adrenal pathology Flashcards
solitary, well-circumscribed, yellow-orange lesions within adrenal cortex or protrude into medulla
adrenal cortical adenoma
functional adenomas are____
non-functional adenoma are____
normal thickness
vacuolated, lipid rich tumor cella, mild pleomorphism
adrenal cortical adenoma
lesions that are yellow on cut surface, but usu contain areas of hemorrhage, cystic change, and necrosis
adrenal cortical carcinomas
carcinoma or adenoma: invade vascular channel, with metastases
where do adrenal cortical carcinomas like to metastasize to?
if you see anaplasia on histo of adrenal cortex, it is likely_____
define anaplasia
lack of differentiation
how to differentiate adrenal cortical carcinoma from adenoma? (5)
- metastases
- large size
- necrosis
- mitotic figures
- vascular invasion
adrenal cortex that is yellow, thickened and multinodular
adrenal cortical hyperplasia
caused by elevation in glucocorticoid/cortisol levels
a solitary, small, encapsulated aldosterone secreting adenoma
Conn syndrome
what accounts for 65% of primary hyperaldosteronism?
conn syndrome
clinical signs of hyperaldosteronism (4)
- hypokalemia
- high aldosterone
- low blood renin