214 "Quality of Life" Flashcards
2 214-01 Padlock law program
The padlock law allows us to commence padlock proceedings against an establishment when:
____ OR MORE SEPARATE ARRESTS FOR PUBLIC NUISANCE OFFENSES in ________ resulting in at least 1 conviction.
Public nuisance offenses include:
Gambling, prostitution, marijuana, controlled substance, criminal nuisance OR
For chop shops public nuisance includes:
CPSP, forgery VIN, auto dismantlers, illegal poss. of vehicle ID plate
In addition, to indicate that the illegal activity is continuing, a triggering arrest should (NOT MUST) be made within ______ PRIOR to the issuance of the Notice of Hearing.
Trigger Arrest folder must be HAND DELIVERED to _______ within _______.
Once hearing has been conducted the padlock law allows police commissioner to order either a order of discontinuance OR a closing order.
Order of discontinuance: For up to ______ and allows the business to remain open for legitimate business purposes, however if an arrest is effected for a predicate nuisance padlock offense INSIDE the premise, the premise will automatically be closed for the remainder of the year.
Closing order: Premise closed for a period not to exceed ______. After the order becomes effective, ANYONE(including the owner) wishing to enter premise must obtain approval from _______
Padlock closing or Discontinuance order must be listed for ______ days BEFORE order can be enforced
2 or more
12 months
30 days (trigger arrest)
OCCB within
72 hours
One year
One year
5 Business days
2 214-01 Padlock law program
The assigned Supv (assigned by C.O) makes entry in the _______ for EACH VISIT, and indicates in remarks section whether order still posted.
Removal or Mutilation of closing order is an unclassified admin code Misd., UMOS should ______
(NO ______ NO_______)
If violation of a CLOSING ORDER is suspected:
FIRST, assigned Supv MUST ascertain if order is still posted, if not put up a new one. (Available from _______).
Effect arrest and issue DAT, if order is still posted.
If violation of a DISCONTINUANCE ORDER is suspected:
The assigned Supv should effect arrest if possible, and notify ________, and send them copy of OLBS. If illegal activity suspected but an arrest cannot be made immediately notify ___________
(You are sending OLBS and notifying OCCB for discontinuous order because the business is still open. In regards to a closing order it doesn’t matter because business is closed, no further investigation necessary)
Arrest and issue DAT
No photo, No prints
Legal bureau
214-02 Narcotics eviction program
The Narcotics Eviction Program involves a cooperative citywide effort between this Department and the respective District Attorney’s Office with a goal of evicting drug dealers from dwellings and commercial locations through the initiation of proceedings in civil court.
In practice, all narcotics related arrests/seizures made inside locations, and effected by members assigned to the OCCB, are reviewed by the District Attorney’s Office for potential eviction proceedings. Incidents where there is a summary narcotics related arrest, or incidents of found narcotics/drug paraphernalia, found within a building by patrol personnel, requires the preparation of a precinct 61.
Either direct or circumstantial evidence of narco sales will qualify for this program however evidence that is more consistent with personal use of narcotics will not qualify. Inconsistent with personal use is considered _____ of an ounce or more and will NOT qualify.
There is no requirement that drug dealer has to live in premise for this procedure to apply.
Any questions should be referred to __________
The community beat/sector officer will contact __________ if any observations indicate renewed illicit activity when an eviction order has been obtained
1/8 of and ounce or more
DA’s office
Narco eviction program coordinator
3 214-03 Graffiti reward program
UMOS should photograph graffiti with dept digital camera and do “graffiti photo upload” in Omniform COMPLAINTS menu.
Immediately notify _______ to respond for prisoner debriefing IN ALL graffiti arrest cases.
Get a log # from CVTF and put it in ____________
(CONFLICT: 207-37- Enter CVTF log # in “details” of OLBS)
The D.O should VERIFY response of CVTF for prisoner debriefing.
D.O should obtain a copy of arrest paperwork,
The _____ should attach a copy of ICAD information (if from a RR) and fwd it to _____________(3ppl)
(THE D.O should attach copy of ICAD to Arrest paperwork IF from RR for graffiti arrests!!)
In cases where an individual may be eligible for the graffiti reward program the ______ must be notified and a copy of Arrest paperwork will be sent to ________
P.O’s/LE officers and Peace officers can never get the reward HOWEVER off duty city employees CAN GET THE REWARD.
- You can DAT graffiti offense*
“Notifications” caption of 61.
D.O (attach copy of ICAD)
214-05 Using aux officers as undercovers
WE CAN ONLY USE THEM FOR QOL enforcement (Never for drugs/Prostitution)
Must be trained by _______ and ________, must also be recommended by ___________
(Pct conditions unit/Boro vice Supv is only actor in procedure we need to study)
Pct conditions unit/Boro vice Supv should contact ___________.
Direct APO how to dress and where to report.
Pick Aux P.O up and drop them off at either resident pct OR assigned pct BUT THEY CAN NEVER WORK IN EITHER OF THESE PCTS.
(Pct conditions supv is required to prepare an aux roll call (APS#10) for the aux member to sign in upon pick up and sign out when dropped off at EOT)
ENSURE aux P.O received training course conducted by _______ AND
Training in safety, tactics, and integrity conducted by __________
If for underage drinking operation have APO sign affidavit.
If less than _______ get parental consent form (May be trained but can NEVER be used until 18….17 years old and younger can ONLY be assigned admin within command)
They get for 4 hours of credited time regardless of the actual extent of the operation
Fwd RC to ________ and _________, also make “enforcement activity recap” and send to ____________.
Boro vice module AND Aux police section SOL
Boro Aux Coordinator
Narcotics div (training course) Aux police section. (Safety/tactics/integrity)
18 years old
Boro aux coordinator AND Pct aux coordinator
Boro aux coordinator
2 214-34 Police action in premises (licensed or unlicensed) where alcohol is sold (5/23/22)
Arrests in premises or elsewhere but originated in premise (fight in bar) or summons on premise or employee for violation related to premise.
UMOS should request ________ to respond, if not available then contact _________.
The ______should prepare “police action of licensed/unlicensed premise” and forward to ________.
