212 PT 1 "Command Operations Pt 1" Flashcards


212-01 Roll call (3/27/22)

The ___________ assembles platoon 5 MIN AFTER start of tour, in either muster room OR sitting room, as per CO and report personally to Ranking Officer , members absent and reason to ______, if known

The _____ should inspect the platoon. Then allow UMOS concerned to reasonably demonstrate that a protected vest is being worn.
(The uniform is assigned by the _______personally inspects the outgoing platoon to ensure the personal appearance of members meets Dept standards)
P/S should list members deficient in uniform, equipment, or personal appearance.
P/S should follow up to determine if corrections have been made, take disciplinary action if necessary.
(^As per 212-01 step 2)

The _____ the conducts roll call.
The _______ instructs platoon not to congregate in groups around SH, and directs member to leave SH at SELECTED INTERVALS.

P/S ensure members at familiar with integrity concerns and aware of active Paid Detail locations and times of assignments at these locations within the Precinct.

P/S conduct a “ Platoon Briefing” informing UMOS of:

  • information compiled by training SGT
  • incident critiques
  • Update regarding crime patterns, Crime trends and wanted persons and
  • Precinct conditions and tactics for addressing the conditions, etc




Platoon commander



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212-02 Meal Period (3/27/22)

No meal is to be assigned during First and Last __________ of tour EXCEPT IN EMERGENCY.

However under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will rescheduled meal on extended tour (OT) be assigned during _________

8 or 9 hour shift you get one meal period for 1 hour

12 hour shift you get two meal periods lasting ________ each

MOS must be scheduled for 8 consecutive hours to be eligible for a meal.
HOWEVER, YOU ARE ALSO ELIGIBLE FOR A MEAL IF you are scheduled for a full tour and request lost time ________ to the start of your tour, for _____ hours or LESS.


1 1/2 hour

The last hour

45 min (non consecutive)



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212-02 Meal period (3/27/22)

When authorized by PCT CO to have meal in another pct (OR if performing DUTY in civilian clothes), PO must obtain permission from _______________.
(Notification must include scheduled tour and expiration of tour)

If immediate supervisor in unavailable PO must notify ____________
(This includes MOS performing duties in civilian clothes who’s immediate supv is not available)

The D.O should take meal, when appropriate, providing another Supv is assigned to cover desk.

The patrol supv notifies ________ via __________ from meal location when commencing meal period.

(UMOS in housing may take meal only in pct to which assigned for that tour)


Immediate supervisor

Bureau OR borough operations desk OR FOD (field ops desk) of meal location.

Radio dispatcher via landline (202-17 says P/S notify TS of meal period)

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212-02 Meal period (3/27/22)

IF on foot post/transit post then UMOS should make ____Prior to leaving post including meal location address , and again Upon returning to Post. And inform_____ Upon return to post and make digital Active Log entry. (Specifically mentions foot/transit post!)

(203-05-Performance on duty- MOS MUST notify TS before leaving post, and IF POSSIBLE make A/L entry. However upon return MOS MUST notify TS and ALWAYS make A/L entry)

On duty MOS, uniform or civilian, are strictly prohibited from consuming intoxicants in any amount, however CIVILIAN CLOTHES may be granted permission to consume intoxicants by __________


A/L entry

Radio dispatcher

Bureau Chief based on nature of assignment

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212-02 Meal Period (3/27/22)

UMOS may take meal in a ___________ (3 places) .

UMOS in an RMP must notify dispatcher PRIOR to commencing meal period and upon return to patrol and provide _________

D.O should assign a post for meal relief of RMP recorder or operator and fixed posts (when necessary)
If there’s a P.O assigned as RMP meal relief, the relieved member should notify _______ if RMP fails to return within _______ after end of meal.
MEAL RELIEF P.O will assume duties of __________

If deprived of meal due to police services, the _________ will make accommodations, if possible, so that members are not deprived of meal

Do not park more than 1 dept vehicle in same place at same time

UMOS in the rank of P.O, assigned to outside details (e.g., parades, events, etc.), should be granted a one hour meal period absent exigent circumstances.
Police officers assigned to outside details who are denied a one hour meal period are entitled to a
credit of one hour compensatory time at straight time, absent exigent circumstances.

  1. Police facility
  2. Bonafide restaurant
  3. Auto (Dept)
  4. SH when in command facility.
  5. Address if restaurant
  6. Nearest intersection if RMP

15 min after end of meal


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2 212-03 EOT(3/27/22)

Assigned to special post comply with instructions of ________

IF on an assignment requiring relief then contact _______ exactly ______ before EOT

Return portable radios as specified by _______

UMOS should sign return roll call IN UNIFORM!!
NOTIFY _______ IF unable to report to SH at EOT


CO-special posts

D.O 1hr prior to EOT

C.O-return portable radios


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2 212-03 EOT (3/27/22)


The ________should check return roll call to account for all members from previous tour and sign as required.
If member failed to sign out then the D.O must ____________

UMOS who are normally assigned to the Fourth Platoon (1800 X 0200 hours) that are subpoenaed, directed by the Appearance Control Unit or
notified by other competent authority, to attend any court, official agency hearing or training session the following day (Second Platoon), will be notified in advance and reassigned to perform duty with the Third Platoon (1600 X 2400 hours).

Those UMOS who are not notified in advance or who are already performing duty with the Fourth Platoon at the time they receive a notification to attend any court, official agency or training session the following day on the Second platoon, will be excused from duty, under normal circumstances, at _______ hours.


RMP operator

Conduct immediate investigation


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4 212-04 Crime scene (3/28/22)

When at a crime scene the COP must request response of (1)_____and (2)______ through dispatcher, utilize barrier tape, remove unauthorized persons, and secure the crime scene.
DO NOT disturb evidence found at scene. When uncertainty exists as to the extent of the crime scene, initially secure the larger area for investigation.
UMOS should also detain witnesses and persons with information pertinent to crime, and record in A/L observations and ID of suspects/witnesses.
THEN UMOS should advise P/S and detective squad of ID of witnesses detained and all other info.
INITIALLY secure a large area when uncertain.

The patrol supervisor is responsible to assess the scene and determine if CSU services are required. If they are required then P/S should call (3)______direct via (4)______.
(If landline not possible then they communications)
However if P/S can’t respond to scene the (5)_______ on scene may request CSU.

(In regards to crime scenes the (6)_____ requests PDS thru dispatcher and the (7)_____ requests CSU via landline!!!!!)

