206 "Discipline"+207-21,22,31 "CCRB/Corruption reporting" Flashcards
4 318-02 - Issuance of Schedule A and Schedule B Command Disciplines
When a supervisory MOS observes or becomes aware of a violation of the rules or procedures by a MOS in a lower rank:
Supervisor Member -Conduct investigation. Prepare Supervisor’s Complaint Report/Command Discipline Election Report, if necessary.
The Supervisor Member Notify violator if preparing Supervisor’s Complaint Report/Command Discipline Election Report. Notify Desk Officer of _____ and Obtain next serial number from the __________.
Desk Officer (Desk Officer, command where member who committed the violation is assigned) D.O Make required entries in Command Discipline Log.
Supervisor Member Submit the CD (ORIGINAL) to ___________ of UMOS, and provide a copy to _________.
UMOS Notify CO, in writing, on Supervisor’s Complaint Report/Command Discipline Election Report of the option elected within ______ days of the CO/XO’s decision.
MOS may Accept finding and proposed penalty, or Accept finding but appeal proposed penalty, or Elect formal charges and specifications.
Remember a Command Discipline is available to the C.O/X.O only, and ONLY C.O/X.O can “initiate” a CD. Supervisors merely report the violation, they don’t administer the CD!
Member’s command
CD log
Submit CD to C.O of subject member!!!
Provide copy to own C.O (If different)
3 working days
5 318-01 Command discipline and Authorized Penalties
(5/29/22) skip skip
The MOS receiving a command discipline can have only 1 line organization representative present and once adjudicated the MOS has ___________ days to notify ____, in writing, on REPORT of option elected on rear of CD.
(Member can accept findings and penalty OR Accept findings but APPEAL penalty to _________ OR Decline to accept finding and proposed penalty and have matter resolved through charges and specs)
If Member accepts findings and declines proposed penalty for command discipline generated by “ Investigate Unit/ Dept Advocate’s Office”
The ____________ must enter relevant info in to citywide command discipline system within _________ days of issuance
He must also enter adjudication information within __________ of adjudication.
If WAN is down the ICO/Assistant enters data at ______________
The departments citywide command discipline system is utilized to track issuance of command disciplines throughout the department by the ___________ (206-18)
3 working days
C.O/X.O’s decision
Command discipline review board (cop accepts findings, declines penalty!)
ICO/Assistant ICO within
5 WORKING DAYS of issuance
5 WORKING DAYS of adjudication!
Next higher command (BORO)
DCEEO ( Deputy Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity)
(*REMEMBER, in regards to 206 and CD’s everything is done in “WORKING DAYS, also note the “NEXT HIGHER COMMAND” is rare and only comes up in a few places-This is one of them-And the next higher command is the BORO)
5 318-01 Command discipline and Authorized Penalties
(5/29/22) new
Penalties for a Schedule B may be one of the following:
- Warning and admonishing verbally.
- Warning and admonishing in writing, copy to be filed with the papers.
- Changing assignment within the command either for a fixed period or indefinitely.
- Revocation of permission to engage in outside employment for a fixed period of time, not to exceed 30
days, if the violation is related to the outside employment.
- Restrict out-of-command assignments, which pay “portal-to-portal” and overtime for a fixed period, not to
exceed 5 such assignments.
- Forfeiture of up to _____days vacation or accrued time.
The following are schedule B CD’s:
- Shield loss
- Other Violation which opinion by C.O/X.O after notification to Patrol boro adjutant and consultation w/ Dept Advocate is appropriate.
- Dept prop loss (NOT ID/smart phone(new))
- Activity log loss
- Failure to give name/shield
- Radio run failures & Failed to report radio code
- Alcohol in dept facility
- Prisoner safeguard failure
- Any Force , Abuse of Authority, Discourtesy and Offensive Language (FADO) Violation that in the option of CCRB or NYPD is appropriate
- Unauthorized Radio Transmissions and use of a Dept Vehicle
5 318-01 Command discipline and Authorized Penalties
(5/29/22) new
Schedule A Command Discipline
Schedule A is non-judicial discipline that can be issued by a CO/XO for “ANY MINOR VIOLATION ”, not specifically listed as a Schedule A, in order to correct deficiencies.
- Example of minor violations (i.e., absence from post or assignment, improper uniform, etc.) are listed in the
NYPD Disciplinary System Penalty Guidelines, available on the Department Intranet.
Penalties for a Schedule A may be one of the following:
- Warning and admonishing verbally.
- Warning and admonishing in writing, copy to be filed with the papers.
- Changing assignment within the command either for a fixed period or indefinitely.
- Revocation of permission to engage in outside employment for a fixed period of time, not to exceed thirty
days, if the violation is related to the outside employment.
- Restrict out-of-command assignments, which pay “portal-to-portal” and overtime for a fixed period, not to
exceed five such assignments.
- Forfeiture of up to ______days vacation or accrued time.
When it has been determined that disciplinary action should be taken for the loss of OR failure to safeguard a firearm, a consultation with the ____________ will be made to determine appropriate disciplinary actions.
(Loss of firearm is NOT automatically a schedule B CD HOWEVER loss of shield is an automatic Schedule B CD)
REMEMBER LOSS OF ID CARD OR Dept issue Smart Phone A schedule _______ CD
- A Schedule C is adjudicated by the Department Advocate in lieu of Charges and Specifications for situations in which there are no significant aggravating factors or additional misconduct.