(File one copy of report in command)
P/S should notify _______ and ________.
(IF Arrest involved a cabaret, public dance hall, catering establishment, or bowling alley PREPARE an additional copy marked _______________)
P/S should notify dept of buildings, FD, or other city agency, as appropriate.
P/S should also advise C.O of facts regarding police action!
IF undercover involved the P/S should have him complete “affidavit of sale of alcohol” and forward ORIGINAL to ______.
D.O should enter facts in command log! (D.O’s ONLY DUTY)
Detective Bureau Wheel
P/S (prepare “police action of….”)
C.O and D.O pct of occ
“Dept of consumer affairs”
2 212-100 Auxiliaries; Supv and deployment
Aux police coordinator should ENSURE aux under 18 are not assigned to patrol OR undercover QOL operations.
Deliver aux RC to ______
Aux police coordinator should visit at “frequent and irregular” intervals and sign their MEMORANDUM PAD (NOT A/L)
Keep copy of post list in ______________
Original post list is kept ________
D.O should ENSURE a copy of aux RC is given to ______ and/or ______.
Attach original copy of aux RC to desk copy of command RC.
The D.O should also inform UMOS of aux assignments and location during command roll call.
If no aux police coordinator then DO NOT LET THEM OUT ON PATROL. (Absolute)
Command aux reference library
At the desk
Platoon commander and/or P/S
4 214-06 HOMELESS contact guidelines for UMOS
Contact - For the purpose of this procedure, shall include any interaction between a UMOS and a homeless individual, whereby the homeless individual is:
-Transported to a shelter.
- Arrested /summonsed.
- Treated as an aided case or an EDP.
- Requested to leave private property, or publicly owned property not usually open to the public, or not open to
the public at the time of the encounter.
UMOS should interview CONSULTING homeless individual to determine the need for medical attention, psychiatric treatment, shelter, or other services.
(If they’re a CLIENT of an agency (dept of homeless services), then call that agency in order to continue outreach efforts).
(If intoxication is likely to result in serious injury to himself or others then ___________!)
-A Homeless individual who refuses services after Repeat encounters, should be referred to __________)
If homeless individual requests to go to a shelter, or accepts an offer of shelter and provide transportation to nearest:
- 24-hour Intake Shelter, OR
- Drop-in Center. All homeless male individuals in the borough of Queens will be transported to the 30th street men’s Shelter.
- Use radio code __________
when transporting a homeless individual to a homeless shelter for any reason (e.g., routine, “cold weather emergency,” etc.).
-UMOS Document each contact with a homeless individual on an Aided Report, utilizing FORMS, unless arrest is effected or summons is issued (i.e., prepare arrest paperwork or summons, as appropriate).
UMOS Request _______ to all arrest situations.
-Contact ________through “”OPERATION DIVISION “”with any questions in regard to taking enforcement action, or when removing an
individual to a shelter location.
- Legal Bureau attorneys are available Monday through Friday, from 0700 hours to 2230 hours,
- At other times, the duty attorney may be reached through the Operations Division.
UMOS Make digital Activity Log entry for all homeless individual contacts.
When a “Cold Weather Emergency” (32 Degrees Fahrenheit or below) is Declared by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
UMOS should prepare “contact information sheet” FOR EACH CONTACT AND INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OR REFUSAL.
(An intox homeless person may be removed ONLY to an alcohol detox center and ONLY upon their request)
(A homeless person who is apparently physically and mentally normal and who refuses services is free to either leave or remain at location when temperatures is not below 32)
If homeless individual has no available means of shelter, and refuses offer of shelter, request: Patrol Supervisor to respond to location.
Patrol Supervisor duty:
- Respond to scene and make every effort to encourage homeless individual to accept offer of shelter. If homeless individual continues to refuse shelter, and it is determined that the individual appears to be either mentally ill or incapacitated by alcohol and/or substances, comply with Aided/EDP procedure, as Necessary. Have umos do AIDED.!!!
Desk Officer duty:
- Review Aided Report using FORMS, if prepared, and ensure that all required captions are complete and accurate, and that all proper notifications are made.
If unable to verify completeness and accuracy, return to submitting UMOS for necessary attention.
D.O Approve Aided Report using FORMS, after verifying completeness and accuracy.
Outreach Cards:
All patrol, transit and housing commands will ensure “outreach cards,” which are prepared by the NYC Department of Homeless Services and contain contact information for obtaining shelter, are made available to their personnel.
- Homeless Outreach Unit personnel will provide information and training to command personnel
regarding services available to homeless individuals, as well as strategies and tactics for interacting with
homeless individuals.
- The unit is staffed and operational 2/7.
Comply with EDP procedure
Dept of homeless service personnel
Legal Bureau
214-07 Case for legal action program
Certain offenses, committed on ANY NYCHA property by residents aged _________, then that resident will be evicted.
Offenses include: Search warrant where contraband is recovered Any Felony narcotic charge (including marijuana), Murder (ATTEMPT), Rape (ATTEMPT), Crim sex act (ATTEMPT), Agg. Sex abuse (ATTEMPT), Robbery 1/2 only, Burg 1 only, All firearms, Arson 1,2,3 (Only sex crimes include attempts!!!) (But NO Attempted robbery, burg or Arson! NO GL,NO assault 2 (except when shot by firearm)
A/O should put together CFLA package, redact any info regarding CI, sex crime vic, juvenile.
UMOS (cop) should forward all paperwork regarding incident to ________
(“CASES FOR LEGAL ACTION PROGRAM” package goes straight from UMOS (cop) to C.O)
16 and older
2 214-08 Chronic alarm abuser program (5/23/22)
This program is designated to save manpower by reducing police response to locations that have “ Three 10-11 RR in a Three Month Period that result in Three 10-90N.
At ‘unnecessary alarm’ job and there is a person you can serve with the ‘notice of unnecessary alarm’ then prepare ‘notice…’ and serve original copy to qualified person (manager, owner), remaining copies go to _______ who gives it to _______
Give a ______ radio disposition
At ‘unnecessary alarm’ job and there is NO person to accept service then prepare ‘notice of unnecessary alarm’ and put original in mailbox or under door and check box ‘door service’. (Remaining copies go to D.O for CPO. Give 10-90N radio disposition.