A member of the assigned investigative unit MUST BE PRESENT upon arrival of CSU to outline the crime scene and discuss evidence collection and processing.
However in their absence the (8)_______ should perform this function.

The P/S should notify D.O of details and request additional assistance if required

(Crime scene unit request must include exact location, address, cross streets, specific corner, floor, apt #, time/date of occ., type of crime committed ; weapon used, number of victims involved and hospital treating persons removed from scene)

Only authorized personnel, who are properly trained and equipped, are actively involved in the investigation of the incident, and whose presence is absolutely required, will be permitted to enter the crime scene perimeter, ABSENT EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES and/or circumstances involving the life or safety of incident personnel and/or the public.
The Incident Commander will ENSURE access into the crime scene perimeter is scrupulously controlled, restricted and limited.


(1) P/S and (2) Detective squad

CALL (3) CSU direct on (4) landline (if landline is not available request thru communications)

(5) Detective ON SCENE

(6) cop-UMOS
(7) P/S

(8) P/S or other ranking officer

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4 212-04 Crime scene(3/28/22)

Patrol supervisor/detective requests CSU (via landline, if not possible then thru communications) for ___________:HARBOR



Aggravated assault w/ dangerous instrument and victim is likely

Rape (forcible)

Burglary (forced safe/circumvented alarm)

Other crime in which CSU will assist

Robbery or hijacking w/ injury by firearm

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4 212-04 Crime scene (3/28/22)

IO 16- “NYPD CRIME STOPPERS 1800-577-TIPS” are on both tapes now

There are two types of barrier tapes for crime scenes.  Police line Do Not Cross- NYPD Crime Stoppers”” it can be used to
(white tape w/blue letters)
-close street
-secure building & transit facilities
-close area to the public
“Crime Scene DO Not Cross-NYPD Crime Stoppers “ to be utilized for a Specific area( possibly within areas already secured by “ (Police Line Do Not Cross” barrier tape) that MUST BE SAFEGUARDED because it has been deemed a crime scene and the object within in contain possible investigative and forensic value. 
(yellow tape w/black letters).  

UMOS placed-
CRIME SCENE EVIDENCE CONE- a five Inch orange cone imprinted with “NYPD” in Black lettering . To be placed next to smaller pieces of evidence ( she’ll castings, bullet fragments, DNA evidence) at the crime scene to prevent evidence from being accidentally disturbed.

Whose duty is it to utilize barrier tape in crime scenes ____________

Whose duty is it to utilize barrier tape in transit crime scenes __________



Crime scene-MOS

Transit crime scene-Patrol supervisor

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1 212-05 Crime scenes affecting train service (3/28/22)

For this procedure a serious incident is __________ (4 things)

UMOS (cop) should detain train and wait for P/S

P/S should determine if train service may be seriously affected. P/S also needs to know exact location train is moved to and assign UMOS to protect crime scene. But if train can’t be moved the P/S should expedite crime scene.

In regards to moving the train the patrol supervisor must confer with. ________

In most cases a train can be moved to another location for an extensive search except if ________(4 reasons)

  1. Homicide
  2. Assault SILD
  3. PO Shot or seriously injured
  4. Police firearm discharge with injury

Ranking DB member

  1. Photo can prove/disprove witness
  2. Ejected rounds
  3. Blood trail - train to platform
  4. Shots into/out of train
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2 212-07 Transporting non-MOS in RMP (revoked)3/24/22

(Including perps to CB, abandoned children, lost persons, mental ill, complainants, etc.)

* Just remember that RMP RECORDER is the ONLY ACTOR in this procedure*

RMP recorder must get permission from ______ or ______ IF POSSIBLE when transporting non-MOS in RMP.
Notify radio at start/conclusion AND

Search RMP passenger area UPON CONCLUSION ONLY when transporting NON-MOS
(CONFLICT: Remember 208-06 if transporting a perp ________ must check rear compartment before and after transport!)

In regards to the RMP recorder, his A/L entry must include ___________



BOTH MOS (if transporting a perp)

Time start/end
Results of inspection
Identity of people transported 
Place start/end
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5 212-08 Activity Logs (3/28/22)

All UMOS below the rank of captain, EXCEPT members performing:
→ Permanent administrative or clerical duties,
= Will record their daily activities in the digital Activity Log application on the Department smartphone.

When a UMOS below the rank of captain who is assigned to a permanent administrative or clerical
position (e.g., Crime Analysis Officer, etc.) performs duties:
-Outside of a Department facility (e.g., detail, patrol coverage, supervisor’s operator, etc.) = UMOS will record their daily activities in the digital Activity Log.

UMOS assigned as undercovers will record their daily activities in the ACTIVITY LOG and not the digital
Activity Log.
Upon reporting for a tour of duty:

UMOS-Use the digital Activity Log, accessible via the home screen on Department issued smartphone, and record the following:
- Required information from roll call, including: (OPERATOR & RECORDER)
• Day, date and tour,
• Assignment (post, sector, RMP number, etc.),
• Meal time,
• Name of operator/recorder/partner, when applicable, and
• School crossing or church crossing, if applicable.

  • Result of vehicle inspection when assigned as RMP OPERATOR, including:
    • Condition of vehicle,
    • Odometer reading, and
    • Amount of gas in vehicle.

*Daily activities, chronologically, including:**
(1-7 below ONLY RECORDER)
1. Assignments received - Indicate time received, type of assignment, location, origin, code signal,
disposition and time completed and/or given to radio dispatcher,
2. Information pertinent to an assignment (e.g., action taken, narrative disposition, forms prepared with
identifying serial numbers, photos, notes, diagrams, sketches, signatures, identifying information of
off-duty uniformed members of the service involved in any off-duty incident, etc.),
3. Tasks performed,
4. Absences from post/sector or place of assignment,
5. Rank and surname of supervisors responding to assignment,
6. Completion of tour, odometer reading, signature and shield number if any, and
7. Other entries required by Department directives.

Only the Recorder will record 1 to 7. Operator may note “See Recorder’s Activity Log.”
**Both the RMP OPERATOR and RECORDER must make entries recording enforcement actions taken to assist in recollection of the event at a later time.



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5 212-08 Activity logs (3/28/22)

- Provide smartphone to supervising officer for inspection and review upon request.
- Direct attention of supervisor to entry that may be a matter of concern (e.g., unusual occurrence, absence
from post, etc.).
**Retrieve digital Activity Log printout, as appropriate.
**Abbreviations may be used when recording any information or activity.
** The digital Activity Log application has the capability to capture the signature of a non-MOS (e.g.,
physician, District Attorney, etc.), when necessary.

