of his responsibility to report the accident within ______ and that failure to do so is a misdemeanor
The D.O should notify _________(4 ppl) DDOB
The supv officer in command prepare and fwds unusual occurrence with 2 extra copies for ___________
Detective Squad
Duty ,Capt
Chief of Special Operation
4 217-09 Directed accident response program (DARP tow) (3/21/22)
(To direct the response of designated tow trucks, through the communications section to the scene of vehicular collisions, for vehicle which the reporting member deems unsafe to be driven. PCT commands are NOT authorized to make DARP notifications!)
(In regards to vehicles 15000 OR More or Govt vehicles we can DARP tow if they want one HOWEVER they are allowed to use their own tow!)
UMOS should ascertain if vehicle can be safely driven or IF towing required using “reasonableness” as standard.
(Once the reporting officer decides on DARP tow, it CANNOT be cancelled by anyone! Vehicle can be towed even if owner refuses/is not there or is incapacitated)
UMOS should notify communications when towing service is needed. Notification will include ____________(3 things)
(Remember communications requests DARP tow)
UMOS should remain on the scene for ______ min after radio dispatcher advises on which tow company is responding
(IF tow company doesn’t show after 30 min then cancel thru radio and have radio send next company in rotation. UMOS should then prepare an LD6 on the original company that did not show up.)
UMOS should then tell motorist name of new responding company and give them phone # to DARP dispatcher.
(IF no tow truck comes in another 30 min then motorist calls DARP dispatcher himself and gives them his plate # and collision location)
IF UMOS parting prior to the arrival of DARP tow, inform dispatcher and give disposition ________
(Don’t put tow company on PAR until they actually arrive and tow the car)
UMOS should seize any UNLICENSED TOW TRUCK which is observed responding to a collision scene, present at a collision scene, parked in the vicinity and operator is observed offering to tow.
UMOS should prepare an Admin code summons and LD6 if probable cause exists to believe that a LICENSED TOW truck shows up unsolicited.
(IF unsolicited LICENSED tow truck actually solicits the motorists (even from a private vehicle) then give him a second summons on the same LD6)
^(The D.O should assign pct serial #, review and sign the LD6.
The D.O should have the LD6 forwarded to ______________)^
15000LBS or More Govt vehicles Evidence(Arrest/investigatory-Dept tow) Authorized tow (highways/tunnels/bridges) Ro-tow(stolen/abandoned)
body type, color, plate
30 min
10-99T9( Dart 2nd request, now 10-98)
Dept of consumer affairs, licensing enforcement section.
4 217-09 Directed accident response program (DARP tow) (3/21/22)
The P/S should respond to location and supervise removal of involved vehicles. (Only when p/s need supervise removal of involved vehicles)***
The P/S should supervise the issuance of summonses to tow truck operators when summonses are issued.
The P/S should insure the preparation of LD6 when warranted.
(IF a witness advises that a tow company removed a vehicle from the scene prior to the officers arrival the the P/S should have a LD6 prepared and include witnesses name/address/#, if obtained!)
The D.O should direct the reporting officer to have vehicle info which is towed without operators knowledge (unconscious, 97H, no operator in vehicle) to be entered in to _________ using ____________
D.O also ENSURES notification is sent to original owner.
(IF inquiry is made at SH and info is not available through FINEST, THEN call the DARP operator for vehicles location)
The D.O should assign pct serial #, review and sign the LD6.
The D.O should have the LD6 forwarded to ______________
Disposition codes for a 10-53: 90Z-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 99T4-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 99T5-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 99T6-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 99T7-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 99T8-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 99T9-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
(Remember it’s the _______ DUTY to enter vehicle information (that is towed without operators knowledge) in to FINEST using IMPOUND screen)
FINEST system using IMPOUND screen.
Dept of consumer affairs, licensing enforcement section.
90z-Gone on arrival 99T4-No tow required 99T5-DARP towed 99T6-Other tow 99T7-DARP and Other Tow 99T8-Highway-authorized tow 99T9-Waitied 30 min, called next company and left motorist with DARP dispatcher phone #
Reporting officer
2 217-10 Accidents-Dept property
(To report damage to dept property OTHER THAN VEHICLES)
UMOS should notify ____ and make ____ entry
D.O should have _______ investigate and prepare report
The P/S should prepare 49 and give it to ________
The command clerk should type 49x4 and submit it to ________
The D.O should have the _____ sign the report and then the D.O files 1 49 and distributes the remaining 3 49’s as follows:
- IF damage to booths/buildings 49 goes to ______
- IF horses involved 49 goes to __________
- IF aircraft/launches involves 49 goes to ________
P/S prepares report gives it to command clerk
Command clerk types 49x4 and give it to D.O
D.O has P/S sign report and distributes it)
A/L entry
Command clerk
P/S sign the report
- DCMB-facilities management div.