- A Schedule C carries a penalty of up to ______days.
Dept advocates office
Schedule A CD
5 318-01 Command discipline and Authorized Penalties
(5/29/22) skip skip
-Warn and admonish verbally or in writing.
-Change assignment within command for a fixed period or INDEFINITELY.
(So you can get kicked off a team indefinitely!, makes sense)
- Take up to _______ for A CD. Up to ________ for B CD.
- Revoke outside employment for fixed period up to (not to exceed) ____ days ONLY if _____________
- Restrict out of command assignments that pay portal to portal and OT for a fixed period NOT TO EXCEED ___ assignments.
5 days for A CD
10 days for B CD
30 days
IF violation is related to that outside employment.
Not to exceed 5 assignments
206-05 Preparation of charges and
specs (11/28/21) SKIP SKIP
Sgt DOES NOT request charges when they suspend UMOS (C.O does)
Sgt can request charges for CMOS (unless AWOL-cause we don’t give a shit if they’re missing)
(Remember if cop rejects findings AND penalty of a command discipline it will be resolved through charges and specs)
When a violation is inappropriate for a Schedule “A” or “B” CD OR the DAO determines that a Schedule “C” CD may be suitable ( only DAO can direct the issuance of schedule of “ C “ CD) or when CD is declined.
The Assigned supervisor should consult with _____________ regarding the alleged misconduct and to obtain verbal approval of “Charges and Specifications”
Then provide DAO with 2 copies of investigative file that the charges and specs are to be based on.
Supv preferring charges then does a 49 addressed to ______________ requesting charges and hands 49 to _____
After charges and specs approved the supv preferring charges should telephone IAB for a new log # (enter charges and specification) AND also obtain bureau/command serial # IF Applicable(enter charges and specification)
Supervisor preferring charges will advise the respondent that he/she is subject of Charges & Specification and obtain the Name, Address and Telephone # of Respondent’s attorney and then provide to _________.
Have member of the service preferring charges and specifications SIGN the Original Charges and Specifications.
Original 49 (Typed letterhead) must also then be Dated & Stamped and forwarded original charges and specification to next higher command within __________ of suspension by supv preferring charges
“Charges and Spec against suspended Member”
-When MOS has been suspended , C.O/Supervisor MUST immediately forwarded Copy of Report 49(Typed letterhead) to___________ DIRECT. And Also the report has to be FAXED to the DAO, ATTN :_____________.
Have Respondent sign and return the original copy to the person serving the Charges and Specifications. Have available and Provide to ___________personnel for( Chart/Squad, vacation and military Schedule).
Departments advocate office
First deputy commissioner
Dept advocates office
Dept Advocate’s Office
48 hours
DEPT Advocate’s Office, Charges Unit.
Dept advocate’s Office personnel
5 318-05 Cause for suspension or modified assignment (5/29/22)
- CMOS may only be suspended.
- UMOS may be suspended or modified.
A Sargent must suspend MOS, uniform or civilian for______ (DOG CAR 2Arrest)
Captain and above MAY suspend or modify!
- A CAPTAIN or above MAY place a UMOS on modified assignment or suspension when a member: IC CUP +
- I-indicated by a grand jury.
- C-charged with an offense.
- C-charges And Specifications (served with), alleging serious misconduct.
- U-unfit for duty due to the effects of an intoxicant or drug or after effects thereof.
- P-patronizes an unlicensed premises (neighborhood tavern or restaurant with an expired/suspended
license) where the only apparent illegal activity is the sale of alcoholic beverages, except in the
performance of duty. - Has participated in an act of serious misconduct, and the ranking officer in-charge of investigation
determines that disciplinary action will be taken, or is being contemplated.
- Has participated in an act of serious misconduct, and the ranking officer in-charge of investigation
**Re-Suspended** A MOS (uniformed or civilian) presently on suspension, or a UMOS on modified assignment pursuant to the above (DOG CAR or I CUP+) MUST be re-suspended or suspended, as applicable, for any subsequent violation of the subject steps.
Dole test refusal
Order refused(roll call or duty)
GO 15 refuse
Club (patronize/associate/interest in GDASS club)
AWOL 5 consecutive tours
Roll call assignment refused
-is arrested for NYS Penal Law crime(or analogous federal crime or criminal statute of another state) or
- is arrested for NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law 1192,sub “2” through “4-a”(or analogous statute of another state)
5 318-06 Suspend a UMOS
When a UMOS is suspended the ranking officer in charge should inform member concerned of suspension and reason for suspension. Should also direct member to surrender ALL dept property such as Department issued smartphone, tablet, Body-Worn Camera, portable radio and all revolvers/pistols owned or possessed. Should then direct member to report in person to resident pct every ___________ IF NOT ON _________
** (captain and above will report to resident borough command).**
Member who reside Putnam,Orange,Westchester,Rockland Counties will report to ________PCT.
Nassau and Suffolk will report to _______PCT.
However also inform suspended member they may request waiver of reporting requirement by submitting “agreement to accept service of notice” at ____________ OR _____________.