Supervisory Member
- Review and verify digital Activity Log entries of UMOS, as appropriate.
• Sign the screen of the inspected UMOS’s smartphone to verify and complete inspection when prompted.
• Inform UMOS’s immediate supervisor of: Any comments relating to a particular member’s activity.
* SGT inspection & Supervision of the member’s digital A/L : insert on the next open line, the date , time , rank, signature, and comments , if any, and inform the member’s immediate Supv any comments relating to a particular member’s activity.**

UMOS- Store active and completed ACTIVITY LOGS in locker, available for inspection at all times.

Rosario Material-
- Anything recorded (including handwritten notes) has the potential to be Rosario material, and may be reviewed by the Department, outside agencies, DA’s and criminal defense attorneys.
• Digital Activity Log entries MAY be transmitted to the DA, the Law Department or other agencies via
email with a PDF attachment or as a hard copy printout.

Arrest Photos*
- Official Department photos taken during arrest processing may be sealed upon termination of a criminal action or proceeding against a person.
• UMOS will NOT upload an official Department photo of the arrestee to the digital Activity Log.

Technical Difficulties**
- If the digital Activity Log fails to operate due to technical difficulties, UMOS will use the paper ACTIVITY LOG as necessary.

ACTIVITY LOG Retention**
- MOS are reminded that ACTIVITY LOGS are official accounts of police activities and are frequently needed
for the purposes of criminal prosecution and civil litigation.
• Active UMOS will preserve completed paper ACTIVITY LOGS and produce them as required by
competent authority.
• Retired UMOS, or other members that have separated from the Department, should preserve completed
ACTIVITY LOGS and provide them to the Department upon request.

- Active and former UMOS are not permitted to disclose, donate or sell, for personal financial gain or otherwise, any ACTIVITY LOG and are prohibited from disclosing such confidential information by statute, including, but not limited to, NYC Charter Sections 2604(b)(4) and 2604(d)(5), respectively.
• A violation may be punishable by financial penalties and may be considered a misdemeanor offense.



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3 212-09 Unusual occurrence reports
BIAS incidents are always unusual

In regards to an unusual incident the UMOS must notify _______ and request ________

The Desk officer must notify __________ and _________ WITHOUT WAITING FOR FUTHER DETAILS, and must notify _________ to have him/her respond.

The D.O must also prepare preliminary 49 (type letterhead) Or unusual occurrence report to CHIEF OF PATROL and forward in Next Dept mail.

The ____ will conduct investigation of “unusual occurrences” as per 212-09!

(The main criteria in determining the preparation and forwarding of the report is the “CHIEF OF PATROL’s NEED TO KNOW”)

The C.O conducts investigation NOT P/S…
The P/S has no duties in this procedure!!!


Notify D/O. Request P/S

Operations and Patrol Boro
Notify C.O/duty captain to respond.



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3 212-09 Unusual occurrence reports
For sex crime victims will not be included in “UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE REPORTS “ but refer to victim as _______________. DO NOT attach ICAD if it contains victims ID. Include in 49 “ICAD not attached because it contains victims ID”

The “ UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE REPORT “ form will NOT be used to report _______ determined NOT appropriate by the Investigation Pct CO/duty Capt


“Person known to this dept”

  • Firearm Discharge by MOS
  • Labor Coalition incident
  • Any other Unusual incident
  • Prisoner Unusual Occurrence
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2 212-10 Interrupted patrol log

The UMOS should report to D.O and give reason for presence in command.

The D.O should then make entries in interrupted patrol log IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING. And review the interrupted patrol log ___________. Expedite the stay.


Frequently (no specific time)

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5 212-11 Investigative encounters

On level 1 “Request for information” you may NOT use force. You may NOT seek consent to search. And you may NOT ask accusatory questions. YOU DONT HAVE TO INFORM PERSON THEY ARE FREE TO LEAVE UNTIL THEY ASK.

On level 2 “Common law right of inquiry” you may NOT use force, you MAY seek consent to search. (Ask in a manner that elicits a clear ‘yes or no’ response, and follow up by saying “I can only search you if you consent” and specifically ask them “do you understand” and if searched then offer them a contact card). YOU DONT HAVE TO INFORM PERSON THEY ARE FREE TO LEAVE UNTIL THEY ASK. And you MAY ask pointed or accusatory questions.

On level 3 “Reasonable suspicion” (also called TERRY STOP-IO 48) you MAY use reasonable force to stop a person, you MAY seek consent to search. (Ask in a manner that elicits a clear ‘yes or no’ response, and follow up by saying “I can only search you if you consent” and specifically ask them “do you understand” HOWEVER DO NOT give them contact card, because instead we offer them a “what is a stop” card, absent exigent!). And you MAY ask pointed or accusatory questions RELATED TO THE REASON for the stop.

(On level 2 you can ask pointed/accusatory questions HOWEVER on level 3 pointed/accusatory questions must be related to the stop!)

On level 3, a frisk is NOT automatic, UNLESS you stopped him for _________, in which case the frisk is automatic.
If you have reasonable suspicion at any point that the person is armed and dangerous, you may conduct a frisk.
Reasonable suspicion can come from observations on the person you reasonable suspect has a weapon OR statements made by suspect that he is armed OR statements made by witnesses/victims.
You may NOT frisk a bag or other personal property UNLESS you have reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous AND that bag could contain a weapon AND its within the persons reach.
If bag is soft you frisk it, and open bag only if you feel contours of weapon. But if bag is hard and unlocked you may open it.
MOS should also notify radio and include location, # of persons stopped and whether additional units are needed ONLY FOR LEVEL 3 stop.

AT LESS than (level 3) reasonable suspicion MOS can order persons to take hands out pockets, grab their hands IF circumstances suggest the may be grabbing a weapon, and forcibly remove their hands IF they refuse to remove.

When do you fill out a Stop report? ____________
(Stop report required for EACH person stopped)

When do you offer them a what is a stop? (Tear off information card)___________ ABSENT EXIGENT!

On level 1, 2, and 3 “when feasible and consistent with personal safety, provide the individual with an explanation for the encounter”

At any level an officer can ask an individual to verbally ID him/herself or present and ID card to VERIFY. But for a level 1 or 2 encounter the officer must not create a situation where the person does not feel free to leave. Refusal or inability to present ID should not elevate the level of the encounter.


