Aerobic gram +ve cocci - staph Flashcards
What is a good growth media for staph?
Blood agar
What is the main staph species that is a human pathogen?
Staph aureus
What does aureus stand for?
Are all staph aureus species golden?
No, only certain strains
Are the majority of staph strains gold?
Why is agar so good?
Very different melting and freezing points.
What does staph mean?
How is staph aureus identified?
ID by colonial and gram stain morphology
Coagulate positive
Where does staph aureus inhabit?
Anterior part of nose, skin and throat
What are the cell wall virulence factors of staph aureus?
Protein A
Fibronectin-binding protein
What does protein A do?
Binds to the Fc portion of IgG and inhibits phagocytosis
What does fibronectin normally do?
Our bodies produce fibronectin to coat our mucosal surfaces - by coating our respiratory tract, we block out gram -ve rod binding sites
What does fibronectin do against gram positive bacteria?
It doesn’t block gram +ve binding (rather gram -ve rod binding)
What happens regarding fibronectin when someone gets sick? How can they get pneumonia?
Acute phase reaction producing elastase which cleaves fibronectin off our mucosa.
This opens up gram -ve binding sites and staph aureus will be there no matter what.
These are the causes of hospital acquired pneumonia
What other virulence factors does staph aureus have other than its cell wall virulence factors?
Membrane damaging exotoxins - alpha, beta, gamma, delta and leukocidin
superantigen exotoxins
Proteins pumped out of cells, specifically manufactured by bacteria to be virulence factors that are released into the environment.
Protein toxins that have an affinity for a relatively highly conserved region of the TCR, the MHC class II complex. They stimulate a massive T cell response with outpouring of T cell cytokines.
Superantigen exotoxins
What are some superantigen exotoxins from staph aureus?
Enterotoxins A, B, C, D, E, G
Toxic Shock syndrome toxin
What does exfoliatin cause?
staphylococcal scalded skin syndromes
What do the staph enterotoxins cause
staphylococcal food poisoning