6. The Truman Doctorine And Marshall Plan Flashcards
What was the Truman doctrine?
A policy to contain communism in Eastern Europe for as long as possible
What were the reasons for the Truman doctrine?
( t+ G)?
- Britain pulled out of turkey and Greece
- turkey and Greece were being overtaken by communism
-wanted to stop spread # has atomic no,n and more economy, to put pressure to stop further expansion
What did Britain do in Greece and turkey? And why
What side they on in 1944?
In percentage deal stalin gave Greece to Britain but
Since 1944, was a civil war: Britain helped ROYALIST government fight communists.
Greek election of 1946, communists defeated but didn’t give up, fought Guerilla war and helped by neighbour communist countries.
Britain had 40k troops and gave money to Greek government , as well as turkey (also under threat from communism).
But by early 1947, Britain told USA they could not afford to support Greek and turkey anymore
When was the Truman doctrine put into place?
March 1947
Why did Truman step into Greece and turkey and how?
Because Britain was a poor country so true man asked for $400 million to help instead
When did Britain pull out of turkey and Greece?
February 1947
What did Truman say in his speech for the Truman doctrine?
- communism posed a serious threat to the USA and the rest of the world
- the USA would support any country that was under threat of communism
- the focus must be to ‘contain’ communism
CONSEQUENCES OF Truman doctrine (5)
Rivalry?(what he sa6)?
Results (2)
1) Greek government defeated communists
2) rivalry between USA and Su increased, Truman accused world in two camps, saying communist nit free, increasing tensions (within w year Berlin crisis would happen too)
3) USA first time into European affairs, committed to Cold War
4) economic aid in form of Marshall plan given (this also securing trade links for us goods)
5) cominform for Stalin made as direct retaliation to Truman doctrine
What was the Marshall plan?
When announced
The “ European recovery plan “that put the Truman doctrine into practice, nicknamed after us Secretary Of state , George marsshal
June 1947
Why was it released to back his policy of containment t?
3 factors in total, what was Truman’s thinking too.
-Truman saw counties turning to communism were those with economic problems, as a result of ww2, so if they were bad to prosperity, they wouldn’t need communism.
To aid economic recovery in Europe to stop people from turning to communism :
- to basically contain communism.
- to create a market for American goods to build up the economy
How much was divided between the countries willing to accept Marshall aid by 1953?
What three countries received the most aid
By 1953= $13? Billi
UK received the most (3.2 billi), then France (2.7) and west Germany (1.3)
Who was Marshall aid offered to?
All countries in Europe both east and west
What form did Marshall aid take up?
What was expected in return however?
Cash, machinery, food, technological assistance etc (money equipment )
In return they would agreed to buy US goods only and allow US companies to invest capital in their industries …
Name some countries that received Marshall aid
Italy, west Germany, Greece, Austria, turkey, Denmark, Norway, France
What were consequences of Marshall plan ? (5)
EEC 1 is what did Stalin think of it How much given Divide Soviet respons
- the organisation for European economic recovery was made (oecd), where 16 countries first met to decide how plan would be put in to use,
2) $13 billi given to nelpneuropean countries, increasing their gdp to roughly 20% extra. Countries were saved from communism
3) EUROPE NOW MORE FIRMLY DIVIDED between east and west: Stalin withdrew from discussions as he did not trust USA. He prevented Eastern European like Czech and Poland from joining. Increased tensions …
4) Stalin accused USA I’d using it for selfish purpose, to dominate European market and boost us economy,
5) Comecon was made in direct retaliation to Marshall plan…
What was Stalin’s political thoughts on Marshall aid?
In General how did tensions rise as a result of Marshall plan
Thought anti - communist aims behind it would weaken his hold over Eastern Europe.
In General now tensions increased as both powers we ted to be perceived as the most powerful In Europe , and as neither could go to war it had to be through this, both wanted to look as more resisting and helloing for ordinary people of Europe so naturally propaganda cane about.
What was Stalin’s economic thought on Marshall aid?
That the USA was trying to dominate as many places as possible by making them dependant on American dollars
What is dollar imperialism?
When America dominated as many countries as possible by making the dependant on the US dollar (conned by Stalin as di ).
Who was Tito?
The leader of Yugoslavia who before 1948 was highly regarded by Stalin
Why was there tension between Tito and Stalin?
As Tito didn’t understand why he should follow Stalin like other countries in the communist block
Why was Yugoslavia unique? ( in terms of mar?)
After Stalin through them out of cominform they got some aid
It received Marshall aid despite being forbidden, was the only communist country to get Marshall aid and the only communist country behind the iron curtain
What did the Marshall plan involve?
giving money to European countries for 4 years.
What was altruism?
Selfless acts of good work
Who created the Marshall plan?
George C Marshall
What happened to countries that benefited from Marshall aid?
Their gdp increased by 20%
Give 3 reasons suggesting the Marshall plan was motivated by strategy and state if its economic or political (like americas reason ?)
2nd Western Europe?
- the Marshall plan aimed to control the spread of communism (political)
- Western Europe could become a strong ally to the us against the su by helping it recover (political)
- the quicker Europe recovered, the quicker it could become a strong trading partner (economic)
Why Truman doctrine special in the Cold War?
It was the first time USA committed to offer some retaliation to eastern expansion…
USA thought work was dividing into two camps, capitalist free, communist nit