Violent crime (burg, rape, robb, assault 2)

Only for level 3 (terry stops)

When you hit level 3! (ABSENT EXIGENT-not an absolute rule)


5 212-11 Investigative Encounters
UMOS may ask consent to search based only on (1)_____ or ______.
(Ask in a manner that elicits a clear ‘yes or no’ response, and follow up by saying “I can only search you if you consent” and specifically ask them “do you understand” and if searched then OFFER them a (2)________ for LEVEL 2 (absolute) HOWEVER offer them a (3)__________ card for LEVEL 3 (absent exigent! Not absolute)

MOS may detain and use force based on a (4)_________. Type of force used must be objectively reasonable under circumstances.

If person refuses to ID themselves based on a level 3 stop MOS should check “refused” in appropriate space and request (5)______ to respond (However do not detain individual for arrival of P/S if you realize he did not commit any crime)

UMOS should describe in plain language (rather than using PL section) the specific felony of misd suspected.
UMOS should describe, in your own words, UNDER the “narrative” caption, all of the facts and info relied upon to conclude that there was reasonable suspicion that the person stopped was armed and dangerous.
In addition, IF a search was conducted, describe the basis for the search, the specific area searched, and whether a weapon or other contraband was recovered.

UMOS should include any additional info not included on stop report in (6)______

The P/S should confirm that the stop report states in plain language the suspected felony/misd.
(NOT PL charge… Think about it when filling out a 250 we NEVER write in the PL charge, we only write in “Crim trespass”)
The P/S should also determine whether “narrative” caption includes facts/circumstances relied upon by the officer to conclude that there was reasonable suspicion that the person was armed/dangerous AND/OR IF a search was conducted, the facts and circumstances of the search.
P/S should consider facts/info as conveyed by the member on (7)_______ and _______ and THE P/S determines whether ::
1. Stop was based on reasonable suspicion of suspected misd/felony
2. IF person was frisked, frisk supported by reasonable suspicion person was armed/dangerous
3. IF the person was searched, whether there was sufficient basis for the search.

(Reviewing supervisor must be at least one rank higher than member submitting STOP REPORT)
(This is the SAME AS CCRB REPORTS. Reviewing Supv MUST be at least one rank higher than member submitting it)
So if P/S conducts a stop report a LT or above MUST REVIEW IT!!!)


(1) level 2- Common law right of inquiry (founded suspicion) OR
Level 3- Reasonable suspicion

(2) Common law right of inquiry-consent search report-(level 2)
(3) right to know Business card-(level 3)

(4) Level 3 stop based on reasonable suspicion
(5) P/S
(6) A/L
(7) Stop report and A/L


5 212-11 Investigative Encounters
Prior to EOT MOS must submit A/L and Stop Report to (1)_______ for review (If he is not available MOS can give it to (2)______ ).
P/S will review/sign and hand it back to MOS (cop) before EOT.
MOS must then hand in PHOTOCOPY of A/L AND ORIGINAL Stop report to the (3)_______.

The D.O should input and ELECTRONICALLY sign off within (4)________ of time of OCCURRENCE . (THE D.O ALSO ENSURES this is done)

(D.O ENSURES separate pct serial # is assigned to each stop report)

The D.O also ensures Stop report is input in to system for generation of (5)_________ within 48 hours from the time of occurrence!

(D.O then has the stop report with serial number photocopied)

The D.O attaches photocopy of members A/L and Photocopy of stop report and files in the (6)________
(The (7)______ensures stop report index is filed with photocopy of stop report in command binder)

The D.O must then submits ORIGINAL Stop report to (8)________.


(1) P/S
(2) D.O
(3) D.O
(4) 48 hours
(5) Pct serial number.
(6) Stop report binder
(7) Command clerk ENSURES!
(8) Command clerk


5 212-11 Investigative Encounters
DAILY on the FIRST PLATOON the command clerk prints out generated Stop report index cover sheet and forwards ORIGINAL Stop report worksheet to (1)_______ (DAILY!)

“The desk officer/designee in other than a patrol precinct will ENSURE that the Stop report are forwarded to the CRS on a daily basis. Photocopies of the Stop report worksheets will be sent via (2)__________to the precinct of occurrence daily.”

(^So ORIGINAL will still go to CRS, photocopy will go to pct of occ IF stop report prepared in other than patrol pct!^)

The training Sgt will conduct Stop, question and frisk (investigative encounters) training (3) ______and he will report such training to (4)______ on a
Quarterly basis.
Training sgt will record training sessions in the Training Attendance Certification Transcript Integration Collection System (TACTICS) to assist with future review and analysis of command’s compliance and training in investigative encounters.

“Furtive movements” or mere presence in a “high crime area,” standing alone, are insufficient
bases for a stop or frisk.
Moreover, even when used in combination with other stop factors, the stopping officer must be able to specifically describe the suspicious nature of the “furtive movements” which she/he observed, and she/he must not define the “high crime area” too broadly, such as encompassing an entire precinct or borough.
Individuals may not be targeted for stops and frisks because they are members of a racial or ethnic group that appears more frequently in local crime suspect data.

Race may only be considered where the stop is based upon a specific and reliable suspect description that includes not just (5)_____ or _____ or ______, but other identifying characteristics and information.
When a police officer carries out a stop based on reasonable suspicion that a person fits such a description, the officer may consider the race of the suspect, just as the officer may consider the suspect’s height or hair color.


(1) Criminal records section (CRS)
(2) dept mail
(4) C.O
(5) Race or gender or age


2 212-12 Citywide intelligence reporting system (3/28/22)

(Upon suspecting or observing information about the involvement of a person or other entity in ongoing criminal activity or suspected terrorist activity)

There are three basic ways we report intelligence.

UMOS notify INTELLIGENCE BUREAU when suspected terrorist activity can also be reported to the Intelligence Bureau, by members of the Service and the public , through the Counter Terrorism hotline.

UMOS will notify Intel regarding any traps in vehicles whether an arrest is made or not.
UMOS will also record Intel bureau log number and name of Intel member notified in _______.
UMOS should know suspected terrorist activity can also be reported to intel bureau by MOS and public through the ________.

Any MOS with info concerning suspected terrorist activity will notify _____ AND _______.

When Intel enters info in database and faxes copy of printout to the Pct, the D.O should forward this printout to the _______

The FIO is most correct to confer with ________ and ____________



Counter terrorism hotline

D.O command of occ and Intelligence Bureau direct OR Counter Terrorism hotline


C.O AND C.O of criminal Intel section on a regular basis


2 212-110 Suspected terrorist activity

For suspected terrorist activity if Intel can’t conduct the check in a reasonable time or if suspect is not wanted UMOS should prepare summons/250 and cut him loose and notify D.O of all details.

