9/4d Intro to Systems Review Flashcards
how long do you check pulse for?
15 seconds then multiply by 4
15 seconds after, check the breath rate too - in total track for 30 sec
Systems Review
Brief assessment of the different body systems to determine areas of intact function and dysfunction in a patient
Systems that we review in a system review
cardiopulm musculoskeletal neuromuscular integumentary communication cognition
role that observation plays in systems review?
allows PT to see how patient is reacting to specific stimuli and how patient is in normal settings based on the deliberate use of senses
What is pulse?
the pressure wave of blood in the artery created by contraction of the left ventricle during a cardiac cycle
Parameters of pulse that can be assessed?
Rate - pulse per min
Rhythm - intervals between pulses
Amplitude/quality - force created by the ejected blood volume
abnormally slow HR (<60bpm)
abnormally high HR (>100bpm)
irregular Heart Rhythm
factors that influence HR
sex, age, emotional factors, stress, physical activity
pulse oximetry
measures arterial blood oxygenation that is updated with each pulse wave, normal values are between 96% and 100%
what pulse ox level suggests that supplemental oxy may be necessary?
Factors that affect pulseox
- alterations in heart function(arrhythmia, deacreased HR)
- impaired ability of lungs to oxygenate blood
- anemia - reduced hemoglobin molecules available
Respiration parameters
Key steps in assessing respiration
- watch
- observe rise and fall in sitting position
- ID rhythm
- Observe depth
Blood pressure
top-systolic (highest exerted by arterial walls)
bottom-diastolic (lowest pressure)
Breakdown of Blood pressure values
- normal: 120/80
- prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
- hypertension I: 140-59/90-99
- hypertension II: >=160/>=100