Abdominal Nerves and Vessels Flashcards
Parasympathetic innervation in abdominal cavity
Parasympathetic fibers in dorsal and ventral vagal trunks provide visceral motor innervation to abdominal viscera
Vagus nerve also carries visceral sensory fibers from abdominal viscera to brain
Sympathetic innervation in abdominal cavity
Lumbar sympathetic trunk - courses from thoracic cavity to abdominal cavity through lumbocostal arch; becomes larger as it courses caudally
Splanchnic nerves composed of sympathetic neurons coursing between sympathetic trunk and ganglia in abdomen and visceral sensory neurons coursing to spinal cord
Major splanchnic n. - courses from thoracic cavity to abdominal cavity through lumbocostal arch
Minor splanchnic nn. - arise from last thoracic and first lumbar sympathetic ganglia; supply nerves to adrenal gland, ganglion, and plexus
Lumbar splanchnic nn. - arise from 2nd-5th lumbar sympathetic ganglia; course to aorticorenal, cranial mesenteric, and caudal mesenteric ganglia and plexuses
Branches of abdominal aorta
Lumbar aa. - several paired aa.; supply lumbar region of spinal cord, meninges, lumbar muscles, and skin
Celiac a. - unpaired, arises from crura of diaphragm; supplies stomach and several other abdominal organs
Cranial mesenteric a. - unpaired; supplies small and large intestine
Phrenicoabdominal a. - paired; courses dorsal to adrenal gland; each artery branches into:
-caudal phrenic a. - to diaphragm
-cranial abdominal a. - to craniodorsal abdominal wall
Renal a. - paired; right renal a. arises cranial to left renal a.; supplies kidneys
Testicular/ovarian a. - paired; ovarian a. supplies ovary and gives rise to uterine branches; testicular a. courses to vaginal ring and then as part of spermatic cord to testis
Caudal mesenteric a. - unpaired; divides into left colic and cranial recta aa.; supplies distal region of intestinal tract
Terminal branches of aorta
Deep circumflex iliac a. - paired; supplies caudodorsal region of abdominal wall
External iliac a. - paired; supplies pelvic limb
Internal iliac a. - paired; supplies pelvic cavity and pelvic limb
Median sacral a. - unpaired; continuation of aorta; continues in tail region as median caudal a.
Blood supply to stomach and intestines
Celiac a.
Cranial mesenteric a.
Caudal mesenteric a.
3 branches of celiac a.
Hepatic a.
Left gastric a.
Splenic a.
Hepatic a.
Hepatic brs. - to the liver
-cystic a. - to the gall bladder
Right gastric a. - to lesser curvature of stomach, lesser omentum on right side, near pylorus
Gastroduodenal a.:
-Right gastroepiploic a. - to greater curvature of stomach and greater omentum on right side
-Cranial pancreaticoduodenal a. - to initial portion of duodenum and adjacent right lobe of pancreas
Left gastric a.
To the lesser curvature of stomach on left side
Esophageal brs. to the esophagus
Splenic a.
Pancreatic brs. - to left lobe of the pancreas
Splenic brs. - to the spleen
Short gastric aa. - to fundus of the stomach
Left gastroepiploic a. - to greater curvature of stomach and greater omentum on left side
Structures supported by celiac a.
Esophagus (caudal portion)
Duodenum (cranial portion)
Greater omentum
Lesser omentum
Gall bladder
Pancreas (left limb, body, cranial portion of right limb)
Cranial mesenteric a.
Common colic a. - to the colon
Caudal pancreaticoduodenal a. - to pancreas and distal part of duodenum
Jejunal aa. - to the jejunum
Ileal a. - to the ileum
Caudal mesenteric a.
Divides into left colic and cranial rectal aa.
Left colic a. - to distal portion of descending colon
Cranial rectal a. - to initial rectum
Blood supply to esophagus
Cervical region - cranial and caudal thyroid aa.
Thoracic region:
-Cranial 2/3’s - esophageal brs. from bronchoesophageal a.
-Caudal 1/3 - esophageal brs. from aorta and/or dorsal intercostal aa.
Terminal portion - esophageal br. of left gastric a.
Veins draining into abdominal caudal vena cava
Lumbar vv.
Hepatic vv.
Phrenicoabdominal vv.
Renal vv.
Right testicular and ovarian vv.
Deep circumflex iliac vv.
Common iliac vv.
Portal vein
Cranial and caudal mesenteric veins join to form portal v.
Gastroduodenal and splenic vv. drain into portal v.
Abdominal lymph nodes
Lumbar lymphocenter
-Lumbar aortic and renal lnn.
Celiac lymphocenter
-Hepatic, splenic, gastric, pancreaticoduodenal lnn.
Cranial mesenteric lymphocenter
-Jejunal and colic lnn.
Caudal mesenteric lymphocenter
-Caudal mesenteric lnn.