If MDT inoperable for more then ________ then call _________

However if Intel says he’s a collar MOS must request P/S to respond.
D.O should detain for debriefing by FIO and must notify _________ (4 ppl)

In all cases (including non Arrest) D.O must notify _________ and ________and ENSURE reports are forwarded to _________ (In ALL cases)
^(Remember only notify C.O in Arrest situations) ^

CMOS who are authorized to conduct car stops and/or truck inspections and who develop info during such a stop or inspection of terrorist related activity will request a UMOS to respond to the scene. The UMOS will assume responsibility and will notify Intel CIS via the MDT.


20 min then call Intel CIS

C.O/Duty Capt, Operations, Boro, Bureau wheel

Boro/bureau counterterrorism coordinator AND
Patrol/housing/transit/detective bureau wheel (as appropriate)

C.O crim intel section (ENSURE reports are forwarded to)


212-108 Notification made to Intel when you get NCIC hits

When a name check comes back with an NCIC hit (National crime Info canter- violent gang and terrorist organization file)

Code 1 means _______
Code 2 means _______
Code 3 means ________
Code 4 means ________

Central will read you the hit verbatim, make sure perp DOES NOT HEAR IT. Central will also notify P/S and will direct you to call __________.

If NCIC comes back no hit then call ____________

The P/S will also immediately NOTIFY intell’s CIS for further checks and instructions


Arrest-Code 1

Detain- Code 2 (detain for a reasonable time)

Investigation-Code 3(don’t alert perp to hit they MAY be tied to terrorism)

Information gathering- Code 4 (don’t alert perp to hit they MAY be tied to terrorism)


Intel CIS supv


2 212-13 Reporting gang related criminal activity (3/28/22)

Gang - Any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities, the commission of one or more criminal acts (including drug dealing), having a common name or common identifying sign or symbol, and whose members individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity.
Gang-Motivated Incident - Any gang-related incident that is done primarily:
→ To benefit or further the interests of the gang, or
→ As part of an initiation, membership rite, or act of allegiance to or support for a gang, or → As a result of a conflict or fight between gang members of the same or different gangs.
Gang-Related Incident - Any incident of unlawful conduct by a gang member or suspected gang member. All gang-motivated incidents are, by definition, also gang-related incidents.
Gang-Related Intelligence - Information about a gang, suspected gang, an individual gang, or suspected gang member. This includes information about gang meetings, recruiting attempts by gangs, plans by persons affiliated with a gang to organize or take part in public events, “community” events (as defined by a gang), intelligence obtained from social media networks, as well as any information useful in developing profiles and intelligence about gang activities.
Upon becoming aware of gang-related intelligence, learning of a possible gang-related or gang-motivated incident, or upon making an arrest of a suspected or identified gang member for any offense:
- Take immediate action as necessary.
- Notify the Patrol Supervisor.
- Enter information in digital Activity Log, if appropriate. 30
- Contact the _________
concerned, immediately, 24/7. Provide all pertinent information to Detective Borough Wheel member accepting the report.
- Prepare Complaint Report Worksheet and/or On-Line Booking System Arrest Worksheet, as necessary.
- Enter the following information in digital Activity Log and/or Complaint Report Worksheet and/or On-Line
Booking System Arrest Worksheet, as necessary:
- Rank, name and tax number of Detective Borough Wheel member taking notification. Detective Borough Wheel log number.
- Indication if incident was possibly gang-related.
- Complete ‘Possibly Gang Related’ caption on Complaint Report Worksheet.

  • Be guided by direction given by Detective Borough Wheel member.
  • If requested, and when feasible,
    remain at command until appropriate Borough Gang Squad
    investigators arrive.

D/O Review and sign Complaint Report Worksheet and On-Line Booking System Arrest Worksheet, as appropriate, ensuring notification to Detective Borough Wheel was made and log number was documented

FIO- Coordinate intelligence, identify gangs and maintain gang file, including the names of known members, locations, colors, rivals, etc.

Intelligence information that is not gang-related/motivated must be reported to the Intelligence Bureau as described in P.G. 212-12, “Citywide Intelligence Reporting System.

Vehicle Intelligence: UMOS should record all pertinent information regarding vehicles (i.e., plate, state, make, model, etc.) in the “Narrative” section of the On-Line Booking System Arrest Worksheet.

Walk-In Complaint Gang Complaint: Clerical members assigned to precincts, transit districts, police service areas, detective squads, etc., will immediately notify the Desk Officer when a walk-in complaint is received concerning a possible gang- related or gang-motivated incident and be guided by the supervisor’s instructions including, but not limited to, ensuring that a detective interview is conducted regarding criminal activity and gang affiliation.


Detective Borough Wheel


212-14 Traffic intelligence report
(3/28/22) skip

UMOS prepares traffic Intel report when traffic condition is observed and not immediately correctable OR when a collision prone location (CPL) is identified in traffic accident management system (TAMS)
UMOS should utilize rear of traffic intel report to write detailed description, draw diagram, and make additional comments.
UMOS then submits completed traffic intel report to ________________
(IF the condition was observed on a limited access highway, then submit the completed traffic intel report to ___________)

For conditions that are immediately correctable UMOS must initiate corrective action on the scene and call ____________ who enters it in ____________

Traffic safety officer confers with _________ in regards to conditions that CAN be corrected at precinct level

When a CPL (collision prone location) is identified in TAMS (traffic accident management system) the traffic safety officer prepares traffic intel report himself and forwards copies of reports to ____________ every ________

(If traffic intel report includes engineering recommendations then a copy of report will be forwarded to DOT Boro commissioner. TSO will then make an entry on traffic intel report log regarding date of notification)

(A traffic intel report will be prepared for all incidents involving a construction site(214-06) Include all permit numbers and indicate if a check with NYC DOT MOSAICS computer was made and indicate the results)

Conditions requiring immediate attention such as complaints of potholes, missing traffic
signs, inoperable signal lights, etc., will NOT be forwarded to the borough traffic safety coordinator. Upon making an observation of a condition requiring immediate attention, corrective action must be initiated by the member of the service at the scene of the condition including a notification to the precinct telephone switchboard operator for entry


Traffic safety officer
Highway unit concerned

T/S who enters it in highway conditions record


Boro traffic safety coordinator


2 212-15 LoJack stolen recovery system and monthly report (skip)

The _________ should place lojack in “lock” position BEFORE starting RMP.
Start car let it go through check and then unlock. Also place locking switch in “lock” upon receiving signal that stolen vehicle is within range.

