A&P LEGS Flashcards
Illopsoas: psoas major & iliacus
Flex thigh and trunk at the hip joint
Addicts, flexes, and medically rotates thigh
Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh
Adductor longus
adducts, flexes, and medically rotates thigh
adducts thigh, flexes and medically rotates leg
Quadriceps Femoris: rectus Femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis
• Extends leg and flexes thigh
• extends leg and stabilizes knee
• extends leg and stabilizes patella
Gluteus Maximus
Powerful thigh extensor
Gluteus medius
Abducts and medially rotate thigh
Bicep Femoris
Extends thigh, flexes leg
Extends thigh, flexes leg
Extends thigh, flexes leg
Plantar flexes foot
Plantar flexion
fibularis longus
Plantar flexes & everts foot
fibularis brevis
Plantar flexes, everts foot
Extensor digitorium longus
Prime mover for toe extension
Tibias anterior
Prime mover for dorsiflexion
Tibialis posterior
Prime mover for foot inversion
Flexor hallicus longus
Flexes great toe; plantar flexes and invert foot