No way to serve ‘notice of unnecessary alarm’ (No mailbox or door) then give dispatcher a disposition _______ and deliver all copies (including original) to _____ for deferred services by _______
The crime prevention officer should ENSURE a crime did not occur at location PRIOR TO DEFERRED SERVICE.
(IF investigation discloses evidence of a crime after “notice of unnecessary alarm” prepared, UMOS will make 61, and complete “revised disposition” section of “notice of unnecessary alarm”)
On the next business day, CPO should serve or have MOS serve “notice of unnecessary alarm”.
If ‘notice of unnecessary alarm’ not personally served then send copy to location through mail and distribution unit.
(Doesn’t work like OOP, we don’t keep trying to send it)
- If 10-11 was called in to TS then he/she should ____________*
- If representative/owner tells UMOS that they entered in wrong code in security system then you MUST serve notice of unnecessary alarm*
- NO notice of unnecessary alarm is needed for a location where a crime was committed*
(Cop ALWAYS gives “notice of unnecessary alarm” to D.O who gives it to CPO)
Call it in to 911
214-09 TLC Padlock program
UMOS should accompany TLC to padlock location to enforce the padlock order AND accompany TLC during the 10 day follow up.
UMOS should Assist with enforcement action, if necessary (collar, summons, etc!)
The D.O should assign UMOS to inspect padlocked locations _________.
IF violations are observed D.O should telephone ______ during business hours (violations observed after business hours will require a follow up notification the next day)
214-10 Unlawful posting of signs
Upon observing posting of unauthorized signs on gutter, lamp post, telephone pole on a public street or highway, if you catch them in act give them a __________ and THROW SIGN IN TRASH (DO NOT VOUCHER)
Admin code summons
214-11 Obscenity and offensive material
UMOS should LOOK at the obscene material, notify P/S and take NO ACTION (NOT EVEN AN A/L entry)
P/S should take a GOOD LOOK at the obscene material. P/S should make _____(P/S makes A/L entry, NOT P.O). A/L entry is detailed, nature of display, type of sex acts, location of display, proximity of display to schools, parks, playgrounds)
DO NOT take any further action, consult w/ _______ upon completion of investigation.
DO NOT ARREST FOR OBSCENITY W/O approval of _________
(MOS under appropriate circumstances, may take summary enforcement action for “PUBLIC DISPLAY of OFFENSIVE SEXUAL MATERIAL” under appropriate circumstances)
A/L entry
Legal bureau
4 214-12 Unlawful evictions
RESIDENTIAL ONLY! (Not commercial)
Any residential accommodation EXCEPT a hospital, asylum, convent, monastery, OR public institution including HOUSING authority property, or a Fireproof building used wholly for commercial purposes (even if the fireproof commercial building has a janitors apt or penthouse, still would NOT be a dwelling!)
Legitimate occupancy is considered an occupancy:
- Pursuant to a lease OR
- Lawfully occupied for (1)____ days or more OR
- Hotel SRO (single room occupancy) and occupant requests a lease OR
- A sublet tenant
An unlawful eviction is use/threat of force, violence, denial of essential service (heat, water, electricity). However it doesn’t count if landlord can’t pay heat bill. Unlawful eviction also includes a removal of possessions, or change entrance door lock, or allow serious health/building code violations.
(IF super does the “unlawful eviction” on behalf of the landlord, according to LBB the landlord is still responsible and may be issued a summons or collared)
UMOS should summons if victim permitted to re-enter and violator properly ID'ed. Arrest if (2)\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ or \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ *If re-entry allowed but essential services NOT turned back on then (3)\_\_\_\_\_\_*
IF offense was committed in presence of officer, the officer will sign “Complainant/information” section.
When not committed in presence of officer the officer should request complainant to sign. IF complainant refuses officer may sign “based on information and belief”.
If complainant is a civilian, on summons, replace “complainant” with “officer” and draw line through statement “I personally observed”
Make summons returnable to Summons adjudication part of (4)___________ IF issued in Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, or queens.
(If SI then returnable to (5) _________)
Even if complainant refuses the landlord is still issued a summons!!!!!!!!!*
(5 apts are getting no heat or water, 5 summonses)
Schedule summons RTD ATLEAST (6)_____ days from date summons issued on day of the week indicated as follows:
Manhattan and Bronx- (7)_________
Brooklyn and Queens- __________
SI- ____________
Victim unable to get temporary housing refer to (9)__________
(LBB WE CANNOT break in to let tenant re-enter UNLESS there’s medicine inside that is vital to life then we can break in!)
(1) 30 days consecutive days or more
(2) Violator refuses re-entry OR not properly ID’ed.
(3) Summons (NOT ARREST)
(4) Manhattan criminal court
(5) SI crim court
(6) 21 days
(7) Tuesday
First Wednesday of each month (SI!)
(8) OLBS (that’s it)
(9) NYC dept of homeless services
3 214-13 Legal evictions, repossession and other civil process
(When requested to assist in the execution of an eviction warrant or other civil process)
The D.O assigns a UMOS to assist at location involved
The UMOS preserves peace, protects life AND property.( prevent commission of crime) The UMOS (cop) examines ID of Marshall and warrant.
(UMOS WILL NOT assist in breaking a door or damaging property, the city marshal is responsible for this)
If subject allows entry, make ________ with Marshall/sheriffs name/shield, time entered, name of subject and location, etc.
UMOS should notify _______ when eviction complete
If subject refused entry UMOS should notify ______ and request response of ______ BEFORE TAKING ANY FURTHER ACTION.
P/S ONLY DUTY is to respond and assess situation (consider making them an EDP)
(If landlord/rep does NOT take responsibility for the property in the premises then the ________ must arrange for removal. The city marshal or landlord is not permitted to place the property from the premises on the sidewalk. A vehicle MUST be on the scene and property loaded immediately)
A/L entry
D.O and request response of
City marshal
214-14 Driveway tow program
ONLY for RESIDENTIAL properties of _________.
Parking lot operators can tow as well IF sign posted with tow company info, and hours of prohibited parking.