** If suspended member prepares Agreement in RESIDENT precinct:
- Desk Officer, resident Precinct must telephone the Department Advocate’s Office, Trial Calendar Unit for
approval of the request.
Under no circumstances will Agreement to Accept Service of Notice be granted without prior approval
from the Department Advocate’s Office.
** Desk Officer makes an entry in the Telephone Record.**
UMOS should surrender all dept property and all pistols/revolvers owned or possessed. UMOS should NOT wear uniform while suspended.
The ranking officer in charge then enters facts concerning suspension in ___________.
Ranking officer in charge notifies _________________ (4notifications).
(NO IAB LOG#!!!)
The _________ prepares charges and specification for suspended member.
*Requires 49/REPORT be immediately forwarded DIRECT by ranking officer in charge TO First Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner-Trials, COD, Chief of Personnel,Dept Advocate , IAB CC and Member’s CO. Forward an additional copy of report to First Deputy Commissioner (THROUGH CHANNELS).
Supv on duty operations unit inform ranking officer in charge that Charges and spec must be forward within _____hours of the suspension
(208-37 UMOS domestic violence, D.O should send send copy of 49 to ________ if guns are removed)
Mon, Wed, Fri 0900
50th PCT
Resident pct OR Department advocate office
Command log
- Resident pct ((if below rank of captain or resident Borough command if captain or above.)
- IAB command center
- Command of MOS
- Operations (supv)
C.O personnel orders division (if guns removed)
5 318-06 Suspend a UMOS
The D.O of RESIDENT PCT where suspending UMOS is reporting (every mon, wed, fri) should direct member to prepare “visit report” in his presence.
D.O of resident pct must make command log entry, and complete “visit report” in “witnessed by” section, and submit visit report to __________
(Member prepares “visit report”! D.O makes CLE and completes “visit report”!!!)
A uniformed or civilian member of the service under suspension who desires to be restored to duty
or a uniformed member under suspension who desires to be placed on modified assignment will
submit a request to the ________ THROUGH the __________
When a UMOS, in the rank of SERGEANT AND ABOVE , is being suspended the following provisions shall be applied. The member shall be suspended with pay until the following Sunday. Commencing at 0001 hours on that Sunday, the member shall be on suspension without pay. The suspension without pay will continue in full week (Sunday to Saturday) increments. The minimum suspension without pay shall be for one full week. The maximum time shall be _____ full weeks.
The member shall always be returned to duty on a Sunday at 0001 hours.
UMOS who are on “Suspended With Pay” status must submit a ____________ when required to appear in court as a defendant in a criminal case on a date they were scheduled to report to the IAB
Such court appearances shall be made on regular days off or with an approved LEAVE OF ABSENCE REPORT.
First Deputy Commissioner through the Department Advocate’s Office.
Four full weeks
2 318-07 - Suspension from Duty – Civilian Member of the Service
Ranking Officer in Charge
- Inform member concerned of suspension from duty and reason.
- Direct member to surrender ALL Department property.
1) Have ID CARD and shield, when applicable, hand delivered with Typed Letterhead to the Shield, ID and Uniform Services Unit by next business day and obtain receipt for file in command.
2) Have other Department issued property safeguarded at command (e.g., Department issued smartphone, tablet, radio, keys, headsets, etc.), as applicable.
Ranking Officer in charge Notify member concerned that charges are to be preferred and will be processed in normal manner. And also Supervise preparation of charges
Ranking Officer in charge Enter facts concerning suspension in Command Log.(new)
SUPERVISOR ON DUTY OPERATION UNIT inform Ranking Officer in charge that “ CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS “” MUST be forwarded within _______hours of Suspension.
Ranking officer in charge notifies _____________ (3 notification). Ranking officer in charge also directs civilian not to wear uniform or part of uniform while under suspension.
Requires only ONE 49 to first dep WITHIN 24 hours and _________ DOES NOT get copy for CMOS getting suspended (COD, First deputy commissioner, deputy commissioner of trials, Member’s C.O, IAB CC, DAO also get sent 49)*
- IAB Command center
- C.O!(Civilian Member’s C.O/Counterpart) if not Present FOR UMOS ITS CMD OF MEMBER)
Chief of personnel
1 318-08 - Modified Assignment
Firearms may be removed from a UMOS for:
- Disciplinary reasons,
- Non-disciplinary reasons.
1) When a firearms removal is based on non-disciplinary factors, the ranking officer directing the removal
will comply with the applicable provisions of A.G. 330-1, “Temporary Removal of Firearms in Non-
Disciplinary Cases.”
2) In incidents where there is no misconduct and no disciplinary action is anticipated, the member will not
be placed on modified assignment
Ranking officer in charge should make a clear photocopy of member’s IDENTIFICATION CARD and
provide the photocopy to member concerned.
Direct the member to utilize the photocopy of their IDENTIFICATION CARD to gain access to One Police Plaza for modified assignment processing to avoid waiting in line with non-members of the Department.
(Uniformed member may retain Department Manual)
Ensure that shield and IDENTIFICATION CARD are hand delivered to the ____________, with appropriate copy of REMOVAL/RESTORATION OF FIREARMS REPORT on the next business day and obtain receipt.