The RMP recorder should also advise dispatcher if tracking and you need to leave pct boundaries.
The _________ determines whether or not you will leave.
(The P/S will monitor police tracking unit and terminate tracking IF required by policies of dept,
P/S will also request radio dispatcher to assign police tracking unit in adjoining pct to continue tracking vehicle IF no visual contact has been made.)

(Remember 221-15 the ______ will determine the necessity for commencing and continuing a vehicle pursuit)

UMOS should know you can NEVER track beyond city limits BUT you can pursue (when you have visual contact)

No other RMP will participate in an on-going tracking unless directed by ___________

LoJack on private property do not enter unless you’re a PTU in close pursuit, emitting signal and they’re intentionally avoiding capture, search warrant, or exigency/emergency.

If MOS locates a vehicle on private property emitting a signal, notify P/S.
The P/S confers with __________ if search warrant should be obtained or 61 prepared or Intel notified.


RMP recorder


UMOS (cop)


Auto crime (PDS in their absence)


3 212-16 Evacuations from transit
Emergency evacuation devices (ramp or ladder for train evacuations) in underground stations are located
“”Underground station at south end of southbound platform near 1st emergency telephone blue light “”

Emergency evacuation devices (ramp or ladder for train evacuations) in elevated stations are located For “”Elevated stations it’s located near 24 hour token booth””

For reach and rescue evacuations turning power off is not necessary!

________ are either behind or front of train

_______ are positioned alongside stalled train and passengers can cross using emergency evacuation devices (ramp or ladder).

For reach evacuation direct passengers to walk trough train to FIRST or LAST car.
For rescue trains assist passengers to cross gap between trains.

For ___________ MOS must always shut power off.
For roadbed/benchwall evacuations UMOS should use evacuation devices (ramp or ladder) , get passengers to the nearest station, if not the nearest station then to the nearest emergency exit.


Reach trains

Rescue trains

Roadbed/benchwall evacuations


3 212-16 Evacuations from transit
UMOS in regards to an EMERGENCY EVACUATION must notify (1)______ and _____ through the radio dispatcher and inform them who ordered evacuation and why.
(In PG it’s written just like this: “Patrol supv/Duty captain”)
Also UMOS should tell passengers reason for evacuation and coordinate and cooperate with NYCTA personnel.

UMOS should follow (2)___________ instruction on how to evacuate and evacuate passengers as directed by (3)_______ OR ________

The P/S should establish command post and keep (4)_______ and ________informed of situation and need for additional personnel.

MOS coordinate with (5)________ personnel and inform reluctant passengers that they will be taken to alternate location (when possible).
Notify (6)________ of movement and arrival of alternate location.

The (7)______ should assign MOS to train ONLY IF reluctant/refusals are going to alternate location.

For both non emergency and emergency evacuations ranking member in charge will ENSURE a 49 is prepared and forwarded to (8)__________

(For Emergency evacuations notify Patrol supv/Duty captain…. For non-emergency evacuation only notify duty captain of movement and arrival of alternate location)


(1) Patrol supervisor and Duty captain
(2) Duty captains
(3) P/S OR duty captain
(4) Radio and Duty captain (P/S keeps them apprised)

NON-Emergency evacuation:

(7) P/S
(8) Chief of transit bureau


2 212-17 Procedures at scenes of critical situations on NYC transit
(Fire, flood, collision, derailment, person under, etc.) (3/28/22)

UMOS should turn off power from affected area, when necessary! (Not absolute)
UMOS should put a responsible person in street near scene to direct responding units.
Remove a person from under train (except if DOA AND possible crime vic).
DO NOT permit removal of sick or injured FD member w/o consent of ______________
UMOS should obtain names/addresses/#’s of all witnesses and their employers names, business, and #’s. Record this info in A/L.

Report in full to ___________, unless a supv designates another member to report details to.

UMOS should also establish police/fire lines AND command post (the Sgt does this in 212-18) (Easy way to remember this is UMOS is only person in this procedure!!!)

All UMOS, especially those assigned to subway patrol duty should be cognizant of NYCT procedure to Summons police assistance. Train operator/conductor may utilize a train horn to request police assistance. This sounds is “”Long sound immediately followed by a short sound and then another long sound immediately followed by a short sound””

212-17 UMOS (cop) is only actor in this procedure!


Fire officer in charge

Duty captain/incident commander

212-17 UMOS (cop) is only actor in this procedure!


3 212-18 Searches for Armed/Dangerous Persons on NYC Transit Tracks (4/2/22)

Searches on track will take place only if there is reason to believe criminal fled into track, tunnel and is still there and (1)_____FACT (4things)

(Searches are normally conducted by members riding in (2)________ of trains passing in both directions of affected area)

In these scenarios UMOS (FIRST on scene) should notify dispatcher immediately by radio or phone, and request appropriate P/S and additional as necessary.
UMOS should remain on platform. DONT ENTER TRACKS.UMOS will also be cognizant of “mass reflective response” and the First Members on the scene will immediately establish and maintain firearms control.
UMOS should also notify (3)____________, immediately, if an exit is open, when dispatched to an emergency exit.

The radio dispatcher must notify two patrol supervisors, (transit district of occurrence, and precinct of occurrence), K9, ESU, TD CO OR PCT CO.

** The FIRST P/S assumes command of the situation**
. The transit Sargent provides expertise in transit system operations, including the location of emergency exits and other escape routes requiring Police coverage.
The patrol supervisor is responsible to establish (4)________ and ________ and determine whether a search is feasible and warranted. (Based on nature of crime, time of day, location, probability of suspect being in tunnel)
The P/S should also confer with (5)_______ and _______ about feasibility of search and need for inner/outer perimeter .
P/S should ENSURE members have been properly deployed to secure platform, points of entry/exit and established appropriate police lines.
P/S should also as soon as circumstances permit, designate one or more UMOS who will act as the designated shooter(s) if the use of deadly physical force becomes unavoidable.
Also designate a UMOS to maintain radio contact with the Communications Section dispatcher, so that the dispatcher and responding personnel are kept apprised of the situation as it develops.

Civilian clothes MOS will not ordinarily be used (NOT ABSOLUTE RULE) for the securing of tunnels or exits.

