7.2 Flashcards
When did Brezhnev die?
When did Andropov die?
February 1984
When did Chernenko die?
March 1985
How was Su economy compared to America because of communism ?
as a result what were people losing faith in?
Due to communism, not as efficient:
1) Americans enjoyed excellent standard of living, Su every day life was dominated by shortages.
- for example, not uncommon for housewives in Moscow to queu up for five hours simply to buy bread .
this meant people were losing faith in communism and Gorbachev need to save it .
When was Gorbachev appointed?
March 1985
What was the impact of the Cold War on the Soviet Union’s economy?
The Cold War was draining much of the USSR’s wealth that it could not continue to develop economically
The falling standard of living was creating unrest in the country
What radical plan of reform did Gorbachev introduce?
1) what did he want to do socialism
2)what his radical idea called
Wanted to reform communist party althogether by developing snMODERN soviet style socialism
‘new thinking’
He did not intend to abandon the Communist Part or communism though…
What were the 3 main strategies of new thinking?
- Initiating sweeping reforms in the Communist Party and Soviet system - perestroika(restructuring) and glasnost (openness)
- Ending the arms race with the USA and signing various arms reduction agreements
- Abandoning the Brezhnev Doctrine and stopping Soviet interference in Eastern Satellite states
What did girbschevndo to win over Su and show the work he would not threaten world peace?
where did he eventually travel
whta did he do in Baltic shipyards.?
1) roamed around industrial district of Moscow, visiting supermarkets, chatting with workers at a truck factory
2) discussing computer training with teachers and a nurse’s pay in a hospital. Dropped into a young apartment couple for tea
- EVENTUALLY he want all over the Su from Murmansk to Kamchatka
3) visitied Baltic shipyards in Lene Ingrid , where a worker said he wanted perestroika to develop faster. He replaced “Dubai dabei” “lets get to it”, making crowd laugh…
Other developments in the USSR under Gorbachev:
- Dissidents were released from jail
- Banned books were published
- Soviet people learned of Stalin’s atrocities
Why was glasnost a double-edged sword?
The more freedom people gained, the more they openly criticised Gorbachev and the Communist Party
What was uskoreniye?
- what did. economy be hurt by ?*
- what did uskoreniye do?*
- what other reforms gave support for Gorbachev*
Acceleration of economoic development
2) space, arms race , Afghanistan war and general system
3) uskoreniye brought aspects of a free economy, bringing considerable changes
4) nrerorms in political systems like elections for local givenment did. win support for Gorbachev and enabled himmtonhenequally radical in dealings with that USA…
When was the summit meeting in Geneva?
why were arms Limitation talks renewed now?
November 1985
After it was clear Gorbachev was trying to increase relations with the west.
What was the Geneva(1986 Accord?) (3)
- Speed up arms talks
- Work towards the abolition of chemical weapons
- Be more active on issues of human rights
What were the highlights of Geneva 1985?
- The 2 leader broke convention and met without advisers
- Reagan refused to give up the SDI ‘Star Wars’ program
- The 2 men had an amicable relationship despite poor relations earlier in 80s
a second meeting in Reykjavik set
When was the Reykjavik summit meeting?
Why did the Reykjavik summit collapse?
what did Gorbachev say about Reagan
They agreed on reducing arsenals, but The talks had broken down over the fundamental differences between the superpowers on the SDI and the ABM treaty, as Reagan was it willing to give this up.
he said Reagan’s instance in this had “frustrated and scuttled” the opportunity for an agreement.
What was the INF treaty and when was it?
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
December 1987
What happened at the the INF treaty?
Reagan was still insistent upon SDI
Gorbachev changed his mind and accepted he would sign
Why did Gorbachev change his mind?
- He was convinced that nuclear weapons would not guarantee Soviet Security and they were far too expensive
- Reagan convinved Gorbachev that the US did not intend to invade the USSR anyways
- Gorbachev realised that the Soviet economy would never recover as long as it was spending so much money on nuclear weapons
- Believed the disarment would win him popularity in the West- so better trade deals with the West to save the economy
What did the INF treaty do?
- Eliminated nuclear and conventional ground-lauched (focussed one ground) ballistic missiles with ranges of 500km to 5500km
- By 1991, 2692 of these weapons were destroyed, 846 by us and 1846 by Su.
- Both countries were also allowed to inspect each other’s military installations
what Did regain and Gorbachev say about inf
what did they want in the future?
Reagan described inf as the realisation of “an impossible vision”
gorbachev said it had “universal significance for mankind”
both leaders encouraged that more would come including radical agreement to half long range nuclear weapons, by 1988
What treaties followed the INF treaty and when were they signed?
what would do lead To
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)
in 1989
Treaty for the Reduction and Limitation of Stategic Arms (START I)
signed in 1991
2) the end of the Cold War
What was gorby mania and how did the wives help play a
part in bringing them man together
1) one more summit meeting was held in Moscow in 1988
) by this time it seemed as if Gorbachev had become a pop star
3) the waves had played a role of pushing the leaders together- roads were happy to watch them wherever they went, contradicting the dark days of the Cold War in 50s and 80s…