Direct uniformed member to report direct, in appropriate business attire, at 0900 hours on the next business day he/she is scheduled to
work, to the _____________. IF next scheduled tour is not a business day go to assigned command in business attire. (NOT UNIFORM)
UMOS on modified requesting restoration should submit request to __________ THROUGH ______________
(IF MOS is suspended and wants to be restored OR is suspended and wanted to be modified (206-08) request is through dept advocate office HOWEVER if MOS is modified and requests restoration that request is made through deputy commissioner, dept advocate)
A UMOS continues to accrue vacation and is permitted to take vacation or authorized leave if there is no conflict with an appearance at criminal or disciplinary trial
You can still be suspended if you’re modified
“Ranking officer in charge” enter fact concerning modified assignment in command log and Notify -Supv on duty at Operations Unit “Immediately” and IAB CC and obtain log number. Also immediately submit report on typed letterhead direct to-First deputy commissioner (forward additional copy of report through channels) , deputy commissioner Dept advocate, deputy commissioner trial,COD,chief of personnel, CO personnel order division, IAB CC, member’s CO. EMAIL copy typed letterhead to the Personnel Order Division.
Shield, ID and Uniform Service unit
Personnel orders division, assignment section
First deputy commissioner THROUGH
Deputy commissioner department advocate
- 3* 318-13 - Removal and Restoration of Firearms (5/31/22)
The ranking officer obtains all pistols and revolvers shield and ID card. (NOT rifle/shotgun).
The ranking officer delivers property (guns) to ________
The ranking officer also questions UMOS on additional pistols and directs UMOS to report to ID, Shield and uniform service unit for a new ID.
The _________ should check UMOS 10 card.
(Notify member’s permanent command and request a check of member’s FORCE RECORD to determine if all weapons listed have been surrendered)
D.O pct of surrender should call _________________ and obtain FIREARMS REMOVAL #.
The D.O pct of surrender prepares removal restoration report and send with guns (with PCI attached) to _____________ by ___________.
(Send guns to firearms analysis section (FAS) if circumstances warrant)
Have voucher for firearms say “…not to be returned unless approved copy of _______________ is presented”.
Send shield and ID to ___________ by ___________ with “Removal report”.
Pct of surrender
D.O pct of surrender
Medical divisions sick desk
Boro office property clerk by MESSENGER
Approved copy of removal restoration report presented (part b)
Shield, ID and uniform service unit by MESSENGER
3 318-13 - Removal and Restoration of Firearms (5/31/22)
OK so now you are getting your guns restored and are going back to duty. MOS should obtain ___ copies of “removal/restoration” report from ________________.
Sign PART B and submit removal/restoration report to _________.
Then get your ID back first, followed by your guns. (You need your ID to get your guns)
3 copies
- 3* 330-11 temporary removal of firearms in NON discipline case (1/12/22)
- Ranking Officer- Dept Surgeon, UMOS in the rank of ________Or above or other competent authority.
For a NON DISCIPLINE gun removal the the ranking officer in charge should request response of department psychologist, if warranted, through the ___________.
The ranking officer should ascertain if UMOS possesses additional pistols/revolvers/ID card by questioning member directly and by directing D.O command of surrender to check members force record (no need to check for shotguns and rifles for a discipline gun removal).
Ranking officer should deliver surrendered property to command where order of surrender was given.
The D.O of surrender command should notify members command to check 10 card and have pct where guns located deliver them to either subjects command OR command investigation is being conducted.
Medical div. does Firearms removal # and “removal restoration report” at a later time (NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS FOR EXAM, JUST KNOW THERE IS NO REMOVAL REPORT BY D.O FOR NON DISCIPLINE GUN REMOVAL)
D.O at surrender command should put ID in ______&_____ and place in _______(DO NOT VOUCHER). MOS keep his SHIELD.””
D.O at surrender command for NON-DISCIPLINE gun removal should have firearms vouchered with statement “property of UMOS- not to be returned w/o approval of ________________”.
D.O of surrender command should place firearms, and ID in _________ and seal and make __________
D.O, command of Surrender/Member’s Permanent Command make: return call to Medical Division to verify authenticity of the notification and entry in _______.
- DO of surrender and member’s command notify _______and _______.
- Return firearms and ID card to member and ensure Member reports to the_________ on the next business day and CLE.
- DO must make a Command Log entry each tour the member elects to safeguard their firearms and at the conclusion of each tour the member may deliver their firearms to the DO until the personal problem is rectified.
- (So we DO NOT voucher ID, we just put them in PSE and seal HOWEVER we prepare PCI and voucher firearm. Then we place firearm and ID in pct property locker!)*
Member will remain in possession of their SHIELD when Temporary removal is for NON-DISCIPLINARY REASON.
Sick desk supv
PSE and seal and place in pct property locker (DO NOT VOUCHER)
C.O medical division
Precinct property locker and make CLE
Telephone record
C.O and roll call personnel
Employee Assistance Unit
2 205-47 NON discipline gun removal
Ok so now the medical division decides to give UMOS back his guns.
The D.O at surrender command must make a return call to _______ FOR VERIFICATION and make ___________ entry of verification. (Just in case it was a prank call).
The D.O of surrender command must then notify _________ and _______.
D.O of surrender command should return firearms. Shield and ID to member
D.O must also ensure UMOS reports to _______________ by next BUSINESS day!