You can tow non-emergency government vehicle, EVEN IF MARKED.
Tow operator MUST HAVE “authorization to tow” form, and must also carry copy of the law and show it to vehicle owner.
CAN NOT TOW car of co-owner/lessee parked in driveway OR marked emergency vehicles OR if car is occupied.
Owner/lessee can block his own driveway.
UMOS should FIRST determine if vehicle is reported stolen.
If not stolen, SUMMONS for “obstructed driveway” AND TOW.
Property owner can pick his own tow company or we can ROTOW, however if owner shows up, then take car off tow hook, and owner pays a ‘reasonable fee’ not to exceed more than half the cost of summons.
If it was ROTOWED prepare voucher and put “DRIVEWAY TOW” in remarks.
If property visible and easily accessible remove personal property and put on separate PCI.
HOWEVER if NOT ROTOWED then DONT VOUCHER even if responding company is ROTOW.
The D.O should make entry in __________ and put “driveway tow” if it was ROTOWED.
If it was ROTWED by us then the D.O should ENSURE PCI worksheet is entered in PETS.
Regardless of who towed it, the ____ should notify ________(whether removed by ro-tow OR private tow!)
- If ROTOWED bring to NYPD pound between 8th and 30th day. Rotow cannot charge PD storage until after _____ day of storage.
- If unclaimed for 15 days from delivery to the pound, it will be disposed of according to law*
If NOT ROTOWED within 30 min of arrival of private tow facility notify pct where facility located and give them all info. D.O makes CLE of info
2 units or less
D.O should notify SPIS (stolen property inquiry section)
AFTER 10th day of storage
2 214-15 Anonymous controlled substance (5/23/22)
A person who uses this program will be able to remain anonymous and NOT have criminal charges instituted against them UNLESS they use this program to lie and get around drug laws.
UMOS should have person call local pct and comply with instructions of D.O
The D.O should designate a code and give it to caller. (Three digit command-any letter-3 digit #)
IF FELONY amount of drugs, send an RMP to location AGREED upon with caller.
The D.O should instruct caller to carry code while enroute to Pct.
Make CLE with code, phrase, etc
Code expires in _____ ABSENT EXIGENT.
(IF one hour deadline is exceeded, D.O should ________)
Have “anonymous narcotics receipt” prepared and give them copy (NOT PCI COPY).
Put a COPY in __________
After we take drugs for analysis, call for results after ___ days and give results (positive or negative) to person and if positive advise person to treatment program AND inquire if they will cooperate investigating source.
(IF person searched in unrelated Arrest and drugs are found and person claims participation in program, THEN searching officer will take to pct of occ and verify, make Arrest IF code not in effect.
IF code is in effect D.O pct of occ. will notify issuing command to cancel code phrase and then the same D.O (pct of occ.) will issue a NEW CODE PHRASE)
1 hour
Investigate circumstances
Property receipt book
214-16 Construction sites
(To protect pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the vicinity of construction sites)
UMOS request P/S and make A/L entry.
P/S should investigate and determine action.
If arrest/summary action taken direct preparation of ___________
P/S should direct a referral/notification to department concerned IF pedestrian of traffic safety not involved.
P/S should verify that referral/notification is entered in ______________
(In EMERGENCY situation at a construction site during non working hours, take necessary action and notify _________ by telephone for Notifications to dept concerned. IF necessary also notify communications section by radio)
Admin code violation notice.
Highway conditions log
2 214-17 Vacant buildings
(When a UMOS observes a recently vacated building or unsecured hazardous vacant building)
UMOS should examine to see if secure. Make A/L entry.
If hazard exists notify __________
If SUBSTANTIAL hazard exists notify _____
If not previously reported then notify ______
P/S should respond and DETERMINE degree of hazard. IF necessary have barriers placed and if required request _____
The T/S should enter in ________ and notify ________
(So for SUBSTANTIAL hazards (or if not previously reported) in VACANT buildings UMOS will notify T/S who puts it in highway conditions log and notifies dept of buildings)
(Remember in EMERGENCY situations at construction sites UMOS will notify TS be telephone and communications by radio, if necessary)
“Supervisor on patrol”
Highway conditions record and notify department of buildings
214-18 Stop work order
When notified by a Department of Buildings representative that a stop work order has been issued or a previously issued stop work order is being violated:
D.O should direct a UMOS to respond to the location and meet the Department of Buildings representative.
UMOS should assist representative in enforcing the stop work order and preserve the
peace while representative serves “Request to Appear” notice, if necessary.
UMOS should enter in ________ facts including name of Department of Buildings representative.
(That’s the entire procedure!)
214-19 Chain locks for commercial purposes
UMOS should respond and EVALUATE CONDITION.
Request P/S
P/S should determine if commercial premises can be secured with lock and chain by considering:
- Number and location of breaks
- Whether there is a security gate.
P/S should obtain locks and chains from _________ and they put the chains on.
P/S should direct owner be notified that premise is being secured with padlock and chain.
The D.O makes CLE.
D.O delivers key to premise to assigned member and direct padlock and chain be removed from premise when owner NOTIFIED AND PRESENT.
D.O notifies __________ to pick up chain, lock and key.
ESU MOS delivers key to _____ who safeguards key.
ESU squad
2214-20 Repair of entrances damaged during forced warrant entry
When a UMOS makes warrant at wrong premise and damaged door/lock OR forcibly enters under exigent/unusual circumstances
ONLY IF immediate repairs are requested by owner (rather than owner fixing it themselves) Supv should notify _________.
Immediate Supv should also direct a UMOS to prepare a “accident report-city involved” (ALWAYS)
(If they request us to repair) The D.O (Only duty in procedure) should assign a UMOS to secure location (ASAP after entry) until repair assignment is complete by building maintenance or NYCHA.
(IF damaged property is within housing, a supv (IF available) will notify local management office OR HA ES office)
C.O/Duty captain
2 214-21 Project safe escorts for safe horizon clients and locksmiths
(PROJECT SAFE is a program administered by Safe Horizon that provides lock replacements and counseling to victims of domestic violence and other crimes)
(When a request is received from Safe Horizon to escort a client and authorized
The D.O should record notification from Safe Horizon in ________________
D.O should assign the_____________ OR the ___________ to escort the client and locksmith, if time permits, if not then assign a UMOS.
