7th SS Chapter 9 Guided Reading Flashcards
What is the political, economic and social problems faced to the North?
Political - Disagreement about how to bring the South back into the Union and what to do with the newly freed African Americans.
Economic - Soldier needed jobs but factories were laying off because o cancelled war orders. Boom times quickly returned.
Social - Northern farms and cities were hardly touched , so life was quickly returned to before the war except for the thousands of soldiers who suffered wounds from the war.
What were the political, economic and social problems faced by the South?
Political - It was unclear how they would run their government - whites that held office in the Confederacy were forbidden from politics.
Economic - Little chance of taking up were they left off - much was destroyed (houses, barns, and bridges); 2/3 of the railroads were destroyed; cities were leveled; financial system was wrecked
Social - Overnight there was a new social class - 4 million people known as freedman.
What was Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?
Lincoln wanted to make it fairly easy for southerners to rejoin the Union. The sooner the nation was reunited the faster the South would be able to rebuild.
What was included in the 10% Plan?
- A state could form a new government after 10% of its voters swore an oath of loyalty to the Union.
- The new government had to abolish slavery.
- Voters could elect members of Congress and take part in the national government again.
- This plan also offered amnesty, or a government pardon, to Confederates who swore loyalty to the Union.
What was the name of the rival Reconstruction plan?
Wade-Davis Bill
What were the provisions?
- Required a majority of white men to swear loyalty to the Union.
- Denied the right to vote or hold office to anyone who had volunteered to fight for the Confederacy.
What new agency was created to help the former salves?
Freedman’s Bureau
What was the date of Lincoln’s assassination?
April 14, 1865
Who was president now?
Andrew Johnson
What was the 13th amendment?
Banned slavery throughout the nation
Since Republicans felt Johnson’s plan was too mild what did they do?
When the new Congress met, Republicans refused to let southern representatives take their seats. Instead they set up a joint committee for form a new plan for the south.
What did Black Codes do?
Are laws that severely limited the rights of freedman.
What were some things Black Codes forbade?
- To vote
- Own guns
- Serve of juries
Why were Republicans angry at Johnson’s plan?
- By placing too few restrictions on the South, Johnson’s plan encouraged southern legislatures to pass black codes.
- violence against freedman
Who led the Radicals?
Thaddeus Stevens
What were their two main goals?
- To break the power of wealthy planters who long ruled the South.
- Ensure freedman received the right to vote.
What did Congress pass to combat the Black Codes?
Civil Rights Act of 1866
What did the 14th Amendment give to the freedman?
It gave them the ability to defend their rights if they could vote by defining a citizen “as all persons born or naturalized in the United States”
What happened in New Orleans that helped Republicans win majorities in both houses of Congress?
Riots - 34 African Americans were killed
When was the first Reconstruction Act passed?
March 1867
What did the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 do?
It divided the southern states into 5 military districts each governed by a military general.
How could states rejoin the Union?
- Had to write a new constitution
- Ratify the 14th Amendment
- Allow African Americans to vote
Why did Republicans control the Southern states?
The 14th Amendment barred former Confederate officials from voting and many other white southerners stayed away in protest. Protected by the army, freedman exercised their right to vote and most favored Republicans
Since Johnson stood against the Radicals what did they decide to do?
To try to impeach, or remove, Johnson from office