(ONLY time in PG employee assistance unit comes up is when MOS is getting his guns back for a non discipline gun removal, D.O ENSURES MOS reports there the next BUSINESS day)
** UMOS may also voluntarily leave firearms voluntarily at command, in which case the D.O makes a C.L.E but does not include reason why/justification of why MOS is leaving firearms at command **
Medical division
Telephone record entry
C.O and roll call personnel.
Employee assistance unit! (I.O)
4 318-09 - Member of the Service Arrested (Uniform or Civilian)
When MOS is arrested must immediately notify _________
When MOS is arrested must promptly notify ______________ if arrested inside city by other than NYPD
If MOS is arrested INSIDE THE CITY the desk officer must immediately notify _____,_____and______.
D.O must make entry of notification in _____________ and include identity of ___________ notified.
(So basically D.O is notifying C.O/XO/Duty captain, operations, and IAB
There is NO FUCKING BORO AND NO IAB LOG # when MOS gets arrested!)
A/O of position in NYPD
Desk officer precinct of occurrence if arrested by other than NYPD
IAB (no log#) ,CO/X.O/duty captain ,OPERATION
Telephone record and include identity of
Pct C.O/X.O/duty captain notified
4 318-09 - Member of the Service Arrested (Uniform or Civilian)
IF ARRESTED OUTSIDE THE CITY (then there is no D.O and telephone record involved) instead MOS must tell A/O of position with NYPD and call_______________ and notify ____________ WITHOUT DELAY.
If charges are dismissed MOS must notify at least once ____________ of four things every ________.
These 4 things are Adjournment date, final disposition, if appealed, disposition of appeal.
Must also notify their ________ if served with a “C” summons and provide the CO with copy of summons.
Operations (tell them basically every detail)
C.O of four things every 30 days
5 318-10 - Removal of Firearms from Intoxicated Uniformed Member of the Service (5/31/22)
- Unfitness for duty due to the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or other drug,
- Under circumstances in which surrounding events of a timely nature indicate that the member may have
been intoxicated during an earlier period directly related to the incident in question.
Only UMOS can be unfit for duty. NOT CIVILIANS. THIS APPLIES ONLY For UMOS ON or OFF duty relating to alcohol or drugs. The supervisor must do three things in sequential order if they observe a UMOS who appears unfit due to intoxication of drugs or alcohol.
- ________________
- ________________
- _________________
A supervisory officer is mandated in all cases to contact the _______________ on behalf of a member who is placed on modified assignment, suspended, or has his/her firearms removed due to being unfit for duty.
- Direct subject to remain at dept facility or other location where found and await CO/X.O/duty captain
- Immediately prepare the Supv fitness for duty report
- Notify C.O/X.O/Duty captain to respond
only 3 things for UNFIT FOR DUTY, NO 49, NO taking guns, NO must suspend*
Counseling Services Unit
206-13 Interrogations (GO15) including civilians (11/28/21) SKIP SKIP
Prior to questioning MOS who is the SUBJECT OR WITNESS in an official investigation, must permit member to obtain counsel if
________________ or ______________
ALL MOS witness or subject to official investigation are given a reasonable period of time to obtain/confer with counsel prior to questioning.
It’s confidential, only released with written approval of__________
No such thing as “off the record” questions
C.O will assign you to 2nd platoon. You may earn OT.
Line rep is present at all times
IF subpoena is received for any questions related to “interrogations of MOS (uniform or civilian in an official dept investigation) then the ______ should be contacted immediately
A serious violation is alleged
Sufficient justification is presented although the alleged violation is minor.
Legal bureau
1 318-12 - Sealing Disciplinary Records
2 318-14 - Citywide Command Discipline System
(Only applies to schedule “B” CD!!)
When a member of the service wishes to seal all records pertaining to a Schedule “B” command discipline he should prepare a 49 addressed to________ requesting the sealing of Schedule “B” command discipline on the ______ anniversary from the __________
318-14 - Citywide Command Discipline System
- Authorized Uniformed Member of the Service (usually the CO, XO, ICO, or Assistant ICO)-
1) Create new command discipline record for each command discipline issued by entering all relevant information into the Command Discipline System within 5 working days of the issuance of command discipline.
2) Complete all relevant entries in the Command Discipline System pertaining to adjudication of the command discipline within 5 working days of adjudication of command discipline.
3rd anniversary from the
date of disposition
318-14 - Citywide Command Discipline System
206-15 Sealing disciplinary CHARGES
UMOS prepares 49 and forwards DIRECT to ______________
(EASY way to remember 206-14 and 206-15 is charges are more serious so the 49 needs to go to C.O dept advocate HOWEVER you’d want charges expunged faster (especially if it’s a “not guilty” decision so it’s done 2 years after PC signs off on it….
This means that “B” CD’s you would need to do a 49 to your C.O 3 years after date of disposition, you have to wait longer because you deserved the “B” CD! Don’t get these two procedures mixed up!)
2 years
C.O Departments advocates office
3 318-15 – Orders of Protection Served on Members of the Service
For orders served on UMOS the UMOS must immediately notify _____________.
If command not open then notify ___________ and _________
For CMOS just notify ___________ and,
That supervisor will notify the IAB, Command Center, and obtain log #.