- Mounted
- Office of the Chief of Special Operations
217-11 Accidents-NYC housing authority involved (3/21/22)
When it is determined that the NYC HA may be involved in Legal action, comply with normal aided or collision procedures and addition:
UMOS prepare FIELD REPORT, using the FORMS . A legible handwritten opt must be completed if UMOS does not have the ability to complete a Field Report electronically and contributory conditions of area; NO lights in stairwell, rubbish on stairs, broken sidewalk, icy condition OR NON-Contributory condition of area; stairwell well lighted, dry, No obstruction noted, sidewalk dry and clear of obstruction.
UMOS should obtain names and addresses of witnesses including those FAVORABLE to housing
UMOS should notify ________ VIA TELEPHONE w/ all details
The D.O should make determination as to SEVERITY and when appropriate notify manager of HA location concerned. (IF non-business hours, D.O on next business day calls manager of HA location concerned)
D.O makes ______ with name of person notified
Copies of all reports, including Accident Report-City Involved if prepared, will be forwarded to the Housing Authority Insurance Division for information purposes.
(Remember accident report-city involved is prepared when there are NO INJURIES)
2 217-12 Notifications-Certain Accident Cases (3/21/22)
D.O should notify _________ DIRECT if accident involves:
- Bridge
- Dock
- Vehicle transporting explosives
- SI or DOA at construction sites
- Railroad (other than subway)
- Elevator, escalator or amusement ride AND malfunction/defect AND SI or Death involved
For housing, person requiring shelter D.O should notify _________
For police signal box damaged D.O should notify ______ and ______
For Bus/Subway/MTA D.O should notify ________
For crane/elevators/scaffold/building affecting structure D.O should notify _________ direct.
(Dept of buildings can be notified 24/7 through the _______)
Dept of social services
Operations direct and communications
NYC transit
Dept of buildings direct
Through office of emergency management (24/7)
2 217-14 Collisions on Highways, Bridges, Or tunnels (3/21/22)
UMOS should locate the nearest reference marker to the collision site on Limited Access_____/Entrance & Exit_____/_____(CDRs).
( 9” by 8” Green colored sign and Located every 1/10 of a mile on)
For collisions occurring on “Bridges/Tunnel” near a collision site will NOT be entered PAR OR when “Reference marker can’t be seen/ is missing”
use reference # listed in “Reference marker listing book” which is maintained at “ Command” (Bridge & tunnel NO reference # from street only from reference book)
Once you have a reference # (from book or street), enter it in the ___________
The ____________ records in On-Line accident index and enters reference #/letters on the “add accident” screen in the caption titled “ if Highway or Bridge, Enter Reference Marker”
TSO should review PAR for completeness and update On-Line accident index, Updated
The _____ ENSURES “reference marker” caption is completed when required
Highways/Ramps/Collector-distributed roadways.
12 box caption on PAR
Clerical staff member
2 217-15 Collision report-PD vehicle data entry system (3/21/22)
TSO should obtain copies of reports relating to all dept Vehicle collisions occurring within confines of pct
TSO should enter all data from parts A and B of Collision report-PD Vehicle(CR-PDV) and data from PAR within ________ of Collision
TSO should coordinate efforts with ______ to obtain final agency determination (enter part C) within ___ days of Collision
TSO should enter data from part C of Collision report-PD Vehicle INCLUDING agency final determination into database within 30 days of the Collision.
D.O faxes all report prepared regarding dept Vehicle collisions to _________ on the tour that the collision occurred, if possible: both side of the :
3-Collision Report-Police Dept Vehicle
With Serial #s but Without final agency determination captions completed(as indicated in 217-06)
IF question DOES NOT APPLY a ____ will be entered in database
IF answer is UNKNOWN an ____ will be entered in database
72 hours
30 days
Personnel safety desk
3 217-16 Warrant application for chemical test in 53 w/ DOA/SILD
(When a UMOS has reasonable cause to believe that a person suspected of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol OR drugs, is involved in a collision resulting in SPI or death to another individual (MUST BE SPI OR DEATH TO ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL), and has refused to submit to a chemical test OR is unconscious and has been under arrest for MORE than ____ w/o having been subjected to a chemical test)
The _____ should request communication to dispatch highway district personnel to designated testing location OR hospital, as appropriate HOWEVER if prisoner has been removed from scene to hospital and is UNCONSCIOUS the _______ will ask communications to have highway respond to hospital
The D.O pct of Arrest should contact ______ and request a notification be made to ____, and make a _________ regarding notification.