D.O should ENSURE that DV victim is cohabiting with batterer and that the victim has an exclusionary OOP
UMOS should escort client and locksmith to location and notify dispatcher but ONLY ALLOW CLIENT TO RIDE IN DEPT VEHICLE.
(DO NOT ALLOW locksmith in RMP)
Stay until locksmith has completed work and escort locksmith from premises.
Report completion of assignment to ______
Telephone record
2 214-22 Weekly street conditions survey (SKIP)
(To notify agencies concerned of Highway/Community conditions under their
jurisdiction which require corrective action)
Upon making daily observations or receiving information regarding highway/community condition requiring correction UMOS should take corrective action, if possible, and notify _______
T.S should make entry on ___________ and notify agency concerned:
- Dead animal on street-Notify Sanitation
- Flooding, broken hydrants-Notify DEP
- Inoperative “signal” (red, yellow green) light/Damaged parking meters- Notify _______
- Inoperative “street” (lamppost) light-______________
- Missing/damaged traffic control devices (other than signal lights! Stop signs/yield signs)- Notify _________
(HOWEVER regarding “serious emergencies” the _____ makes immediate notifications to the above^!)
Supervisors 2nd platoon should direct UMOS to survey sectors.
Weekly street conditions survey is conducted every ______ on the _____ platoon by RMP units
RMP units should then prepare weekly street condition survey report and submit to ____
The ___________ every _______ should REVIEW “weekly street conditions report” (make immediate notifications for “serious emergencies”) and fwd it to __________
The __________ every _______ should REVIEW “Highway conditions record” AND weekly street conditions report” (original) SIGN AND FILE
Highway conditions record
DOT (signal)
NYC dept of citywide admin services(street)
TSO (missing/damaged traffic control devices)
D.O (“serious emergencies”)
Sunday on the 2nd platoon
D.O 2nd platoon every Sun fwd to
Ops coordinator!
D.O 2nd platoon
Monday (Sign and file!)
2 214-22 Weekly street conditions survey (SKIP)
(To notify agencies concerned of Highway/Community conditions under their
jurisdiction which require corrective action)
*The ________ should EXAMINE highway conditions record AND weekly street conditions survey report and confer with complainants and agencies concerned, and keep _____ informed. *
The TSO should have entries completed on weekly street conditions report and:
-TSO should forward ORIGINAL copy of weekly street conditions report to _______ to be maintained chronologically in folder similar to that used to maintain HIGHWAY CONDITION RECORD.
(RECAP: “WEEKLY street conditions survey report” is first given to 2nd pltn RMP units on Sunday, then they submit it to D.O. D.O then makes immediate notifications for “serious emergencies” only, and submits it to Ops coordinator…. Then TSO forwards original copy to TS who maintains in a folder and D.O 2nd pltn Monday signs and files it)
- File duplicate copy.
- TSO should inspect HIGHWAY CONDITION RECORD and weekly street conditions report to determine if missing/damaged traffic control devices (other than signal lights) have been reported.
- IF they have THEN TSO should prepare MISSING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE and forward two copies of the form directly to _______________
(Remember 212-14/202-28 A COPY of “traffic intel report” goes to DOT Boro commissioner office by TSO)
- **TSO INSPECTS “Highway condition record”
- **Community affairs officer EXAMINES “Highway conditions record” and “weekly street conditions survey” and keeps C.O informed
- **D.O second platoon Monday REVIEWS “Highway conditions record” AND “weekly street conditions report” (original) SIGNS and FILES
- **D.O second platoon Sunday REVIEWS “weekly street conditions survey” and forwards it to ops coordinator!
Community affairs officer
DOT BORO ENGINEER (depends on Boro)
4 214-23 Unnecessary noise violations
- UMOS should FIRST interview complainant/violators about noise complaint and determine if noise is unreasonable by using common sense standards.
- UMOS should then attempt to correct condition by warning violator.
- 3 Scenarios:
1. Sound Reproductive Device – Criminal Court summons, if personally observed.
- NO Sound Reproductive Device – OATH summons.
- A Device but NOT personally observed – OATH summons.
-UMOS should seize and voucher device as evidence,
(HOWEVER If violator is a juvenile at least 7 but under 18 then simply make a _______ and DO NOT _________)
-UMOS should mark volume knob for demonstration in court.
(UMOS are allowed to seize only part of device to disable it)
-UMOS should serve _____ summons and notify ______
Patrol Supervisor/Lieutenant Platoon Commander
-Assess the situation and attempt to correct the condition.
- Notify _____if Unable to correct the condition, AND/OR Warrantless entry may be required and it is unclear if the premises are:
1- Private,
2- Open to the public,
3- Abandoned,
4- Whether an exigency exists.
You can take radio at a club where public is invited (social club, bar) after you summons.
You can take radio at a party from someone’s residence, IF THEY INVITE YOU IN, after you summons.
The decision to forcibly enter into private or semi-private premises to correct noise complaints will ONLY be made by ______ and ONLY as a last resort, after requests to stop the noise have been ignored.
Body-Worn Camera (See PG 212-123)
UMOS equipped with a BWC are reminded that the activation, and use, of a BWC is mandatory during enforcement situations (e.g., arrests, issuance of summons returnable to CC or to the OATH, etc.).
- BWCs may also be activated during a non-enforcement situation at the members own discretion, as long
as the activation is not prohibited (e.g., performance of administrative duties or non-enforcement functions, routine activities within Department facilities, etc.).
Department Smartphones/Tablets
- UMOS are also permitted , but are not required, to use Department smartphones/tablets to
photograph and/or video record these situations.
- UMOS should be aware that the recording/photographing of these situations may help to provide overall
context to the enforcement encounter (e.g., that the location was open to the public, a bouncer was
allowing the public entry, the noise could be heard from a distance, etc.).
- Subject to tactical and safety considerations, as well as overall situational awareness.
Juvenile report system worksheet (JRSW)
Do not seize and voucher!