In regards to FINAL ORDERS OF PROTECTION, If the member is unable to have the Final Order of Protection modified, or declines to
seek such modification within ___________ from the date of issuance, the member will be
subject to termination from the Department if the member has not retired, vested, or
If UMOS is complainant/petitioner of an OOP then he/she MUST notify C.O for safety reasons.
IAB (get log #) and operations
C.O or Supervisory Head immediately
6 months!
4 318-16 - Orders of Protection Prohibiting Off-Duty Firearms Possession by Uniformed Members of the Service
- First the D.O/Supv at UMOS permanent command assists C.O/X.O/duty captain in determining if all firearms OWNED OR POSSESSED have been surrendered. The D.O should notify _________ and request a check of records maintained regarding member’s firearms ownership
Then the D.O has firearms OTHER THAN ________ AND __________ vouchered for safekeeping. Ensure remarks or PCI state “______________________”
D.O should ENSURE member receives a copy of the invoice!
D.O notify IAB Command Center of OOP and limited firearm possession and obtain log number. Enter log number in “IAB Log No” caption on the ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES CONCERNING COURT LIMITING FIREARM POSSESSION and Forward copy of PCI to CO/X.O/Duty captain .
The C.O/X.O/Duty captain then has you fill out “acknowledgement of responsibilities concerning court order” (if you fail/refuse to fill out you get modified)
The D.O then directs member to report to________immediately or between the hours of 0900 and 1800 hours on the next business day member is scheduled to work,as appropriate.
The member then report to employee resources section with ORIGINAL copy of “acknowledgment of responsibilities…“form, ID card, copy of report prepared by C.O, and copy of voucher or firearms, IF APPLICABLE
Member then report to ____________ and obtains a “no firearms” ID card
- UMOS should deliver service weapon, authorized off duty, and “full duty” ID card and shield to D.O at end of each tour, and retrieve “no firearms” ID card.
D.O must make ________ and safeguard items in location designated location.
When order of protection is expired or vacated UMOS must notify _________ and report to _________ NEXT BUSINESS DAY with “no firearms” and “full duty” ID card, copy of expired or vacated OOP, and copy of REPORT prepared by C.O/X.O/Duty Capt.
THEN report to property clerk office w/ full duty ID card, copy of PCI, and AND original report from C.O to pick up guns.
(FIRST get your ID then get your guns)
(WHEN OOP served on UMOS and when it expires/vacated UMOS (cop!) notifies C.O!)
“Not to be returned without written authorization of-C.O employee resource section”
Employee resources section
Shield, ID card and uniform service unit
Employee resources section
Next notecards are:
207-21 Corruption reporting
207-22 Corruption reporting non-NYPD
207-31 CCRB
208-34 Bribery arrests
208-35 Attempted bribery of UMOS
208-37 UMOS/CMOS domestic violence
5 207-28 CCRB 2/7/22)
MOS SHOULD report misconduct complaints to CCRB (24/7).
(Remember MOS MUST report corruption to IAB)
CCRB misconduct complaints include ________ (4 types)
Complaints against UMOS can be made at any pct/PSA/TD/traffic unit/ IAB/ or any dept office including office of PC.
Supervisor reviewing CCRB report must be at least one rank higher than MOS who prepared it!
(This is the same as a STOP REPORT! Supv reviewing must be one rank higher than member submitting it!!)
TS will refer allegations of misconduct to D.O (TS will never take CCRB complaints!!)
All CCRB against CMOS (traffic agents) will be directed to ____________ for screening. We do NOT call CCRB for complaints against CMOS HOWEVER WE WILL STILL RECORD THOSE COMPLAINTS ON A CCRB REPORT/Statistical summary sheet.
** MOS may make a CCRB against another MOS and normally it will be investigated by__________(NOT CCRB) HOWEVER if for remarks about race/gender then CCRB records and sends it to EEOD, and EEOD sends copy to CO of MOS complained of **
Abuse of authority
Offensive language
C.O assigned by CO,IRS(investigative review section), office of COD
5 207-28 CCRB (2/7/22)
Attach original letter of complaint to first copy of civilian complaint report (complainant copy). Make photocopy of letter and attach to file copy of civilian complaint report. Enter CCRB # OR chief of dept # as appropriate at top of ____________
(CCRB # or COD# goes on top of original letter!!!! NOT on CCRB sheet!!!!!)
Prepare first copy of civilian complaint report in own handwriting and treat as if prepared by complainant. If requested information is not given then indicate such on appropriate captions of report. Advise complainant over phone they will receive a written acknowledgment from CCRB.
- Provide complainant with first copy of civilian complaint report.
- Advise complainant that complaint may be delivered in person, over phone, sent by mail to any pct, IAB, any office of department, including the office of the P.C or Office of Deputy Commissioner. In Addition, provide complainant with phone # of CCRB,Intake Unit.
- The D.O will then make CLE with name if provide, physical description, sex, race, age and any other pertinent info of complaint.
MOS (whoever is taking complaint) should interview complainant and give them first copy of civilian complaint report to prepare. Furnish assistance or allow other person to assist and enter under “details” reason assistance was given. Have complainant sign form and have person assisting sign ________
MOS (after giving complainant first copy of civilian complaint report to fill out) should fill out CCRB statistical summary sheet
(Civilian NEVER gets copy of CCRB summary sheet because in “additional comments” section of summary sheet we discredit them! By noting conditions like if they’re drunk/high or mental OR any visible marks/injuries RELATED TO COMPLAINT in which case we photograph area of body with complainants consent)
MOS should call _________ immediately and get CCRB number OR chief of dept number.