(Also D.O should provide operations with A/O name/tax/shield/command, prisoner pedigree, desk telephone # of designated testing location, and remember D.O makes TRE regarding notification to operations)
The A/O should notify ________
If ____ hour has passed and ADA has not initiated contact at designated testing location
D.O pct of Arrest should then contact _______ and ______ if 1hour
passed and ADA has not conferred with A/O.
D.O should contact ADA Supv every _____ thereafter until ADA has been contacted.
D.O records phone call attempts in _____________
The ____ should complete chemical test warrant application!
(MOS are reminded that if an operator suffers a SPI and no other person suffers a SPI/DEATH, a chemical test warrant can NOT be applied for that operator!!!!!)
2 hours
Telephone record
D.O pct of Arrest
ADA Supv and Operations
30 min
Telephone record
3 217-16 Warrant application for chemical test in 53 w/ DOA/SILD
D.O at testing location ONLY DUTY is to provide transportation for A/O and prisoner to designated hospital for administration of chemical test AND to make A CLE w/ A/O name/shield, prisoner pedigree, RMP # and time of transport.
The A/O upon arrival at hospital should inform and submit chemical test warrant and chemical test
evidence kit to hospital personnel.
A/O should notify _________ and __________, if hospital personnel do not comply with chemical test warrant.
(______ witnesses, signs and seals CHEMICAL TEST evidence kit but ____ delivers it to ________)
A/O should notify _______ of CHEMICAL TEST WARRANT denial.
D.O at testing location ENSURES prisoner is transported to BCS or designated testing location to complete Arrest processing and MAKES ______ REGARDING DENIAL OF CHEMICAL TEST WARRANT.
(MOS are reminded that the Legal Bureau is available for assistance and guidance regarding the application for a chemical test warrant, Monday through Friday, 0700 to 2300 hours. After hours, members may contact the Operations Unit for a notification to a Department Attorney)
ADA and Operations
Police lab
D.O at testing location
3 217-17 Bicycle collisions (3/21/22)
(To record bicycle only and/or bicycle-pedestrian collisions NOT involving a MV)
UMOS should render reasonable aid and request bus.
UMOS should request ______ IF DOA/SILD/CI
UMOS should prepare PAR(MV104AN) and write ________on the “TOP” of the PAR.
Put operator of bicycle in Vehicle 1
(Remember 217-01 says if MV involved put operator of bicycle in vehicle 2)
(Enter the name and address of the bicycle rental company in the applicable registration information captions, if a rental bicycle is involved)
In “vehicle type” caption put “_______” for bicycle and put “_______” for pedicab
-enter “E-bike”(with pedals) , E-Bike (without pedals) or E-Scooter (standing) category is checked in “ vehicles” section of PAR, whenever an E-bike/E-scooter is involved. If handwritten PAR is prepared, include E-bike/E/Scooter involvement in Details section of PAR
For pedicabs put _______ in “Drivers license ID #” section on PAR
For pedicabs put _________ in Plate # on PAR
Check box captioned “Other City Agency,” under section entitled “Duplicate Copy Required For” on REAR of PAR, IF necessary, and enter:
- ________ - If person DOA as a result of bicycle collision NOT involving MV
- ___________- If person Killed, SI, SILD/CI as a result of a bicycle collision NOT involving a motor vehicle.
- ____________ - If pedicab licensed by Department of Consumer Affairs is involved in any collision.
(UMOS Enter name and address of injured person(s) in Section “A” on reverse side of PAR under caption “Persons Killed or Injured in Accident.”)
UMOS should sign completed PAR (if handwritten) and deliver to D.O
D.O should ensure any deficiencies on PAR are amended by the reporting officer DURING the tour.
IF person injured is ADMITTED to hospital for bicycle collision the _______ should notify relatives/friends
(Uniformed members of the service will utilize an additional PAR, if necessary, to document further information (e.g., multiple injured persons/bicyclists,
collision description/officer notes, etc.).