The patrol supervisor/senior member of K-9 or ESU determines if inner and outer perimeter should be established, and notifies (6)_______ or _______ or ______ through the radio and request removal of power. (Commence tunnel search as per K9 and ESU procedures)
The patrol supervisor/senior member of K-9 or ESU should NOTIFY (7)________ and request restoration of power when search is complete, condition is normal, and track area is clear of personnel.

(NOTIFY TD C.O/PCT C.O/Duty captain to request removal of power HOWEVER notify radio dispatcher to request restoration of power)

** Key note in 212-17 AND 212-18 there is NO D.O, NO NOTIFICATION TO OPERATIONS OR BORO **

(212-17 UMOS IS THE ONLY ACTOR BECAUSE FOR “Critical Incidents” (FIRE/FLOOD/PERSON UNDER/derailment) a cop is sufficient enough to handle these types of incidents, and the cop can establish police lines/command post himself!!!
In 212-18, in regards to track searches, dispatcher AUTOMATICALLY notifies P/S, K9, ESU, C.O because this incident is considered too big for a cop to handle! And the P/S now had to establish police lines/command post!)

  1. Force Used
  2. Armed with DEADLY WEAPON
  3. Caused SPI
  4. Threatened Deadly physical force

(3) Radio dispatcher
(4) Establish police lines and command post (UMOS does this in 212-17)
(5) K9 and ESU
(6) TD C.O/Pct C.O/Duty captain
(7) Radio Dispatcher

** Key note in 212-17 AND 212-18 there is NO D.O, NO NOTIFICATION TO OPERATIONS OR BORO ***


2 212-19 Animals on NYC public transportation (4/2/22)

ANY ANIMAL used to assist those with impairments NOT READILY APPARENT can be taken on train.
Civilians are NOT required to show proof.
Any questions call (1)_________.
Non exempt animals must be enclosed in a container and carried in a way not to annoy passengers. Otherwise eject, and if necessary issue C summons or TAB.

MOS encountering stray animal(not dog) must notify (2)__________, tell them type of animal, direction of flight and if assistance is needed. Restrain-if possible. Stay w/ animal until (3)_________

MOS encountering a stray dog should notify radio dispatcher. Restrain-if possible.
Stay w/ animal until (4)__________. DO NOT CHASE.
Request (5)_______ to restrain IF dog is becoming safety hazard.
IF dog is on roadbed UMOS should notify (6)_____ and ______ (UMOS should not enter roadbed to retrieve dog unless P/S gives you permission)
P/S should then confer with (7)_______ to determine the need to turn off power

(IF a restraining pole is necessary it should not be held out in front of dog, waved, or presented as a weapon, as it will threaten the dog and cause it to run away, IF a dog is dangerous, the use of a tranquilizer gun may be required)

MOS encountering a dead animal must notify (8)___________.


(1) Legal bureau

(2) Communications section
3) ACC responds

(4) ACC responds
(5) ESU

(6) P/S and ESU
(7) ESU

(8) Dispatcher- that’s it!

(Communications and dispatcher are both the same thing)


2 212-19 Animals on NYC public transportation

If dog is observed with passenger on train and passenger is not exempt then UMOS should ________ and ________ if necessary.

Dogs in training with disabled person then no proof required but if with their professional trainers then they need proof. Proof for professional trainers include _________ (3 things)


Eject!! And issue C/tab summons,IF NECESSARY (don’t have to)

Training school ID,
Letter from training school
Training school collar tag.


212-20 Ejection from transit property

UMOS should inform passenger why they are getting kicked out.
Allow passenger to walk out unassisted (may grab upper arm and forearm to escort out, if more force necessary then you may arrest)
UMOS should then make an __________ and __________.
Give ejection report to ________ PRIOR to EOT.

(You can summons and/or eject)


A/L entry AND ejection report

District D.O


1 212-21 Photography on train system
Still photos/video is allowed HOWEVER no ancillary equipment can be used (tripod, lights, reflectors).
Unless Individual issued a _________ may use ancillary equipment.

If just photo and no other equipment, but it creates a hazard, you may TAB/Eject/Arrest.

If a person using additional photographic equipment does not have valid press identification, or if any person engaging in photographic activity is creating a hazard to public safety or to the efficient operation of the transit system THEN UMOS should warn person that he is in violation of NYC transit rules, and DIRECT PERSON TO CEASE.
THEN issue TAB/”C” summons, eject from system, or arrest, as appropriate, if person does not desist from photography that violates NYC Transit Rules


Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment


3 212-22 Malfunction of transit bureau radio network (4/2/22)

(_____ is everyday transit radio carried on patrol daily , ____is special radio that is assigned when transit radio is down)

The district D.O should ensure UMOS is accounted for, and notified to signal the command ______ and directed to conduct all police business VIA TELEPHONE!.
Also assign MOS a UHF radio.
The district D.O should also assign MOS to paired patrols until malfunction is corrected AND suspend assignments in CIVILIAN clothes.

UMOS should attempt to contact central Via the transit ____ radio every __________ until condition is corrected.
UMOS should notify _______ and _______when condition is corrected and return UHF radio to district D.O at EOT.

(UMOS should be cognizant that PD dept radios, OTHER than those normally assigned to transit, will not work underground EXCEPT for a few manhattan stations equipped with underground receptors)


VHF (every day radio)
UHF (assigned when radio is down)

Hourly-Signal command

VHF radio
1/2 hour (30 min)

Radio dispatcher and district D.O


212-23 Inspection of rapid transit stations on post

UMOS should go to nearest station upon turnout and confer with __________
Inspect concessions, platforms, stairs, toilets, and ALL token booths-open or closed. (Know the hours of operation for concessions)
PREVENT PERSON UNABLE TO CARE FOR SELF FROM ENTERING SYSTEM. (Ensure necessary assistance is provided to such persons)

Visit each station on post __________ and as often as PRACTICABLE.

RMP recorder should inspect each uncovered station and post in each patrol sector and notify _________ if uncovered station in sector not inspected.

The ______________ should ENSURE stations not inspected in last 24 hours are checked ASAP.


Railroad clerk

At least once

District D.O



2 212-24 Removal of power in the subway (4/2/22)

(Removal of power in the subway can be extremely hazardous, dangerous and disruptive to police personnel, passengers and transit employees and should only be requested in extreme emergencies involving life-threatening situations).


UMOS should request response of ______ AND ______.
Also UMOS should NOTIFY required units. (ESU/PDS/CSU, etc.)