(CCRB # is for _________)
(Chief of dept # is for ________)
Make follow up call to __________ and get log number.
Log number from IAB only goes on ____________. NEVER in the ______.
Must obtain CCRB intake and IAB**
MOS who receives complaint will have CLE entry made with:
- Name/Add of complainant
- Time of arrival/departure or time of receipt of letter or telephone call
- Physical condition of complainant, noting any marks/injuries related to complaint
- ID of member complained of, if known
- CCRB or COD serial #
(When a complaint is made in person or by telephone and involves a MOS assigned to reporting command, then attach all related department documents (61, A/L, roll call, etc.) to the civilian complaint report)
In regards to CCRB the __________ is the preferred method to be used WHEN witness OR complainant has difficulty understanding/communicating in English
ORIGINAL LETTER of complaint
CCRB intake unit
- FADO(Force unnecessary,Abuse authority,Discourtesy,Offensive language)
- Other (failure to perform duty, unwarranted traffic summons)
Caption of CCRB sheet
Telephonic interpretation system (limited English proficient)
5 207-28 CCRB (2/7/22)
MOS receiving complaint should REQUEST complainant to remain if CCRB requests it OR get a chief of dept number and complainant is transient or homeless, in which case you notify ___________ so they can investigate. HOWEVER If they are not available then the _________ investigates!
(Must also notify____________ IF ID of MOS complained about is in doubt OR complainant is homeless/transient and you get COD#-other than FADO)
IF in other than Pct/TD/PSA then ________ will perform duties of investigating supv.
Complainant of CCRB signs handwritten copy. Have representative or person assisting, if any, sign form under __________
207-27 CCRB-Witness statement
When a witness to a civilian complaint is present at dept facility AFTER the original complaint has been lodged the D.O will telephone CCRB intake unit to obtain ORIGINAL serial # to enter on CCRB report and statistical summary sheet
MOS should have witness of CCRB signs copies of civilian complaint report.
MOS should cross out “complainant” and enter “witness”.
MOS should give ________ of civilian complaint report “MARKED “complainant copy” to witness as a receipt.
C.O/Duty captain investigates
Supv or duty captain from “next higher command”
Under caption “Details.”
1 typewritten copy
5 207-28 CCRB (2/7/22)
In all cases MOS receiving complaint should have _________ typewritten copies of CCRB report prepared and give copy of CCRB report to complainant.
Have __________ copies of CCRB statistical summary sheet typed and NEVER GIVE COMPLAINANT COPY.
MOS receiving complaint should attach ICAD if from radio run in past _______ hours.
Reviewing supv must be at least one rank above member receiving CCRB. Reviewing supv ensures all related department documents are included with report if it involves member of reporting command.
The reviewing supervisor submits all paperwork regarding CCRB to ________
(Remember reviewing supv MUST be one rank higher than member submitting it! So if D.O does it, platoon commander has to review, if no LT is working then C.O has to review it)
A complainant seeking to register a complaint, which does not affect this Department or a federal, state, or city agency, will be referred to the non-governmental entity concerned.
The DESK OFFICER will explain the reason for the referral to the complainant, and will assist the complainant in lodging the complaint in any way
possible with the proper agency.
4 copies (Typed)
2 copies (Typed)
24 hours
5 207-21 Allegations of Corruption and other Misconduct against Members if the Service.(2/7/22)
MOS MUST REPORT CORRUPTION. Failure to report is serious misconduct. Covering it up is criminal. (FOR EEO COPS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, BUT FOR CORRUPTION WE MUST REPORT!!!)
For all corruption UMOS MUST call ________. If you opt to remain antonyms, get confidential ID #.
You may also write to IAB by preparing detailed written report addressed to _____________ and forward direct OR fax to command center within _______
If MOS receives corruption complaint against oneself must request ___________ on scene
The supervisor then does 3 things in order! These 3 things are _________
(Remember for EEO complaints against oneself MOS calls EEO NOT SUPV)
(205-30 “Administration of drug screening tests for cause” is the only case where you can report it to either C.O OORR IAB (no log #) if you suspect illegal drug use by MOS)
NYS Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Misconduct Investigative Office
- A notification to the IAB will satisfy the member’s affirmative duty to report corruption or misconduct to the NYS Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Misconduct Investigative Office, as required by NYS law.
→ A notification to the IAB satisfies a member’s responsibility to report, thereby eliminating a direct
notification to the Law Enforcement Misconduct Investigative Office.