OATH summons
P/S or Plt commander(LT)
C.O /Duty Capt
C.O/Duty captain
214-24 ECB Summons/Vehicle alarms
Put start time vehicle alarm went off in ____
Put time Vehicle alarm ended on ____
Attempt to locate owner of vehicle and try to shut off without damaging.
Issuance of summons is not mandatory but should be issued based on civilians complaint OR IF condition is chronic
Write summons after _____ minutes of alarm going off.
If unable to disconnect then ________ and _______
Do impound screen in FINEST and notify owner.
ECB Summons
ROTOW and voucher
214-25 Deactivation vehicle alarm
- UMOS should immediately attempt to locate owner of vehicle
- UMOS should notify ______ of precinct concerned and request owner be notified to immediately disconnect alarm.
-The D.O should then check motor vehicle alarm file, when maintained and notify owner to deactivate alarm!
-UMOS should pull alarm wire off battery and leave owner note on windshield.
-If having difficulty in entering passenger compartment or getting under hood to disconnect alarm, then call ______
-UMOS should make comprehensive A/L entry of efforts to deactivate alarm and any damage from vehicle as a result of those efforts.
-After alarm is deactivated UMOS will continue for a REASONABLE period of time to attempt to notify owner
-Vehicle alarms should deactivate after 10 min. But do no wait 10 min! Shut alarm off before 10 min is up
-For building alarms DO NOT DISCONNECT (we are NOT allowed to disconnect building alarms!), but after ____ minutes we can write a summons.
15 min
214-26 Snow emergency regulations
D.O should notify MOS and issue instructions necessitated by pct conditions.
UMOS should summons for “abandoning/parking illegally on snow route” OR “Driving on snow route” without tire/skid chains IF they’re stuck.
If not immobilized then __________
Warn and direct them to leave the street if they’re w/o snow tires or chains
214-27 Snow removal
UMOS should Summons storekeepers and householders when snow not removed _____ hours after snow stops falling.
Prevent throwing of snow on to CLEARED roadways
4 hours after snow stops falling
214-29 Derelict vehicles bearing CURRENT NYS registration plates
UMOS should FIRST determine if reported stolen by radio signal _____ to radio dispatcher OR by querying through FINEST
Make A/L entry of owners info.
ALWAYS remove plates and prepare “registration plate removal notice”
Only prepare PCI if vehicle reported stolen.
UMOS should notify owner to remove vehicle immediately and pick up plates within ___________.
The D.O should retain plates at desk for 5 days, review voucher for cancellation name and owner notification. (D.O should write “derelict” to be removed by sanitation, on the PCI-voucher)
If not picked up in 5 days then D.O should prepare a __________ addressed to ______ with reason and wrap plates with report in brown paper and forward to __________ with report (UF50)
The T/S should notify _______ to remove vehicle and make entry on highway conditions record.
UF50 addressed to
214-30 Removal of EXPIRED NYS registration plates
UMOS should determine name and address of registered owner and if vehicle is reported stolen or if vehicle is derelict or abandoned.
If not reported stolen, summons for unregistered.
If unregistered for more than 2 months then ________
For derelict AND abandoned vehicles the command clerk gives SPIS all info on car.
And in both these cases, UMOS places part 2 of “registration plate removal notice” on windshield of vehicle. Give part 1 and plates to ________.
For derelict vehicles enter the date and precinct on EXPIRED NYS PLATE REMOVAL STICKER and affix to driver’s side window.
If window is broken, affix on ROADWAY SIDE of vehicle in conspicuous, easily observable location. (NO VOUCHER FOR DERELICT VEHICLES)
The D.O has UMOS see if vehicle is still there _____ days after plates were removed from vehicle and has T.S call sanitation and put sanitation name in “highway conditions record” for DERELICT vehicles which get SANITATIONED.
The D.O makes an entry in the “expired plate log” and makes an entry on voucher for ABANDONED vehicles which get ROTOWED. D.O notifies next participating tow operator in Rotation Towing Program AND safeguards registration plates in Property Locker.
In both cases after ___ days, the D.O MUST PERSONALLY supervise the destructions of plates by assigning a ____________ to destroy plates by cutting them in half and have scrap metal given to sanitation. In both cases (after 7 days) make a report in duplicate (UF50x2) to commissioner of DMV. Sign, date, and mail original to DMV and file copy.
2 months
Remove plates
5 days
7 days
MOS (uniform or civilian)
214-31 Removal of vehicles from highways
UMOS should first determine if vehicle is stolen, and advise owner that vehicle must be removed and he must use authorized tow.
If owner refuses to use authorize tow then take the car over owners objections.
If vehicle is unoccupied OR owner refuses to authorize tow then UMOS signs the tow operators “authorization to tow” form.
UMOS (cop) should deliver “authorization to tow” form to ____
Highway can push with those big bumpers ONLY if obstructing an active traffic lane and to nearest safe spot, NEVER ONTO PRIVATE PROPERTY OR REPAIR SHOP
UMOS should instruct owner to remove his property from car, if he refuses, DONT take personal property out of car. Make a list in A/L and have tow guy sign your A/L.
(Remember for driveway tow we remove property from vehicle if it’s getting rotwed and put it on a separate PCI, but for vehicles on highway that are unattended, or if owner refuses to remove personal property then just make A/L entry and have tow guy sign it!)
The D.O should notify ________, find out who owner is and tell owner how and where to get car. Make CLE, and put “authorization to tow” in ____________.
-D.O should inspect CLE and examine registration certificate
-D.O should do a UF50 to tow car service
-D.O should have claimant sign copy of release and file in property receipt book
(Give original copy to claimant and inform him that tow and storage charges must be paid to tow car owner)
if vehicle was stolen but never reported stolen then have 61 prepared and close it out. If stolen from another command the D.O should notify them by phone.
Property receipt book
214-32 Refrigerator/frozen devices
UMOS should first have owner or person responsible make the unit safe; if known and person refuses then __________
If no person present the UMOS corrects using tools in RMP, if available.
If no tools available then request _____, THRU communications.
