7th Grade SS Outline 5.4 - 5.6 Flashcards
Did Jefferson have plans to punish Federalists for the Alien and Sedition Acts?
No, he did not
Who was Jefferson’s Secretary of Treasury?
Albert Gallatin
In his book, The Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith, Smith argued for what type of system?
In favor of a system of free markets
Marbury vs Madison established?
Judicial Review
What doubled the size of the United States?
The Louisiana Purchase
Who ruined Napoleon’s plans in Louisiana and how?
Toussaint L’Ouverture - he led the revolt in Haiti and France lost its colony
Who registered the treaty to buy Louisiana?
Robert Livingston
What was the Lewis and Clark exploration also called?
How many years before Lewis and Clark did U.S. merchants sailed up the Pacific Coast?
Who did the Embargo Act hurt the most?
Who was the leader of the Miami People?
Little Turtle
What treaty was signed in 1795 to bring peace to the Ohio region?
Treaty of Greenville
Who were the two Shawnee leaders who found a confederation against the expansion of the U.S.?
Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa
Who was the leading War Hawks?
Henry Clay
What were the five advantages that the War Hawks saw in going war with Britain?
- Britain was interfering with American shipping
- British were kidnaping American sailors
- Believed that British were persuading Native Americans to fight settlers
- Expansion of the United States
a. Hoped to conquer Canada
b. They could seize Florida from Britain’s ally Spain
Was the U.S. ready for the war at the beginning of the War of 1812?
No - army was small and ill equipped and many officers knew little about warfare
Describe Issac Hull’s victory against the British navy on August 1812?
Hull, the captain of the USS Constitution, was sailing near Newfoundland when he spotted the British ship HMS Guirriere. For nearly an hour, the two ships jockeyed for position. At last, the guns of the Constitution roared to action. They tore two holes in the side of Guirriere and shot off both masts. The British had no choice but to surrender.
What battle did Tecumseh die and end Native American hopes?
Battle of Thames
Who paused the portrait of George Washington when the British burned Washington D.C.?
Dolly Madison
The War od 1812 was ended by?
Treaty of Ghent
What was the beginning of Monroe’s presidency known as? Why?
“Sectionalism in the Era of Good Feeling” - he hoped to create a new sense of national unity
Who speaks for the South against federal power?
John C. Calhoun
Who speaks for the North against slavery?
Daniel Webster
Who speaks for the West in favor of active government?
Henry Clay
What was the effect of the Tariff of 1816?
It impacted North, South and West differently -
- North - Manufacturing - benefited them the most - higher prices on import goods made American goods more competitive.
- South and West - Farming - goods like cloth and iron became more expensive to them. Northerners gain income as a result
Describe the American System.
To promote economic growth for all sections. Called for high tariffs on imports, which would help northern factories. With wealth from industry, Clay believed, northerners would have money to buy farm products from the West and the South. High tariffs would also reduce American dependence on foreign goods.
McColloch vs Maryland established?
It ruled that the states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders. It allowed the Bank of the United States to continue.
Who led Mexico to independence and in what year?
(Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Morelos and) Creoles in 1821
What countries made up the United Provinces of Central America?
- Nicaragua
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Honduras
- Guatemala
Why did the U.S. invade Florida?
When General Andrew Jackson demanded that Spain demolish the Negro Fort and the Spanish governor refused.
What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
It declared that the United States would not interfere in the affairs of the European nations or existing colonies of the European nations. It also stated that the United States would oppose any attempt to reclaim old colonies or build new colonies in the Americas.