Members will ensure that the caption “Page _ of _ Pages” located in the upper left corner of the Police Accident Report is properly completed)
(In absence of TSO a UMOS authorized by the C.O will review PAR’s)
DCA license #
Registration #
- MPS (med. examiner liaison unit)
- Highway district collision investigation squad
- Dept of consumer affairs
Command clerk
3 217-18 “Right of way” law
(Upon notification or observation of a collision between a MV and pedestrian/bicyclist, OR a motorist fails to yield the right of way to a pedestrian/bicyclist who has the right of way but no collision occurred)
-UMOS should Issue a ________ for a violation of the appropriate NYC Traffic Rules OR NYS Vehicle and traffic law when:
PC is established that the motorist failed to yield the right of way AND “ NO PHYSICAL INJURY OCCURRED “ AND
Offense occurred IN OFFICERS PRESENCE!!
-UMOS should park RMP behind vehicle involved so that traffic will not be impeded.
-UMOS should ascertain if there are any injuries and request ambulance if needed.
-Place IDENTIFICATION TAG (95 tag) on aided if unconscious and removed to hospital.
-UMOS should divert traffic, if necessary.
(Use traffic cones and turret lights whenever available-(No danger signs!?))
-Obtain motorist driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance identification card.
(Record required information and return credentials to motorist)
-UMOS should determine if the pedestrian/bicyclist had the right of way at time of collision.
-UMOS should then determine if a violation of Administrative Code Section 19-190(b)( Failed to Yield Physical Injury) OATH Summons, has
occurred through interview, inquiry, observation, and review of:
a. Motorist
b. Pedestrian/bicyclist
c. Witnesses
d. Condition of vehicle and pedestrian/bicyclist
e. Particulars of collision scene
(UMOS SHOULD document this in the _______ of PAR (MV104AN))
- UMOS should then issue an ________ summons to the motorist when probable cause is established that the motorist violated AdminCode Section 19-190(b)(Failed to Yield Physical Injury) OATH Summons..
No violation has occurred if the collision/injury is not the result of the driver’s failure to exercise due care. Due care is that which is exercised by reasonably prudent drivers)
(WHEN violation not personally observed , be guided by “ LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS” under “ ADDITIONAL DATA” statement.
“Details” section
3 217-18 “Right of way” law
UMOS should request _____ONLY if a pedestrian/bicyclist collision causes death/SILD/CI AND is in violation of Admin code 19-190b
P/S should know upon conferral with and authorization by ___________, an arrest may be effected for Administrative Code Section
19-190(b), if investigation reveals circumstances warrant such action.
(A DESK APPEARANCE TICKET may be issued, if the motorist qualifies)
P/S should notify _______ and enter their log # in _______ and _______
D.O should notify _____
- (P/S is entering IAB log # in command log and A/L!!!)
- *D.O ONLY KICKS IN WHEN OPERATOR OF VEHICLE WHO STRUCK PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLIST IS MOS AND D.O’s only job is to notify operations!! Don’t forget it!!!)**
When determining if a violation of Administrative Code 19-190(b) has occurred, UMOS should take all contributing factors into consideration, including:
a. Location where the pedestrian was crossing (at the corner or midblock)
b. Whether the bicyclist was in a marked bicycle lane, if available
c. The speed of the vehicle
d. The presence of traffic control devices
e. Whether the motorist was using a cellular phone or other electronic device
f. Obstructions blocking the motorist’s view (a motorist who has an obstructed view must use greater care to avoid pedestrians/bicyclists*
(Pedestrians can’t enter the cross walk when the “don’t walk” sign is blinking or steady thus a motorist striking them would not be charged with Admin code 19-90B “failure to yield”)!)
Collision Investigation Squad supervisor
A/L and Command log
3 217-18 “Right of way” law
Examples of NYC Traffic Rules:
NYC traffic rule 4-03 (a)(1)(I)
(Fail to Yield to pedestrian or Vehicle)
When a motorist at an intersection has a green light and pedestrian crosses directly in front of the Motorist this traffic rule does NOT apply! However if the motorist were to return left or right while the pedestrian while the pedestrian crossing signal indicates crossing is permitted, a motorist who does not yield for said pedestrian is in violation.
NYC traffic rule 4-04(b)(1)
(Fail to stop at Blinking red light, Failed to yield with pedestrians in crosswalk)
When traffic control signals or pedestrian control signals are not in place or not in operation, a motorist who does not yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing a roadway within a crosswalk is in violation, however if a pedestrian suddenly leaves the curb or other place of safety and walks or runs in to the path of vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the motorist to yield then this traffic rule does NOT apply.
** NOTE**
Serious traffic violation (STV) (511)+ Serious Physical Injury (SPI):
______ unless operator is removed from scene for immediate medical attention.
(If not qualified to do so, request assistance from a qualified UMOS)
Administer a PBT