Make _______entry of facts including name of ESU member
3 214-33 Care and disposition of animals
Dangerous animal is a mammal, amphibian, reptile, bird or insect that menaces, attacks or bites a person.
A dangerous dog is one that when:
-UNPROVOKED in a PUBLIC place approaches or menaces person in an apparent attitude of attack
-UNPROVOKED in a private place attacks ppl/other domestic animals
-Owned, even in part, for the purpose of dog fighting or any dog trained for dog fighting.
(In public place in order for the dog to be considered “dangerous” the dog just has to menace unprovoked!
In private place in order for the dog to be considered “dangerous” it has to attack ppl/domestic animals unprovoked!)
ONLY IF animal presents a danger OR is left uncared for then UMOS should request (1)_______ to respond and prepare “DANGEROUS ANIMAL/BITE REPORT and if required AIDED REPORT and include ICAD # Incident number on form.
If they cannot respond in 15-30 minutes OR owner of premise arrested or no one able to care for animal then request (2)______ to respond.
UMOS should request (3)____ to respond, and report facts to (4)____
(Brooklyn ACC is open 24/7!. All other boroughs control centers are open during business hours Tues-Sat.
MOS who require emergency assistance from ACC between 2000-0800 weekdays OR weekends/holidays should contact the (5)_____who will then notify ACC)
Collar if necessary, and submit aided report (if necessary) AND ALWAYS PREPARE “dangerous animal/bite report” (ALWAYS, even if dog 90z and no one injured)
(Offenders engaged in animal cruelty will be arrested and processed for A DAT! (Unless it’s a felony!)
The P/S should assign resource to transport to an ACC facility if necessary (have a kennel brought to scene from command concerned) get additional kennels from (6)_______ or _______.
UMOS should put kennel in backseat of RMP, remove rear seat from vehicle, if necessary. NEVER TRANSPORT ANIMAL IN TRUNK
The D.O should review sign and distribute “dangerous animal/bite form” (D.O distributes dept of health copy via mail and distribution unit, command copy gets filed)
THE (7)_____ should telephone “Dept of health and mental hygiene” IF ANIMAL has bitten, scratched or abraded a person, OR if person exposed to rabid animal.
The D.O should telephone (8) _______if owner or animal is located after form has been forwarded.
(The use of “physical force” against any animal will be used to the extent that such force is necessary to prevent harm or injury to such animal, other animals, or persons.
The use of “deadly physical force” (firearm discharge) will not be used at a dog or other animal except to protect a MOS or another person from imminent PI and there is no opportunity to retreat or other means to eliminate the threat)
In those instances where uniformed members of the service develop information to indicate a dangerous dog will be encountered at a particular location (e.g., an apartment where a warrant is to be enforced, etc.), the (9) ________ should be CONFERRED with for their assistance.
(1) ACC
(2) ESU
(3) P/S
(4) D.O
(5) Operations unit
(6) Adjoining command OR patrol Boro
(7) D.O
(8) Dept of health and mental hygiene
3 212-119 Investigations of animal abuse
When a member of the service accepts voluntary surrender of an animal, the MOS will make an ____________ ensuring that the owner of the animal signs his ____________
If no violation has occurred, attempt to correct the condition by instructing the owner/custodian on proper care and handling of animals.
If there is probable cause to believe an offense has occurred, prepare a COMPLAINT REPORT WORKSHEET
If no further action is required, the condition was corrected, or all investigative avenues have been exhausted and no known perpetrator has been identified, close complaint to patrol.
If the ends of justice will not be met by taking enforcement action(i.e., unintentional neglect due to hoarding), notify __________for referral to Cruelty Intervention Advocacy Program and close the complaint to patrol.
Refer major cases or cases requiring the expertise of the Detective Bureau to the ___________
Refer complaints of organized crime involving animal abuse (e.g., animal fighting for the purpose of gambling) to the _____________
Determine if the animal needs to be removed from the location.
Request response of the patrol supervisor when the removal of the animal is required.
IF it is necessary to remove the animal BUT probable cause does NOT exist then the ______ will ask the owner if they are willing to voluntarily surrender the animal.
P/S should confer with ______ before attempting to obtain a warrant to remove an animal.
Apparently abused animals will be transported to an ASPCA facility for examination.
Document removal of any animal in ACTIVITY LOG
Have person receiving animal at ASPCA intake facility sign __________ as receipt to document chain of custody.
(An animal is considered private property, therefore, if probable cause does not exist and/or if the owner does not voluntarily surrender the animal, a MOS must obtain a warrant to remove the animal.)
A/L entry
ASPCA hotline
Legal bureau
5 214-35 “311” QOL complaints
When someone calls TS with QOL complaint, the TS records that in (1)_____
The TS should then review 311 terminal to see if it’s a dupe job and the TS then provides disposition on terminal AND telephone dispatch log, when appropriate
But either way TS informs complainant that we’ll handle this job but in the future call 311. (Loud music)
HOWEVER if job is for another agency, tell them to hang up and (2)_____. (Garbage outside building, ceiling is falling down)
The TS should then enter final disposition in (3)_____
(Remember TS only enters QOL COMPLAINTS in telephone dispatch log, NOT ALL COMPLAINTS received!)
(TS will have QOL complaint generated through 311 terminal or through TS, that REQUIRES INVESTIGATION, dispatched as a command assignment
IF QOL complaint received at TS then D.O then will assign an available unit to respond)
UMOS should tell radio you have job from SH
(Radio code) 10-_____(4) and promptly upon completion notify radio but give DISPOSITION TO (5) _________
UMOS should give 311 call work sheet, with disposition to (6)_________ BY EOT (can be before EOT)
The P/S should monitor performance of MOS assigned to 311 calls. (P/S should be cognizant that 311 calls should be handled as expeditiously as possible)
The D.O/Platoon commander should ENSURE 311 terminal is monitored (checked at least (7)_________).
(In addition there will be audible and visual alert when a NEW JOB ARRIVES)
However, “PLT LT / D.O” make a CLE
at the (8)_____and _____of the Tour, indicating the number of pending assignments in the 311 system.
(Ensure that all calls referred from the hotline receive an appropriate response and that the dispositions are recorded properly)
D.O/Platoon commander should printout 2 hard copies of the jobs that are being dispatched.