The P/S should notify _________ when power removal is requested OR restored.
The P/S should also request ______________
The _____ will make a determination as to whether a search or other police action will be conducted in the tunnel


UMOS should open emergency alarm box located IN SUBWAY TUNNELS beneath ______________.
Use adjacent phone to notify “”RAPID TRANSIT OPS CMD DESK SUPERINTENDENT“”
if you do not notify they will turn power back on)
IF phone notification cannot be made then NOTIFY __________and request immediate notification to desk superintendent.
(Notification can also be made via the train operator/conductors (motorman) radio for direct communication to rapid transit operations command center)

(So the notification of the desk superintendent can be made by motorman’s radio, phone adjacent to emergency alarm box, or radio dispatcher)

P/S or ranking officer in charge should confer with a _________ on scene, AFTER ensuring that all personnel are off the tracks, as to whether the power can be restored immediately after the condition.

**(If imminent danger to anyone and no other alternatives UMOS may remove power!
If no imminent danger then P/S may determine whether or not to remove power, and notifies operations when power removal is requested OR restored!)


Pct P/S and TB P/S

Operations (notify)

District C.O/Duty captain (request)


Beneath blue light spaced 400-600 ft apart.

Radio dispatcher via radio

NYC transit supv


2 212-25 Revenue escorts

UMOS will ascertain from the ________ exact time of scheduled escort.
UMOS will report to booth _________ to time of escort. UMOS will also walk ____ feet behind railroad clerk and to the side of the money with his hand on his gun, and safety seam off.
If revenue escort is not ready to leave at scheduled time UMOS must contact ________
UMOS should make A/L entry AFTER completion of revenue escort.
(No notifying D.O upon completion of escort, only notify D.O IF escort isn’t ready to leave on time)



Railroad clerk

5 min prior

5 feet

District desk officer


212-26 Inspection of NYCHA

UMOS should be responsible for suppression or rapid discovery of burgs or related crimes on assigned post.
UMOS would be most correct to check housing facilities on post FREQUENTLY and during __________ of tour w/ A/L entry. Also frequently inspect security of NYCHA facilities.
The UMOS should give special attention to those facilities accorded “post condition” status
(MOS assigned to high priority incident will NOT be required to conduct security checks)

The P/S is required to respond when notified of a burg or related crime (CT).
(Whenever an Arrest is made for burg the P/S will recommend A/O for departmental recognition, when warranted)

The _____________in housing is responsible to recommend to development manager proper locking/securing of facilities. Appropriate lighting. Securing valuables. Etc.
(This seems like a job for crime prevention, but in housing is the community affairs officer)


First and last hour (if possible) w/ A/L entry

Community affairs officer


2 212-28 Housing Bureau disabled elevator with passengers (4/2/22)

UMOS should notify radio dispatcher and request response of ___________via “”PSA of occurrence TS””

If they’re delayed then request __________.

However IF IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of passengers needed for MEDICAL reasons then request ________ and _______ if situation requires the immediate removal of passengers in cases involving, BUT not limited to:

1) Cardiac condition
2) Seriously ill passenger

DO NOT remove passengers w/o assistance from NYCHA ES OR NYPD ESU.

UMOS should then prepare______or an Aided Report using FORMS, if necessary and include passenger names/addresses/ES names and shields.

If lawsuit involved notify _________


Housing authority ES



Field report



4 212-59 Interior patrols NON HA buildings

For interior patrol NON HA buildings the P/S should assign teams of 2 or more to conduct interiors at designated times and locations.
The P/S should also consider the appropriate # of teams necessary based on the size of the building, AND number of location of exits, and nature of crimes being addressed.

The _____ should ENSURE affidavits are current.

For NON HA buildings the UMOS should put in A/L that signs stating “no trespassing, tenants and their guests only” are prominently displayed and legible.

When making an Arrest for trespass, UMOS should prepare “trespass crimes-facts sheet”. “
(Trespass crimes-fact sheet” will be prepared in every instance where a UMOS effects a trespass Arrest in a building participating in a trespass affidavit program.)

Copies of “Trespass crimes-fact sheet” and “Trespass crimes-owners affidavit” or supporting Dep should be included in Arrest package.

When a person refuses to explain or is unable to explain his/her presence in the building, the UMOS MAY instruct the person that he or she must leave the building or be subject to arrest for trespass. The UMOS may then arrest the person for trespass if the person refuses to exit the building and does not promptly establish a right to be in the building.

A UMOS may arrest a person for trespass when he or she has probable cause to believe the person is not a resident, is not the invited guest of a resident,
and is not otherwise authorized to be in the building. Refusal to answer UMOS questions alone will not reach the level of “probable cause”


4 212-60 Housing interior patrols

For Housing interior patrols, Platoon Commander/P/S/Assigned Supv instruct UMOS performing interior patrol that Absent Exigent Circumstances, TWO or MORE UMOS remain together at all times. Ensure all interior patrols are performed in an appropriate manner with special attention to: proper tactics,Required equipment, Radio transmissions, proper documentation.

For housing interior patrols the UMOS notify applicable PSA or 120th Pct , by _______, if VIPER cameras are present.
(Notify communications and make A/L entry upon entering w/ entry time and street address.
Notify communications upon exiting the building w/ A/L entry of time inspection completed and any condition noted)
If authority to be present is in question ask for ID, a key to the entrance door, etc.
UMOS should inspect each building on assigned post.
(Alternate between outside area patrol and interior patrol, unless otherwise directed)

When a person refuses to explain or is unable to explain his/her presence in the building, the UMOS MAY instruct the person that he or she must leave the building or be subject to arrest for trespass. The UMOS may then arrest the person for trespass if the person refuses to exit the building and does not promptly establish a right to be in the building.

UMOS document in digital A/L whether signs Prohibiting Trespassing are Legible and Prominently Displayed in areas where persons entering the building can readily see them. If signs are missing, illegible or defaced, prepare a _______ using FORMS. A legible handwritten copy must be completed if a UMOS does not have the ability to complete a Field Report electronically.

UMOS should also inspect elevator doors on each floor and take immediate action when necessary.

Notify _________ of inoperable elevators
Notify ________ or __________ IF elevator door glass missing, outer elevators door opens when elevator is not present, or any other dangerous condition concerning elevators exists and REMAIN ON SCENE until condition is corrected.

ABSENT EXIGENT, during interiors UMOS must remain together



Field report

HA ES dept maintenance personnel

HA Emergency services or NYPD ESU