Deputy Commissioner ,IAB
24 hours
- Interview complainant
- Confer with IAB
- Talk to MOS
5 207-22 Allegations of Corruption against city Employees (other than Members of the NYC Police Dept)(2/7/22)
When receiving a corruption/serious misconduct complaint against federal, state or city employees OTHER THAN NYPD, then MOS receiving complaint must FIRST tell ________(if absent, Highest ranking Supv in the command)
THEN call ________ (can NOT be anonymous) AND tell them _________(4 things)
** if person DOES NOT involve any allegation of Corruption and/or Serious misconduct/misconduct then prepare 61**
^(There is NO note stating TS will refer these complainants so, in regards to complaints made against non-MOS TS will tell C.O and call IAB!)^
(If C.O is absent THEN tell _________)
SUPV must prepare a 49 to __________ and forward ORIGINAL AND copy in SEALED envelope to __________
(WE can NOT be anonymous for NON-NYPD but remember we CAN remain anonymous for corruption reporting against NYPD)
Tell CO AND call IAB
a. Identify self
b. Give telephone number where you can be reached
c. Give preliminary facts
d. Comply with instructions of ranking officer, Internal Affairs Bureau.
Highest ranking member in command
Deputy Commissioner,IAB
IAB command center
3 208-34 Bribery Arrests
When arresting officer makes bribery arrest he must notify D.O or supv. A/O must confer with immediate supv or 1_____ prior to pre-arraignment!!
Once the affidavit is complete the A/O should give the “Name of the ADA” and “Charge(s) on complaint” to 2______
A/O and Supervisory member/ICO consult with 3_____to insure that Bribery or related offense is charged in complaint.
The A/O should maintain a record of all court appearances, including Date of hearing, Court docket number, and Disposition and Name of ADA at each appearance. REPORT information to 4______ after each court appearance.
A/O notify IAB Command Center of RESULT.
If ADA refuses to charge bribery then A/O notify 5______ and DELIVER D.P to C.O.
BUT BUT Upon making the Bribery Arrest , the 6______notifies 7________.
A/O Is required to Notify the 8___________ if ADA refuse to charge bribery.
For bribery arrests the D.O/supv confers with 9_______ if Legality of Charges are in Doubt OR Immediate Legal Assistance is requires, if Legal Bureau is closed call 10 _____unit to arrange a consultation with Dept Attorney, and notifies 11_________ and 12______ but in absence 13_________
3-ADA(Assistant Distric Attorney)
5-IAB and deliver DP to C.O
6-D.O notify,7-IAB
8-C.O/duty captain
9-Legal bureau
10-Operation unit
11-IAB command center
12-Platoon comm. but in absence-13-CO/duty captain
208-35 Attempted bribery of UMOS
For ATTEMPTED BRIBERY arrests the UMOS should notify ________ ASAP, if not possible then call ______
For ATTEMPTED BRIBERY ARRESTS the D.O informs _______ of offer and any related arrangement and is also GUIDED BY THEM.
For ATTEMPTED BRIBERY The D.O notifies ____________ and requests necessary assistance
(You can charge bribery 2 WHEN amount of money offered is MORE THAN _______
You can charge Bribery 1 when Bribery involves felony amount of drugs (not marijuana)
IAB Command center
Bureau/borough Investigations Unit
MOS responding to a RR or assignment that is later deemed to be a family offense or domestic incident involving MOS, the responding MOS must obtain medical assistance if requested or required, ascertain facts and ensure ____________ is responding.
A MOS. Performing station house duties who is apprised of a domestic incident involving MOS will notify “D.O”…..
Patrol supv should ALWAYS prepare DIR and apprise parties of counseling.
Patrol Supv only notifies CO/Duty captain if _____________or ______________ or _________ (IF MOS COMMITTED AN OFFENSE THAN DESK OFFICER will notify C.O/Duty Captain).
If MOS committed an offense the patrol supv calls ____________ pct of occ.
Off duty UMOS is involved incident-
-Remain at the scene and request P/S,
-Phone D.O pct of occurrence , IF not feasible to Remain at the scene.
- Notify Operation Unit IF incident occurs outside NYC.
(CONT. in next notecard with D.O who only kicks in if MOS committed an offense!!)
Patrol supv
MOS is victim or cross complainants or doubt status of MOS (doubt as to who is the Offender and who is the Victim)
(The D.O kicks in only if MOS committed an offense!!)(2/7/22)
Only if MOS commits an offense the D.O notifies ___________ and ___________and Obtain ___________.
The D.O also personally enters the IAB log number in (A)_____________ AND (B)______________
(C)I/O#17 S-18- Direct that NYS DIR be entered into Finest Online Records Management System(FORMS), including IAB LOG NUMBER….
- Also D.O should enter the words “IAB Log #” and the corresponding log number in the
pct DIR Log under caption “Precinct Serial #.” - Also, have entered the corresponding ICAD Incident Number in the caption “ICAD Incident #.”
- Direct that the NYS Domestic Incident Report be entered into the Domestic Violence Database, including the IAB log number.
D.O prepares 49x7 with copy of 61 AND NYS DIR in a sealed envelope to:
- C.O of Employee Management Division immediately- by fax,
- C.O medical div,
- Deputy Commissioner,IAB ,
- Members C.O,
- C.O pct of occ,
- C.O Boro investigations
- C.O of Boro investigations covering
- MOS command (if different))
D.O prepare 49x8 if guns removed (extra 49 goes to) _________________
C.O/Duty captain and IAB and obtain LOG #
“Details” of 61 AND DIR “Results of Investigation and Basis of Action Taken” section
Personnel orders section
Bribery 3 is charged when any person offers/agrees to benefit to influence public servant
Bribery 2 is when it’s over 10k
Bribery 1 is when it involves A felony drugs (not marijuana)