Give 1 to UMOS handling the job and maintain 1 hard copy at desk with assigned MOS name on it.
D.O/Platoon commander puts disposition info on hard copy and files.
At end of month, they are removed from the binder and filed with telephone dispatch log.
D.O will verify that both copies are stored together in a secure place.
The (9)___________ should check terminal at 0800 hours for disposition of jobs in last 24 hours and investigate any discrepancies.
(10)_____ or more calls in ____hours to same location send IMMEDIATE RESPONSE.
If “chronic”, then it requires a plan of actions and gets deferred to (11) _______
(D.O should classify an assignment that is referred to SOL or requires assistance of other govt agency as “deferred” OR “open”)
(311 system was designed to allow callers to remain anonymous, however when there is a bonafide reason to do so, and additional caller info is necessary to properly address/correct a condition the (12) ______ or __________ of a pct/psa/TD will have authority to access 311 system and retrieve additional caller info)
- (Remember if 10-11 gets called in to T/S he/she calls it in to 911)*
- Improper parking permit use, notify TMC upon completion the assignment **
(1) Telephone dispatch log
(2) Call 311
(3) Telephone dispatch log
(4) 10-61!
(5) D.O
(6) D.O
(7) Every hour
(8) Beginning and End
(9) Second platoon D.O at 0800
(10) 5 or more calls in 8 hours
(11) SOL
(12) C.O/X.O or SOL
2 214-36 Response to complaints of violation of new smoking ban in NYC
(When a member of the service is advised by a member of the public that the new
Smoke-Free Air Act is being violated.)
If there are no other violations involved, direct complainant to call ____ to have complaint forwarded to the ______________.
If a person in charge of a public premise has ordered a person to leave and such person refuses, Members of the Service may take proper enforcement action (trespass Summons)
Smoking is also prohibited in all vehicles owned by the City.
-The ban applies to BOTH traditional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes
Call 311
DEPT of health
2 214-37 Department of buildings access warrant
(A court order allowing NYC dept of building to gain access to a building in order to conduct a safety inspection)
-The ____ should review access warrant and ensure it has been signed off by a _________ and has not expired.
-D.O should make CLE consisting of:
Name of NYC DOB inspector/index #/issuing court.
-The D.O should also request communications to assign an ______ to accompany inspector to identified location.
-UMOS should respond to location (remain till order is completed) preserve peace and prevent commission of crime.
-UMOS should notify ______ when inspection complete
D.O makes CLE of time inspection was completed
RMP unit
2 214-38 Inspection of pawnbrokers
The designated supv should maintain an updated list of all pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers operating within confines of precinct.
Designated supv should review the list ______ and provide a copy of the list to C.O/X.O/Det commander/FIO/PDS Supv/other specialty unit supv as appropriate.
The designated supv should designate a UMOS as liaison with pawnbrokers and second hand dealers.
UMOS designated as liaison should give pawnbroker AND second hand dealer a “second hand article store log” (if not using electronic system).
Provide ONLY second hand dealers with
“instructions to dealers in SECOND HAND articles” (common sense)
The designated UMOS should visit store at least _____________ (ONLY IF THEY’RE MAINTAINING MANUAL RECORDS) and sign next to unused transaction receipt in log.
Remove PDS copy of completed transactions from log and deliver it to __________.
The FIO should monitor electronic reporting system _________
The _____ should ENSURE integrity of entries made by pawnbroker/secondhand dealer in to the “secondhand article store log” or the “electronic reporting system”, as applicable.
The CPO should monitor electronic reporting system _________ and request to see last _________ purchases or pawns by pawnbroker. Give special attention to serial # or IMEI #.
CPO will routinely visit all pawnbrokers and second hand dealers.
These inspections are to uncover admin code violations-not to uncover criminal activity
Criminal Intel regarding a pawnbroker should be reported to _____ and UMOS should notify _________ and ________
Once every 10 days
PDS commander/Supv
2 214-22 - Weekly Street Conditions Survey & Daily Observations of Highway Conditions Requiring Corrective Action
Weekly Street Conditions Survey - a survey of street conditions conducted by RMP units on the 2nd Platoon, each _______, and reported on Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report.
Upon making daily observations or receiving information regarding highway/community conditions requiring correction:
UMOS Take corrective action, if possible, and make digital Activity Log entry of condition and location. UMOS Notify T/S Operator for entry on Highway Condition Record.
T/S Operator Notify agency/member concerned and complete entries on Highway Condition Record.
Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report
- Direct members assigned to RMP units to conduct a survey of sector on 2nd
platoon, each Sunday, and prepare Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report in duplicate.
Member Assigned to RMP Unit
-Submit completed Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report to DESK OFFICER.
Desk Officer Review Weekly Street Conditions Survey Reports and:
D.O Make immediate notification to agencies concerned for serious emergencies.
D.O Forward Weekly Street Conditions Survey Reports to Precinct ________.
Operations Coordinator
2 214-22 - Weekly Street Conditions Survey & Daily Observations of Highway Conditions Requiring Corrective Action
T/S Officer/Designated Alternate
T/S Have entries completed on Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report and:
T/S Forward original copy of Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report to T/S Operator to be maintained
chronologically in folder similar to that used to maintain Highway Condition Record. File duplicate copy.
T/ Inspect “Highway Condition Record and Weekly Street Conditions Survey Report” to determine if missing/damaged traffic control devices (other than signal lights) have been reported.
T/S Prepare Missing Traffic Control Device and:
T/S Forward 2 copies of the form directly to appropriate DOT/Borough Engineer
T/S File pink copy of form in command.
Desk Officer, 2nd Platoon, Monday
- Review Highway Condition Record and Weekly Street Condition Report (original copy) for completeness,
sign and file.
No Specific Referral
UMOS observing or being informed of conditions which may adversely affect the community and for which no specific referral is available, will make digital Activity Log entry describing the condition and obtain the complainant’s name, address and telephone number.
Highway Condition Record
The _____ will be notified and entries made on the Highway Condition Record of the following: - Condition.
- Identity of complainant.
- Rank, name and command of reporting officer.