9.3 Flashcards
How was Gorbachev seen?
In America, he was widely respected for his willingness to reform
Awarded Noble Peace Prize in 1990
In the USSR, he was seen as a villain
Why was he thought of as a villain in the USSR?
Leading members of the Communist Party believed that the policies of glasnost & perestroika had weakened communism rather than reviving it
What happened on 19th August 1991?
A group of senior communist governement officials - known as the ‘Gang of Eight’ - organised a coup to remove Gorbachev from power
Describe the events of the coup:
- The new government declared a state of emergency and removed the policies of perestrika and glasnost
- Coup only lasted for 3 days
Who was Boris Yeltsin?
The Chain of the Russian Supreme Soviet
What part did Yeltsin play in the coup?
Yeltsin played a crucial role in the in overthrowing the new government
He called the new government illegal and called on the people of Moscow to resist this regime
this ended the short lived coup
When did Gorbachev return to Moscow?
He returned to Moscow and resumed his position as leader on
21st August 1991
What had happened to Gorbachev’s reputation following the coup?
who instead now?
It had damaged his authority
Yeltsin was now the popular hero
What did Gorbachev issue as his last-ditch attempt to save the Soviet Union?
what were the republics and how different from satellite?
Introduced a new constitution which would give the Soviet republics, such as Latvia and the Ukraine, much greater independence, but not FULL INFEPENDENCE JUST YET
2) republics were already apart of Russia not outside that joined in… so he gave thes man freedom after already giving other man freedom .
What was the downfall of the new constitution?
what were there fears of?
The leaders of the countries wanted full independence and never accepted the new constitution
They saw how Eastern European countries had been able to break away from Moscow and wanted to do the same
thismput pressure on Gorbachev and there were fears the whole country would disentegrate…
What happened in 1990 regarding the Baltic states?
The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania decalred themselves independent which was accepted by Moscow in 1991
Why did Gorbachev announnce the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
- Fears that the country was about to disintegrate
- Gorbachev found that he was opposed by most sections of Soviet society
- mofment and claims too strong now
The Soviet Union was split into several independent states
When was the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
what else?
25th December 1991
his resignation , and now the Su split into many different states…
When did the Warsaw Pact end?
Military co-operation stopped in early 1990
The Warsaw Pact oficially ended in July 1991
Why did the Warsaw Pact end?
- Warsaw Pact was an alliance that united communist states AGAINST overall capitalist states
- However, States that were once in the pact became capitalist such as Poland Hungary and east Germany
- This meant that the Pact no longer served any pupose
- The Soviet Union could not longer economically afford to bolster the Warsaw Pact, and military wise (as it was a military alliance)was not as good as seen in afghanistan
- besides the Warsaw Pact, the Su was on the verge of dissolution itself as soviet republics called for independence, without the Su, there was no control over Eastern Europe.
- as a rsudlt, as the Su went, and as Eastern bloc countries went capitalist, the Warsaw Pact dissolved too. (Sonseuqnece of collapse of Su)
whonwere the presidents and when was the Malta conference, what happened here as well?
1) George bush senior and girbwchev
2( 1989
3) that the Cold War was over
Even though it was declared at the Malta summit that the Cold War had ended, what could have brought it back
So Why did the Cold War actually end?
- as communism was still undefeated , and the Russian Chou of 1991 overthrowing Gorbachev could have very well revived this rivalry…
- But
- After the dissolution of the USSR, there was no more communist threat to the USA, it defeated once and for all
- Therefore rivalry between the Communism in the East and Capitalism in the West ended
- Meaning an end to the Cold War.