8-18 missed questions follow up Flashcards
Usually refered to as the “Requirements management plan”, this describes how requirements are analyzed, documented and managed
Business analysis plan
A grid that links product requirements from the origin to the deliverables that satify them
requirements traceability matrix
Provides high-level summary timelines of the release schedule and determines the number of iterations or sprint. It is a tool and technique that may be used in the Develop Schedule process
agile release planning
Supporting documentation outlining the details used in establishing project estimates such as assumptions, constraints, level of detail, and confidence levels
basis of estimates
A key output of the estimate activity resources process
project team assignments
A hierarchical representation of the project organization, which illustrates the relationship between project activities and the organizational units that will perform those activities
organizational breakdown structure OBS
A project document developed progressively throughout the Project Risk Management processes, which summarizes information on individual project risks and the level of overall project risk
risk report
Process of managing procurement relationships, monitoring contract performance, making changes and corrections as appropriate, and closing out contracts
control procurements
a documented list of project team members, their project roles, and communication info.
project team directory
the difference between two things or values
a graphically depicted Venn Diagram with 3 circles representing Power, Legitimacy, and Urgency, used to classify stakeholder power
salience model

A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the quthority to apply organizational resources to project activities
project charter
System tools and techniques used in project management to deliver information
PMIS Project management information system
A component of the project management plan that describes how applicable policies, procedures, and guidelines will be implemented to achieve the quality objectives
quality management plan
6 inputs to Qualitative Risk Analysis
Risk register, Risk management plan, Assumption log, Stakeholder register, OPA & EEF
A comprehensive list of changes submitted during the project and their current status
change log
A repository in which outputs of risk management processes are recorded
risk register
All costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraisal of the product or service for conformance to requirements, and failure to meet requirements
Cost of quality (CoQ)
completed project deliverables that have been checked and confirmed for correctness throught the Control Quality process. This is an input into the Validate Scope process.
Verified Deliverables
type of deliverable that is an input to close project or phase
Accepted Deliverables